provincial Li:r.:.nY, 113 vicicjua, e. c. onr.iEs DRUGS DailyDelivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S HIWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific PorWTrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PHOHE 81 , VOL. XXXVIII, No. 182. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 5, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS Writes.' Of f .'Nationalist -"-Chi ma-. nifced t Stone Houses on Copper Bitterly Critical White Paper lay be Link to Early Man i i- :r i" vcrv wnicn, ii preliminary reports are JAPANESE TUNA CAUSING WORRY Yugoslavia Is Prepared Marshal Tito Suggests Pussibility of Attack BELGRADE 9 Yugoslav trion wir fn a state of a!Tt Issued by Secretary; M ai4 frte st X? Vl J-" X VANCOUVER-British Coium- i W T I VHVT VI IUI ivl vU bla tuna fishing interests are . df major paleolithic interest has come ;,'sk district concerning the finding of a ire-historic stone houses, origin of which iiy of stone houses is situated in a valley ripper River neai'j expressing concern over the poR-l VV AMllIN U 1 UIN, UXj. (lyJt'l hecretary 01 bcate sibiiity of Japanese competition. ! Dean Acheson today wrote off China's Nationalist canned tuna from Japan is being government as a total failure before the onslaught of iscovcreu uy runrr iiiimph " I TT V 1 ""ithe Communists. He chartered a new course for tin less than Canada. Frozen al- iriKtt LniLUKtN bacore from Japan is being United States anti-Communist policy in the Far " ' East. - , . brought to the United States for Icr, a prospector .( that urea for inr nf Prinre Ru-ulrs of the dls- canning. UKlay to guard against what Marshal Tito called provocations and intimidation by his Russian-dominated neighbors. Tan Jung, official news agency last night quoted Tito a3 saying that bloody clashes had already taken place in Macedonia. This stormy Balkan region of Yugoslavia lies between Communist Bulgaria and Albania with Greece on the southern border. B'sk residents but Irani any great BURN TO DEATH GANANOQUE, Ontario 0" Three children were burned to death today in a fire which destroyed two houses and gutted the upper floor of a third in this Thousand Islands resort town, 20 miles east of Kingston, today. Parents rescued other children from the burning houses. il. Ladies May Make Lords By ALAN HARVEY Canadian Press Staff Writer In a bltlngly critical 1 white paper, Including the long-mip-pressed Wedemeye r report, Acheson told in a letter that United States policy must now be shaped to "encourage 7 alt developments" in China which are aimed at throwing . off .the "foreign yoke" of Moscow-directed Communism. Acheson blamed the Com Widespread fears that imports of the Japanese fish are on the increase hu.i prompted members of the industry in this province to ask for protection from the new "yellow menace." Fishing men claim that, if Japanese tuna undersells the BrltliJh Columbia market as it if" " ! 4 - rni W .,, , "WMH, i' I Ui.- , j.'MA ROBtRT MrKAY (.LOR1A McKAY ('" frri 'ritJ wyv-,mmm hey arc made of ibs wMli stone air the lumdl- Tito said his troops w'ere in a "state of alert - In order- to safeguard peaceful construction irly type of men did in pre-war years, the prov- LONDON, (P Women have of our socialist country." munist advances in China not ince's reiativelv new industry since deserted quoted as say- The dictator indicated he was VANCOUVER MEAT PRICES DROPPING not worried so much about at d never been in tack from Soviet Russia but valley belore. VANCOUVER Meat prices will face ruination. Tariff or an the House of Lords, and it looks,10 1fck ot American aid but t? Import embargo are suggested as though they'll go on waiting eakne afn 'ac f m0,ra'e on the part of the au- as