PULP MILL AND POWER COMPANY 2. Prince Rupert Dailp Tortus LtD. Wednesday, July 28, 1948 O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBER OK CANADIAN PHESS AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, lie; Per Munth. 65c; Per Trr, t700. By Mull, Per Month. 40c; Per Year. M 00 Latter ai Instrumental In Brinfing Former Here, Official Says Writing to the Daily News, H E Pawson. commercial manager of the Power Corporation of Canada, expresses appiecia- .. T , f 1 Truman s Dexterity HR ESI DENT TRUMAN has succeeded very well commenU in ,f 1 ! turn of recent regard to fc..- i : M i 1 this newspaper In ' J -?rT""J I (' f r Columbia Cellulose bonds. heavily ,: ' . ; - ! "Both issues were Pawson l' - Vs ;i- I .oversubscribed," Mr. the rirst ... . . . ' i v-v If. T- J 'I ,1-' discloses In speaklwj of I in putting "the worst congress in the history of j the country" on the spot. He has "demanded" j that it enact at this special session, called by him- I st-lf, sweeping measures to curb the upward whirl- j ing spiral of inflation and avert another great J depression. y ' L? VT'H 1 lm issue of $15,000,000 of first mort- three V - - i VV I 1 ?aise bonds and the Issue - - m - ' JJJ Vt .A. ?5J i f..ys later of $5,000,000 of i ..-t " ,;'... -S3 ?V -s); - Nl t ier mortauee bonds. if amount subscribed In this man US -JET FIGHTER PLANES PREPARE Pf: GERMANY -Sixty-two Lockheed F-80 8hoo-J pl.uus uf the U S. air force's 36th fiKhter x, formation over the Caribbean by way of a tunT. nariure lor Oerinany on the uavy alrcrait a- " " ' V -sit '7 ' , - Vj , PACIFIC COAST V ' X -a. -J -.4 ner was $20,000,0000 out of iru total requirement of $32,500,000 As you know," Mr.' Pawson continues in his letter, "Colum flattop will take the Jets to Scotland ni SALMON PACK there lo basts in Oermany. bia UeilUlOSe lO. IB U Wliuujr j owned subsidiary of Celanese B C coast salmon pack up to It would be unfair to charge the President with making outright political capital out of the nation's economic dilemma. Several of the measures he now asks are of the same nature which he had sought before or to replace measures which he himself had opposed, going so far as to exercise veto power, only to be overridden by a politically hostile Congress. In effect ,the President has now turned the tables most dexterously on political'forces which had sought to embarrass him and had succeeded in doing so. While it is regrettable that such intensely important matters should be kicked around politically, it is but to le hoped that, under the current exig- CANADA HAS MORE SHIPS - -.4- f . -f : staii(lx)i,u t, at the sun said j. v. c, the Canada mislon, y,,. Ion now hus . of cargo vc Corporation of America, a com- yw wePc ending July 17 total-pany with asset in excess of jej 164.729 cases, ui which Ui-$200,000,000, and the Canadian! trCt Number Two, of which tiireetor of Celanese Corpora- prmce RUp.t Is headquarters, ti'in of America is P. A. Thorn- j produced 117,982 cases, accord-son of Nesbitt, Thomson nd lng 0 e latest bulletin issued Co., Ltd. which Hrm was fin- by -the Chief Supervisor of dieate manager fur the sale uf , fisheries, Vancouver, these $20,000,000 bond j Fact thls year.s paok Is "It. Is a fact that Nesbitt., ho 0,.a,, Hate of anv of Better Off Today for Merchant Vessels Than 1939 AGAINST CRADLE-TO-GRAVE SOCI.LISM -England's cradle-lo-grave socialization program with its comptaient socialized medicine is just a pain-in-the-neck to Dr. Donal Beckett, OTTAWA In Uie event of The l!rst t war Canada would be - much the New libeller off from a shipping diaris uanj j Thomson & Co. Ltd. were really lhe' Ust gix ypars ls attributed ,1. 1 ! - . . . ..U'fllit..i cu.reni Minister of Healin, Mr. which it- also luiving' its effect upon situation Canada. isrvail, ttliu lilt: new nrmui pian, 10 rf London as Uiey ei-.pluireii -ir Canuda. to which they are emigrating. The children are Brian, April and Carolyn (the last-named is in her mother's armsi. Musical Evangelistic 1 instrument m -,rrumn8 un l(J ftn Hnuslullly iurpe early run the Celanese Corporation of of pjnks and fhims m District America to locate its new pulpiTwo und eXL.,.pUoiial run of co-mill at Watson Island." j further bo Ui Djslr,.t one, Mr. Pawson says that he fi-L pects to be in Prince Rupert in I "f lm,m u the not too distant future. exceeds 23.UU0 cases, whereas WET WEATHER THE Fox Party Point Barrow's Summer is Over IN