Pince Ruperf Daily Hews Saturday,. December 30, 1950 i'S iirchlj (CLIP THIS FOR REFERENCE, " Week of Prayer January i$j throi MondaySi. Andrew', Cathedral Capt.W.C.Poulton wiling tL . SATURDAY SERMON DIRECTORY Sentcm In all rhunhn at It mi rt 7:.i p.m.: similar School at 1415 pxrppt as Minimi. An Independent dally newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Trinee Rupent and northern and central British Columbia . Member.of Canadian Press Audit Bureau of Circulations TTTODCanatiian DaiIy NewsPaper Association n A. a HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director -- SUBSCRIPTION RATES 6y Carrier, Per Week, 20c; Per Month, 75c; Per Year $8.00; By Mail. Per Month. 50c: Per Year. $5.00. V$p&r Published every afternoon except Sunday by .Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue. Prince' Rupert. AXr.l.H ,X f ATHr.lRAI, 4th Art w t Dunsmtilr St Holy Communion 8:30 am Suiday School 2 00 p m A HAPPY NEW YEAR ; i Rev. Lawrence G. Siober, .First United Church Taking the old ea't ndar of 1950 off the wall and hanging up the new 1U51 calendar you got from your grocer doesn't make it a llaunv New Year Yft em-h Canon basil 8, Prockter. 3A.BD Rector: (Blue 713) f'IKST IUHTIKT 6th Avf. E tt Younp 8t MuvlU-: Uev Frm! Antrohua (Urveu 81 FIRST PKRSHVTKRIAN 4th Avenue East Rrv. K. A. Wrinht. D.D. and every one of us desires a Happy New Year. The J general attitude with which many of us enter a new i year is: I hope this year .will be a .happy new ye tr I O rei n 932) Wednesday First United Church Pastor .C. Fowcett Friday First Presbyterian Church The Rev. Fred Anttgbus Joturdoy Solrotion Army Citadel Canon Prockter n,r;.-i;n 1 n i 1 Uie sun. There is no faith in us. ' I First Presbyterian Church 1 1 Our wor? to each other, tlien. , 1 juulit to be "'be ye transtocqicd I b the renewint! of your mind I An Old Year And A AW I F WE RECKON our blessings in material things, I we can write down 3 950 as one of Prince Rupert's test years and there is ample justification for us to look forward to 1551 .befog-.equally as good. A year ago in the?e columns we ventured to predict a healthy continuation, of industrial development and the sustained progress of our timbering, our mining, our fishing, our civic improvement and our community building. In ail oX these things w-prosperous continuity has been substantial and satisfactory in lf)50 and, once again as an old year passes into a new, there is assurance, in spite of i uncertain and disturbing factors, that Prince'Rupcrt ! FIKST IMTHI 6th Ave Wt-at 10.V. L. j. Sii-b.jr . (Green OI.Hi n Li. ;oM'i i. rHi,uAi i.f 2( 6tli Ave West Pastor: C. .Fnwctt Services 11 a.m. and 7 30 p m. fauriduy Schtxjl 12 15. (Urcen 331 1 . . us a man thinketh in his heart v Is he . . . If any man be in . . Mil Ivilll III till III I m ' r- 1 1 .Christ he Is a now creature." 1 was lute rt.sted u other day. in - -for thc cqujcof the Kingdom b'S fel,owshipofp, of Christ y ur nr'St thrn u I read utut a barbers" I throughout thp u,ki. . ' a storv Li in A A li,.hll..iiu publicity ...., i ' rll- rule WQrrt convention. aRent - Offerings w,!l be for the Bible Society Times of oil meetings, 8:00 p.r city ii'1 found a ruost unproin-i.siiiK human an unkmut, ili unk-en don-anu"-outer. lie jjavt' him SALVATION AKVIV Praser Ftir CO.: Capt. W. Poulton Directory Clas 2 30 p m. .Bwiilay .School S IX) p.m. (Black 2W t. rux'M i.i iiii;k AN Mil Ave. at MuBruie 8t Pastor: E. Sollmid (Black 610f a haircut, a shave, dressed him in a rihxI suit of clothes and 2 clean hiie siilrt. .11 Jookcd like tile Babbath. For a chant.- ,.i n 231 Fourth Ave. Minister: Rev. E. A. Wriwht. n D. a real man. Tii iraustonuali wur almost unbelievable. "! Ray Reflects After the convention the hoU-1 wU'lt j in . keeper. ho became inUire: There are quite a few mn hu. 1 Fr .rTT" forty veuu mko laiuim i t.. . a"ul'1" f KT. PfTfK'S ANfJl.lCAN Senl Cove 'unrtay Soiux.: : 1 00 a m Evenly Prayar u0 p in (Blue 4271 OivauLts: Mrs. E. J. Smith, John Currie. Sunday. Dt-comlT 31. 