"f" MOT! BRITISH OW.OM.Urt ,, IT T I! I A. A. 111 m wit i CANADA SOON JC,naciaii .....ce ,uipm, the Key to the Great Northwest." PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY 1.1' rfl ' ,M,, Julv 28 !U' Ifldfl 1M4fJ FTVE TENTS I'ronipl Service A PHONE LOCAL TIDES (Standard vuiaauoi u Time) 1 line I At All Hours jS DRUGS A l vn V T TII ' ltnr r "r- mSJB&mjL , ' - w"!" L 1 - T -twig .j-. n Acceptance of Colonv As Tenth Province Is Believed To Be Near OTTAWA, (CP) Newfoundland may be accepted as Canada's tenth province in a few days, it was indicated in statements here today. Prime Minister Mackenzie King said that, before the week is out, the government will make a "definite announcement of Newfoundland's political status. Important Thursday, July 29, 1948 C it IvV j,v ;).'ry lBh 6 ) lslM UXA ?81 J - H J starcabs rTT OPE'S WORST DE quarters believe that, provided no unforseen difficulties arise, the government will admit the colony into Confederation. Last week Newfoundland voted by a close margin In favor of joining up with Canada rather Dye Plant Blast; 600 Are Killed SAYsui!io:r -DESTROYING". than forming her own responsible government. Bulletins RECORD PROFITS VANCOUVER Powell River Paper Co. Ltd. made record , profits of $3,500,000 in the last six months. OFFER REJECTED VANCOUVER William White, president of the Boilermakers' Union, announced today that the union had rejected a 12' 2c per hour wage increase from the shipyards. CAH. SHIPPING miany. (F - ASK RUSSIA OTTAWA, P Transport Minister Lionel Chevrier today o( ifitw-! MANNHEIM, Germany, (CP) Police said today w """" that k'twoen 500 and 00 jmrsons had been killed and ,i auiTPim'iit i j ,(K) injured today in an explosion and fire which i ''1 l,'"l, rs wrecked the I. G. Karben chemical nlant at Ludwi"-- charged Michael Jackson, Great Lakes' director of the Canadian ii '''wrst.'rn shafen. It is the greatest peacetime disaster in Eur- Seamen's Union, with seeking to "destroy" Canada's shipping industry. At the sametime, he said, he ,,n nr tn ope since me war. ii'-nt asscm-, T1)p j,,, eXj)isi(,n wrecked DOES NOT KNOW had learned that the C.S.U. is FOR TALKS LONDON, 0i A government official said today that Great Britain, France and the United States will offer to begin talk3 with Russia "on a general European settlement as a whole." Meantime commandants of the Western Allies in Berlin today answered with a flat "No" Increased Soviet pressure to destroy the elected government of the blockaded city of Berlin. The three commandants sent a letter to the mayor of Berlin countermanding two Russian tlie six-storey dye factory. Freneh military Rovernment authorities OF P.G.E. DEAL preparing for a strike on 4eeP sea vessels in November. COAL THROUGH THE CLOUDS TO BERLIN Allied army trucks and planes are shown on the Rhine-Main air base wait-ins; to load up with coal to be flown over the Soviet "starvation blockade" to beleaguered Berlin. Soviet planes are reported in the Allied air corridor. Coincidental with publication in Washington, D.C., of the U.S. state department note to the Soviets, demanding lifting of the blockade and stating that no amount of pressure would force Allied forces out of Berlin. The latest, report from Berlin is that Britain is sending troops into Germany. COAL MINE first e.symaled from 250 to 300, Chevfier said he was satis EXPLOSION VICTORIA Former Premier John Hart, who Is still president of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway, said yesterday that he CI fied the Canadian Seamen's Union was not Communist In character but he was convinced that about all some of the leaders cared about was fomenting Fourteen Miners Killed in Explosion in Indiana had not heard of nepotiaUons Dr. James former pn-,it the Uni-; Ciiliinilii.i. Is lit the ;" PRINCETON, Indiana, f orders aimed at seizing control Fourteen coal miners were killed iwrsonx were killed or Injured but this figure was soon raised as wax tle provisional Reuters fir:-11 re of BOO to 1000 provisionally reported injured. Rescue workers arc still diR-rIiir into the debris for victims. All hospitals in the