prftue Rupert Daflp rectos Monday, September 23, 1949. HOTEL ARRIVALS Dnhnri A III-. 1 B.A. - OPTOMETRIST . (formerly with the Booth OuUrsi f ,, ' ft J 1 " i ' t n , . , v a . , fa-i M K ! ; ' .',7.' I 1 J ? r'n,' - l.-r Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. P. Mikaleck, Nanaimo; J. I Fraser, Porcher sland; Mr. and .Mrs A. Awid, Ednumton; E. Johnson-, Vancouver; J. B. Buys and daughter, Huzelton; O. D. Johnson. Kel-i'wna: T. A. D. Trembley. Victoria; W. J. Mitchell, Vancouver; J. McLaughlart, Vancouver; K. E. Kelfer. Terrace; Dr. and Mrs. J. Q. MacArthur and son. Prince Oeorae; W. WUU- 1012 vc,.... :4ncomi ,,, UUM.K VANCOUVER, B.C. Wishes to announce that he h nor for eye examinations at thV Prince Rupert Ilott from rroft, Terraee; A. J. Jonks, Prince George; J. Perry, Port St.. James; C. C. Hanawold. Tort St. James; G. Lee, Ocean Tails; J. W. Brown, Ooean Talis; Mrs. Friday, Ser3joTl1ur8(layt c In lnJepDStst daHj newspaper arotea vo to upUulidlng of rtlnc Eupri aa m cumiiiaiiw conjiir,.ag northers ar.o central British Columbu (AutborUFd u Second CI in Mull, Poet Offl Department. Ottawa) ubiisheo every afternoon except Sunday by rruio Rupert Dally News Ltd.. Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. Britten Ooluaiblfc Q A. HUNTER Managing editor H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. dtTBSCFlPTION RATES J,ITfckT. t Carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month. 75c; Per Tear, 8O0. ffijj-.'jnr By MttU. Per Month. 60c; Per Tear. S0O '-c"' Tilings Unforeseen A DISASTER, papers are prone to urge AFTER that something be done to make tragic occurences in future practically impossible. It's that way today in Canada, yet it is well to remember that one of the certainties of life is the unexpected. How, in the construction of a vessel, can an architect defeat the possibility of chance, or craftsmen despite knowledge and skill, preclude hazard? Travel is faster, safer, more comfortable than ever before. There is no comparison between the luxuries now enjoyed and what was offered only a few generations ago. Thousands tour the world, and up to a certain point, with a sense of security. But that feeling, after all, can only go so far. For where ever and 'whenever you find action, change, responsibility there is also the contingency that nothing can ever foresee. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS c?'.- ""v-. - -7 lw' r A. -,-. . 'ill,. '1 " Evenings by appointment I. A. Brown, Port Essiugtou; Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Lee, Vancouver; D. F. Ford, Vancouver; J. J. Wilson, Vancouver; Miss A. Stuart, Vancouver; Dr. J. G. tcKay, Vancouver; Miss S. ROYAL SALUTi: Beneath the ornatfj arch tnat spans the front diwrs of Paillumeiit Buildings, Canada's, Vi.scount Ale xander, and Laiy Alexander receive a royal salute from a three services guard of honor as the first session of the 21st Parliament prepared to open. A few minutes after this Canadian Army pfioto was taken Viscount Alexander read the Speech from the Throne forecasting lei.sla tion to be introduced at the new session. Marshall. Haielton; Mr. and LONDON if The mayor of Mrs. H. Phillips, Terrace; O. J. show then wen s-.x prizes for Jchnston, Vancouver; O. Gib- Bethnal Green opened a flower rnn, Nanaimo; D. R. Willimer, his own exhibits. , Ilazcllon; E. PeMcr, Victoria; M. Rea (CP. Fhoto) i i Clean Prid Relieves I1JTUJI If Child's Cold Cherban, Edmonton ; Miss A Tonaka, Portland, Ore. Mr. anc Mrs. P. " Mihaleed, Nanaimo; Mr. and Mrs. Solon-irck, Terrace; L. Botvla, Vancouver; G. Johnson. Seattle; W. H. Trotter, Prince George; L. W. Lefler, City; C. D. Palmer, Victoria; S. Gonlck, Vancouver; J. Kantymlr, Vancouver; N. Waters. Vancouver; L. Tongedal, Vancouver; N. Pltkoren, Port Ar AIR PASSENGERS (C.P.A.) From Vancouver Mr. F. Shaeffer, Miss J. McDonald, R. E. Gladding. K. F. Harding, D. C. Stevenson, J. McLaughlan. To Vancouver A. Haig, Geo. Yip, C. Wallace, G. Johnson, G. Macdonald, F. O'FlaheToy; J. E. As lie Sleeps Don't The -.. - . - . . i ., ii t thur, Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. 1 -1 r r ' l 'i . 1 i i ii in i ii. iiiii t iri iiiii. ji h imm fcyWM.pi. a ' ' ..1 ' ! " i ' t-' . t - , - ......... . ' . i : A ' vft: t 1 1 f ; : ; ,. r - - S L --a2 , ,, - T , v .av , v,", . . . j Johnson, L. Karlenko, J. Mc- qujring, Vancouver; L. Karlen- Lauifhian, M. waiter. ko Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. J. MEN'S Ilti:ss A J To fcafitispit l.. Macciunaia, i. chapman. Chapman, Shawatlans: Shawatlans; Mrs. A. St)X Now Robertson, Prince Gecr MEN'S SPdKT Sll lPenetrates 4tp Into frftn-Chial tufctf with tDtcitt toothmf mMhCtAftl MpOft. Stimulates fct liha warm, ifl S. comforting powltico. Now MEN'S WORK Sll Now I.' TRAIN SL'HKD' MEN'S WORK fl Oesch. (C.P.A.) To Vancouver G. W. Hill, Miss J. Collison. Miss J. Clark, B. Gadsden, J. N. Watson, O. Junal, K Radsvck, D. Carey, Mr. and " Mr3. N. Hebb. H. Castillou, Q. Phillips. To Sandspit Mrs. H. Crosby, Miss A. Mathers, F. Lusette. G. " Now j MEN'S DKESS fi This effective special pene tratinK-stlmuIatlnc action works for hour during the eight to relieve distress of colds while your little one sleeps. Results are so food often by morning most misery of the cold Is t0sj e relieved. Try lICKS it tfXlllfhtl VllinBua ' assorlmrnl, prrln Now tor tf.e East-Monday, Wednesday, Jfridajt, 8:00 p.m. Krom tbc Eaav Tuesday. Thursday, rtuturt 10:30 p.m. Advertise it. tne Dally News! MEN'S ALL-WOni 1 I FISHERMEN'S T cut. Now h-m in n i - i v l i f iv i I MEN'S RUSCOVli Ml Ti in i mWi mmtmmm MiimUffHiinif n ti 1 1 i mumm W iMrriT j mtirn MEN'S CABARDIM Full lined Collinson. D. Secord. From Vancouver S. Karlenko, Mr. and Mrs. D. bunielson, J. H. Black, W. H. Trotter, Mrs. M. Waters, G. Johnson. D. Rysan, J. Buchan. From Sandspit Miss Mathers, (Q.C..V) To M asset J. Bremner, T. Kaye, D. J. Schubert. To Justkatla Mrs. Elliott. CLOSE PALS The Biblical lion and lamb had nothing on this pup and pigeon when it comes to lying down together. Tiny, the MEN'S COVERT (I pup, and Blacke, the pigeon, are bosom pals who sleep, eat and drink together. When the pigeon is disturbed, It nestles up to the pup for protection. The two are pets of Jack Ssodnia of Windsor, Ont. . , 'C. P. Photo COATS Tops in i.i fit MEN'S SI.EEVEI.1 SWEATERS BOYS' AIX-WOOI SWEATERS-N boys' ill-worn Reg. $4.50 BOYS' SCHOOL t Well-made ' Better call me about six o'clock just in case.' BOYS' RAINCOAT- s3 " i t'-. Kr s- m ..r ...... - It your subscription is in arrears and you do not receive your paper, please do not blame the publisher, the news boy or the post office. Just do a little straight talking to yourself. Co-operaKon of subscribers in this regard woulc be appreciated. It would ave a lot of trouble and everybody would be happier. Subscriptions are payable in fitting BOYS' AI.I.