'TvC prince tlupcrt Dailr) I3cte3 Friday, August 5, 1949 MARKETS -i - r ::ir'-'f. " 1 ' ' f'' - V 'at' ' ' a DeLuxe Quality, lb. '. ..1.14 Cherries, lb 3 Juices Cherries, crate 645 32 iui:iai.ora, u-0, ta 13 za-uz. 34 eallon ' .5 Raspberrv. 24-oz- .39 Blackberry. 4-lb 77 Cherry. 24-oz 54 Peach, 4 lb - Apricot, 4-lb. Soups Canned Soups 13 to 33 Meats Chicken, lb. .. ...U , 'Apple, 20-oz. tin. 2 for .29 48-oz .34 '55 i Canned Fruits 'on : PlnAannl nt'iiuHnft 4 urapes. jd Apricots. 2 lb. '. rresh Fruit Banana, lb ADoles. cooking, lb. Lemons, large Cal., doz Grapefruit, Calif., 3 for .... Oranges (Navel) 2i- Dates, 2 lb Vegetable Celery, lb Rhubarb. 2 lb.' . j I -r t , -' . .... v ................ . i' . ' I !, .. i f 1 boned and rolled, lb. ..- Mi 57 neces, u-oz 1 ;a'"' ao Aoricots. 2U-oz. SS'Harn, reg. lb - TA 1 f I I J I 3i)i Baloena. lb. fv;4 -'-I l lfA 5 . 4. S U 1 Cherries, lancy. 20-oz jl j Loganberries, 20-oz .... j5j Peaches, choice 15 i Lard .15i Pure, "lb .07 j Shortening .27 tap LBeets. bunch .. .4! .. .m .42 uu ... .7J . :'M .. .5 .. .70 it 37 j Werners, lb. w ! Garlic Sausage, lb... j Bacon, pkg., V lb. ... , ' Bacon, side, piece ... 24 Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb. .. I Spare Ribs, lb JO 'Fresh Pork Ham, lb- rarsiey. ouncn - Turnips, It) Spinach 2 lb Radishes, bunch 08 1 Doap, lace, Dar Laundry, ealte 2 for Green Onions. 3 bunches 20 Soap Powders, larv .30 Pork Sausaee. lb. . you're absolutely right. It Is vacation time now , , . but In a few months cold wathr will be here attain and you want to be prepared with a afe warmth-giving COAL supply. CALL 651 TODAY! PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED Lumber Huilding Supplies I Steak. T-Bone lb ,35 Ktenk. round, lb. ... .39 Pork Tenderloin, lb. M ft Vs! LONDON V At the cntu3 i- faJ Clare HuSt Cherries. V, in. pkt Almond Paste, lb Coconut, lb Fruit Cake Mix. lb Dates, fancy, 1 lb. pkt. Seedless Haisins. 2 lbs. Seeded Raisins. 1 lb Shelled Walnuts, i lb. Shelled Almonds, 6 oz.. Shelied brazils. lb. . Jams fore Strawberry, 24-oz Musnroorns. lb Bd Head Lrttuce 10 Cooking Onions. 3 lbs 29 Cabbae, lb 07 Tomatoes, No. 1 lb 30 New Potatoes. 10 lb .59 Green Peppers, lb 42 Cucumbers, each- 10 Vegetable Marrow, each 15 Canned Vegetal, les Dill Pickles, gal 1.79 Cut Green Beans, Icy. .2(1 No. 5 Peas, fancy 20 Mixed Vegetables 23 Diced Beets, per tin 14 Wax Beans, choice 19 .21 May. 11,873,950 radio licencrj .47 39 were current In the United King- - .45 dom an Increase of 50,950 bvej .48 Apr". LONOB FOR 8HININQ JOB VANCOUVER W Twenty W PATTERN I (P-Blonde Joan, was ykich Mijced Pea and Carrots 19 ie Second World PumpUin. 2 for 25 CLEANING UP" ON BERLIN'S COAL SHORTAGE One of the major worries of Berliners in Uie western zone may again be the heating of their homes In winter. Last winter due to the Russian blockade the alllea wera able to distribute only 40 pounds of coal to each family But there's at least one who hopes that the blockade continues John Klatt, the nine-year-old dead-end kid who ha been profiteering on the coal crista. He's the'grostliandler" who buys coa from the "glaneri" who scavenge the trac k between Tempelhof airfield and the huge coal from the "gleaners" who scavenge the trac area. The photo on the left shows young Master Klatt (centre), smoki; one of his customary cfeareU, transacting a deal for coal with two members of his gang. Of late their operations have gone past the gleaning stage and the kids, ranging up to 15 years old, actually get aboard the trains and heave their loot on to the tracks. The right-hand photo shows one of the gang flipping coal to his waiting colleagues while on the lookout for the armed guards who have been stationed on the trains. Klatt hires them on a percentage basis and then resells the coal at a aood profit. Dodging school when he can on a "good" day he makes 11 marks. . Baked eBans, 20-oz. tin 22 five-year-old Jackie Kennedy a blonde Texan, is anxious to resume she-shinlnR. She's flipped a polishing rag In Calgary, Winnipeg and me United States cities. Since sickness liaked clsans. 