VANCOUVER PRODUCING 325 TONS PER DAY I for four out of the last six ! years It has not reached the j 2.0WJ ease mark. A similar con-! dition exLsU in the rhum pack. ! So far, 13.308 cases have been POINT BARROW Polr.l Barrow's ten-day summer has VANCOUVER July is going Wr. F. Galloway, mill suivvin- Put up this year, while for the down as the wettest month in come and pone. On July 18 tendent for the Polaris-Taku corresponding period last year meteorological history of Van Interdrnuminatiunal Internationally known slnrers, musicians, radio artists and speakers 1' couver, mere nas Deen 1 j tilt inches of rain so far this month. the ice went out, marking wha'. is retarded as the start of summer here. Yesterday two inches of snow fell to hearld th advent of winter. one-tenth of an inch higher than Mining Co. Ltd.. was here re-'only 4.007 cases were packed, cently on his way to Vancouver ( j;tns year's cockeye pack for to purchase new equipment -for u areas is more than 20,00i) the plant which will Include ( ca.)es below last year, although material for a modern assay of- about even with 116, IMS and flee. 1 1944. S-) far. 79,403 cases have the previous wettest July. During the last twenty-four hours CIVIC CENTJti THURSDAY, JULY 29, M TELEPHONE PROBLEM THE CITY COUN'CIL will do with the WHAT proposed $o(Kl)00 telephone system rehabilitation measure which is to receive its sM?ciai consideration will he followed with considerable interest. It is an important matter, too, which is deservir.tr of most careful consideration. There is no argument about the fact that the existing telephone system is not only obsolete but entirely inadequate.. It has long since passed the point where it can lie patched up or renovated to any efficient advantage. In fact, it needs, to a large extent, a complete replacement job. Of course, a new telephone system is only one of the many things that this city now needs. The difference with the telephone system is, however, that . it is a direct revenue producing proposition, capable, ' if put on a sound financial footing with an efficient . plant, of paying for itself, if not paving profits over and above. It did this once before, being a very wel-. come source of revenue for general fund, rightly or wronslv, during the hard times and previously. 6 9of an inch of rain fell here and a 30-mile an hour gale blew POPULAR FALLACY The notion that ostriches bury, their heads in the sand was Mr. Galloway announces that been packed, in me Naas ana the Polaris-Taku property, which Skeena dislricU. canned sock- down power lines. smiaieu at lluq.. ... . r,c H..... des- started by early probably 1 ' . .. 1 fr,. t.i.ioqii Ainuka Burt is an ! nhovp last vear. ert nomads who saw mem'""'- " to dale for the BUSINESS AND PR0F0 Important gold producer, is now. Production feeding on the horizon. Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle CFPR imilliiip at the rate of 325 tor.s , Naas and Skeena areas ls as 8ub)ect to change) KNOWN AS KANAWHA daily, and there ls an improve-i follows: sockeye. 40.019; springs, West Virginia originally was merit seen In the recovery of , 2740; sleelhead, 209; coho. 6.230; known as Kanawha. .Rold from the ore. i pinks, 9,548; chums, 6,789. ro MARGARET McTJCOD OPTOMETRIST u iv r .1. C4L 1 m m New Offices 10 STONE BUILDING In P.fXJM I t must irivc Iiirhl Nn Li 1 New Phone RLUK W tomorrow and WEDNESDAYS M. 4:00 Edmun-J nocfcrivgt 4:15 -Stqck Quotations and Int. 4:30 Music ty Goodman 4:45 Wanderaway Shoes 5:00 Music in a Mellow Muod 5:30 Musical Cocktails 5:45- Supper Varieties 6:00 Song "Festival T.B.A. 6:30 Musical Varieties C:40 Rec. Int. 6:45- Plantation House Tarty 7:00-CBC News 7:15 Arthur L. Phelps i Kingston i 7:30 Elizabeth Benson Guy. 8:00 Roland Leduc Conducts 8:43 Bertrand Russell. 9:00 The Great Flixid. 10:00 CBC News 10:15 Scientists Report 10:30 Caughnaw.if;a Choir. PUR Tunir.A Mir:; r tomorrow! Some people might question 'of advisability of . staking S500.000 in a new telephone system at this time but something has to be done about it and the council, apparently, considers this the only way out. HUMANIZING WHALING THE EXPLOSIVE HARPOON method of captur-, I ing the w hale is not only "antiquated," as a visiting Scottish scientist says, but is an extremely ! cruel proceeding. Often the poor creatures have . been known to last for a day before expiring after being harpooned, involving torturing of dumb ani-; mals that would shock the mildest of anti-vivisec-tionists. if theterm may be properly used in this connection. Anart from that the harpoon is, in DR. r. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE S, SMITH MI.OCK , Phone 7G5 P.O. Box MOI .JOHN F. I,. HUGHES Chiroractgr i'.i;,v Ptr, 21-22 BESNER BIXXTK f O Box mi Phone Blue 42 204 4'.h K-1 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc Tncome Tax Returns Compiled. Ecsner Block Phone 3fl7 m1 Hoy Building it Roofs, CW 11:05--Weather Forecast and Sign Off THURSDAY- AM 7:30 Musical Cloi 8:00 CBC News 8:15 MorniiiR Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 3 GO BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 3:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time ! :0:45--ScanCllnpv:ai, M'n'1iri , 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a I Story MI-KC HANTS f you know that the Daily News 4s the mot effective medium of advertisinc n Prince It u pert? No ane nisses your message if it's ad-erlised in the News. It's Uie ealljr efficient way of pullmi t over. tf. ; many cases, extensively damaging to the huge carcass. It is interesting to have the proposal of electrocution or use of carbon dioxide coming up, particularly in view of the new and fuller uses which have '. now been devised for the use of whale meat. GOOD PUBLICITY RUPERT and Central and Northern British PRINCE Columbia receive generous mention and space in the way of illustrations in the fifteenth ; annual yearbook of the British Columbia Journal of Commerce now off the press. It is an ambitious and creditable publication. It is a 354-page publication, renewing the prov-; ince's general progress in construction and develop- ment There are a . good many -pictures and stories respecting Prince Rupert and Skeena, as well as a good sized sketch of what the cellulose plant at Port ! Edward will look like. The written articles include ; one bv E. T. Kenney, minister of lands and f orestsT 0 FarD" serrinc toe risncnrs munu; Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartace, Labelllnf, Weicblnr MAC a BI l E "80 BLL'E 8t con 11:15 Songs of Today 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Let s Waltz ' P.M. 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15-CBC News 2:25 Program Resume 2:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 2:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Symphony Hour NewCM Chandler & Cowgill Photographer Develoiing, Prlntlnf Enlarging Box 045 218 4th St. VAIF i aix-wH Was your best lea kettle lost on the last fishing trip or did Junior pirate your favorite saucepan to hail his skiff? Don't worry replace them wtih a selection from our stock. Orme$ VJ foDY many section of lhe country re seriously aflected by tLortages of electrical power. But tlii fituation i lieinr remeliil. Vast new power projects ire now Leing developed through the invrtt men o life insurance fundi. You we, part of every dollar that you put into life insurance n jnr-ejej in government, public utility and industrial bond. And millioo of these life inMiraw e dollar are helping to pay for new electrical power plants throughout the Dominion, Vhen tliey are completed, tliere will lie power enough fir all otir liomes, farm and uidiilries in hit ore years. Thus your life insurance -serves a double purpooe. It provides financial protection for your family. And it helps raUe the liviuji Mandard of the iiatuiii! A iManaft from tht lift inturanct esmpamei in CenaAu. anil their irnli. DRUGS 2:00 Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and I Learned Late 2:45 Western Five 3O0 Ethel and Albert S:15 Spotlight on a Star 3 : 20 Sketches In Melody 3 :30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News 3:55 U.N. Report PRESCRIPTION Cm Pcrculators Saucepans Cookie Tins Preserving Kettles . Bread Boxes Tea Kettles Canister Sets Garbage Pails ' STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, "a SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY-l2 1 P.M. TO 9 INVENTED BASKETBALL Dr. James Naismith, Canadian born instructor at Spring Emerg"j! from " if LIFE INSURANCE It 5 good citizenehip to own field College. Mass. invented the game of basketball In 1692 to provide Indoor exercise for his students. Dally car delivery ssrvlc from S a m. till 6 p.m. 518 3rd Ave. E. Box 111S Phone Red 400 81 TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! PHONE