a. Vtlnti nupett Dang J3ctef Friday, August 5, 1949 i1tfl pill ai h.?' tJ?'t f 7 I"" lum- Mrs- R d o 1 p h 0 1 s e n and J Tho rvlC,t by ":aehter, Margaret, are leaving on a trip to Vancouver. on the Prlnce Geor Everything for Building Lumber or all kinds Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Cedar and Asphalt Shingles, Plasterboard, Wall-boards. Fir, Cedar and Birch Plywood, Cement, Brick, Plaster, etc. ALBERT & MeCAFFKKY LIMITED or a montn's holiday trip to 1 Th- r,FMf Matihrw 4amt VrW. tme. V S Kenneth Razzel, assistant su- pertntendent of sales and traf- "c lor Canadian Pacific Air Lines, arrived in the city Thursday afternoon from Vancouver on a business trip to the company's local office. Al Potter ,who has been second officer on the Canadian Pacific Air Lines flight between I Prince Rupert and Sandspit,, Mt Thursday to work out of Edmonton. He was reniarrri i,v nnh il PHONE 116 Roth, of Vancouver. I A. O. Fanks, pioneer printer Negotiating for the purchase and Publlsher of this city, is of Harold Smith's taxi business "Pendln8 a we( here. He drove there, Robert Elkins and James iln 2" 6unday irom Fraser Lakt Irvine of Prince Rupert were ' 8 w111 meet Mrs' Franks' who visitors in Terrace this week k arrlvin8 on tne Catala to-Mr. morrow evening from Galiano Elkins Is now manager at In a drawing conducted by the Amalgamated Civil Servants of Canada the prize-winners were: first prize, steam Iron, William O.sborne, No. 627; second, hostess set, J. Pope, No. 327; third prize, decanter and glasses. Oust Ross, No. 73. K. Kazzel, L. R. Wicks, R. Joyce, Mr. Turcotte, H. Jackson. From Sandspit J. Htlchcock. Miss E. Strong, Miss I. Strong 5ENGERS tt air C" I. M. Oicov, Jj. iry. John Har- AMis. H. Mar- Mi.,. C. Nelson. G L. Han.s.stn. r II. A. Gould,1 uk. L. W. Mur-j "We were hoping you'd give $100.00 to help build up the playground next door!" CUTCOMBE, Somerset, Eng. fl) A chicken hatched here had four legs and two heads. It DUNS TABLE, Bedfordshire. Eng. P A truck on fire rolled down an Incline here, hit a furniture van and set it alight. jtwir, L. Hatton,1 Miss B. Tullis. ( ' 1 II : l 1 1 iirmiitimnhi fiiiiiwiiiiiiilliiwliiiiiil STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. : For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDMGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. lJ&on'f Vouch deuit - I Juit Vuxn Jevt! ' Use Ordinary Paper Bag ; Dry OdorlcM McBride Street Phone 311 in advance. Please refrain from wora per insertion, minimum uaras oi i nanus, ucim nonces, Engagement Announcement; fi. DOUBLE PRICE gptHMIUlI Fashion -Craft Made to -Measure ii i T S 20 :, DISCOUNT From Now Until Aujf. 15 GUARANTEED SAVINGS , OF FROM $15-00 TO $20-00 i I H GHdden Paints : FOR ALL PURPOSES BLl'E 846 SAANIfH PLUMBING AND HEATING Representing: G. H. Wood & Co. Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. SUPPLY HOUSE, LOST AM) FOl'Nl) LOST Grucn wrist watch, name Armand engraved on back. Keward. Heturn to Daily News. U85 WAINTEU WANTED-Couple no children, would like small furnished aiHtrtnient or what have you. Auplv Box 559, Daily News Oince. (183) WAN TED 3 roomed suite for family with children, wife leaving hospital soon. Desperate. Plume Blue 849. (183) IHSINE!7PPOR1TMTIES FOR SALE Delivery business with two trucks. For Information call 383. (tf) . WOK WANTED WORK WANTED Olrl wants housework Live In. Write Box 63, City. (183) sJlVL. : $7.95 ! - attiV- Vn- SOEASYTOUSE I EASTERN PRAIRIES WIN ONE ROUND OF SEASON A "billion dollar" rainfall recently raised western Canada's hopes for Hie ' 1949 crop. Early warm weather and Increased mechanization allowed a record planting in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatch--ewan,;but lack of moisture brcught threats of drought, grasshoppers nd dust storms. The threat was dispelled by the rain, but spreading- of "hopper poison continued. 