Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, December 30, 1950 Todc 9 p.m. Ma and P Andrew Owens is sailing by the ; The Directors or the Aoro Chilcotln tomorrow ni'jht on his cluD w'ish to announce that return to Vancouver after a ! there are a few tickets available Christmas !rtthteir NewJear'f Eve Da,nfe holiday v.;it here rt with un Tickets , may be picked up from his parents, w Mr. and Mrs. David Mr. Woods at Biownwoods Shoe wf"s- Store. (tf, Daikness Molds CPA Flight Canadian Pacific Airlines flight from Sandsplt to Prince Rupert yesterday was held over because of stormy day darkness. The plane to Sandsplt did not leave here until 2:40 p.m. because the flight from Vancouver to Sand-spit could not get through at its scheduled time. The flight returned here soon after it became daylight this morning, inbound passengers from Vancouver having spent the night at Sandsplt. New Year's Eve JM Sunday, Dec. 31 Cash for old gold. Bulger's. New Year's Day Masses at 8. 10 and 11. Catholic Church (ltc) Valhalla New Year's Eve I celpbration. Social and refresh-! menu, 10:30-12:00. Danclng.j 12:01- (303c) oree Thrilling Auto Racing Picture Clark Oablc and Barbara Stanwyck are the romanttc protagonists of "To Please a Lady," an unusual love story with a thrilling automobile racing background, which comes next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday as the first feature picture at tr.! Capitol Theatre here. The events filmed in connection with the filming of tho exciting drama Include three midget car tourneys, the annunl Arlington Downs, Ttxas, dirt race and time trials preceding the 't! E. D. Forward sallpii ThursHnv ,,:30rB, GKT YOUR TICKET TODAY ... --"."On bic. MOTORISTS Bob Parkers Uptown Service open 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. New Year's Day " lor your convenience. dt,C) Mr. and Mrs. Jarvls H j night on the Prince George for J j Nanalmo. He is going south to g i pay a visit with his mother who ; is seriously ill. i I U.S. Navy parkas at the Acm j Clothing Store. Definitely the last shipment in Canada. (303c) Out goes the old year ... in comes the new. And we we cannot wll tickets , I i Doo open at li;3o tZI JOY TO J&- TUP and family members i:pent the i hope, with full sincerity that wnnstmas season in southern California, where they have been x - . . . WORLD . since autumn. It is undcrfwi 8 1 J Mis; Mary Strachan, daughter j of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strachan, n fj it brings nothing but health J J f l and happiness to you. . B Z Weather On New Year Eve Better t After a Friday of strong gales and heavy rain, during last night, the wieather reformed. Early this morning, there was starlight,- cool air and calmness. And the rain had ceased ROBT. MONTGOMERY ANN BLYTH In "ONE MORE MY DARLING" T8HEATRETICKET; To lUtkj they will be in California mast of the winter. Dance at Port Edward January 1 ,ln Community Hall, 9 P.m. Music bv 5-niffA awinr, , iiu uin Ave., is sailing Sunday .night on the Chilcotin for Vic-: toria. where she will enter thp iudiauapoiis race and the 500-mile classic Itself. Gable plays the part of a hard-boiled ace automobile racing driver and Miss Stanwyck is an equally ruthless columnist and radio commentator both out to win and get results regardless of the means. How thir heart I Royal Jubilee HosDital for nurses' . 