I Announcements 'Come Alongside' Invites Council Ptincc tUtpm Dall? 3cto JLtD. Friday, August 20, 1948 Local News Items... Mvertiaemetm i this column Ul b charged lor k full month at 85 cent a word Orange Tea. Proceeds Pro ,h Columbia Agricultural Aviation's vic Centre m City council will make an extort to have the three Canadian S and IZr Athabascan-moor Cayuga-Crescent at one of the waterfront wharf. Miss Merle West of Terrace testant Home. Oddfellows' Hall, CITY COUNCIL TALKS BRIEFS More than 60 resolutions sailed last night on the Prince faeptember 1. Rupert for a trip to Barbecue Feed and Logging V CARNll V AIL Rupert' August 21st to 28th ther than anchor out in the stream when thev arrlvn Via.. Sports, Grand Home Site Draw Ernest Unwln returned on the which will be presented to the i annual meeting of the Union of British Columbia Municipal-i ities were discussed at a special ing, auspices Terrace Civic Centre Association, Terrace, Labor Coquitlam this morning from a J-ay, September 6. next Wednesday for a three-day visit. City Clerk H. D. Thaln informed council that the three warships are at present under orders to anchor in the harbor business trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands. CrfSocietv Flower Show I i ii.'... At,.r C. G. Ham left by air today on a business trrp to Vancouver. Soccer tonight, Roosevelt Park, 7 p.m. 120th Battery vs. High School. (It) Police Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnson returned by air Thursday afternoon from a brief visit to the Quen Charlotte Islands. S. P. Woodside of the Customs service left this afternoon on the Catala on a brief business trip to Klemtu. Lieut. Robert Beach R. C. N. Boy Scouts and Cubs W.A. meeting of city council Thurs-i day afternoon as the aldermen' instructed their two delegates, I Bazaar, Sat., Sent. 18. Conrad Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Wiison re PULLOVER SWEATERS IN YOUR favourite shades and fabrics Street School Basement. uuimg meir Port Day visit. turned on the Coquitlam this Mayor Nora Arnold and City Clerk H. D. Thain, on their Moose Bazaar, Oct. 14-15. Eve Cash Frizes morning from Massett where PRIZE LIST ning entertainment. they have been holidaying for queen Mary I.O.D.E. Bazaar. the last month. MANY TOURISTS TRAIN TO BOAT official city attitude to the briefs. The convention Is to be held at Harrison Hot Springs uctober 20. Sons of Norway and Sonla Fall in the middle of September. of the naval ship Ekholi which Bazaar Oct. 22. Class 1-ROSES Sec. 4 One Polyantha. 5 One White. k 8-M3ne Any Color. Sseinshow (any variety). 7,1 b. H. M. Eddy; Second Prlxe $2 Cash. " flass I ANNUALS &-Six Nasturtiums " Sec. ..imdula ",c tourist passengers reached the city on last night's train from the East and ksiiph Hotel. . A I is doing oceanography work In Canadian Legion W.A. Bazaar. Prince Rupert city council has submitted five resolutions to the convention, the resolutions will be presented to the provincial government as Indicative of the wishes of the Arrivals on the steamer Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Among them were twenty members of a Schilling Tour partv consisting this area, left on the Catla this afternoon to return to Esquimau. K. J. Fltzgibbons, manager of refreshment concessions in Fa Prie'y)' ThrP( Astpr Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. A. Walters, City, Iowa; S. J. Crows of people from the Minneapolis and St. Paul area and headed November 10. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. 18. Salvation Army Home League Sale, Nov. 23, 2:30 p.m., Sons of Norway Hall. Cambral Chapter, I.O.D.E. Sale November 25th. Orange Ladies' Bazaar, December 1st. mous Players theatres in British r;golds. 