f Pjinu &wu vjiit i-jftijj EIIOWS AT Monday, October 17, 1949. 5-7-9 p m. MON. AND WED. TUES. 7 - fl p.m. 0 Job's Daughters J CACUinu cunu Foreigner In Canada Happy Days Again Personalities When school re-opens In the Rainmakers Ml w m f M IV Friday, 8 p.m., Oct. 21 TO fall We all are filled with Jay. Bum CIVIL; LLINlKli We pupils press into the hall I've climbed your peaks and valleys, I've crosed your mighty plains, I've roamed your western forests, I've seen your prairie grains. I've rode your lovely railroads, When school re-opens In the ADMISSION 50c 1949 Edition This year the Bo-Me-Hi team in the Senior Basketball League fall. STUDENTS' COUNCIL Mona Lykegard is secretary of the Students' Council. She was born in Atlin, May 13, 1932. She came here in 1942, after attending McDonald Elementary School in Vancouver. Forsaking gladly bat and ball, Each eager girl and boy. When school re-opens in the Styles Courtesy of RUPERT PEOPLES STORE She is taking the Commercial i fall We all are filled with joy. Course and plans to be a sten-j 1! j has two three-season veterans , Glen Carlson and Ray Spring who are playing centre and for-I ward respectively, j There are also two second year ' players Mickey Webster (forward) and Syd Scherk (guard). ographer. Last year she was Futility Vice-President of the Council. I've sailed your rivers wide, I've flown your lofty akyways, I've Jumped your Great Divide. I've tasted your northern wild-ness, I've felt your western peace, I've eaten the meat of your cattle, I've worn your sheep herd's fleece NEW ROYAL HOTEL She is currently captain oi the It Can't Happen Here( Senior Matrics Meet Bo-Me-Hi Rainbirds for the second year. Mona's other sports interests are swunminir 'Ur .... Oh softly we tread as we enter To be ever in style Seems futile, said she, I try for a while To be ever in style But the skirls dron a. mile Although entering his first season with the High School, Eric Moore is the fifth member "r- HAVE i THAN voi r, and skiing. She does most of A Home Away rrom Home of the first string, playing at Tho nthar- I,.,, . i And milC don't I guard. .v "n" iiiciiiiji-i a ui ' liJhST Hot The bi-monthly meeting of I the Grade 13 Letters Club was held Wednesday evening at the home of Eric Moore, who gave a report and analysis oS the poetical works of Rupert Brooke. A discussion followed. While the room And silently steal to a chair. The air is as hushed as the air of a tomb Oh softly we tread as we t nter the room And never a trace of detect 60 Rooms Hot nd Cold water the latter with the local Ski Club of which she is a member. This is her last year of school, a year which we hope will be her happiest. TOW And now that I've seen 'your country, I can easily understand, The greatness of your nation. AT the team are substitutes in their first year, with Danny Bill at centre, Jack Sharpe and Billy, McCheeney at guard ana Bud Ratchford at forward. I As the team has lost all members of the first string with the Pltrpntinn nf T3m, . n PRINCE RUPERT. BC. able gloom The mightiness of -your land ?ho.ie 281 P.O. Box 1U8 THE PRESIDENT OF THE JUNIOR COUNCIL and To be ever In style Seems futile, said she. The Impossible I can not write a triolette No matter how I try. Any money I will bet . That I can't write a triolette, No original thoughts I get, Immediately or by and by. I can't write a triolette No matter how I try. 'Yvonne belongs to tli: Civic Can be found in the company Matrics, nine of whom attended, there. compared self-composed Trio- Oh softly we tread as we enter lettes. Next week students are the room required to present their vcrs- And silently steal to a chair, ion of a Ballade. Adverse lie D:iliy Ne:, SNACK Centre and attends nas ocen lltue comment, in in iJ list od Tj, , !,s Sixth Strw Class. She plays basketball j how they will do in the Senior and Softball and likes i-v im- League. "L Jack Leighton, well known Grade 9 student, is this year's Junior Council president. This is his second year at Booth and his first on the council. Previous to coming here he attended Templeton Junior Hijii in Vancouver. He was b-in on March 3, 1935 in the same city. ming. The coach. Jack Evans, is placing much orrmhasis on on. FINE PRINTING at REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED CHAND durance and shooting. PORTRAIT Him Finishint OLYMPIAD SCREENED (Ccntlnuea from Page 1) gt REGAL PRINTERS JANET RAKOW (Secretary Treasurer of the , Senior Council i Probably the hardest woi kinc it. E. MOUTIMKU 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) Jonezy's Little Lamb Anywhere that Jonezy wnt He travelled with his lan.l.