possible methods of protec- for a while tion. . ! if, largely a question of tim- thost The Communists could take over all of China a3 One canner says that Japan-' lng. as they deslred he sali-recently ese tuna has been selling here Nearly everyone agrees peer-!soon at 29c a tin, undersell-1 esses ihould be allowed to sit in1 1716 Secretary of State pre- from other cominform are true, the showed a sharp drop on the ill be of import -1 wholesale market in Vancouver t - . i ! , . liuisis whose in-'yesterday. Chicken was down icly of the period 5c per pound, lamb 10c and veal, lng the Canadian the dlcled tlm tne Chinese Corn-ten product by upper house But enabling cents. leeislation is not dur- . munlsts were in for serious till The confident Tito has served notice l,hat Yugoslavia Is ready to defend herself against any opponent, "no matter who he might be,'' who tries to stop this country's socialist development." Ilcult'es ln their- ing the present parliament. . Sownlng Whitehall's feeling Is that the icuu ,"'lor " lure,8n P- 9 1 Qmlckf D 1 1 cot n s PASSING OF question Is part of the larger 1 '" elopment when 8c. Meats took the lead 4n the a, the source of i long-predicted downward price ,hrlt r, common- trend of foods in Vancouver, c Stone Age. While the largest dips We're in htfon, who plans chicken, lamb and veal, other the near future, foods also showed slight tiown-to make a more- ward trends. Domestic shorten-nn the dlscoverv, lng is down two cents. Tito told Army officers that they are "in a state of alert." YOUNG MAH matter of reform of the Lords. Acheson blasted the Chinese Conservatives and Labor gen- Communists as tools of Russia erally agree that reform is over-ana declared United States will-' due but they probably won't dojlnBness to help th people of . anything about it until after China establish true independ-the next election. ence. . iv lNFXICIBtES ' ; I NATION ALIST COLLAPSE ' 1 Twenty-three year old Prince TODAY'S STOCKS Ouurtesy 6. D. Job oaten Co. lAd.) Rupertborn Arthur Clarence Knutson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Casper. Kmit.smn, . .ejw.4 YOUTHS CONTINUE CANOE " 1 wflt;naii1: 14 they to, aootitf1 Aciiesons ttiatement wai if, in the 'Prince Rupert General'' Hospital vesterdav following a 24 women who, are peeresses In Bayonne ... -05a RTH DESPITE MONEY LOSS five weeks' illness. . I t)eir own TisM will be affected, Deceased, who attended school ne of them- Baroness Darcy as the fortress of Changsha ?1I ? today to the Communists ; and-the credible report of a nationalist army revolt on that front which might mean the road to Canton would soon be almost ths who sailed a 1 7-foot canoe most of here and was popular among De Knayth, Is 11 years old. She many young friends, is survived would not be ble to uke ner men "it ii Seattle to Prince Rupert will spend the ' - V j ' -r-v I ' j f y ft'ks hire recdunmir their finances which by a widow, the former Joyce oc"'.ul"" lKUi'- wide 1 ' ' open. . . Youne. and a six-month old ' Another is Princess Arthur, f Loss of Changsha, 365 miles daughter, Karen Marie, j iConnaught, who is Duchess of Thprp nrp nko two hmi.hpr! 1 Fife in her' own right. As a Braylorne 9.90 B R. Con 03 Cariboo . Quartz 1.20 Congress 03 Hedley Mascot 24 Pacific Eastern 04 'a Pend Oreille 4.85 Pioneer 3.45 Premier Border 03 Privateer .17 Reeves McDonald 2.30 Reno 04 V2 Sheep Creek 1.20 i mishap off the Fraser River. young men are Jack Kendrick, 21, of Emery Woodall. 