1. Wallace Department Store J 9 ! band. utm i training. There have been social ; functions and presentations prior The choir of Annn : uj iier uepariure 2. Rupert Peoples Store 3. Rupert Men's end Boys' Store .Church will sing the Christmas , .. . Wop. .t" 1 n All NCO's and gunners of the 1 1 120 NAA report to the Armories Sunday at 1300 hours. (ltc) j often soften is the sequence that (brings the piece to a satisfying j climax. Principal supporting part In that of a cynical syndicate man-i ager, Adolph Menjou. who Is Miss New Commodores Canadian Navy OTTAWA Capt. Hugh JF. Pul-len, OB.E., commanding officer of H.M.C.S. Ontario, and Acting Commodore James C. Hlbbard, D SC., chief of naval personnel, Ottawa, are promoted to rank of Commodore, according to announcement made today by Hon. Brooke Claxton, minister of moos jieguia racis at 10:30 Sunday morning. (itc) Mr. and Mrs.. Murray McDonald, who have been residing in Prince Rupert while Mr. McDonald has been superintendent here DUE TO YOUR CO-OPERATION Stanwycks chief. Mr. an Mrs. Edward Anton-elli, who have been Rpendlng the Christmas and New Year holiday season In the city, will be returning to Seattle on the Prince Oeorg next Thursday. : ior me jjominion Bridge Co. in I connection with steel erection jwork at the Columbia Cellulose ; plant at Watson Island, are sali- ing on the Chilcotin tomorrow ; night on their return to Vancouver , j Starting this year, members' patron- age refund will be applied toward Want Ads, Sure Results! I rne,r following year s premium. i INSURANCE AT COST ; Attention Fishermen! The , wise fisherman -will order his j boat tanks now to Insure spring TODAY'S STOCKS (CourWay -8. D. Johniton Co Ltd ANNOUNCEMENTS New Year's Eve Dance at Oddfellows' Hall, 12:01. (p) Legion Card Party, January 3, 1951. Conrad School P-TA card mum sneet Metal Black 884. (tf) Bob Parker and Stiff wish to take this opportunity , of wishing all our friends and customers A HAPPY NEW YEAR VANCOl'VKR Pacific Coasf Fishermen's Mutual Marine Insurance Co. VANCOUVER, B.C. 627 DEN MAN STREET Phone TA. 4944 American Standard .25 LODGE MEMBERS Opening of your Social Club Monday, January 1, 8 p.m. (303c) party, January 19. 8 p.m. I Presbyterian Burns Banquet, - - ? I rricray, Jan. 28. , N I I FIGHTING-WEVE VecV'ftT' U Bralorne 590 B. R. X. .04 Cariboo Quartz 1.00 Congress 08 Hedley Mascot 43 Pend Oreille 8.70 Pioneer 2.05 Premier Border 07 Privateer .06 Reeves McDonald 4 13 Reno .031,: Sheep Creek 125 ' Doner V:;nl Cars Prli.-d to Stil" I J s DAILY NEWS CLASS! HKD AlJVEflTl.VKMKNTb BRING PES: 8 Stlbak Premier .27 Taku River 05 Vananda 10 Salmon Oold " ' .02 Spud Valley . 03 RHvpr Standard . 2 45 Western Uranium 125 Oil-. Anglo Canadian 4 50 A. p. Con. . 30 Atlantic 2.50 Calmont .bo Central Leduc 2 25 Home Oil 13 25 Mercury 12 Okalta 1.85 Pacific Pete 8.00 Princess ., 1 60 Royal Canadian 09 Royalite 1200 ' N"i. only . . . Oi mu'rilul UilriK1!. but ;f health, love, srcurli', snd al' 111'' th nci that bring true (TIMMOPN -fu. ) J. IC 2vRF 2Jl HI I I rVP GOT AN IDEA 1 '"' 1 WONDePFUL- I I punch you &l5) W,c?.J I i-ETS YOuAND C rrVLr MAF ni "" 1 ' p1 0 Family Meal Market FOR. Highest Cualily in four Printing Avail vmir.rlf if our tiwrif .lii'l vrrsalilil?- Dibb Printing Co 1 o s 1 riii : IlK-'-MKR WO' K To our mony friends and customers we extend o'jr wires for Or thir dale a yen h"iiee, may vc look back and s:iy, '51 w.'.s a O O O D V V A U. Rest wibhes to a". l I 1 Krev - I r WE'LL PUIL HAIR Sfyi'W-'TL. . . I i ' ' ' ' ycLSCRATCH EACH LSAviy f " V v. I jTvC? f1 5UT RCMEMBEI? DEAR l 1 KSi I ' Cf- TA pp J (: : Qu. tear) StCLr tft&j , - U-U t t m i ; .1 ki: ! i ill it oitte o. . i ' I A Happy New Year May 1951 hold for you 0 full measure of Peace, Happiness and Prosperity. i!h& Elkins LIMITED I ! V, 23 n,.)w: J" BIUPF rt. May your glasses of health and happiness be filled to the brim f o r this comlni; year and the others on thrir way. Happy New Year The Pioneer Drugg DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568