100 Murnln; .'WiiU! 1,1 luck. Subject: "Looking Backwards in him. said to him: -By a U"une Kupert. look a.look around "5 , m coincidence you have been mailt into the appearance of a Rentle Chinese R,.,l ...ih , i I k... ...... ,e WT to ConclnH. .v. . ' .! . , . - Mk mj iiitt ' 'wv r, uui wsjtj are ruh 1, t i.. . , Jt vl man Now I am so w give aiccady sAecuUd Jg U.iiiords , certain nu oiw Uiouaht H,u- 'tiun 'l,Hn- 'r.t. ,"T im"K a iu.d i"1" j!!iivi,mi'.e Sailed m,ir ihn o ,ouu ouut : u .., 1"? of the aonh KLI.ll.VU BAPTIST I 629 6th Ave E Blue 803 1 Pastor: Kcv. Lmimrd A. TliurM you the opportunity to become become s I . .' "J u W 01 forwtah, rrttty louxh. v,t"U ay. ,Evun ; P"rit pr ir i: -. ...i ..... . . - wiiiru uu '- I la? fact. Th nin. "..I ?-rn WWtetBc; mure etlccuve Uian re:,t nsm'yrul successful man. When will you start working for me?" "Tomorrow morning at eight." wa tho renly. Tomorrow noon arlve'' and no have .roamed fS 7" .'A tm - Lilt's Unrealized Ambitions'' SuruUj 5chool 12:15 Evening Service 7.30. Subject: "Ltxjking Forward -The Secret of Success" "Jeinfinbe.r the Sabbath Day to Keep it Huly." We extend a cordial invitation to visitors to worship with us. Thev miulu h: - fcwmc Caiiadiaits are Jushinc worse 1 Allied permanentw H.: J'.le mw m "'En of the man. The manager mhv .jjrmt. to to mtdkt uitdict -that that this this tUucncu ear.f ;;gt.eailer. the dollar will have a vulue of thirty found him dead drunk sleeping on a pile or old pinery r ;n an nl!e cents. II no' Ieas. i.ji. Where niirir did gin feel leei- Disillusioned the manager re- lr'K-cUtnp ever do a .fellow anv milieu suyiiiK 10 niriLseil : Bar- i'""1 tnoum go steadily forward. t So we have much to be thankful for from 1950 much to be confident of in 1951. A year ago today, of course, v.e were not faced with, or at least not realizing, a tense international situation which, in the latter half of the passing year, has projected itsdf into the affairs of us all and, before 1951 is very far advanced, will be very directly affecting each and every one of us. Vicissitudes and anxieties notwithstanding, it i well that we should face 1951 with cheer and confidence appreciative too that here in Prince Rupert we reside in one of1 God's favored spots in one of the world's most singularly blessed lands. ;: We should stand prepared to face with courage and resolution the events which may come even though they may mean trials and sacrifices. In our easy way of living,-possibly we have not yet accepted unrealistic appreciation of the situation and have not commenced to govern ourselves .accordingly Here in Prince Rupert we are well embarked on a new era of industrial development. There is no need to worry about the future from that standpoint. While the international situation, better or wrse as it may turn out to be, must of necessity affect us in a very direct way and we may not expect to go on in the old easy way, if there is any point we may make as 1951 dawns it is that Prince Rspert people should essay in the next twelve RST UNITED CHURCH bers can clean a man up outside, ii.nn ...- , , . , but you can't make anything of Sermo n. The Star in the sWe transformed by the , 1 renewing of vour minds." The Children's Story: -How Old is imv year will be as the old verj- Emphasis is Kivtn tire statement that in the event of a So vlut attack on Uie west coast. V.