517 U Utlntt Rupert DaiTjf Hej Friday. August. 5, 1949 MM Sport Shots The next Grey Cup tussle will IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH MtfeHiteds Sports For i BASEBALL Shut-Out Win? For Merchants "Chuck" Maundrell Kwps Commercials on Hit Ration rhui'lr Maundrell was ill eood Tobacco wis v2 BRIGHT VIRGINIA ItASKUALL SCOUKS j National I Philadelphia 5-1, Cincinnati 8-0 1 Boston 2, St. Louis 10 . New York 0, Chicago 1 Brooklyn 11, Pittsburgh 3 American St. Louis 2. Boston 12 Detroit 3, New York 2 (11 Innings Cleveland 6-14. Washington J-l Chicago-Philadelphia punt- t poned rain Pacific fuss! Hollywood 7, Seattle 3 ( 10 inn-lngsi SaCramento 8, San Francsico 0 Portland 10. Oakland 1 Los Angeles T, San Diego 2 Western International Tacoma 13, Wenatchee 3 Victoria 5, Salem 4 Bremerton 5. Spokane 8 MARCH. Cambridgeshire, Eng Council house tenants here have been forbidden to knock' nails Into their walls. Advertise in tt.e b-ally News! AUTOGRAPH INTERLUDE WITH DICK BUTTON Dick Bufton, world ice .skating champ from Harvard University is signing autographs for Susan Harvey and Christopher Skey at Wembley, England. Phon Soccer Schedule A II I Professional amiBik I " . II (Hanson Cup) . Aug. 5---H.M.C.S. Ontario vs. Prince Rupert. A,i,r 7 T4 M C Q nntarln vs. Prince Rupert. (Mobley Cup) Aug. 8 General Motors vs Heavy Battery. Aug. 12 -Canadian Legion vs General Motors. Aug. 15 Canadian Legion vs Heavy Battery. Aug. 19 Heavy Battery vs General Motors. Aug. 22 General Motors vs. Canadian Legion. Aug. 26 Heavy Battery vs Canadian Legion. (Stuart Shield) Aug. 29 Stuart Shield Com petition First Round. Sept. 1 Stuart Shield Final (Mobley Cup) Sept.' 5 General Motors vs. Heavy Battery. Sept. 9 Canadian Legion vs. General Motors. Sept. 12 Heavy Battery vs. Canadian Legion. Advertise in the Dally News! It Pay? to Advertise! ,SMITH & ElKINS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 174 P.O. Box 271 i be a "natural" if eh mnntiin Eskimos carry their harpoons East bent on taming Ottawa Roughrlders. The football season hasnt started yet but Esks, returning to western gridiron wars this year, and Roughriders, victims of a Calgary bronco kick last eaon, already are sparring. If such a collision occurs, fireworks will be in order because it is Ottawa which has luted former Hamiltonian Ralph Bartolinl, who figured prominently in Edmonton' rebuilding plans, out of the Eskimo Igloo. Eskimo officials bleated that the plunging back had signed an Edmonton contract and tii threatened to take legal action against him. Ottawa matter-mind Jimmy McCaffry, welcoming Bartolinl with open arms, reminded Edmonton that the ' Hflmi Itnn Cfn v . .. . 1 ....... M.U uueuv union 11 nvnr form and therefore was free to , join Koughriders. Don (Edmonton Journal) Fleming writes that since Ot-' tawa spirited away Bartolinl, "there is evidence of a good deal of concern in other prairie football camps. Even Grey Cup champion Calgary Stampeders have the jitters. - They're howling feverishly for a supply of C.R.U. playing certificates to rope off their stars from any rustlers. Presumably all clubs are to receive player forms at the same time. But can It be in view of the confident tack that McCaffery has taken, that the Easterners have managed a headstart?" Dick (Edmonton Bulletin) Beddoes says "Edmonton cannot afford the expense entailed in a player war. The ante required to repel raiders would simply get too high even for our oil-fattened pocketbooks." " Meanwhile, in the home of the Orey Cud chamninns ty. j (Calgary Albertan) Moore ex plains why big Chuck Anderson was allowed wt of the Calgary corral to join Montreal . Aiouetles. . . somprhinar o ImH - K i be done to ward off a possible and very proabable) breaking- UE1 tit ... Inn . ei-tts.t.l . muum-wui King relationship between Coach Les Lear and his Stampeders. "Lear believes in hard plugging and fine conditioning with no letup; the easy-eoini Ander son couldn't see any sense in expending energy in workouts. The morale of Stampeders would have easily crumbled If Lear had made an exception of Anderson in StamOS' DrrD ram r hard work and risxH-mu an - -o - I" 1 v. - tice. ' HEAT DETERS HOPES BROCTON HIXJL. Btafford- shire, England f Women golf ers had a bar set up at the ninth