-..Ill I J 6 . Prince Rupert Daily News -- Thursday, Octo'cpr 12. lSaw POST OFFICE ADVISORS A philatelic advisory committee has been authorized in India to advise the government on postage stamp matters. No Pr. Rupert On Mile Posts ; Jisdgrrrenfs af Assize CcufI Be Discussed RURAL OitClACttZATION There are 36.000 villages in the state of Bombay, India. U.K. TELEVISION About 423,550 television, llcen- 1 Prince Rupert school board, in postponed ieastoiijlast' night, sr-t Friday afternoon as a tentative date to meet Prince Rupert. District Teachers' Association to discuss salary revision. The de Returning Prince Rupert, motorists speak of the absence of mile post signs showing distances to Prince Rupert. One such motorist who went ts far as Quesne! says that the first place coming west where he saw a sign show Judpmcnts for the plaintiff with costs w?re awarded by Mr. Justice J. V. Clyne in two civil actions at the recent fciss!on of the Supreme Court Assizes here and a third action was finally, sett'ed out cf court. Decrees were granted in seven divorce I ses are in force in the United ; cision was in response to a lette Kingdom. y i - f-om the association thanking 3 ing Prince Rupert was at Fraser , Lake .There were none in evidence that he saw in the Prince i the board for its offer to revise petitions. IV.1 nee Rupert Hortsfs I salaries and a.skine for a date Judgment for' the plaintiff ii I I I J- I I I Flowers for Ail Occasion ii Flo 300 3l - to start negotiations. the sum of $r:300 with $700 rns!s-i George or Cariboo districts. Nor ; Trustee W. J. Scctt reported he was given in the case of Adona, were there signs showing Ter-had talked with a contractor Antoine vs Raymond John Sclia- race. 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel If AD V ERTISINQ IN THE DAILY NEW ... efrr Jn 1iieh T. V Brown r.ct-, - iiiirfiiiriiiii about, cost of altering the fire I escape at Borcleii Street Svhool to meet requirements' laid down , by the fire marshaL He said he ed for th plaintiff and R. M. MacLeod for the defendant. The othsr case in which jncler-mmt was uivrn for the plaintiff had learned it was a major op '..TBI!, -m - J. i' - eratim and would cost a great wa W. R. :'sms vs Ernest deal more than was anticipated: son, Earl Smith and Romeo F.. Conlombe. The judgment was for MONTREAL, Oct. 12thTlmnksgiviiig Season is the time for counting your OVER WALLB0AR0 OVER WALLPAPER uii'stiiiiga , . . ior ineniii euicKiaiving 01 me "01 unngs in your inc. 1 111 sure No Primer Needed An Oil Base Paint Not a Watei Mix o Fire Resistant )- 1 The matter was tabled. The secretary was asked to' acknowledge a letter from the city council congratulating the board on its work In fixing up things" from u $6T.57 f'? Tests. J. T. Harvf-v was counsel f'r p'runtiff ar.d R M. MacLeod for defendant. In the case l'v rvhirh K B. OVER PLASTER OVER KALSOMINE you'll agree with me that one of the mot important "goi 'good wonian'ii viewpoint is security. Security such as comes fro Saviitqs iq$ Bonds! lsoiuts! Well Well now now's 8 the the time time to to mibscrihe Miuscnoe to to the the inn owning Caumla new none . jt the Conrad Street playgrounds Thomson and J. D. McTavUh h ull. kditn nlnr. Olint-lff Vf tf O V, . goes on sale next Monday. Buy your bonds the most convenient way through the BANK OF MONTREAL either for cash or by easy instalments. And remember, for a moderate charge the U of M will look after your bonds on re you've bought them, and eredi your account with the interest as it conies due. Help yourself to a greater measure of security enquire about Canada Savings Bonds at the B of M todayl lum Th fm n ( mil i mi (,,, Hlllgales MOUIl serve J fipmg Iwrtcfemi. Ami I .ion t k, 4 more vrond'-rful 1IM f INMVKITKNHUtH,; for -a th-mk full d and limuiuiM tmav llakiTs w, of fwM Baptone, the wonder wall paint, ia easy to brush or roll on just as it comes from the can. One gallon does the average room. Sea the variety of fresh pastel colors at jour Bapco dealer. ens and J. B. Goodwill for alleged wrongful bailiff's seizure there was settlement out of court. T. W. Brown was aet':nr: for plaintiff and R. M. MacLeod for defendant. The divorce decrees were granted in petitions of V r.i Doris Crozier vs Eeeinald Bm'. Crozier, Frederick Gk-en Tay!i:' vs Ross Alma Taylcr. Barabma. Blaine Hutchinps vs Robert Griffiths Hutchings, An reus Mcintosh vs Elizabeth McDonald Mcintosh, Sivert Anderson vs Mae Gertrude Anderson, Wil'Liiv Henry Dale vs Evelyn Wilson Dale and Isabelle Teresa Ruds-vick vs Kaare, OUey Rud.