1 Prince Rupert of Canada Pack ers wnue Mr. Irvine Is in the service of Home OU Distributors Ltd. Miss Frances Chaplin, a recent graduate of the University of British Columbia in sociology, the Social Welfare department .1 replacing MLss Ellen Kinnaird who la leaving at the end of August to return to the University to work on her master's degree ln social work. Two films, "A Mile Below the Wheat" showing the growing oil Industry near Leduc, Alberta, and "Scotch Whisky," describing the processes ln making that commodity, were shown to the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at ita luncheon meeting Thursdry afternoon. The luncheon was held at the Broadway Cafe and the film showing at the Capitol Theatre. Guests at the meeting were Capt. C. S. Robson and Purser James Mundy of the freighter Nootka, Noman Jensen Seattle, William Trotter, Prince George; Leorgc Long, Victoria, Ted Simmons, Vancouver, Orant Stewart, Prince Rupert, Dan Krlstmanson, Prince Rupert, and Kenneth Hinton, Vancouver. HOTEC ARRIVALS Prince Rupert J. Falres, Vancouver? R. La-Mothe, Vancouver;. F. C. Sice, New Westminster; W. L. Halton, Vancouver; D. J. Dewar, Van couVer; Mr .and Mrs. H. W Fowjer, Vancouver; Mrs. P. Murphy' and children, 'Ketchikan, W. :j. Kelly, Queen Charlotte City; ,K. Raziel, Vancouver; j J. preen; Vancouver; S. W. Mor-tensrn, Vancouver; E. Stoin, &attlc; Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson, Terrace; Mr. and Mrs. R Mallory, Masset; R. M. Clark, Smithers; O. L. Hanssen. Van couver; W. Buchan, Kitwanga; Mrs. M. Sollows, Terrace. ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In tnis commn will be charged for full month it 35c per word Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladles Bazaar, Oct. 28 Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov, 3 Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, Nov- Presbyterian Fall Bazaar. Nov. 17. I.O.D.E. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Not. 26 Saturday. IIKLP WANTI.O unIHELP WANTED Laundry worker AudIv Pioneer Laun- dry Ltd. (tf) Vancouver and the United States. Mrs. E. D. Hcatherington and two children, Leanne and Dennis, after a six weeks' visit here 'with Mrs. Heatherington's mother, Mrs. J. Connery, sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. They will be met in Vancouver by Mr. Heatherlng- ton and will spend a few days there before proceeding to their home in Seattle. Island, and return to Fraser Lake at the first of next week. They are planning to move permanently from Fraser Lake to Galiano. DOROTHY McLEOD K MfiWFP fillFT ,J JHv"LI VULJI A delightful surprise shower , was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Andrew Thompson, in honor of Miss Dorothy McLeod who is to be married to Jack Eastwood to morrow. Co - hostesses were Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. A. Johnson. The evening was spent in playing novelty games and prize winners were Mrs. S. R. Donald son and Mrs. H. S. Parker. Climaxing the e v e n 1 n g's events was the presentation to the bride-:..t(.t of a decorated "Jack Horner Pie" filled with lovely gifts. Following this, delicious refreshments were served with Miss Lorna Donaldson and Mrs. Jack Evans as serviteurs. A beautifully decorated shower cake set off by a dainty bride and groom was cut by the guest of honour. Tnose present besides the guest of honor were Mesdames J. McLeod, J. W. Eastwood, A. Thompson, H. S. Parker, A. Ber-ner, L. W. Kergin, M. Heilbroner, J. Carson, A. S. Mitchell, A. Johnson, S, R. Donaldson, J. Peterson, N. McLeod, J. M. Evans, D. Payne, E. R. Foster, A. Phlllipson. G. Forbes, C. V. Sutherland, A. B. Baillie and F. tomitn, and the Misses' Lorna i Donaldson and Dorothy Kergin. i -'PILES Whrn jron rrmove thf inirrnal nutr ol (', rtbhile rmill. that In.l. limit lh untitle rrnwn for Pyltone'a frrt urrrM. .N mollrr liat von hitvt noil l..r i Iiii lortui. np how. lonj jl.nilini ml hiMxtrn Jniir nie. mol..rn ncirm-p h Hi i-i.. ,-r in li nw I'ylione 'Irraimrnl lliimil liken hy n..Hill, i. r (,, I,,,!,), i-pov. Hi, or ,P pr, r.dm.ir,) lt nce ll.jl. nnr ruiMiil ol Pyllunc'l qunlil I. ii it ill moilrii druggi'ls, VT-i This might happen to us . . . but the customer never loses when he deals at f DAN'S SERVICE STATION "Where the Workingman Gets a Break." McBRIDE STREET Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B C. ami , - 7, r Sanitation for the Nation X -'VJ. - - lived only a few hours. s!f CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block -Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION first Three Weeks in August NEEDS CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES PAINTS SHIT SHI! 7 mje.1 vi'l Mm is payable ,Mhc(ts, 2c per liivil Kill ii Notices aoc, M-irriaue and C1AL DISPLAY. s.r.i' Ftr ,imn;;c lour- ii.iu.m- lor ms- r . 1 102) :w I-ait 5 : U.t. uak (lining Hi ;.UilC Ui.UK 7(iZ.( ( 1831 : .itel radio in - iuw ia.st' ii-mave uanas : soil oand Walnut ,irn at Scrv- li nn lloily- i.S tU ITSIJOIl.-i- -it. 1I8I1 lunl. .b'.im electric elh duwn. also a mouel. 8 1 J . :it orcen ai.. II so' (184i , ' Til tncvclo in f 'ii. 4iu. Apply. 