-iicouvei would be the chief ATTENTION Full Gospel Tabernacle 302 Sixth Ave. West Morning U:00 Sunday School ami Eible Class 12:10 Si'NU.A V EVENING 8:30 Instead of 7:30 WATC'-H NIGHT SERVICE Starting 10:30 Pastor: C. FAWCETT 'Green 331 iHratt. No other port la kuuktn a Pen?" unless we are reneu.eH In mm.i '. Oi a' a!! Bui theti. iioii-niviitl,i Aa,y with the ysv-s Q!d year - m TTIJ .With Uie New. i:1 with sincere 3 K 1051 nn.ves the mojl wonder- JM f'i yet I 4ts2' B. C. CLOTHIERS LTD. Third Avenue SiMc.iE ann soirit! ' ,j "'ould ,mrt even .more thun A- We are familiar with the at-e- bombs. bid sforv of Christ Ian rehir'h Anthem : "In Our Heart Cele.s-' tial Voices" 7:30 p.m.: New Year's Eve service Sermon: "ChrLst Ls Christianity "" ! Anthems: -Seek Ye the Lord." i "I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes" Wheat clearances In southern B C. ports have dropjH-d from 2.(l!5H)0 bu.-he's In mo to 1.634.33C bu.-iljeW in 1950. In Prince Rupert, the drop was not , Some folk doubt as did KlciMle-mus when Jesus said to hiin he must be reborn: others like the ' chief publican Zaecaeus decide that they could not chamw. but so pronounced, I one dav Jesus dineM with 7,a-. SUNDAY SCHOOLS at First Uni-' ''baeus and he was remade Yes, ! ted aL1 at 12:15; at Conrad Uni- and 8 fU'h-minded, many-ttmes' Vancouver's plebiscite on the ted Hall all at 1 p.m. Illustrated married woman Jeui met at a ouvstlon of Sunday observance open sessions, v i1 I ":e" ')np iav nt now riKcovered ' rem"lns a 'lv' 'ssp- It .eems the ' 1 .1 that she roulo start rinht livinz ' V()t as too 'much a "Ye N." again. Oh. but that eoulHiTf "iiair. wnats wanted is more month, to keep pace with new developments, both at r in Korea. This action was never - Jidorsed by the UN. and was in , hanuen today! . j middle ground and acceptance of As I See If fact publicly repudiated by both ' fjritain and Canada when announcing our intention to stand' h the USA. in resisting atrizres- htrange as It seems. It does nal L'1 reasonable and sensible hanoen. There Is a man vho 'Ithout affecting the sanctity of found the power to Rive up.drluk-! " ln and gave to the rhurrh r.nd ". Old and New Testaments to share charitable organizations the Jesus viewpoint. We shall have to m sion by Communist North home and abroad, and see that we are not left behind in,'the "fast-moving course of events. For many years we Jiad hoped for and worked towards such good times as we now enjoy. Now that those good times are here, it is for us to keep up w ith them. That might be an appropriate thought to bear in mind as we enter 1951 a new year and a new half-century. mi.-iuiiii.iiii nao oeen ou-.cipune ourselves wiin obe finest Codt' dlence to hb reaulrements. We 2. In event of an nnen aii.r..n coslmB He Is a new mar.. shall have to trust Him. belle w I Hours: ?mi For take home orders Phone 20C wa: with Ch'na Hone Kum- acting ',iff,?rently feeling dlf.'er-would quickly fall to Uw Chfnew entl- th'nkln" differently be-Communists Red CWnese 1 C?U3e he found Chrlst A voun mies could sweep down through Thap rn"rrt by a modern- Him and so find security and Power In Him to be released from ! guilt, morbidness and fear Thaf ' By ELMORE PHILPOTT 50-TO-l FOR 1931? LLOYDS OF LONDON will lay you odds of 50 to 1 that there will not be a world war in 1951. widen' French Indo-China Siam and '.. ' "lsc0VPrPd new meaning In definition definition of of faith faith Is Is Rood good wni niRvbe Mainv ' ' lle Oos3e of Christ and today runs: Takfrig Ood at His word rheymay intend to do so anv-"S reUored' radiant, stromr. We , Now the happy New Year may way. But Britain " and France are Z?ew crea,ure Christ. I not take olace Cinderella-lllce at r.t . . . c.e are The secret is found In having midnieht s,.rrf... .m..,., SCRIPTURE PASSAGE FOR TO DA f "Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.' Revelatioh 19:6. I Wish I COUld be as sure ' take re Formosa. Tteyare Ki"W- We fhaU haVe,to but lt can ,ake I"a,'e' ' make l,,,' U T inot going to give the Chinese stCBP"ore and more tn the ' year .new. .iuyus experts. communtau the leai Wr ZZ . uay irom j. h. Carpenter, su New AUmn Stamp JiaSIIU Is I, I) Personally I would not bet jpenntendent of the stamp niviymn than even