area are filled with injured, many of whom will not live. The plant employs 1000 workers How many were trapped in the flames is not known French officials report that the Hot Quebec Campaign At Climax Today for the extension by American Interests of the PGE Into Alaska. Mr. Hart wis speaking of a report which appeared in the. Spokesman-Review newspaper of Spokane. and four others injured in anlof tne cltv government trouble and disrupting Canada's unity. The minister also declared that some of the actions of the .companies had been "rephen- Palestine Not Going to Court LAKE SUCCESS The United Nations security council decided yesterday against sending the Palestine question to the Court of International Justice. The western commandants d ( n identified :atiAil Held here explosion at a large colliery have advised the mayor of Ber three miles south of here. The rest of 176 miners were not en lin that an order to dismiss the um'f i Collee at Socialist deputy police president dangered when the blast, of WORLD'S CHIEF WATERWAY The Great Lakes and their undtermined origin, ripped sible." Shooting could not be condoned and it was for the local or provincial authorities to maintain law and order. The unions had wrongfully rh!' Culleae here through a shaft just after they Charges of Fraud Resound as Voters Go to Polls ii v of British hands In boarding ships in violation of the Canada Shipping had come off shift. connecting waterways form the world's most Important Inland waterway. iblUied lie explosion occurred in siruciure taken the law into their own Act. iu-o. known as a "nitrate building." " QUEBEC. (CP ) Bal elard Godbout, terming him Is invalid. They also told the mayor that the Soviet commandant had no authority to Instal a new deputy head of the city's food departments Walter Bedell' Smith, United States ambassador to Moscow, who Is in Berlin, may confer with General Lucius b. Clay, United States military governor, later today returning to Moscow with proposals for settling the German crisis. "merely a lackey of Ottawa." Incidentally, Duplessis made vays Ask 20 per cent. Rate Increase THE WEATHER Cool Pacific air lay over the it clear he has no wish for the federal leadership. Amid cheering he declared the provincial mandate had always been broad enough for him. Ottawa. Duplessis said, wanted to take possession of Quebec's taxation rights forever but would never do so while he was premier. The Premier urged his listeners to accept the provinces flag symbolic of Quebec traditions and reject the Liberal's white flag, of abdication. B-29 Lost In Red Sea entire province of British Colum- I bia this morning. Although relatively clear skies returned to the southern coastal areas dur- j ing the night, there was s,till F. C. Underfill!, Vancouver civil engineer, arrived in the city from the south on last evening's plane. He is in charge of survey work being carried out in connection with the Port Edward Celanese pulp mill project. considerable cloud in the south Glohe-Girdling Flying Fortress Conies to Grief Most of Crew Lost ern Vancouver Island and Lower Mainlund regions. Clearing is jation Is Sequel ;rease In Wages (C) The Hoard of Transport Commissioners rftli.it the Railway Association of Canada had jiiiiifnt 20 per rent increase in freight rates. fifs lis application, which Is made on behalf f-'filir. Canadian National and other railroads, I IT hour increase in wages. increase was granted two weeks ago, hfd that the extra 17c would cost the 'id Canauian National $76(111,000 per year. f fur an increase goes before the Hoard in I interested parlies, including the provincial l appeared lu re last week to protest against 'Ml increase in rates, have been notified of it. f1 'atiini lino applied for an interim increase of f t immediate requirements due lo the wage expected In these areas this af-' ADEN, tP A United States B- ternoon. Showery conditions 29, one of three Superfortresses persist in the southern and attempting a circuit of the globe, southeastern Interior. Another crashed into the sea last night disturbance now moving ihto the after taking off