-vhtk. nothing takes twjy, t and to thank the city for their co-operation in the work. In response to a letter from Robert S. Day St Sons informina ' the board that the Insurance or the school at Osland had ex- pired, the board decided to renew the insurance. The following accounts werf ( anproved : j 'August $10,453.59 September (ordinary) 33 030.48 September (building) 17,500.70 Included in the ordinary expenditures were houses. Permission was given Misi Marlon Watson to have Friday, October 13, off with pay in order to be married. ! In view of the large agenda for the evening, the delegates to the B.C. Trustee convention at Victoria were asked to give their retcrt at the next meeting rath- . er than last night. , cnoroiat ltavmiml Jf ricli and mIi(tm(. j, recipe (or Hut ehm, would rn:iki a Ftini i Villi eim-! 1 squarn Bake1! lt't So Peareful l.t The lloute . . . whut do you suppose the youngsters a are up (o? Why, they're happy as ran be, playing gj with their wonderful- llniu rardhemrd rut-otilsl s' ",I,1Z 'mve 8"e '"lo toy-iiakinR husiiifns jffyuone ' they've itesiKUed deliehlful ciydlionril cul-ouU rT iL'-iJ that make big train or iniikc-bi-lirve inodcrn kit-fc-jjj "'liens. And they re you AltSOt.UTKIA FHKE of rhaiRe. All vou do to got thi'in in iiurrha.e 6 tmn of tht good HF.IXZ CUKAM OF TOMATO fcOl P at regular j.nriii. The tins nre paiked in "toy-maker" cnrlons . . . the toys are printed iu colour and st-inwut on th carton. There are four kinds of cut-ut cartons: 1. Locomotive and Freight Car. 3. Stove and Sink Unit. 2. Flat Car and Caboose. 4. Refrigerator and Cupltoard. A?k your groeer for 6 tins of Heini Cream of Tomato Soup in the new, toy-mnking carton . . . OU mriie lo me Hailiara ISrcnt, MM Crescent St., Montreal, P.Q. enclow'iij 6 labeh from any rariety of Heinm Sou pi telling me which of (he four toy-making cartons you'd hke (you can have all four for 24 lalx-ls!) and 1 11 send your "toy-makers" directly to you. Did Yon Knot that frequent dry-ck'immg and .rjressing shortens the . 1 titilcsptions sujt Dxh o( Mil 3 cuds m:.k Ada chrra t nte ui uous.f oui.er. su t heat tin m-.trt aal Add 8uar and uit "Hour to Paint It" folders Eay-to-follou instructions for every painting job you do, free from your Bapco Dealer. Utrs. mrring consume Try a Dally News Classified over oo.i.nn waiet x Send For Thit Ilmklet and begin a hobby that will give you pleasure for many and many a moon. ' Everyone's talking nlnmt "A Sew Jlnhhy rVom An (. Crnjtliw In II ok a Hug". For this fascinating booklet not only gives the history of honked rug in our comitr ... it tells you exactly how to go about the lcaiiruhle business of hooking them. It's fun I inexHnsive and eay and such rewarding rendu. All you necil ... a set of wooden frames burlap bits of clolli or wor-nted a Fteel rug honk colourful. All-fabric T1NTEX Dves and, of course the booklet. Simply write to mev-liarbam Hi cut, 1111 Cres-crnt St., Montreal, P.tj. nrW ing 10c in coin or poilngn $tampt end I'll mail jour bank-let lo yom, pou-htutm. rao;jdliy. Sl:rrir:g t t!un e.eat. Ju t bval Mh m baiieri ocrves . Permission was granted a U Mram Iter fvl hie ol wool? Hut there i a way to Keep your wool coats 'n' suits well-groomed ... a way that's kind to the wool and vntir budget, too! Keep them clean with EXKKGINE CI.EASIXO Fbl'llJ! Yes, Eiicigme rein o'ea grease sputs, tar or fresh paint quickly and completely without leaving telllale rings or dinging odour. What's more, U'b absolutely ml'e contains no acids nor cnustus . . . won't