.33 Shortening Soap ptinct Buptti RaflE 3ctos Lid. Wednesday, July 28, 1948 Soap, face, 2 for .17 CATALIXA YACHT Continued from Page 1) i- t o $ j Shelled BrazilSi trawberry!"1""" Raspberry, 2i-m Blackberry, 28-,' Cherry, 24-2 Pcat'Ii, 24-oz. pricot, 1:4 0j, Canned Sou,"" Ham, boned 1 , Ham, reg. ib, " bologna, lb. Weiners ih vin Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Joe "Rusty" Fellows Jr. and 6 teenagers, 3 of whom belong to the Walker family, motored from their homes in Longbeach, Cali Laundry, cake .1)8 -,2a Sunlight, cake 10 Soap Ponders, iar?e 35 Glace I ruit Cherries, xi lb. pkt 45 Almond Paste, lb 42 Coconut, lb 7? Fruit Cake Mix, lb l: Dates (fancy), 1-lb. pkt 3j Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs 3'J Seeded Raisins, lb - .24 Shelled Walnuts, Vi lb Shelled Almonds, lb 49 f Ml THE MARKETS Vegetable Radishes. 2 bunches 21 Carrots (Newt 2 bunches .... .25 Celery, bunch 23 Cauliflower, head 40 Swiss Chard, lb 15 Turnips, lb 07 Mushrooms, lb 85 Head Lettuce, bunch .15 Cucumbers, each 15 3reen Onions, 2 bunches 15 Australian onions, 3 lbs 29 Cabbage, lb. 10 Rhubarb, lb .10 Jpinach, lb .15 Beets, bunch 2 for .25 Tomatoes, No. 1 lb 09 New Potatoes, 8 lb '29 Canned Vegetable Dill Pickles, gal 1.35 Jut Green Beans, fey 17 to. 5 Peas, fancy .14 Mixed Vegetables .lit )iced Beets, 2 tins 25 NEW IIAZELTON (Continued iiom Page 5) DRILLING IS UNDERWAY ; Work has already been started by the Pacific Diamond Drill Co. on drilling for dams and tunnels in connection with the cellulose plant construction, Port Edward. Outfit was set up near Cloyah Creek last eek. The work will be on cost plus basis. The drilling is preparatory to the building of a nine mile pipe line to carry water from Prudhomme Lake to Port Edward. The announcement is also made that the Pacific Diamond Drill Co. has been awarded the contract for drilling at the quarry at Smith Island to supply the pulp mill with lime.following commencement of operations. Wax Beans, choice -21 4ixed Peas and Carrots lo Pumpkin - -16 Corn, choice - Corn NibleU . 24 laked Beans, 20-oz.. tin .... .25 Biked Beans, 15-oz., tin .... -2ti Fruit Cherries, lb. 39 Apricots, lb 33 Bananas, lb -2 Apples, cooking, lb 1 Lemons, large, doz Grapefruit, Texas (white), 100 s, 4 lor - -27 (pink), 96's, 6 for 2y Oranges (Navel) 2 doz 47-.S7 Dates, lb 25 Frest, AT.lk Local Quart - - - 22 Pint 12 Cream, pin -2s f ir Grade A: large cartoned, doz GB Batter irst Grade, lb 73 Milk Evaporated Milk, 16-oz. tins, 2 for 33 Case 7 7b Cheese lanadian Cheese, lb 53 Flour duelling and gravelling on the highway. ( L 1 1 Ss3 . fiiffl ii m iiiy Be SYDNEY GREENSTREET ADOLPHE IH-l fornia to Seattle. There they stored their cars and. when the boat was ready for travel, they decided to see Alaska before returning home. Victoria was their first stop on the Canadian side. From there they sailed to Nan-aimo and then crossed over to the mainland coast to explore Jarvis and Princess Louisa Inlets and to visit the famous Malibou Club. Deep Water Bay and Bella Bella were two other stops and Klewnugget Inlet, which thJ party thought was one of the beauty spots of tlie trip, was the last anchorage before the "Wandermore" tied up at the Prince Rupert Yacht Club. There is only one paid member among the crew of the "Wandermore." He is the cook and, in the words of Mr. Walker, "the most important member of the party." Navigating is Commodore Loynes department. Mr. Walker is chief engineer and, if there is any need for a ship's carpenter, Mr. Fellows would be consulted. He is a partner in the well known Los Angeles boat building firm of Fellows & Stewart. Early this morning the former rescue boat left for Ketchikan and from there the party expect to go on to Juneau. By August 15, Mr. Walker hopes to have his boat back in Seattle and from there plans will be made to tak'j her on down the coast to Douglas Parent returned last week to Val d'Or, Quebec .after a visit here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Parent. CANADA'S HIGH COMMISSIONER TO AUSTRALIA HOST More than 400 guests attended the reception given by the Canadian high commissioner to Australia and Mrs. Kenneth Green at the Hotel Canberra on Dominion Day. The guests included members of the federal cabinet, high ranking public servants, other notable Australians and members" of the diplomatic corps. The picture shows Mr. Greene chatting with Dr. II. V. Evatt, Australian minister for external affairs. Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 5'J "lour, 49 s, No. 1 hard wheat 2.99 Flour (24 s) 1 59 Tea and Coffee Coffee, lb 09 DeLuxe Quality,' lb 1.14 J litres Tomatoes, 20-oz la 40 oz 35 gallon Sfc Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin 14 40 oz. 35 Rev. Canon and Mrs. Bird are on a two wpeks' holiday trip by motor to the coast. They were at Prince Rupert and Terrace at the week-end. Better English ' By D. C. WILLIAMS ' 1. What is wrong with thij sentence? "I cut the apple in hair." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "clientele". 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Attendant, adolescent, adherant. r ANSWERS i 1. Say, "I cut the apple in two or. in halves)." 2. Pronounce kli-en-tel, i as in lie, first e as Jji men unstressed, second e as hi tell, principal accent on last Syllable. 