15-oz. tin. ea. .21 LULMi.Li f.lAriGARItJE r--t of her family Nuw die's set-mi in her family She returned re. ulyinj! law at the Tomatoes, 28-oz .23 Fresh Milk Quart ? .22 Pint forced her out of her own busi I'aris. ness last year, she has had to content herself with restaurant and industrial jobs. Cream. V uint Ken Large, cartoned, doz. Medium Butter First Gratie. io Margarine, lb Milk Evatiorated Milk, , 16-oz. tins, 2 lor .. K CIIKESE i ill Fresh Made 3'IN DAIRY ir Dally flIEK SERVICE HOW CAN I ? By ANNE ASHLEY yase ' ' d ' t -it Canadian Chese.S1b. Flour Pastrv Flour. 7 lbs .. Q. How can I take precautions against receiving a shock when using any household electrical device? A. Never operate any of the household electrical devices, or Flour, 49 s. No. 1 hard wheat 3 65 ROYAL a nutritious all-purpose favorite , , . Flour. 24 s .. 1 69 Tea and Coffee Coffee, lb 6fi TEL Advertise in tnt Lany News! RHEUMATISM ARTHRITIS INTERESTING DOCTOR'S BOOKLET fW TO SUFFERERS JERSEY CITY. N. I., U. S. A. - Ao f imcmiifig liiklora bouUIrt hat ju been published encided "Rtliet from Muwular Aihca and Paint in Khruma-tim mid Arihriin.' It tooiaini reliable iiituraiaiiiMiiio turret t diet, proper balh-iiiK and ewriiM, hrat ami light therapy, St well at tin- darker aignt ul iht dt. tut. Thi buukUrt it t(red mtf. u MHUrara bii tuf(r latu. If you a, iiiirrcuixi in quitk relief fniai paia, Mttilwii and ttiMneta of rheuanuun and arilirmt tend your same and ad-dratt Ui tdutaiional Divituin Dept.. . ., MO Htrjftn Avenue, ferny Lily, N. J., L. . A., (or yuut t Kt topK. ven turn on the switch, if the' STEEL LANDING MATS hands are wet. And when turning on a switch of some device, or of an electric light, use just one hand. Keep the orher hand free from any metallic contact. jay From Home I i-Hiit and Cold Q. How can I make candles fit ! later I' RUPERT, B C. ( 4 p.o. Box iea ) f:::iffl:::miiffl l: into the holders, when the candles are a little too large? A. Hold the candle In hot water for a short time and it' can easily be pressed to fit the candlestick. This is better than Idway shaving it with a knife. Q. What can I do with cream that will no wthip? t P A C F CARRY A TUNE WHEREVER m 1 I . J: . nir i in j uili i . . -m. 1 i-iit .1 ?' J$ S vHI U A. Try adding the white of an 3 i -3. v,- egg to It. Chill both the cream and the eag thoroughly, then': YOU GO... with this , . l" thick whip them together. Sizes 3x12' z "LH r" ----- 4 Mi - . . 1 FOOD Suitable for Fences, Skylight Protectors, Reinforcing1, Itoad Building:, Cattle Guards, Dyking. Priced to Sell. ,. . Write for Blue Prints and Full Particulars ATLAS IRON & METALS Ltd. 250 Prior St., Vancouver WAGNER, STEIN & GREENE CO. 1832 Store St., Victoria PRINCE Ri'PERT Sl'PPLY IIOL'SE 712 2nd Ave., Prince Rupert COOKING TIMIIDR 8 41.1, X4::fl.- SEALED TENDERS will be received Dy the Minister of Forests at Victoria. B C, not later than 11 a n, on the 23rd day of August. IB49. for the purchase of Licence X47305. to cut B.271.000 f.bm. of Balsam. Hemlock. Spruce, and Cedar on tbe west shore of Kildala Arm.' south of Indian Reserve No. 4, Range 4. Coast Land District. .Six years wUl be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B. C, or District Forester, Prince Kupert, B. C. H) I PAINT-UP TIMrS--HoIldays are now on but the average Canadian homemakfcf will soon be cleaning the house from top -io bot-torn before the long winter months. Summer clothe are cleaned and stored, before moths have a chance to get at them and the riome In general takes on a fresh new appearance after the cleaning and paint-up Jobs. Painting the kitchen chair, as this lady Is doing, is a job that is done in many a household. jN-s A hperiaJty ,,-JlOME ORDERS irVE t0 im. to 1 a.m. C DIFFERENT! 