-HIKH JACKETS BOYS' SOX-Spfn FOK SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOIT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION BOYS SCHOOL SHI SnfrinT K j BLANKETS-Pn" Reg. J14 5 . i it. if 111 I I f . !" ' Sl IT CASF.S-Bie selerlion 1 I V Suitable for a Mobilestore r. UI . A Home On Wheels 6 ,- V ,-i 1 It I N - S . i f !! - 7 Now Ir r ' Price Is reasonable suitable terms ean be arranged iCHBVR0N SUPREMI k . Jr. . . i uttouai -,. v. .... , " J t I ' if 5- 5 f 1 'iJi;? Advertise irr the "i You saw K i" li' FOR . . . 1 " Highest Quality in Your Printing And who wouldn't enthuse over lha r mileage you (et with hevroti uprcuio (annlloeT For power pint aeonomy it's UNSURPASSED 1 B'ves me IN NEW ROLES Senator Elie Beauregard (L-Quebnc), 65, new Speaker of Che Senate, right, talks things' over with Ross Macdonald, 57, Liberal member for the Ontarfar constituency of Brantford, who was elected Speaker of the House of Commons' just before formal opening of Parliament. (C. P. Photo) lovelier, washable AvaH yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. HOLLYWOOD cafe BESNER BLOCK PHONE 234 for the household walls and actually IT COSTS ME LESS! Thai's the r iirl from women who have u-il Muniihral . . .. and they're riiiht! Mon:tf.rnl in top quality at lower price than any eoniparahle finish. It rmrri more wall per ean, ami ilrien qtiiekl to a smooth, een TiiuHh thai la wnslmlilc . . . l,,.,rIU.l MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. Tu 3:30 A.M. u Ii- nr win" BROOMS Dl'ST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS XXTm finjaMaltvaV In ril na fMri BRUSHES GALVANIZED TLBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS ,ni"i thom BROADWAY CAFE . . . BEST FOOD FINEST COOKING FRIENDLY SERVICE Blurt IM CHOP SUEY-CHOW MEIN I.oely paMel If THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. tints ami new deep rolnrs. For Ontsldt Orders PHONE 133 255 THIRD 'AVENUE PHONE 101 .7 rtsn Chinese Dishes A Specialty FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS ITIONE too Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. r , j' -ii 1 1 r firm i1, Fargo Trucks ORMES DRUGS DRUGS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY JOHN Hi Dl II fit 2- Ton Chaws U and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with, reinforced frame St 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chansts and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. rrtHlSl ANNOUNCEMENT As an added convenience to onr subscribers In Prince Rupert, arrangements are being made to have all subscriptions fall due on the first day of each month. Any assistance aur subscribers can give our carriers to facilitate this change will be appreciated try tails newspaper. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORK HOUPS WEEK DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 8 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 NOON TO 1 PM 7 PM. TO 9 PM. EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. V v Phone Green 883 . Box 586 John Bder Emergency bicycle delivery ' from 7 p.m. till 0 o.m. and Sunday . Dally ctr detlrery iervlc I from 6 .m. tttt Gm, Rupert Motors Ltd. "Phones? 8f,6 OfHce, 566 Shop Third A''0"1