3. Adherent. . To temper; soften. "There are Inany speakers who do not know how to modulate their voices." 9. Opulent. Huckleberries and blueberries are very plentiful in the district Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections this fall and many are picking! them. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Spooner and family, after having spent the past ten months at Pinehi Creek, have returned to New Hazclton to resume residence. Orange, 20-oz .15 Blended (orange and grape fruit, 20-oz 16 48-oz 36 Canned trail Strawberries, (New Pack) 31 Peaches, 20 oz 21 Pears, 2 doz 33 Apricots, 20-oz 33 Cherries (fancy) 20-oz 38 Peaches, choice 29 - Lara Pure, lb 29 The British Foreign Secret-' ary is Ernest Bevin, and an- other member of the cabinet! is Aneurin Bevan, minister of health. It is too much to cx-j pect that this is a situation to: remain without incident. There! can, sooner or later, occur a' minor explosion that would ! make Mr. Bevin want to kick! H.lM.HrM'.'l How about that doggie of yours? The times are full 6f perils for pooches. Sinister forces have a great awareness, when there seems any likelihood of getting their scientific hands on Rover or Fido. Dogs are badly wanted for experimental purposes to the end that the study of medicine and surgery be enhanced. Dogs in Vancouver, pursuing happiness one Miss Dorothy Brown, public' health nurse, was a visitor here j last week on official businpss. ; gMBQft Sale of Ladies' 5 j Suits, Coats, Dresses NOW ON AT 'The Great Walt day can quite easily disappear, forever more ere the next morn.' Have a rare, Rupert dog owners! j Z Mr. Bevan, or tempt Mr. Bevan to tread on Mr. Bevin's favor-1 ite corn. Mr. Bevan, in fact has already placed his foot within a somewhat careless mouth. He recently declared "the Tories to be lower than vermin,' which led some to wonder why Mr. Bevin had committed such a blazing indiscretion. Well, Man the battlements! j Rupert Peoples Store NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS A penalty of 5 will be added to all taxes remaining unpaid at August 1st. Final date for payment is SATl'RDAY, Jl I.Y 31st. l or the convenience of taxpayers the city offices will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for payment of taxes only. Remittances post marked not later than July 31st will be accepted without penalty. H. M. FOOTE (178) Collector. -1 Fishermen! TRICKY PROFESSION In ancient Egypt, if a member of a ruling caste lost his life or an eye as a result of an operation, the surgeon's hand was cut off in retaliation. Including Peoples Famous : 2 for I Dress Sale similarity in names will lead to confusion. But it's one of the crosses one must carry, in public life. ioEl BESURE-HaveyourRad by Expert Servicemen at . ... MR. & MRS . GET READY Someone overseas says that, if sufficient marketing and business ability were shown, enough whales could be found in the Antarctic to feed most of the people in Europe and some in America for four months. Personally, we would not know how or where to begin on one. RUPERT RADIO & ELE! Box 1321 FOR HOLIDAY WEEK-END industrials Home Owners Have you had trouble ivitli your Roof? ft m i Dutch settlers who saw the I Skeena for the first time this spring and arrived precisely in time to see their crop washed ; away, did not add their tears to the over abundant water. They did not ask strangers for sympathy. They did not hurry home to Holland, home and mother and say Canada was a j false alarm. They waited for a I chance to grow another crop, grew it, and have been enjoy-1 ing strawberries and cream. In-' cidentally, they say Canada is j all to the good. Your I5csH n i l. (on 11 am ' I'.anqii' for Lunc)i": and I' Cliint'.'i Reg Bristowe of R. D. Bristowe Ltd. BondedRoofingContractors is at the Prince Rupert Hotel, and professional advice on roof maintenance problems is FREE to persons leaving their addresses there, BEFORE 9 P.M. THURS. I The fellow who argues that j it's cheaper to pay rent than undertake to own a house need not be so sure. It's becoming i plainer that the list of families Don't be left at the post! Get those outdoor rrpaim done while the sun shines. Avoid racing against time and weather. Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 363 Builders and Contractor CAF! who belong where they are or are on the way is growing handsomely. You can almost see it for yourself, anytime a stroll is enjoyed, and you use your eyes. There is small comfort in a fly-spotted cluster of old rent receipts. 608 3rd Ave. W SATIN-GLO We can supply all your needs in . . BUILDING SUPPL Beautifies the home and . increases the value of the things you own. Many attractive pastel tints from which to choose. ' - THOMPSON HARDWARE CO., LTD. including WALLHOAII)S, FINISH M'MB' WOODS, SASH AM) DOOK.N1! S H HANDY CARTON ti .u jji m Pre-war Price at' Wartime Tuxes O Orders You pav PLUMBING SlTI'I'LItS PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT & Ci 1!,2" "Servinj the North S"' Phone 651 632 COAL ' LUMKEK Your BANK Uses t EDS PAPER ADVERTISING Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR Ql'FEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 10, 20, 31, 11 p.m. (ITA S DEPOSIT) NORTH STAR BOTTLING WORKS PRINCE KUPERT . Authorized Bottler f Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Ave. Phone 5G8 Do You? TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS-THIJY