harm the most delicate fabrics nor affect the colour of fast-dyed material. And V l THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. von Grade VII boy on Digby Island to attend Booth school provided his parents approved. Since he was the only pupil enrolled in VI .1 -.' ke- 1 mm Fnergine Cleaning Fluid us just 2oc at drug and department stores every where. that grade cn the island, 'it had been recommended that he go where he would mix with pupils of his own age and save the need for the teacher at Digby to divide v",r Ut.onU.an. ta-serve just, one or llluttery Fall Weather needn't be a hand-care problem at all, I've found. I simplv make suie that I'm well supplied vv . gives to ymit eoropinioi long, vhetlir veiirp I working ... ami all w -Hlining or din im A Wonderful Breakfast To Wake I'p To is mi iy breakfast with "CREAM' OF WHEAT'' as Us main attraction. M-mmm ! Lusciously mno-o-o-th 5 Minute "Cream of Wheat" alavs makes me with soothing JEHGEXS LOTION . . . it's the best insurance I know agiiinst weather-worn, work-weary hanil.i. Xo matter how blow-y the weather may Ixi no matter how hard your hands work for you every day . . . they'll stay soft and smooth with tie soothing care of Jergens Lotion. 1 wasn't surpris-d in th lext to hear that Jergens is the hand-iare preferred gives you (lie kind of Let It Rain! Yes, let it rain for you will be smartly protected in one of our NAVY BURBERRYS . . .. and for the Men we have a large selection of Burhrrvs and Crovdon TRENCH COATS $23 50 up, tcrv tliat unrigs ;ur nicnis. And vmill i pupil. 1 Secretary Mrs. M. M. Roper reported she had visited the school at Port Essington and found it to have been fixed up nicely. There were, however, a few repairs that should be mad . and six new desks required. the w.irm. goilif1!) new Womihunr Piimw love its fine lesm. 1 . h. .if tfierss a imiijiif ilr by more women than any other hand-care in the world , . . used regularly, it makes such beauties of your hands! Try this: Keep a bollie handy in both kitchen and bnthroom and use it after every watery job! 10c, 28c, 5o and 9Sc. . , . Really Thrilled . . . and you'll be too. when Vt isklburv IVtwtlft that skin n saim siroothiw "nnwdery" look ...as frrignml pnn-titr torlint 22S2S8BS Match vimr pmnlw creimiy new "(iwt' Acme Clothing Store Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Yeors - si u k lor the mi elect iniMinal'Icl feel like a new woman, no matter how early the breakfast-hourl So en-y to prepare, tool . . . in just 5 minutes of boiling, it cooks to delicious digestibility . . , nnd everyone from liaby to ' Did adores it! What's more, 5 Minute "Cream of Wheat contains Iron necessary for good red blood; and C.ilciiim and Phosphorus for dieU di tii lent m these elements. So wonder the ' "Crejun of W heat" habit is such & good family habit I And remember . , . the words "fcmun of Wheat" and the familiar "Cream of ' Wheal" Chef on the package arc both registered trrdemnrks of The Cream of Wiicat Corporation. vou see (tie r K l(JIi).Ii; K Do Luxe Cold-Wall ItEFKIGEKATOR. It's so beautiful with its le-Who interior trim . . . and so wonderful "in action '. For example, its big, full-width huiier-Frceier Che-t holds up to 45 lbs. of fronen fiKxIs , . . while its huge llydralor keeps fruits and vegetables fresh and crisp for days. Look twice at tho.- roomy, oll-aluiniiiuin shelves, too . for they're tip-proof, rust-proof and CKlgeil wilh Ice-Hlue. Ves, "made by (ieneral Mo.-ors" pimder in 1. 37c or Ci and the lii 'taK Bj Pre turned Hr M years I fussed am! fiiini"! Willi fin? 6 kitchen r:u3 mean a lot in electric refrigerators ... so visit your Fngulaire Dealer soon, for the thrill of your life! Mitrrr Of Miteriet . . . There's nothing worse thrn a cold, is there? r:ii? io w:isli tlie s lull "'I'A ih.