NewUn,th(Gvr(,Pi Jciymont Park prince Rupert Daflp r3etts Friday, August 5, 1949 Malaria Control in Turkey '"" LOOKING BACK "1 Ray Reflects . r. ... and Reminisces Club, took kr . 1' V, &n tndepcQdeat omMWt tfewiwa to ne upbuilding of Prtna Rupen ud alt communities cpmpr northern and cenfrai British Columbia lAutlywiced u Second Clan Mali. Post Office Department. Ottawa) f Published rrer afternoon except Sunday by Prln oe Rupert Daily New Ltd., rd Arenue. Prince Rupert. Brltlah Columbia. -Vancouver d,.' vage Co. Q. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. Prince Rupert. "Tramp! Tramp! Tramp! The River wheat fields. Meanwhile, Girls Are Marching" . . . with the grain elevator at Prime Ru- SUBSCRIPTION RATES Oity carrier. Per Week. 2Pe; Per Month, 75c: Per Tear, M 00. By Mall, Per Month, 60c; Per Tear. 5.00 I August 5, 1939 A man received sentence of j three years Imprisonment and planned t itls,. all . . t( l a erand climax to Spokane! I pert will keep on waiting, seeing "'s ana SUv he first fifty years are the , jq lashes from County Court at cow Bay. rj a .iff i i i was in charge Ontario Wei. hardest. i Jutlfie W. E. Fisher and a second two years in jail after pleading July 28 was the thirty-fifth guiity to a charge of attempted It does not mean, when the last ballot Is counted and the success of winning candidates icome, WGVSI confirmed, that the election is anniversary oi tne start oi uie arnied robbery oi a nsning camp actually completed. A weighty First 'Great War and It's been a ; a, parry Pass. fob confronts the men stationed: different world ever since. In j at, the Chief Electoral Officer's ' Sarajevo, June 28, the shooting j The international Fisheries warehouse in Ottawa. It is to of an Austrian dignitary and his j commission announced that the them the hundreds of sacks of wife saw war on Siberia a month j Area two halibut season would ballots are sent by returning of- later and, by August 4, the most ! ciuse m, July 29. Clea ft ) of Europe and Great Britain i ... NAVY is always welcome in Prince Rupert THE and that goes particularly today for H.M.C.S. Ontario, the sleek cruiser which is the senior vessel on the Pacific Coast. It is a pleasure to have Capt. H. F. Pullen and his officers and men here. We trust that their visit will be a pleasant one. For the next three days Prince Rupert will take on again that aspect of the war days when H.M.C.S. Chatham was in its heyday and the Navy was really in "control." To many of us nostalgic recollections of those strenuous, often tragic but not altogether unpleasant days will he recalled. v.ere fighting. None then, could Tne Alaska Highway Coniniis- ficers in 260 constituencies and all this must be sorted into electoral districts. A tedioua and painstaking business, no less. Stressing a "new outlook" in international health, the, lN. World Health Organization (WHO) is now attacking international health problems with tactics based an preventive rather than curative techniques. Here, under the guidance of a WHO Malaria Engineer assisting the Turkish Malaria Services, workmen spray insecticide for have forestall the future. Whatj giun wmcft was seeking to select did happen was even ; the n)ost feasible road route to imagination. j Alaska, sat at the City Hall and The terrorism the world was to j heard representations for u west- PRICEStT BUY KB know had not yet been invented, j erjy route from civic and tiusl- mosquito control in a swamp near a town in the province of Aukara. it-- Economic discussions today stem planned, not to simplify, but to baffle even further, those who would like to comprehend what it's all about. Take, for ness leaders. It was In Buskatoon we first We "do not see the Navy as much these days as ! rp,' met M. A. Burbank, later to be assigned to Prince Rupert iu the A letter from The King Uiem fur tlalr co-operation example, international exchange. w i ailway service, and, who at that time, had supervision of grade iuring the Royal lour of Can-, ada was read to Canadian Le- MEN'S WOltK To $4.50-Now M..N ! HKKSS To Sl.Wf Nuw MKVS GABARIHM, To $13.50 Nu VOl SO MKVS Ti, SLA( KS To SUa. Now . It, like private outlay, rests on a changeless principle. You cant spend more than you earn and feel comfortable. As the Immortal Mr. Micawber observed in "David. Copperfield" "An income of 20 and expenditure of bullding a few miles out from ; BU)I1 mcmbers