7 3 to 6 Antlrrhln- .jftiums. urns (Snaps) mixed or . otherwise. ii... It Anw Cither Annual Columbia, arrived in the city Dy jonn Turcotte. Mrs. W. D. Lambie and son, Vancouver; Capt. W. A. Pom-eroy, city; R. E. Lane, Vancouver; R. Sweet, Forgon, Sask.; Mr. and Mrs. V. Reilly, Jasper; Thursday by air from Vancou Four Bums. - ver. He left today to return rmc v u ash; Second Mrs. A. E. Martin and child R. A. Cole, M. Schewchuk, Ed south by air. Joseph Chell, the new inspec jamts Brand t,o Class J DAHLIAS ren Maxine and Ross are sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Port Cooultlam whpro th John, are leaving today by motor for a holiday at Lake Kathlyn They are driving with Mrs. Lambie.'s brother, George Mitchell, who will spend the weekend with his family at Lake Kathlyn. Dance. Every Saturday night Oddfellows' Hall. (197) tor of schools from Nelson, and mess ..by Royals. monton; O. Gisloson, Lady-smith; Mrs. G. E. Noelck and son, Edmonton; J. B. Lorimer, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. D. Reid, Inverness; Capt. P. J. Garry, Vancouver; John Slatta, Van E. E. Hyndman, who he is succeeding here, left on this after Sec. 6 one uecorauve, (any variety). 7 Three Peony, mixed or one variety. 8 One Show Dahlia, mixed or one variety. will take up future residence. Mr. Martin is at present stationed on the Stiklne River in the customs service. noon's plane for a brief trip to J. L. Capewell of Smithers is sailing on the Catala this afternoon on a trip to Vancouver. the Queen Charlotte Islands oa official duties. The famous Grandmere Pullover in the English type, a mixture of Australian wool, Asiatic cash mare and French Angora Jantzen and Pride of The West pullovers in soft Botany wool. A beautiful range o pastel shades, consisting of blue, yellow, grey, fawn and camel at prices ' FROM $6.50 -$9.95 tus, mixed ty. brid, mix- couver; W. Sheen, Sandspit; G. F. Norrls, Mill Bay; J. W. Duggan, Vancouver; I. Jepson, Nanaimo; Mrs. N. Grossman, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. S. A passenger aboard the Prin 9 Three Charm, mixed or one variety. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Morgan and granddaughter. Jill Weise. cess Norah which docked here variety. August issue of Monetary Times mentions Prince Rupert as one of three places on the British Columbia coast where processors of fish products on a large scale are concentrated. Prize $2; Second Priie $1.5 iiunnDouna tms morning was returned home on last night's Announcement We will be closed from August 16 to September 3 Inclusive. CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Mr. Justice S. J. Sheppard oflPratt' EuBene. Oregon; Major irain alter a holiday at Fran Calgary, a member of the Sup- Darry- Vancouver; j. v. cols Lake. Mrs. John Weise and any variety, prize donated by Buckerfields', ,bs or bulbs, to the value of $ 2.51 Class 4 SWEET PEAS any color. reme Court of Alberta. He is ""e1". Vancouver, w. n. uay, The other places are Vancou two other daughters will be re turning later. making the round trip on the' vancouver; Mr. ana Mrs. A. B. vessel. ' I Morgan, Juneau; K. J. Fitz- ver and Victoria. p Merchandise, donated by Brown Bros. Irrhandise, donated by David Spencer Ltd. n.iB'bbons, Vancouver; J. E. Wood, Dr. nr and 0,4 w Mrs. . J. t n D. Galbraith iu T W'A. ev. ' Class 5 GLADIOLAS and two children returned to , , . ' . BUTTERFLY NYLON HOISERY don, Emtoers; c W Kullam Vancouver; J. Grosman, Tor any color. i S3 Cash; Second Prise $2 Cash. iBIENMALS AND PERENNIALS ENTRY FORM N.B.C. Agricultural Association's CIVIC CENTRE FAIR and CARNIVAL the city by air Thursday afternoon from Ottawa where they have spent the last few weeks. Dr. Galbraith Is director of the Miller Bay Indian hospital. onto; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Sass, Kwinitsa. NOTICE MEMBERS OF Y.P.A., HAZEL- Name mfM v Vrf WEEK-END EXCURSIONS to Terrace and Lakeise by Kaien :es. Sec. 5 One Lily, any variety. lS 6 Three Phlox, mixed Spirca or any variety. 7 Any other Biennial .liiam. or Perennial. SJCash; Second Prize $1.50 Cash !i 7-IIOl'SE PLANTS Address TON We are now collecting $1 HORTICULTURAL SHOW for our new hall fund in care of Johnny Moore, secretary, or Joe Smith, president, Box 41, Hazelton. (103) Island Stages Ltd. Terrace return $3.45. Lakeise return $4.20. Bus leaves Prince Rupert 7:30 a.m. each Sunday. For tickets and reservations call 99 ,or 229. (tf) Mr. and Mrs. George Bever-idge of Kamloops are visiting in the city as guests of their Aotc Available! Sec. 5 Fuschla. 6 Cactus or Succulent. 7 Any other Foliage plant. 