-lns one to clcsui the fink CHOCOLATE CAKE wzsr I mats why, a word to the wis is: buy ANOIIlrsl note' Ves, taken on exposure or at first, sign of smtHcs or sneejes. Anohist ran flop cold tymplitmt tn a tingle tiny! And jut think this prompt, ellic-ient relief for pennies The Super-Economy raiiuly-8ne Frtittlo of 30 Anohist talilcts costs you only about 3c per tablet! So he pre paired get Anohist from your favourite druggist tixlnyl Remember: a'l aiitihuitnminet are not iUke. Tiny vary greatly tn perjormnuee. Aiwhtxt is die atiliUUttimme fur mult recommended for family ute because uf it ure tests. Like Mother Used to Bake! in aetuul clinical anoi her for the ' stove a rat to j, clean the fw. li Now I've ihsov-' ere.l 1 can TMlf ,wl!' the C-I-LSIVNCE...-it under t be tap ';-itrnh it m bote ' nio:c dirtv tip . . . it derful C-I-h t that's velvet- C!in lie u.d rung out. (I rveo t ny kitchen Am !l J sh textsire hmay nnd the tmest tt,A ' shape gets inw w1" out the last speck"' wondcnVIv ilurai. ' C-I-h Sponws t'f-sires) "K at your NOW AT fcUPERT BAKERY LTD. Yor7fae7onab says Mrs. A. J.Anderson Life Will Look Roiy on even the gloomiest October morning when X 3 J -3 I 1 tU 1 M ! I 3 I 11 Si . : BEER Beautiful Brauuare deserve i the best of care for it adds such glow-" irrg beauty to the decoration of a room I linmlsomir brass sliek-n door knocker that seems to say "Welcome!" to your guests fircplitvo acciissories to complete the homey atmosphere ... all these keep their good looks when they're polished regularly with HltASSO.I It's so easy to usa, for it's 1l pil ish made especially for brass! No wonder brassware is so now in home decoration! iwipular t's so good-looking and so easy to keep that way with regular "Uraxso-polishiog"! , breakfast is good. And here's a breakfast fcu-l to tempt even the laziest of nppetlies Ql'AKER PC FEED WHEAT or I'll FED HICK. They're both "prettv stiecial" according to my family so I serve them often. Everybody loves those crisp toasty puffed grams. They're so light ... so easny digested and m-m-m what templing flavour. For extra enjoyment trv serving (iuakw Pulled Wheat or Puffed Hue Willi sliced bananas. TlHy'rc reallv delicious served that way. So stock up now! And 1CETON BREWING COMPAKT We're Quicker How . . . ( IKS y -'t GT nartmenl, way, nr.werv store save the box top from Quaker Puffed Wheat and Quaker Puffed It ice to get a set of Tudor Plate for less than half price. Full particulars look 'for the C-l-L ' vour assurance of i ii 'ill on the package. 4 Friend Of Mine Wa, Looking Tired. "I arl.e alio' Have H: Seen the new tssu handkerchiefs in k,....i,..,.,..... r,'. ,.ir, ,,t nu' hi." she P !' SJU'l. . EXT!". 7, We've just installed another deep fat fryer to speed up your orders for Chicken in the Rough. We would like to thank you for your patience in the past and promise faster service in future. "That's when to reach for SLOAN'S LINTMEX' colours f I t noticed FACE- I told her. For, truly, Sloan s is the mow Cj Kiji k "ii n i Psslebi" on liis- i .Ct'V bringing treatment I know for rheumatism, . r muscleti, stiff neck,, or neuralgia. Us soollnW. 1 Ul penetrating heat gets right to the arnrj of the pa'"- M, Just pat it on and it works wonderfully quicklv " 1 brine welcome relief! Xo wonder Sloans is a nicu- drug stores- and Gibson's Tint- irine xihinet 'must " in net turn if homes! And llsnu - CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM . 1 expensive ... just 40c a bottle at any drugstore. Thi. U The Kind Of Food JVm I like to teXi PRINCETOM I.'o- it . few oenntes, you ran M r . . - ju.,ef tor I: G,Ve"Tor" i four Hint takes just seven VR UT f of the reasons are just three m-so popular! It's; a dc j l.ciou n f binetion that will make; your im In every package you'll Wpd-a special, fast-cooking "'f1 1 , mellow. Cheddar cheese flavour. ((i ,rue,on wuxien ed Tissues are being featured by mnny leading grocery stores. Uoth Innnds ai- smartly packaged in boxes you . can lie proud to have on view and you'll love tho lovely pastel colours of the tissues showing through the , cellophane windows, Tliese coloured tissues are of . deluxe quality in other waya too ... a luxurious softness and with , the extra strength and absorlsncy mado possible by 3-ply thiekhess. you