hole, complete with barmen, drinks and buckets of ice But the heat was so great during the county championship play that half the competitors didnt get that far. SAVOY HOTEL W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 17 P.O. BOX 1387 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Ship's Visitors ! ' Full ProKram Being Arranged During: Ontariu's Stay j Through the effort of the local branch of the Canadian Legion a program of sports of every description has been arranged for the entertainment of the crew of H.M.C.S. Ontario cluiiiif; her visit here. Weather permit ting, outdoor activities will provide their major enjoyment during their stay. The first of two gameg of football for the Hanson Cup between a U'am of Prince Rupert All-Stars and H.M.C.S. Ontario wiH Uike pui:e at Houscvclt Par!: to- i . vaa Illst Wfin hv n rnnyMnv ' " J ".r ITI and Crescent and is held by the ! n t t nr cli r Baseball players are gathering together an aggregation to meet a team from the ship on Satur day. The warship, It is understood, has considerable talent aboard to choose from. The softball prayers, In -spite of lack'of practice this year, are lounding up their best for a match which it is expected will be played tonight. Tennis players of the Canadian National Recreation Association have issued challenges for doubles matches and it is expected that the lawn bowlers will be seeking out those of Highland birth to match their skill against the local talent. Clarence Thompson has issued a challenge on behalf nf hii Jumbos" for a tug-of-war con- tesi against the ship and, if accepted, it is proposed that this should take place at half-time on the football field at Roosevelt Park tonight. Badminton at the Civic Centre, indoor bowling at the local alleys and billiard contests will nmnu. .,.. . . iui cuuusi'ineni indoors while swimming al. tho swimming pool at McClymont Park and at the Salt Lakes will doubtless, draw their quota IZ & RE: CERTIFICATE. OF TITLE NO 8042-1 TO LOT TWENTY-POOR (241. BLOCK TWENTY-NINE 11. 6F.CTION SIX (), CITY OF PHINCE RUPERT, MAP 823 WHEREAS satisfactory proof of Iom of um above Certificate of Title IshiukJ l th name of Neil MucLenn has been filed in this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall at the ?xplrnlion of one month from the 'Jute of the first publication hereof. Issue a Provlslonnl Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meuntlme valid objection be made to me In wrltlnR. DATED at the Land Registry Ollice. Prince Rupert, . 15 c this IHth day of July. 1(149, A D ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Rcfjlatrar of Titles. d4) CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo? Taken at Home Phone Oreen 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Gartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1010 Phones CO and 68 1 Cigarette MUD, SWEET, Sliler, s .... . 3 0 19 Toews, p . .. .. 1 0 0 0 Letourneau, . 2 10 0 Doll, p . 0 0 0 0 28 6 24 12 Merchants-Dahl, AB H II PO A ss 3 4 4 Hartwig, 2b 4 0 2 2 Davis, lb 2 10 2 Abel. c 1 7 0 Lamoie, 3b 4 1 Rosedali cf Kerr, If 4 Ciccone, if 3 Maundrell, p 3 34 II 27 14 Summary: Errors -Shier, Le-toineau; Two base hit Letourneau; Stolen bases Dahl, Pavls; Sacrifice -Vanetta; Hit by pitcher Dahl and Maundrell by Toews, Hartwig by Doll; Bases on balls off Toews 2, Letourneau 1, Maundrell 1; Struck out by Toews 3, Letourneau 4, 'Doll 0, Maundrell 7; Runs bat-' ted in Dahl 3, Ciccone, Maun-jdrell 2; Double plays Maundrell to Dahl to Davis, Dahl to Hartwig; Left on bases Commercials 3, Merchants 9; Earned runs 4. Umpires Montesano, Letourneau and Karasosky. Scorer, Santurbane. R H E Commerc. 000 000 0000 6 2 Merchants 000 200 04x C 11 ol League Standing W L Pet. Savoy i 7 4 .638 Commercial 5 5 .500 Merchants .. 