22. of Arlington. Vir- north of Canton, was bad enough news for the Nationalists but the Rods ,in another lunge southeast of Chartgsha, were Clifford Knutson and Louis Knutson. ved here In their ' after a twelve-, kppi hlch they put in place take place The funeral will next -week. royal princess, she would not take her .seat but would be formally presented. Peeresses began their fight for a right to sit in the Lords in 1908. Twice before 1930. a measure to admit them on the only 215 miles from the refugee capital, (Canton). avers Inlet. wnrn usin the sail. rlJuncau. they will w haA a cutiv southeast Unofficial but credible reports THE WLATHER fork for the next inci a iarBp D8rt 0r the time said that General Chen, close i the Columbia's,, we were able to use our sail." friend of his predecessor, alsa Synopsis same terms as men was defeat- Silbak Premier Taku River Vananda Salmon Gold .... .40 .22 .15 .13 Jf't to earn some ' wirinii mirt "Sometimes, we Moist Pacific air has stag-1 ed. . New proposals were re went over to the Reds, taking at least one of his three armie.? named over most of the province jected by the Lords in 1946. them on their' man 40 miles a day." "y Ihey Rtartedj xhey camped on the beach1 $100- a.i loKt'e.crv nieht. sleeping under a with him. His armies totalled 90,000 men, Oils- today and cloudy cool weather j But the ladles finally scored, is expected to prevail ln mostj Jn a recent debate in the Lords, areas of British Columbia for ; peers decided by 45 votes to 27 T tne sicl(' off Hie ' inrnaulin. Thev carried sleep TOBY With the discovery of the bullet-riddled body of Robert Smith McKay, 25-year-old air force veteran, ln a North York field late Tuesday and discovery early Wednesday of the body of Oloria, his 22-year-old wife, in the family car ln a north Toronto parking lot, Toronto police recorded their fourth and fifth murder cases in seven days. McKay three revolver slugs in his body was found by workmen. At the time, his wife, their pet dog and family car were reported missing. Wednesday the howling of the pet dog ird police to Uie gruesome discovery of Mrs. McKay, killed by two bullets, in the back seat of the family car. LOCAL TIDES . . the next forty-eight hours. Forecast West Coast Vancouver Island Region Cloudy and cool. Winds light. Lows tonight and highs ing bags. fir trip nn ad- This morning, they were grant-far, it has been Cf( temporary work permits by nut particularly the Canadian Immigration and left Seattle on took Jobs at Watson Island. They ? and sailing to i,i)e to continue northward In Anglo Canadian 3.10 A.P. Con 16 Atlantic 62 Calmont 30 C. & E 4.10 Central Leduc 78 Home Oil 9.25 Mercury .10 Pacific Pete 2.35 that women should be admitted as soon as the government ln-troducd the necessary legislation. . LOUDLY WIT The , motion was Introduced by the Marques of Reading, (Continued on Page 21 Saturday, August 6,199 -High 12:21. 17.5 feet 23:52 20.2 feet Low 5:55 3.5 feet 17:58 88 feet Saturday at Port Hardy, Mas-sett and Prince Rupert, 50 and 62. Ml 1 ii'ie i.ncy entered, nu.ut three weeks. an Customs. hser River, the .20 .06 Vz Princess Royal Canadian f 'Idling npparctit- CRUISER ONTARIO HERE FOR THREE DAY VISIT ON TRAINING CRUISE First major Canadian naval vessel to visit Prince Rupert this year, the light cruiser H.M.C.S. Ontario dropped anchor in the harbor at 9:30 this morning. Her crew of 755 will spend the next three days here, sailing Monday morning. The five-year-old 10,000-ton vessel, which is the senior ship of Uie nuVy's Pacific "ll-skln wrapped -it(liick's rear il into the water. without any V were nut en-msoiireps, ' ' n, tW t i WHY LIVING COST IS UP OTTAWA 0- Things that every Canadian (householdcr ' nows about the rising price of meat, eggs and potatoes arc responsible for sending the cost-)f-living index to an all-time high as reported by Uie Dominion Bureau of Statistics yestcr- they had .ship- Toronto Athona 12 Aumaque .. , .16 Bcattle 65 Bevcourt 27 Bobjo 15 Buffalo