have any difficulty buying either of thete coloured tissues ful drop me a note Barbara Iirent, 1411 Crescent St., Mont real, P.Q. enclotlng 25c in coin of pottage Ham pi and I'll see that you get a box right away. :V AND SKiPrTJ After An Octolter Rain, your youngsters can play outdoors with less chance of catching cold from wet- feet . . . when their shoes are soled with N EOLITH, 'ou (., Xeolito is absolutely waterproof. Neolite soles are healthy in other ways, too ... for Neolite does not cause foot running perspiration foot odours nor itchy feet. It's more flexible than leather truly kind to active young feet. (Truly kind to your floors, too for Neolite doesn't mark.) And, last but not' least, Neolite outwears leather overt to 1. So buy Neolite soles for alt the family. And have worn shoes resoled with Neolite. noil supply of "Kraft Dinner " ' ftfd Thij advertisement Is not published 01 ! displayed by the Liquor Control Board I il Fll meals. Ami so cconou...... .. ... " 1 I..r tour in cam uy u. government ol British ColumbU pennies mere are ampiu oei v inn - I've di-rrTiH I'm delighted! Hoo-rayl i... i.-.. in. .- e ot tne ,h,fn not magic that docs it ,, piirt-J ii : . .i,ii i he same reast'iw '.L-gsl lt't Literally At Simple At A.B.C. to serve a superb salmon meal at a moment's notice! What's the neerei? Parkas Quilted Satin with tuck in Elastic Waist. riiuck-t.H of the nioullj-wte beef. Add its savouiv '.'"j.lr.nk A.B.C. SALMON, of course! It's packed and rendy-to-serve in four varieties, each the best &fPtM'' -W.'re dWayi hongry not) on com ....... .- ,.. tl)F rvd oi nt Kind anil all lour kinds family "flavour--ites"Jand oh so bud n S Kill III' '' . ,V11 It - " flavour of tt .... .1 lunP vt' . , ,v. Suckev&iven. briirht red builget-wiso" Bovnl - your grocer or rZVjJi ! - RONNIE AND Mu fur. or Cubes whichever you rci in Bidails, luscious in sandwiches and festive w-rved is a hot dish. Then there's delicious AJi.Q. Red Cnhoe medium red, wonderfully' tasty and delightfully versatile And you'll .... . . , . I a A D I V n.' t. r iiiiin Sizes 4 to 10 Years. ENGINES & EQl'IPMENT We stink ami hiive fur saliv- C'llhllulim illrw-lR. Hliuplex (Ins Kii(;lii('H f'li'xltile (IIcm'I rthtiiiht piping Flexlhli" fuel llnps. Trunin" Poll- Nwlvrls. ill hrlst Jin ks mill IMrln ' ru anil Iron Itiiw Hollcrn. Plslon Itliisi. , I'tpe anil I'lpx I'lltlDRs. Itiiblilli'il Box ltrurliie. 4iiw 4 hiii hi's nm am hur Meeer- Rtwl anil Itriisn Slinftln); Bolts Slits, stuils and up Iliilll.nt kiup nmn Slionvi Anchor dimly NlnBirlniila, FlHt Mild Slil'l. Vartmm nrth h-s of nnrine hurd-ware anil riiiipiiuiit, Um iininfrr-oiik lu mi'iitlon. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS I witn " bfS'"il A. . " . 1 ...r. ara pn" . BUY NOW AT THIS LOW PRICEj' M Lam jvnciien V,,,vi'v( TKf-A" PIT gift-packed SUPREME ALL'M-MM , f,. SURE CHEST. It's a gift to make any br lucky! ... a complete of Canada's finest cooking utensils. 4l;,nger VfJ need in nick and choose shower gm buv ,nP uvc n,uj. caney rmK nne-iexturea ana flavourful in your hot dishes. And last but not least of this flavourful. foursome is--luscious A. B.C. Fancy Ke.ta light-fleshed, tasty salmon bitfh in food value and full-flnvoured. Trv it in this delicious dish: SALMON TURNOVERS I ltr. A'.B C. Salmon 3 tspns. chopped parsley 1 cups white sauce, medium J' cu? T"f cheese . , . . , Blacuit dough or pastry 1 tsnn. grated onion U cups flour) Add onions, parsley, cheeaa to sauce, stirring until cheese melts Add drained, flaked A B C. Salmon. Roll dough or paatry 14 Inch to 13 inch thick. Cut In 9 Inch square and place In greased muffin tins Till ' with Salmon mixture. Bring' comers of dough to top center nlnch 4gsthr Maursly. Bake 30 minutes, la 400 tg, r. oven. Serves -s of duplication just lot one prrson The pnM Treure Chest . . . Ifsn spi, cssT,..,,,, The Sport Shop itself is si wonder! . . . just " unun m opek"-. ; V A to-clean, wondorful-to-own Supreme huprci" stKP j j.rfmt .lores carry ChesU . . . both of the same high quality