at their uionUily town. One sunny Sunday he In-j uiet,ting n Was to bo framed vited friends to dinner at hi ; or display in the Legion Hall, camp, Incidentally mentioning1, ll : I t' : f 16:19:6 meant happiness, while he had the best cook on the prairies. All who were fortunate enough to be guests could well believe it. Each had a wild duck an Income of 20 and an ouUay of 20:0:8 meant misery." That's August 5, 1924 MEN'S SPORT SHIP Washable Ts 85-Now MEN'S SPORT SHI1 1 yet the bird was but a modest just about what it bolls down to i Fred Stork. Member of Par-: part of what was a under canvas. banquet iiament for gr.,.,.na said in a' - letter that the government's Washable To H. A physician, practising in the ARCTIC PRIEST RETURNING Thirty-five year old Rev. Joseph Buliard, a French member of the Oblate Order, has. worked among the Eskimos north of Churchill, Man., for most of the eight years he has spent in Canada. He is shown in front of plan to build a grain elevator United States says singing al- j ways Increases blood pressure, i No mention Is made as to the i BEVIN AND CR1PPS at Prince Rupert was meeting his mission in winter. TO VISIT CANADA with strong opposition from the Conservative side of the House. J Identity of the person affected.! Now MEN'S UAHARbIM Il.B., Latest, Ptrftc To $ MEN'S WORSTID D.B.. All-Wool, Ptr To $17.50 No MEN'S SOX-Ford cellor, said when women sat in With dedication by Mayor S.M. LADIES MAY (Continued trom Vage 1) O T T A W A Rt. Hon. Ernest ! Bevin, British foreign stcretary.j and Sir Stattord Cripps, Chan-i the cabinet they often provided The P.G.E. Railway will be pushed through from Quesnel to Prince George for the money is we might like to. True other ships do come to the north coast but some of them seem to miss the real metropolis of the area. Come again, Ontario, and more often and bring your smaller colleagues of the fleet with you! PROTECTION OR PRESTIGE THE EXACT amount of money to be spent by the United States on arms aid for Europe is less important than the dispatch which Congress can move to provide that aid. Instead of that dispatch, it seems, that Congress is engaging in a deal of bickering. To vote every last cent of the $1,450,000,000 asked by Truman would not make western Europe aggression-proof It is now evident that the program Ts going to be cut. However, it is to be hoped that the actuating factor may still be western security rather than domestic political prestige that compromise will be the watchword on both sidesof the debate. Certainly there is the need, as Truman s,ays, for keeping up the "momentum" in American f or-- eigit policy which was started with the overwhelming bi-partization ratification of the Atlantic Pact. "h debate in Congress might well present to thejvvoi-ld a completely false picture as to American ' unijvjacrr of-the pact unless the political realities are! accurately calculated and handled in a states-like1 wa v. - i I -i In sight and that ought to mean cellor of the Exchequer, are ex-a linking up with the Peace pected to visit Canada this fall work. From, Pair the answers to practical questions. "It was the women to whom we all turned," said Lord Jowitt. "She knew the answer and the men did not." . Women may now sit in the Commons and the Cabinet 'and married for 35 years and the father of a son and two daughters. He said It is out-of-date to suggest that admission of women would Imperil the dignity of the House because they might "by powers of fascina I . 'Z11,.Z- r "f f N BOYS' SCHOOL Sli To Sl.!5-No A MurKK.VTF, FURNITUIIK LT1V AUOOI) PI.A( KT( llt'Y SPECIAL Continental Bed. Full Sire. Kestmure flat rilihon sprint, full sixe. Ace spnm fill mattress, full site $71.1)0 Bee- our carpets Jist arrived Phone 175 327 Jrd Avenue BOYS' SPORT SHi To $2.25 Now BOYS' ANKLE Ml To 50c Now represent the King as diplomats abroad: In the present parliament, there are 22 women mem- Dfrs.ui ine vumiiioiis. j "j i tion beguile some of your Lordships into the wrong lobby." Amid Jaughter, he added: "This house is not primarily a club, which in the Pall Mall sense may be defined as a vol untary association of persons BOYS' PANTS it choose for Mhwi Good fit and sell From LADIES' ANKU To 50c Now, Pii LADIES' STOTKII To 55c Now I IIII.U S ANKLFI To 40c Now iom h. BULGER ' 3PTOMETRLST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue determined not to associate." Eighty-five-year-old Viscount Cecil of Chelwood wanted to know -"why on earth" women should be excluded. "We have 4iad five queens who have shown capacity at Sparkling White Tab! WELCOME FEDERAL HELP K ' ' ' i Linen . . . thanks to RECKITT'S Blue! V federal aid least as high as that of any j man,' he said. "It is fantastic J to say you cannot find a woman ; fit to sit in the House of Lords." j Viscount Jowitt, Lord Chan-1 T&E'SUM of $1,200,000 is proposed a: as I for the extension' of the Pacific Gr r 9 . .'