money that an all-on'. prevented. Comprehensive "The stamp does, too, repre-jsent the inland fisheries," Car- nPntpr caiH oHir... il,ni ii;.:..i. war woulfi not begin befon; i Q January 1 1952. Most calcula-i tions bv western experts seem to ! Tm, V ,WE SEE the amazing me to be based on most dubious ! piCal"' of a !arge scale war going Orders for cool placed before of the 29th December will be prior to ihe New Yeuf's Kcl-Our office will re-open Jo OTTAWA Charges that are careful about the accura-y Canada s new $1 postage stamp, and comprehensiveness of their demoted to the fisheries, ignores representations the fish of the western lakes Carpenter is a native of Re-brought a curt rejoinder yester- gina ; in is.oiea, involving Red China j on the one side and the U.S-A. on j the other; but with all the big Power., pretending that such Is reasoning: All we need is time, says President Truman. Then why should the Other fellow uive President Truman that time? oOo AS 1950 ENDS AND 1951 begins we see an in tenia Lion al picture the like of which has never been seen before. In Korea the mi not a sia'e of war. I said above that such is an international picture the like of whir-h has never been seen before; and that is true. But we did jee someth'DK a little bit like it back in the late thirties That THE GRAND CAFE extends to oil Best Wishes for a HAPPY ond PROSPEROUS . NEW YEAR PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. Phone 651 BtaiNu si1 LLMHKR COAL army, headed by the .United States, is at war with Communist China. Specifically, trooos of the U S A , Britain. Australia, the Philippines, Siam, Turkey have already clashed with the armies of China, and suffered heavy losses at their hands. Yet not even the United States, whose forces comnrise over nineteenths of aH the UN contingents has formally declared war on China. This is, at one and the same time, the most honeful part but also the most confusing part of the picture. The fact is that the US and Red China ARE at war. But the U.S. Congress has not, 'so far, taken the obvious stn j ' w is wnen Japan occupied all Manchuria and when her war lords wetv p.rguing whether they had more u, gam by aUackin Russia or the USA. For two summers in succession Japanese armies crossed into Russian Siberia. Two bloody campaigns were fought, involving large armies on both sides. In both years the Jaoanese wre forced to withdraw into China. Yet neither Japan or Russia declared that a state of war exited. The war was real enough But neither side declared war. oOn THE GREATEST DANGER that I see arisin? from war-wit hout-declaratlon with Chin or by China is that this mav play right into the hands of the Wallace Pharm ft " ! 'ts3 1 u 14 fjj We're collecting oil of our IsMW r 3 good luck tokens and mot- 'tiVlIM j clared that state of war exists" HOURS: inq a wish for everv ano nf 1 1 mis is cnienv the allies im oi 'ne Ur WEEK DAYS: Jviernnn leaders of world q0m- oruain. f;ar,aHa and France.1 nave exerted everv nnsnlhio sure on Uncle Sam nnt tn rti'.J . It " Is u obviously bvi true that .they 9 0JM surh a or ! OO not want, nll-nnt. rilnrnj p H O N E 7 9 JjJ you . . a wish for a happier ' ifSSm New Yeor with nothing but 7' j 11 carefree joy for you,, .pur ij 'M I Rupert Motors M SUNDAYS: oOo ! thrc,e: otherwUe they themselve : THE REASONS why Britain, I ZZt S thetld France and manv other countries! " But thev y MAY AY want want have an . Influenced ever it R A nnt t I. , declare Z Tn nUmber f und'ared war on Chna are these- 1- The United rV,. , ?i,S!: H'i1 stl wars around the whole T) Noon IO'Tl LINDSAY'S CARTAGE and STORAGE LTD. Corner Second and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones .00 aud 68 claiming it armed protectfon of W.r ? 11 expanfln the CHINESE iFTSZ: J?',la.,n away ur strength from EM1 IBl"" AV STREET AVI) Mf J S1X1U a few hour, ,fter wuVt lockout blow! V,