r i Ptfrtre nuprrl E?aflp iSetos Friday, August 5, 1949 TODAY" TO SATURDA? Radio Dial 1240 Ki'ocycles CFPR TERRACE BRIDE GIVEN SHOWER When UN leaned ti shoot faick V jm wffltrt to iw toil! ffi&Tjf (Subject to Change) it: JOHN PATNE TERRACE Colleen Whalen. whose marriage to Raymond MIL RUSSELt J iSandc took place last evening, mil Patricide Is Alleged - TORONTO 9 Douglas Graham; 38-year-old truck driver, was shot and killed early today at his home in suburban Etoi-coke Township and the crown attorney said that Graham's 16-year-old son, Gordon, will be charged with manslaughter. It was the sixth slaying in Toronto district in the last ten days. LORNE MAIN IS IN SEMI-FINAL HALIFAX 9 Lome Main of Vancouver advanced to the semi-finals of the Canadian Lawn Tennis , championships yesterday by defeating Don Bauld of Halifax in five sets 4-6, 1-6, 6-2, 6-3, 6-1. Miss P. M. fcooney, K.N., lady superintendent of Prince Rupert General Hospital, returned to the city on Wednesday afternoon's plane after an absence of three months in the course of which she atended an international nurses' convention in Stockholm, Sweden, made a tour of continental Europe and visited with relatives in London, England. Adert.ir.c :n tne Dully News! WHO WILL BE 'MISS PRINCERiJ Plan to attend the Theatre Monday to i next and Vote for the Cirl of Your i tmmmmmmmmmimmmm FRIDAY P.M. 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Footlight Favorites 4:45 Sleepy Time Story Teller 5: 00 Melodic Moods 5:30 Don Messer and His Islanders 5:45 Supper Varieties 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Musical Varieties 6:30 Prairie Schooner 7:00 CBC News 7:15 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Lubka Kolessa, Pianist 8:00 Vancouver Theatre 8:30 Canadian Summer Concert 0:15 Canadian Short Stories 9:30 Report on Exercise Eagle 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Take a Chorus 11:00 Weather and Fish Arrivals was guest of honor last Saturday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs. Harvey Doll,, when a beautiful wlhtte dhenille bedspread, embroidered pillow slips and knife rack were presented by her fellow members of the C.Y.O. Betty Bissonnette made the presentation. Music, dancing and cards were enjoyed during the evening which was topped off with dflicious refreshments. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. H. Doll, Colleen and Harold Whalen, Mr. and Mrs. Hobenshield, Mr. and Mrs. Normandeau, Mrs. Kofoed, Florence and Yvonne Normandeau, Betty, Armond and Gerry Bissonnette, Steve Obzero, Viv-tor and Gloria Irving, Theresa Johnston, Paul Sargent, Ray Sande, Rose Marie and Agnes Tetreault, Beth Christy and Mrs. E. Whalen. (KI'ISKR ONTARIO (Continued from Page 1) towed it. a ilistano She returned h November. 1945 f. Police said that Graham died; at the base of a tree 100 yards from his home after calling for' help from a neighbor. He was! shot with a .22-calibre rifle. j Father and son are said to have quarrelled over the use of liquor. . ..... , , , i well as six zi-incn lorpecw. uidps. was commissioned She was built by Harland anaj Her t0lUmu,u..lr Woltc al UCIM.-.:., iifiiinu, aim nas beon m - IV Ci-mp- Mit,.- A.l.m. S-r,Mf. Inr. commissioned in April, 11)14 gliU.e i02i. Speciaij Aiu-r a penoi. Kn ...(i u,. neryi h(; SMv(id "Me too. I bless my lucky stars that I married a woman who can cook." HOLIDAY PICNIC j exercises o.r wapa now, she dian ships and fur i proceeded to Sydney, Australia. atlached Q Uw R TAKING CHARGE CAMBORNE, Cornwall, Eng. (P Eight cases of Infantile paraly vlH tne Mcaiierraiu au. one m- prom (.0 , i rived at Sydney the day after , """" '' 1,0 WaS lir,,ln,)t'd V-J Day. Proceeding to Hour Konfj, NavaI Reserves in j, she was employed on policing received ha- mnk . duties, landinK 500 men. During January, 1U47. that time, she answered a dls- He assumed ins . iv iiiu ii.,-irri WITH (i()OI) TIllMJS TO EAT from Terrace Meat Market . George E. Peters, Prop. QUALITY