11 nil . .1 hinO-w.r. :l 6D o'ta Ave.! ..,.., ! i,. ,., Apply Aivi R U. I 1831 tiMl'ing boat ". liival power ti lor quick A n e n c I e s, 183 re Jewel oil healer and id suite. 1372 (1841 il Josephine, . net and irol-' cqiiipm'U, irvslcr. Most Owner Irav-to-np l redit liR2) IhniKles sei-f) per bundle. (186) i leu, shotguns, s Ammunition, l-'rt lolders "to Sales Co.. I Ottawa, Out. ' ''195i ! ol line bunt lv fqiiipped. r . u ;, 1 louts. (1861 ,; It (louble-i --now case, 0i ' it. snow lront ami vietable or P Itl'hers Pimm. j0 (1881 an hiuh frame new. Rear soeerl huh I'i miod con-miiward, PO 10 CAP "c Green 716, a ff': (187) Used Furn- 1 111 ntii.innl i " """ivai c " i auu; '"ucs. electric '"'"'ic press f'Hl saws, npu! Heavy 3-ply linoleum used Men's Vt- e h,,.... il fill'V.s. rnrllc "'S. bal.l.lpJ '4 chair I'hairs, etc. 11 lf umitt ure lowest Co.. f:.OWM" 1,,-T, 1,1 1 toll ; i vp v Adam; t l S'.-'tt ,T ''ford , . . . Bros '"unienaiipp . T0l ,f'? 14 Clamshell uranpiog- irrpto mi: Trucks- N.i, v'!,r Stockpile iviee fort- 1 Pllmni- T Scraoers anrl r. tU' "il All steel II'.- WANTED Stenoeraphcr-bookkeepcr. Apply Dr. R. O. Large. " (tf) HELP WANTED Waitress, Broadway Cafe. (tf) HELP WANTED Butcher co-iiiK on holiday, man wanted to relieve him. Apply Rupert Butchers. (tf) (WANTED Taxi despatcher. Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) BOYS WANTED Reliaolc boys di-Hirinv Daily News rouie hhould file their names at the Dailv News Office. Of) FOH RENT Housekeeping room, couple only. 801 Borden St. (tf) FOTl RENT Tourwt accomodation. Red 471. (tf) FOR RENT The new Johnson's electric floor polisher for only $1 a day; Phone 547, Blain Bros. (1841 REAL ESTATE Lot 13, Block 11. Section , Il:in 923 FOR SALE by tender this large lot situated on the corner of th Avpnim nnd Bowser Writ ten offers will be accepted up until the 20lh day of August.! PAPER TOWELS PAPER curs 1 DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS PRINCE RUPER1 712 Second Avenue Thone 633 P. O. Box 77Z-a.L.;T MtVWTPr FRESHER. CZlSrtR, LAMB. FLAK&S YOUIl BE CHAD you changed! Mm-Mm! Really crisp! F re her because tney they're re Kellogg Keltow $ Bran Hran Flakes! Hke! TRY THEM AT NO RISKI Double youf money back if you don't agres Kellogg's ars fresher than other bran flakes. Send empty carton to Kellugj's, Bui 4-A, London, Ontario. HtLPFUl, TOOI Contain the bulk many I to help keep regular. 1 ry them. I f'l I ; 1949 at Central Mortgane and I . Housing Corporation, 3ts0.emcr . ii.. ......... ri B.C. f Tiro a - ; r. ' .itotiAU.. II piantmnj Mother, wows vtfeesr HOURS 1 Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ; Sundays 12 Noon ta2 p.m. r 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE Keep Cool - Live Elvclricalh n HrmiPt- Ri.rppt Vancouver. Bids should be accompanied by a certified cheque for 107r of the amount. Highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. (183) FOR SALE 5 room bungalow, 2 years old, Pembroke bath, 2 bedrooms, glassed in porch, furnished or unfurnished. Also seven-room house with basement, good location. Reasonably priced. See Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342 or Green 297 (evenings). (185) FOR SALEirick and concrete block, 2nd Ave. Apartment, hardwood floors, hot water heat. Store, . full basement. Phone Black 120. (183) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday, August 15th. 1949, for the purchase of Block 9. Subdivision Block "A," Plan 1265, District Lot 361, Plan 96(i, Village of Terrace. Range 5. Coast District, together with improvements and contents. Arrangements to inspect this property may be made with the B. C. Police, Terrace. B. C. HIGHEST or any tender not necessarily accepted. TERMS strictlv cash. O. F. FORBES. Official Administrator, Administrator Estate of George Porter, deceased, Court House. Prince Rupert, B. C. (185) FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING REQUIREMENTS SEE RE6AL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS Electric Fans $12.95 Electric Ranges $229.00 Electric Rangettes S69.00 Electric Ironers $129.50 Electric Floor Polishers $59.50 Electric Washers $148.50 PHONE 79 OP TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty . CHOP SUEY enow MEIN SATIN-GLO VARNISHES ENAMELS Northern B.C. PHONE 210 PRINCE RUPERT THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. . Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 tjn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 17S for Outside Order. I '"'vevors. .'v lrom r Co. Ltd., It Poys to Advertise!