- Phone Orccn I'KINCE Ru; 1 PHONE 21 222 Second Ave of all Canadians, the thnl!ln;j! skating achievements of Bar- i bara Ann Scott. if. member of the Senior Council is Janet Rakow. the secretary - No bitterness was ever meant Any where that Jonezy went T3..f T UU' jontys mile lamb was Lacrosse basketball and hunting comprise his main sj.crting interests, while he claims he has no hobbies except that of writing t his old girl friends. Jack is a member of the local Sea Cadets and of the Civic Centre. He intends to go fishing when he has finished school. He has no complaints beyond those that probably occur to every student at some time or another, the main one being the small number of PERFECT GIFT treasurer. She is well qualified for the work she does, being a Grade 11, graduation course student. Janet is -sixteen, and was born on September C, 1933 in Prince Rupert. However, she spent the first eight years oi her life in Usk where she went to public school for her fi:s three lent From a butcher known as Sam; So everywhere that Jonezy went We travelled on the lamb. lUallar im( All the drama of the oper.'.ns and setting of the games at Wembley Stadium are caup'.H as the track and field, acquulie, swimming, diving and saliitig events are presented. The climax comes In the dramatic marathon with its surprise finish vlctc; for the courageous Argentinean. Cabrora. An audienc" of about-450 persons saw the pictures last night Forty-three new Civic Centri members were signed up at the door, making 250 for the weekend and over 1000 so far in he current membership campaign. grades. In 1941 she came to school parties and dances OCCASION Rupert where she took grade.; 4. 5 and 6 at Kine- EHwn'ri m YVONNE KILDAL the remainder at Rnoth WhPn nouns Secretary Junior Council i Janpt. has finish hr eH,.tio Weekdays !) a.m. to Dp Yvonne Kildal is secretary oi shp will finrt Pmnlftumrnf in tVin BIRTHDAYS, WEDDINGS, SHOWERS ANNIVERSARIES OU'LL FIND EVERYTHING UNDER ONE ROOF AT the Junior Council. She U five- kintrdnm nf nffirv. m,w.. at Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p 7 p.m. to 9 two, has blonde hair, blue eyes the moment she is gaining valu-and is better known as "Midge " able office experience bv work- GOOD HOST IS JX ohe was born in Prince Rupert nig part time at a lo. al listata- SIXTH STREET and THIRD A in 1935. Yvonne attended Kin3 hshment. Her person;. 1 life is Edward School,, came to Booth taken up by a steady bo" tiiend, ' in grade seven and is now in ali tvrs nf tnnrt. ,i" U I NOW AVAILABLE N 518 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 ,-rade nine. She is taking a1 This is her first year tu a Commercial Course and future council official, but, we ars sure )ans are to be a stenogtaphcr. j it will not be her last MIND PHO 79 :READEf?: Preferred by more users because they cost less, to own... to operate ...to maintain! Fargo Tni( LOOK FOR TIIE NEW RED AND AVAILAHLK VOU IMMEDIATE PES M M nv Becauso Burnett's is an extra-dry (unsweetened) gin it lets you mix every drink to individual taste-adding sweetness for those who like it or leaving it out for those who like their gin drinks dry. Next time yog entertain serve the one gin that has the right answer for every WHITE 60LD SEAL LABEL 2- Ton Cha.s;;is and Cab, 152" ' with reinforced frame & 2-sppM 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" 1 with reinforced frame & 2-speec $ ' Rupert Motors L taste preference. riioncs: Slifi Office, 566 Shop n -yi Commodore ! Cafe I "Bethjr Th-n Ever" a 1 Best Food and Service In Clti! Phone 17 for Send-Out OrdenS 5 Third Ave. David Chow. Mat i Oiihlltd in Canodo and dntribvld bf iy th Liquor Control Board or bv (h 1 Government o rliih Colwbia. ' Yes, it's true! Truck users are buying more Chevrolet trucks each year because they cost less better Cookinn DUE TO POPULAR DEMANI Comincncinff ivfonday, October H Queen Charlotte Aairlincs IJmitcd wil running a Twice-Weekly Sorviff from PRINCE RUPERT to MAS and Return on Monday and rrida This will be in addition tr the Daily Trips Ihroir, Islands originatinB at Alif""1 ,!;,5,' QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES PRINCE RITEUT - 47(i A Product of Central Molor. to own, to operate, to maintain. What more convincing proof could there be that Chevrolet Advance-Design trucks give more value! Come in and let us discuss your truck requirements! Sways' with VANCOUVER VICTORIA COPPtR 80TTOM STAINLESS "STER. ADVANCE-DESEGH TRUCKS BROADWAY CAFE... TRY & 4 COOKWARE " The extra-heavy copper bottom distributes the heat evenly, the easily, cleaned stainless steel retains the heat. Vapor Sea! retains vitamins nd prevents loss of flavor. JJEsT FOOD h-vi -t ,r-i- r.j 'TZf SEATTLE ' Tuesdayi 1:30 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Camosun ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SAMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Camosun, October 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ,s. Camosun, October 2fl FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone Pfi8 .sTlll IB HO!' .in ; -jtiAS : FOR TAKE-HOME onDERS ' fZZr Long Motors Limited Corner 7th St. and 3rd Avenue PIIONE 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. McBride Street Phone 311