1 Our COMBINATION IKAK JIER TODAY l -By CHIC YOUNG BLONDIE -Daisy's Problem Child. Steamship Movement Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS Itf - RCA VUtor BP-6C rcaVictor Portable this What Is wrong with 1. home sentence? "He arrived at about ten o'clock." 2. What Is the correct pronun elation of 'obligatory"? .. . fr"- 7GS 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Troubadour, triv Extra range and power are your with the RCA Victor BP-tC inujng aensitivity, plenty of vol- ume even for outdoor darning. That hjnJwime case ii of plattic and lightweight aluminum with f MK-ii.il, weatlier-retittant finish. Playi on its wlf-vontained battery the tecond you lift the dial rover, or am AC-DC huc current. It's a star performer with tlie marvel- iality, trouseau. 4. What does the word "alter native'' mean? For Vancouver Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. Thursday--. Prince Rupert 11:15 p.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. From Vancoi.icr Sunday s.v. Camosun, 11 p m Wednesday ss Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.m from Alice Arm and Stewart Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Fall Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 10 a.m. For Ocean Ful.s Thursday ss. Prince Rupert. 11:15 p.m. 5. What is a word beginning with gr that means "vividly )uTL described"? Answers "ililiiliiii'i'''"! r nn " 13F TF1 ( VOU HAV8 JUST i I Hfi-'JsAt t - r three minutes i 'aVY-; Vtir. IukJL-iX i wm rjMi feSSs J. m ;. - . T I -jt-J . rn lr-.... And No Beefing, Bumstead! ' " -, illiPPliiiiiliiliHl' . rjl ,-"JllllHililff111" . WHAT k:W3 OP S. ' fTXTnToi CnoO wF have THE ) L TthC BUTCHER SAVS ,i ( MEAT WOULD N )7p VTHER HAV V BaVhEP NIC6.FR6SH ( WXO THE .j, (vOUO VMAUBUtT BATHER HAVE J XOFAB PEVA!kE (CV,TAMBrV HALIBUT THAT UN A Jt DE Afi?? f SOAST ( BOAST YOUR HUS6AND ) ' 1 MOMENT ' r y.'J v " ' Sbeef Sbeef likes, mps yTtyiv SXL. j trti. k a tm m . wu . i - j- - .-. . -i , . Cirii ki for a Bemnstratioi 1.. Say, "He arrived at home about ten o'clock." 2. Pronounce ob-lie-a-to-ri, first o as in on, both l's as in it, a as In McRae Bros. :iey1 ask unstressed, second o as in no, and accent first syllable. 3. Cl uos.seau. 4. An offer of .two hings. "If this demand is re fused, the alternative is war.'' Lewis. 5. Graphic. ii S10 W A A NEW HOME Deserves the Best xWe tpeciallre in v high quality VANCOUVER . VICTORIA Sunnyeide Up, Dagwood! Diamond rings. Every diamond guaranteed perfect. See our display! of moderately priced rings ond get a new illustro.ed folder. , . SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala " Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOB SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 29 . FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Coquitlam, August 5 and 13 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent , 1 servicemen "ory-approved ',. . fctory--'d. ... and Hlr" . . . " aat you yuu better. ARKER ) Iff?' ( If yJ- ' 1 supe, BLONoe-) rftTi , - -y l J S hepe - catch y U-T- ( what's the J . teciBS5 nWTn: FOR BUILDING SUPPLIES AND ESTIMATES . " PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors F'iendly Service'' Third Avenue Phone 568 83