4 7 .363 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 II r 1 1 1 k Vf m ' 1 1 r WRATH ALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL ft W3e i m i I Commodore 1 Cale i . "Better Tha Ever" 4 ?Best Food and Service In City? JPhone 17 for Send-Out Order,? JThlrd Ave. David Chow, Mgr.i form last night as he pitched the Merchants to a 0 to 0 win over the Commercials. The bis right-hander was working on a strict ration system a3 he al-1iuL-i.H not mure than one hit an inning and showed none of hi cuntomary wildness in granting just one base on balls. Only one Commercial reached third base and that was the first man up in the first inning. Merchants scored their two i the fourth inning uhPn Daiil drove in koh i.i.h Clccone, working on a tree pass. The bases had Deen loauea when Maundrell was hit by a pitched ball. Then Manager Eddie Davis called on Letour neau to pull Toew out of the hole. But tht strategy backfired when Dahl hit the first pitch for a clean single and the damage could not be repaired. Four runs that were not needed were added in the eighth when ten Merchants faced Letourneau and Doll who was called on to retire the side. It was Cliff Dahl again In this Inning who greeted the new pitcher with a clean single. Dahl and Rosedale were the big guns for Odowes crew, each with three hits In four times at the plate. Commercial AB R HPOA ..tv.. 4 0 11 Vanetta, lb 2 0 0 6 Corn well, cf 4 0 0 2 Windle, c 3 0 1 10 Ewart, 3b 3 0 13 Linney, 1 3 0 0 1 Sinclair, rf 3 0 2 0 AAViV-W.W.V GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND Bl'II.DRRS -m CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY RED 561 T.O. BOX 7tt ( Pr Prince Rupert FJorlxf. hoot JrdAve Box 618 Tel.fr, pi Flowers lor All Occasion Salt Lake Ferry Daily Service Except Monday SCHEDULES Tuesday Leave Cow Bay FloaU 4,, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Leave Cow Bay FloaU 2:30, 4, 5, 7 ami 8 p.m. Saturday Every hour 6ttrt-iag at II a.m. Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. Phone GREEN 391 or lll.ACK 926 PRINCE RUPERT BOWLING ALLEY OPEN DAILY FROM 8:30 P.M. TO 11 P.M. Saturdays 12 Noon to 12 Midnight PHONE RED 709 "BOWL FOR HEALTH" FREE INSTRUCTION MERCHANTS TO PLAY ONTARIO Merchants of the City League will take on a team from H.M. C-S. Ontario Saturday evening jts the baseball competition feature in connection with the visit to port this week-end of H.M. C.S. Ontario, it is announced. MARINO WINS -BUT MISERABLY 37ANCOUVER 9 A dusky little fighter from Hawaii blasted thei Sly weight title aspirations of Vancouver's Jackie Turner here: last night. But, in winning a unanimous ten-round decision ver the 28-year-old Turner) ."pado Marino, territorial flyweight king, failed miserably in showing some 2700 fans why he is billed as the world's uncrown id flyweight champion." t Marino, 32, gained seven of ten rounds by a comfortable Jnargin. Turner weighed llfl -Jjounds and Marino, 117'2 founds. j FINE OLD NAVY RUM Bottled v Shipped ty ALFRED LAMBtSON U. LONDON, ENCLAND This advertisement is not published a displayed by the Liquor Control Board j by the Govarnment ol British Columbia EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that now home under the N.II.A. I Phone Green 883 Box 586 Urkti.. Try a ciaw DP, CAE! MOXTC SulUT.i. Phon 525 ! SPENCEJI PAINTERS t BriL'lii Free! Phone 215 q PIANO E Tuning, Vol MIKE i PhonfM ; he:. BEAIT Perms- Bum?'-S04 th sti WEUii us Complf I' rralill-l! BLUE W HAS HOME Building Hi ROOTS " OH Black Agent cm Sen" dUSl hl"( Mulpraentn DR. P. J. CHENEY . DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 105 FX). Box U01 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sulci MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 . Second Ave. FOR YOUR BOCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co piARTERtl) ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street , VANCOUVER - BC MARGARET McLEOD . OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDINO PHONE BLUE 503 PJO. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Aecountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phone 387 B. &'W. TRANSFER DRY FIR KINDLINO WOOD 50c Per Back Delivered PHONE OREEN 186 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory 8ervlc CALL 53 718 Second Avenue West TRAIN SCHEDULE For the Eaat Monday, Wednesday, TrldaR 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, Saturdal I0:S0 pm. I Hi. .ro,, M.lth,. J.iim trru, W. ' ; 1 - 7 "It won't cost you a penny, Mr. Shultz-I want to learn the business." HOLLYWOOD cafe ; MOST UP-TO-DATE OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TO 3:33 We Specialize In Chinese CIIOI SUEY CHOW ' For OulAiile Orders PHONE CAFE IN THE CITY A.M. Dishes kl'i vy MEIN 133 L'lJ