8 Any other Flowering plant. SALT LAKES FERRY SCHEDULE Dally except Mon. & Tues. Leave Cow Bay Floats . son-in-law and daughter, Mr. IrUlash: Second Prize $2 Cash rv v and Mrs. Francis W. Stone. On Class Section Nature of Exhibit I i i t t MISCELLANEOUS 1 a motor trip from their south Wed., Thurs., Frl. 2:30, ay ol Sec. 3 Most unusual dis 4:30, 6:30, 7:10. New Stock of Saturday Every hour SKIRTS HLOUSES from 10:30 a.m. Sunday Continuous from play (flowers, ber-l F.uers rles, fruit). 4 Corsage Bouquet, firh section 82; Second Prize J 1.58 MHILDREN'S SECTION fftion of Sec. 3 Best Collection of 10 a.m. Last boat return 9:30 p.m. ern-interior home, Mr. and Mrs. Beveridge stopped at Lakeise Lake for a few days where they were the guests of Mrs. E. T. Kenney. Mr. and Mrs. Stone met them in Terrace Monday and returned to the city with them yesterday. Mr. Beveridge was one time accountant of the local branch of the Bank of Montreal and later manager at Terrace. He Is now manager at Kamloops. Adults 50c. Under 16, 25c rs. Wild Grasses. f ctiun of COATS KIDDIES' SNOW SUITS CARDIGANS and PULLOVER SWEATERS on or about August 15 Moore's 206 6th Street Return All schedules weather permitting. Inquiries 123 Taxi LOOK FOR TOT NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL HOMEUOOKING (rich section $1:50; Second Prize $1 flaw 10 VEGETABLES . Class Nature of Exhibit r manner of display optional , . ; s Sec. 6 Chard. . 8 Lettuce. 9 Beans, any variety, in seeds, donated bv frnvsand Bros: WIIATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarcinif QUICK SEHVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies TOPS IN KITCHEN UTENSILS! See the new "Thermic Ray" stainless steel saucepans with copper bottoms for quicker, even heat, plastic handles and knobs, balanced weight and streamline design. The only copper bottom stainless steel utensils with "Vapor Seal Lids." JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenu r - . . .. V. V M 1 1 ?T COLLECTION OF VEGETABLES "; Second Prize $3; Third Prize $2 S-HOTHOISE OR COLD FRAME j '6 or more). AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHY Class Nature of Exhibit COTTAGE CHEESE , New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY I ! Your Dally , ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I "lie $2; Second Prize $1.50 11 Prize S3: Sernnrf Pri.. t pARDEN CONTEST (judging on Points) "u uver. 2sn fpt Hnrt over. 3100 feet and over. 13 In ol gar- :its. NOW MAIL OR BRING TO SECRETARY, CIVIC CENTRE IS THE TIME FOR EVERY GOOD MAN TO COME TO THE AID OF HIS FAMILY Mi Bride Street Phone 311 Up-keep of walks 20 I D Form, Color, Substance and Abundance of Bloom, Foliage and Stem 20 points. E Cultivation of soil and freedom from ttppHs 9n nnlntfl By CHICK YOUNG -Sneaky of 'Em, Isn't It? BLONDIE iind Color f points. I ' I I ,. ! , i. ,,I 1 I I .Mill: .A,. . 'I PROVIDE FOR THEIR COMFORT THIS WINTER BY INSTALLING A NEW FURNACE! THOM SHEET METAL LTD. lit PAGVOOD, rVrTUFPC II1 '- A m IBM AP - IKI THFIB iii Prize HO; Second Prize $5 JlBlTORS PLEASE NOTE: , ..-luiuillUUO ViVlIUlllg, Ctli. " f 8 of blooms in a container constitutes a 253 East First Ave. FAWCETT DEALER Black 884 ale flowers, mal-formed blooms, spotting "uulners must be clean, with labels washed "l be refused. 'ntered with P responsibility for the exhibits. i v, l" r M- TUESDAY, AUGUST 24 WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25 Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 NEW ROYAL HOTEL A Borne Away From Home ' 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone 2S1 P.O. Box 198 ExhlbltS AUGUST 23 AND 24 h 3. Pie. 4. Cnokips 5 Prncprvps leach f.i c . . 1 WAfCBUP V POWN THERE" '( STOCKING FEET ) (THEReS A BURGLAR ucaq HEAR ) ( ,TS so QUIETf ' MPi Mm Ia Giving the Little Yoman a Break. "" ; 1 if ' , I k iiv . aecna rrize 2. ft" MONDAY, AUGUST 23, 2-5 P.M. AUGUST tography Contest, 21 Til 2i lze $3. Sernnrf ti l. pnze $3. Second $2. c w. ' second $2. Show-Special Prize $5. or more pictures on a panel advertising special Pri s f RIO AY Auntie . . It's th e Rex Cate j& , ... for Tasty Meals ChopSuey O ChowMein lJQBf0 X Chinese Dishes a Specialty Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7 :00 a.m. to 3:30 a m. l " ""mounted. The pictures must be "J CAniDHOr iES)EuISTRICTS' INCLUDING NATIVE Fta Will D r.- ...... STFQR REFERENCE