from this port northern coastal regions will on the south coast of Arabia, cause rains In those areas today Only one survivor of seventeen and increasing cloudiness over or eighteen on board has been southern B. C. tomorrow. There picked up. lot markers took jommand of today's Quebec provincial elections, but the fury of the sizzling, six-week campaign refused to die. The uproar centred in Montreal, where accusations of fraud and black market dealing in registration slips were freely tossed about. Police said that thousands of voters in the metropolis may be disenfranchised because thry unwittingly surrendered their registration slips to persons posing as revisers and examiners. Deputy director Hiluire Beauregard of the provincial police said Montreal black market operators were offering voters from $ 2to $5 for each slip. As a result, the police anticipated polling station disturbances and hundreds of attempts at impersonation before the 2.000,-000 eligible voters finish balloting tuday. The provincial election campaign yesterday was warmly fought and replete with blunt speaking and memorable incidents. As it drew toward the close, one of the most largely attended rallies was at, St. Pierre Market in St. Sauveur Ward. Here, about 7.000 stood on the roiy'.h concrete of the old .square to hear Premier Duplessis speak for about two hours. He assailed the province's Liberal chief, Ad- 000O0OO0OQOl0CH00l00tlOO TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy 8. O J hnaton Co. l.trt H00O0 0000000O000 CHJ00001 Vancouver Bralorne 7.00 B. R. Con 02 li B R 09' 2 Cariboo Quartz 1.10 Dentonia Ol'z Grull Wihksne 03!i Hedley Mascot - 35 Min to 01 Vs Pend Oreille 4 00 Pioneer 2.50 Premier Border 03 Privateer 17 Reeves McDanald 1 55 Reno 09 Salmon Gold 1 3 Vi Sheep Creek 1.12 Taylor Bridge 30 Taku River 32 Congress 03 : 2 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley Amalgamated .. .02 Central Zeballos 01 Silbak Premier 26 Oils A. F. Con 14 '2 Calmont 38 C. & E 6.05 Foothills .. 2.75 Home 7.90 Handsome Catalina Yacht Is Visitor To Prince Rupert California Banker Achieving One of His 1 Dr eams Inside Passage Cruise to Alaska "It is the avowed ambition of every Southern California yachtsman to some day cruise' the inside passage to Alaska," drawled Dick Loynes, Commodore of the Catalina Island Yacht Club, who, as a member of a cruising party aboard the yacht "Wandermore," in port yesterday, was asked his reactions to the trip up the coast. I is little indication of very much Harbor tugs, launches and improvement during the next 48 ( British survey vessels are search- hours. f rniaurnt increase of 20 per cent because of "!! increased costs." Forecast Queen Charlottes and North CoastCloudy with showers, becoming overcast with intermittent rain during the forenoon, then cloudy with widely scattered ing lite snarK-iniesiea waters hut poor visibility and monsoon conditions are hampering the search. Cause of the crash Is not known. The H-29's have been making the flight primarily for the purpose of testing flying fields and local conditions for the operation of Flying Fortresses. RESTRICTED IN THIS I BY AIR FIELD LACK showers tonight. Cloudy Thurs the fuller use that could be made of 'itcfl Prince UiineH in rlovelonment of day. Winds northwesterly (20 m.p.h.i In the exposed areas, light elsewhere. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Thursday-At Port Hardy -53 and 63, Massett 50 and 60, Prince Rupert, 50 and 60. In ancient times comets were supposed to be omens of sudden death. tion into the hinterland of northern 'M Columbia for which aircraft is "f transportation became emphasized Daily News interviewed Captain built as an Air Force rescue boat. Mr. Walker had the three 630 h.p. Hall-Scott, engines removed from the hull and replaced them with three 175 h p. Marine Grays diesels which he acquired by purchasing 3 small Navy landing craft. The Grays, each attached to a screw, drive the "Wander-more" at a cruising speed of 11 knots. What was formerly the ship's hospital Is now converted into staterooms for the younger members of the party. The