KiX'OKD VOltHS1 LIST (Continued from fae V, inough so far he has ottered no public comment on his plans. riisr a Monday, Oiooer 17, 3646. His aiuermame ternwstr.l h one year to run. recbnd vice president of the Union of B. C. Municipalities, an honor which is normally construed as a step toward the lour aidermanlc se.ts nor-, riiuly will come up for election j in December 15 ejections. Tfceyi are those of Alderman t. B. ' NEW WORSTED SENSATIONAL GABARDINE & ' prenkieney. Despite ill health earlier in the year. Mayo" Am- J ' old is busy aain both ui u-i- ness and civic life. ' The name cf former Mayor Harry M. Daiett now a.t al- m B.a, le thirjj , m Price BlaeK, W. F. Stone, Create' ' Ruddtrham and Ge,r;e B. Casey. The first three were; elected two year ago, while Al-j German Casey went in fr a one-year term last Deivrr.'oer on a by-election. 'hat bet," J f erman has been mentioned ai a likely mayoral candidate, NEW! GABARDINE TOP COATS in 4 colors DIRECT FROM Fashion Centre flen's & Ladies' CROYDON BIRBAKY COATS SUITS BEAITIFI'LLY TAILORED FI LL COLOR RANGE Priced From $17.-0 to $7(MM) See Them Taday ACME year ' ha I r- . . . . ue of 'hat to Phone 654 0W as a mnsruw CLOTHING UURD AVE. STORE PHONE 359 FOR Fl E yw t5 P doicn pt,J fo, mi TH by iy B.C. Btt,y SHEET 5! Baptone " w u u v- Dries Quickly with a HU.d by Liqo, Coobol Bo.,. w t BittiU Celi,t,. t - - : "Can t those fools see she's all looks and no brains?' beautiful flat finish. I'aint today move in tomorrow. S1.40 qt. S4.50 gal. i DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVEHTiSEAlENTS BRING RESULTS It J'ays to AQeuisei IT' GREj 5 m x BR! THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. v7 IT PAYS COKTEAuj TO ROIL YOUR OWN WITH Bill EBY&SONS Contractors MttnsHitosds CONS REPAIRS - REMODELLING JOHN H. BULGER 3PTOMETRI3T John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue FOUNDATION'S ALTER REPA Let us help you Dlan Cigarette Tobacco .-nabtan that new home under 1 the N.n.A. Phone Green 883 Box 586 rum This JvatiKniem i not puhlishtd or displayed by tht I iquof CoaUol a. MIl'D, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA A SFf ur me uuicinntnl ot tli null Ijjiuoibu. RED 561 "i E Has in THB SUP: BKITISH IH I 111 IKr Mitln 1 Ik Ihr MaUft u take Nona H Huaoar Bid the ;t c. llHU. I U U pert. In tut fci umbiA. 1 3K)nst the roquiid to I verified to dui of No5 ihich dau ci" without pr(t which I id" ALL PARTIES vmd Esuw Ut iRj the unotit! to me lt" DATED p?rt. In tin fw-unibia thu ' 0OMX" Ot:ri. Pr:W i IN THE STPK RR'.TISB I., llu Mattrl - 4 In th Matter ol Tif KOTltl HI Honour J made the "7r H of the EsUte wise know ri.uH late (tf Province ol Bn!t ALL PARTIES ant the 1 quired to Iuris6 tnA In me OB W dy ot Novemow which dte ci" without reierr" ALL PARTIES Bald bie "V , raun' r par the lortM'l ness to me the C t DATED t nert. In the rr' unibia. this t Y. want to save! Sure! Everyone Everyone las to 8ave for. Canada Savings Bon,ls make il easy lo ave. And of thousand of Canadians have taken advantage of this gnd, sure way lo ,iJd up their avitips. The 4 th Scries of (j,ada Saving Bonds are now on !,.. They come in detiominalioni of .0, 100, S00 and 1,000. They can he taught for cash or on easy instnllmcntM. Your Lank or invctment dealer ha them or you can ign up for them on your company's Payroll Saving, Plan; U hat', more, they can he cached at any time at any hank for their full face' value, plus interest. If you haven't already started thi. excellent hahit, begin today. OOBDOK Prince S 1 ... at'PHKME i 'n tSHCOI'J im PRl1! IN THE MAT J A! . ..I tllC r9 n rm v m w n wx n h day of ocH pointed Admlni l or who died on on , i 1948. ' 1 A.i 111 p Df'-f me forthw h " J verlfled on or f.,j M November. trl,burJheum 01"y notify, h"-n h,n n hiive princfJ SOMEONE TTlT -r--.-: Save FOR OfftcW "" prlnct (HI)