SERVICE sis were reported here within a week. There was one death. . SATUKlMt A.M. 7:00 Musical ClocK 6:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick of the Hlte 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert Westminster, has been appointed superintendent of the pro-; vincial infirmary which is being established at Terrace in the former military hospital, now being renovated and refurnished for the purpose. Before leaving Royal Columbian Hospital at the end of last week, Miss Clark was presented with OF INFIRMARY Miss Elizabeth Clark, R. N., veteran British Columbia nurse and for nineteen years lady superintendent of the Royal Columbian Hospital at New trss call from a disabled mcr- poiniment as comn a gold wrist watch apd purse. chant ship In the China Sea and Ontario on July BITTER EGGS POl'LTRY y MEATS FISH I 9:00 BBC News I 0:15 Saddle Serenade Miss Clark is a Vancouver General Hospital graduate. 'I a : . m A- 5 TY f A. ' . 7 v. : " '"'7 SALE - MEN'S WEAR 3 SALE :f BOYS' A WEAR At the RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE I -rV i Over 150 Pair Men's Pants Sale 1 ! $f In Iff BOYS' COATS Reg. $10 To $13 6.99 Reg $13 To $15 $8.99 Way Bel ow Cost We're proud of our values. Try and beat these bargains out of town anywhcrV in Canada. Yes, try! Wools, rayons, tropicals 'and tweeds. All colors Including navy blue. V i' ? n BrtMB, nil, i ! s --!t 1 GROUP No. 2 3.49 GROUP No. 1 '$r $2.49 I $4- $7.50 MEN'S GROUP No. 3 Regular QTAO O $7-$l0 KtTURXS TO FLOCK As a cleric. Rev. Joseph Bl SPORT AND has cne of the strangest parishes In the world. His : .are mostly Eskimos in the vast Arctic wastes north t Man. Father Buliard, shown with Bishop Marc 1 Churchill shortly after this photo was taken to rt Ages 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 Years Assorted browns, beige, solid colors and tweeds in the year's smartest little boy styles. All priced less than cost. 01 flG OB. 01 3 Not all sizes in each group but you're bound to find your size on sale. Sizes 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,. 34, 36, 37, 40, 42 waist. Take a look. You'll be satisfied. DRESS SHIRTS far north. He had been under treatment in hospi'4 chill for some time for severe Jrostbitc and malnu lereu last winter. $20-$26 YOUTHS' COATS These are not "Sale'' shirts but guarantee! branded lines. All sizes from 14'2 thro 17. m m A real buy but hurry down! Reg. $8 MEN'S ZIPPER COAT SWEATERS S2.49 Ages 13-16 $12.99 and $14.99 Reg. $1 MEN'S GENUINE LEATHER BELTS ah si.es 49 I uti8iiti'iLr:ft 3 id iJA THE TIME: - Now - Rupert Mens and Boys Store - THE PLACE: Just around the corner on 0th Street behind Wallace Pharmacy. to v SHOE FINDI! .BBBBBBBBMBBBBBfek Leather and litihHer Kuhhrr Heels t' Heel IMates Plates Sh" Sh" r,i n mn j muw i,ihii,iiii u 1 1 iii iii i iipi.i'"uuU1ifa sle and Lii"itl ?i Brushes s,nf B Pas Shne Hr $6 MEN'S Shoe Laces of a" kr rimtir $8.25 YOUTHS' TROUSERS $4.99 518 3rd Ave. V. PANCO SOLE OXFORDS e Dozens of Men's and Af I Boys' items priced 4J and .JfJ) way below cost. r'?fA;-)i A real durable every day mans shoe. Size 6, 7, 9, 10, 11. Make sure you get yours. We can't repeat this bargain. 2.99 Waist sizes 28, 29, 30 arid 31. And better still, there's lots of variety. Good wearing dress pants for boys at a bargain price. f Mji Ml Hi ii If You Wear A 36, You're LUCKY! Size 36 COATS AND SUITS Q'i & QQ Regular Prices $30 -$50 V XI .iff! MEN ZIPPER SPORT JACKETS QFZ Q Rfcr i0-;1? All vw.tl mm NOW $5.50 MEN'S SKINTITE SWIM TRUNKS 32.99 $1 BOYS' UJ U- Sizes 4 thru 14 .49 1DERWEAI Q.C A. OFFER . rkwrFAVEEl $10-$12 MEN'S DRESSING GOWNS S4.99 $2 MEN'S GYM TRUNKS .99 " ..4 "i Flight DepHrts Prince Ru pert at 09:30 D.S.T. Every Thursday. For information and AIL SALES FINAL -EVERY ITEM MARKED WITH REGULAR PRICE AND SALE PRICE Reservation! CALL 47B or Call at the Q.C A. Office KUlas & Christopher Block mm fit TPrV ntT TI ATtri i tin IN'PSJ V1J lil'ill 1 ill llkl.lll II. n f IJillJU ' m mm