party which consists of Mr. and Mrs. Walffer, Mr. and Mrs. Loynes, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-(Continuea un Page Six) California yachtsmen have two other main ambitions according to Commodore Loynes. They all want to be able to enter the San Francisco to Honolulu race and the Bermuda yacht race in their logs before they call it quits. When Commodore Loynes completes this cruise he will have realized two of those dreams, for in 1939 he was owner and skipper of the sailing yacht "Contender" which w-as the first of the racing boats to reach Honolulu that year and won the Golden Gate Exhibition trophy. An interesting sidelight on that race was the broadcasting done from the "Contender" during the race. Each day at a set time all boats in the race were contacted and asked for their position and the results were J. E. Jellison of Montreal. Capt. Jellison was here for a brief visit Way Cleared for British Capital in Canada in connection with his duties Up with the aerial surveys division of Canadian Pacific Airlines. Industrialists May Now Start ALASKA LUMBER SHIPMENT HERE nee Canadian Pacific Airlines Is looking into the possibilities of developing the survey branch of Its servlep In connection with the Up Plants Here establishment of new industries which would wish to use aircratt An experimental shipment of lumber from Ketchikan Spruce Mills reached here at noon today bound for the central United States. The shipment, 45,000 board feet, arrived by scow in tow of the tug Inverness, Capt. More Workless Than Open Jobs OTTAWA Latest employment figures for Canada, as announced yesterday, show 10,-000 persons seeking jobs in the for the survey, mapping and uaria y?r.ter-lomiation of 'mi Air Force '"er pllots'ln The chief of 'lln first two fighter "I ni within photographing of timber stands, water power sites, mineral areas later transmitted from the "Con-lender" to the Mutual Network where It went out to 128 stations etc. That was why Capt. Jellison Dominion and 5i.uuu joos over over This is an improvement was here. He arrived on laso Stewart S. Amundson. It is LONDON, (CP) The British government yesterday cleared the way for British industrialists to open branch plants in Canada or expand existing plants in the Dominion. The Treasury said industrialists may now "take advantage" of investment facilities mads available a year ago by Canada. Until now stringent foreign ex evening's plane and returned to OFEN AIR BAND CONCERT BAUD CONCERT (Shrine Club Band) Court House Grounds THURSDAY, JULV 23, 1948 . (Weather Permitting) at 8 pm. , (Concert Sponsored by City of Prince Rupert I No Admission No Collection (176) '01' FORTYYEAR OLD SWIMS CHANNEL DOVER, England. Giovanni Gambi, 40-year old Italian horse breeder, today swam the Englls.i Channel from Au Dresselles, France, to the English coast near here in tweleve hours, thirty-six minutes. Gambi won the five-mile marathon swim at the Canadian National Exhibition ut Toronto In 1935. Vancouver today. being loaded into two railroad cars and is destined for shipment to Alabama and Iowa. in the United States. G. A. Walker, president of the Fanners - Merchants bank In Longbcach, California, and owner of the 104-foot "Wander-more," which arrived In Prince Rupert Tuesday afternoon, bought the boat In Seattle sev- marks Can-''iw towards 'linn fighter .V immediate on the cle- month when then-were the previous 119.000 seeking jobs and 63.000 jobs offering. in British Columola htere are 19,000 looking for work and 5000 jobs offering. If r7"are left to ripen on the tree, they become mealy oi urttty. Wlieel-equippeci aircraft, even though amphibians, arc coming into Increased favor over straight seaplanes or flying boats in all forms of flying and Prince Rupert cannot be fully utilized as an air transportation centre uu-(Cortinuea on Page 4 A similar but larger experimental shipment from Juneau was made through this port labt spring. It consisted of mote than 500,000 board, feet. During the war change restrictions had ruled eral months ago. fUon of such the craft had been designed an- fed this out. major