.. Ireat Eastern Your precious while table linen . . PS i ft s J 1 your white sheets, towels and clothe: Railway northward from Quesnel. It will be a wel- BALAGNO Florist Phone Green 781 Bo 1193 At I TIRS YFU OW when you use Reckitt's Blue. And it's so easy . just a quick swish or two of Keckitt's 3 Blue in your nnul rinsing water does the trick! Us: a Reckitt's Blue Rinse to make your crystal and The iiiiiil ( ity of Itritif-h uluiitlia Imilfn Von 'Yo llrijiii Your Higher Kilucatlon at VICTORIA COLLEGE n .ijjiliutittti II ilh 1'ithcr.sity oj B.C. ;lass sparkle too! K 3 conlift, as Premier Johnson has said. More, no doul)t, will be forthcoming when the line is continued on northward from Prince George to the Peace River which is even the more important aspect of the whole extension scheme. r It is to be noted with satisfaction that one of the i points which Premier Johnston continually maes in connection with the P.G.E. extension project is that it will make possible the shipment of Peae River grain to Prince Rupert the natural coastal outlet. 7 colours enmhiue to make hilt, Om of ibest it lilm. blue ttiuit be added make true W bile. U f""li'I Knjoy tlirr many !vuntf;: Sttiallrr IarM'P altiuiny krsiuial iuli ill mil ul li'iil iim. I iltrary uikI liihurulirirH Kir4'ilirHlly d('riyn-(l Tor !t antl 2ml 'iif t iiclfnt. ;mh iMiariliiift Iiuhm'8. Slutrl ilKluftrt'M. I'rrirrtt you for nl ru nee 1m ."trl rr Arls, hi-it'iiiM'ti, I .ommi'rcr. 2 yiir raru- lory o .Mcliiu, Dent ixt ry l.iiw, inrliiii, Arirutturr, Optometry, !tir)iii ami I year preparatory Applin) Srirnre. IVrm :Splimlirr 15, 1 19, to April 2, W'A). rVrito '"Kefsilrar" irtoriu oll -i-, tctoria. It - 4 1. for Utnlat. Sttttlent prepare! nl I irloria iUUe$e rnrrt the require fiifrifs o Mifher Ldtuutittn etftutlty uitii 4hoe premred mt the I nhersity. ANYTIME to : CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us- inspect, repair and rlf your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We also specialize In repair ! sutlers, down pipe and roofing. eB3M78IMEB See the NEW 111"' Wheelbase INTERCITY CHIMNEY Free Estimates Phone Red 141 Reason Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All WurkG LpiyiHOlllIl COMPLETELY REBUILT OR REMODELLED All T) 3-Pass?nger Coupe 2-I)oor Sedan 5-Passertger Suburban wuautus srvPMES FOR A f HINTING lour living room suite can be made to look like new. vVe bejin at the framework, re-lie springs, and supply STATION I RV F0' ChooKe your flirl-s frrni (our complete ranite of Humplm. I'Mny puyiniiit terms GRKFTING lA new neavy wehbmg and lining, The first shipment, of these models has just arrived, ancl can be seen at . ; . PENS AND MATSON'S DIBB PRINTING C Blue 818 IPIIOLSTERINO Rupert Motors Ltd. P.O. Box 62G (182) BERNER BLOC.'i Pry Lumber TVifr Cftnw riltH Adam Swire. Int. ' 1 I I t i "You would pick a sitter that goes to sleep!" Planed as required No. 1 & 2 4,000 FBM 4" EVERYONE Doesn't Get Two Weeks With Pay' but you can give your wife a "once - a - week holiday" by .... arranging for regular dinner dates at the . . . Bhiplap or Boards Del'd Rupert $ ORDER A BONDED ROOF TODAY! PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST5 $43.00 45.00 50,00 55.00 ' STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A M. NOON T 6UNDAY8 AND HOUDAY3-12 7 P.M. TO 9 P M. bW!' " " .. . 12,000 FBM 6" ' 4,000 FBM 8 "xlO" " " 5,000 FBM 12" " " " Lengths 8' to 20' Heavy 18s Copper River. Mills TERRACE, B.C. We are Bonded Agents for Alexander Murray Roofing '.: ; Fifteen and Twenty Year Bonds ; Tar and Gravel or Asphalt Roofa Any Type of Roof Repair Ask for Estimates jrHOM SHEET METAL LIMITED 253 FIRST AVENUE BLACK 884 EmerBci.w . j - it n r,l. Dally car delivery service from 0 a.m. till 6 p.m. and Sun' Civic Centre Dining Room , For Reservations add Chicken In The Rough Vhone Red 705 se0e'ee-eee.,m . f, g rrMmt,mt,tm.mmm.. (182t