Canadian 11 Consol. Smelters 98.00 Con west 107 Donalda 60 Eldona 69 East Sullivan 2 25 Giant Yellowknlfe 6.80 God's Lake 41 Hardrock 22 Command, is on a training cruise football play-offs, Softball, base and Parries ln addition to her ball, tennis, badminton, lawn 1 supply of food rt- It wus here However, Uicy 'lngh foot! with 500-mile trip !is Nelson Bros. n'iy. of which ;(,R"r. V.C., is a Picked them u. ake tliem as far 1.6 complement, 63 officer, cadets, and alley bowling, tug-of-war. 0.5 from Royal Rouds. swimming, fishing and billiards. t day. The index Jumped points during June from to 162.1. The Ontario left Esquimau oir The Hanson Cup football 14 and since then has namrnt, which is always played visited Kodiuk and Juneau, Al- between a local team and a team aska. Training exercises have fTOm a visiting warship, will In kept her at sea most of the : volvc two games on a total .06li .08 .16Vi .07 .50 .08 The report described the sudden increase as "seasonal" and based mainly on a 4.3 point rise in the food index from 202.9 to 207.2. However, rents also showed an increase of a full point, jog Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknlfe Jollet Quebec Lake Rowan ft Rot thai. Ilf time. She will return to her base about August 11. point basis. The first game is Fcheduled for this evening and the second for Sunday. Arrangements are being made for softball and baseball games. Among her officer cadet? shr ye made it," Sa' l had only a wcel. 3 In l he canoe." ; Rivers Inlet hi carries Cadet John Kennedy ar!: Lapaska '. 06'2 Little Long Lac -61 Lynx 15 Madsen Red Lake 3.05 f "' they manaf, ;d This evening, a smoking party L ging upward from 122.4 to 123.4 and reflecting the results of a rent survey ln June which covered the second quarter of the year. Experts blamed the May increase on comparatively higher prices In the United States but .44 McKenzie Red Lake Sub-Lieutenant Gwynn Iloltby, of Prince Rupert. Commander of the Ontario Is Capt. H. F. Pullen, O.B.E., R.C.N. Her executive officer is Commander Duncan Raymond, of inf,ir food supp:y "heel Prince Ru- 1,ird of the d:s. has been arranged for the crew of the Ontario by the Canadian Legion, 10,000-TONNER !l0 in their can ye Victoria. Capt. Pullen assumed Ontario, which is the first s&". the rest bv 'ad a remnvHiiio suggested that, when United States prices fell, It would bring Canadian prices down within a few months. . McLeod Cockshutt 1.15 Moneta '. 44 Negus .. 2.50 oranda 57.50 Louvlcourt '. Wi Pickle Crow 2.10 Regcourt 05 San Antonio . 4.40 Senator Rouyn ; .42 Sherrit Gordon 2.24 Steep Rock 1.68 Sturgeon River 21 Silver Miller 34 'i J J Tonieht command of the ship shortly Canadian warship lo visit Prince before she sailed on her pres- Rupert so far this year, dls-ent cruise. places 10,000 tons, is 556 feet During her three-day visit, of- j long with a beam of 63 feet, fleers and men of the OntnrlOj She mounts nine six-inch gun, will take part In a sports pro- eight-four-inch guns and nunv gram which has been organized . erous 40 millimeter and '200-mll-by the Canadian Legion. Sports limeter anti-aircraft guns as events include the Hanson Cup (Continued on Page 6) ONTARIO F E Rt PERT I P.M. CRASH AND ESCAPEES When a Queen Charlotte Airlines twin-engined DcHavlUand Rapide crashed on Digby Island a week ago today, pilot and three passengers escaped miraculously "unscratched" although the plane Itself was demolished. The picture shows Pilot Roy Berry-man and the woman passenger, Mrs. E. L. Orr of Cumshewa Inlet, before they started the mile hike out from the scene of the crash to the beach. SHEFFIELD, Eng. A cas-aulty department in Sheffield Infirmary now has a suggestions box for patients' grievances. :Sl!V J