t Frlnei Rupert Daily Kewa !F" Saturday, March 11. 1950 vs. Gordon & Anderson; Savoys Woofls " vs. Gordon & Anderson, Savoys 'x,.m ' nlona the j P-pr (JLmYAli'rlTR Rosa leefs To Finals v Wirt Is Literally j vs. Lucky Strikes. Variety vs. Bel-1 mont, Rupert Radio vs. Stars the I Wrathall's vs. Scuby's, Brown- Biiyways H J J 'native champions Comm, : Love. 299 Ninth Avenue East was frying some food in deep fat in ' i a rortsling paa. Apparently the ' I fat took fire, i When firemen Petals. 1 Rosa Lee's will figure In Cal. Pinh, ; final play-off at the end of the Hot Dinner , arrived tlie pan was resting cou- (Every week something new ; season's schedule for the ehamp-j ioruship of the Ladies' Bowliivg Kitimaat Captures For Third Straight Year .A citjr husband yesterday was, spiouously outsida the dwelling a 1 "of probablv without1 'dinner fori Mrs. Love sustained slight burns prince Rupert and through this some time. Maybe hfa appetite , to'her hands as she rushed out- column heilvew. wUl try was lo& In the rusn. At 5.33 1 s'de with the cooking utensil, j hist what's new in Rupert) New 8, BetJ League. In a total points playoff on Thursday, Rosa Lee's, who had won the second third of the season, defeated Gordon & An- Mrs. Charles No damage was done. With Easter only a short few Thursday p.m. I der.son, winners of the first third, j by 253G points to 2259. The third 11 EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS , Let us help you plan that new home under the N.H.A. Phone Green 883 Bos 586 Port Simpson Put Up Good Show Greenville Tokes Consolation Award weeks off the Variety Store has 1 just received one of the largest : storks of Easter baskets, cram- j mod full of eggs and bunnies. ! third starts next Tuesday to deckle who shall meet Rosa Lee'n. In this week's play-off, high READ THIS .i . ii ?. i : rj.1 V If 1 m '1 f lO till1 NIGHT) or tlie iniro successive uai ivimunni. i that has ever been shown in prince Rupert. The kids will say winner of the B.C.. Packers Trophy, emblematic of,- - kv ' .v , . . .'.?. Al... 41,., was Sheila Ramsay of Gordon & ;irs. B. in - " thA it-n, tniipninianf n vlll ll I) S . AIM) 1VJI - Anderson with 312 and 58! re- In the jewellery trade tfilS .... i? iU t'i'finvi.it tll'im I VANTAOE ROAD. CITY, 1 Wrlt'es.TU FOR HEALTH'S SAKE 3 Try a Steainbath at 'week Manson's have announced uiiru year vaiu v.un.s " '-" ilhat they have j.wst received a' i.s the Winner of the ITlOSt Valuable player trophy,! The individual seulirg was as ;lauufu. new ime of startling M donated by Hill Scuby. In addition ChriH.i: 'new - J h M- p 1 osulK- MJ' L' p ', straight costume jewellery .. . - - - fiom ,rnm ,hp the Tnr.mtn Toronto Jewellerv Jewellery OiU Qifi. , 1 U ,h c,Pe'.ot o!o , . Nelson, 534; M. Furunes, 472; D. medal presentel by AL Manson chamber of Commerce Trophy i .fl.Ktnn' Show. New styhng3 of pins, ear- and his Mm nw-t8 receivett uUnf wta Bella by a 50 U. 39 Wo,'(ls- 1,'K1"no"' 431'- rings, bracelets and necklaces for . ,u,fr mgls irom the s-vme sore. Here a ;ain, as in the e-ime loiai.s, oo, HOo, Ml. that Easter outfit. d,mor. Nick Manone. in present- cha-mpionship round. BcUa BelUj Gordon & Anderson- S. Ram- neck and neck 539; I. Gai 473; B. Smith, say, able to stay ner, was A product called Mlracloth ha.i ing the B.C. Parsers Trophy, and was lead- 3-19; L. Anderson, 433; C. Bail ie, iust been placed on shelves of explained that, while U was in- with the w.rmers Northern Sports & Heahhv Si I have beuv troubled with a lame back and lum-Jago for many "years now and my life was miserable. b After trying many remedies to no avail a friend If mine suggested changing to a 99 Cab. : Since changing to 99 Cabs my pains have disappeared and Ufa is again bearable thanks to the careful, eomfortnble driving of 99 drivers. bikam baths snvm MASSAGE OpenrromiaNoontoJajn PHONE (lis 7 days weekly ftS perpetual award, bis company; third period. Greenville wentj f0n,wing is the schedule for to stores this week. Miiacloth is another housewives dream for left mat Kiinnaat snouiii oe-.to ton in uk i-1 n(.xt, Tuesday eyenitiK's play: Lyons vs. Rosa Lee's, Annette's com permaneni owner ui i score pumia mu trophy and that next year a their o. p-ments down to 11.- 2 FM.1 1SII BONE CHINA (TPS .! fiAl'CEUS . cleaning just about everything including silverware, window pots and pans, furniture, etc., etc. And when the work is finished 7!c biiV'er and better one- would PeerSi for Bella Bella, was the take its pioee. -jest player of this very fast and i Kitimaat defeated Port Simp- exciting same. He scored 18 Always in favour. . .Always iii FLU o 5f 6) JVJ As good as, i! better, than an MANSON'S cfrlNA SHOP just rinse out the Miracloth and Jon S3 w M ,a',l m"n- lo points, ann was an uuiiwmmiK ' the troPhy- of the teams tiu; Con- it's as good as new ... The best j part is the economy Simpson played a very sola tion round. . . . . , ! fin game durln? the first three Greenville was superior in This is certainly the year lor p,,,, and wa abte to iceep!tealn, play, and McNeil with 13. housewives with aU the new and Mct anl nee with the winners ' Stewart with 12. and Stevrn.s different improvements and time , Up to that time. It was in the , with 10, were the smoothest '. .saving devices coming on the fourth period that KiUrrwatV working combinations on' the market. Another new product superior condition and strentt- floor. i . . . just arrived ... is the Bendix olls training paid off big dirt- 1 Tlie trophy was presented U; Economat which is capable of dends. They scored 21 points, the Conrolalion winners by HO., doing eicht pounds of clothe at w'lUe lncir opponents were held ; Basketball Association zone re-i to three. Chris Wilson scored prestnUtive Don Forward, a.-l-once. once wa.shinff washing rinsmo raising, danipm riinonn" u of 2J s the fmalltn ou brtlalf of the Jltnlir! drying, all automatically. And quarter . sankey , for Port Simp-; ChamiDer of Commerce. I!e-I it's light and compact enough te ion played a sparkling game to ferees were Calderonl and Shut! store, anywhere in the house. It score lif paints. and they called 15 personals on is being demonstrated by McRae Kitimaat played a zone cte-;tne winners and cicht on Bella Bros. Ltd. (fence that baffled the Simpson Bella. It was the cleanest Kame ' of the series and it is to the, i Wouldn't you like to banish boys In the final period and forever the broom, Uie dustcloth. demonstrated passing and 'n Z ZZW pLly 1"V-,", the mop and paU. the scrub haj1dl a9 x! as any ever , urtc,oan -,i ln i Ce,u" brush? Well you can with the 1 Zos Referee Comadina and Doin-j 'and ; new sensational machine .,.-, D . , . , . , inato kept the game well under; ireenme n blew art i. l m -, called Rexair. And not only Is eonml ,Un ,g (HJ,S on Port ; Kay 2, T. Stevens KK A. McNeil I it good for your entire house- Simpson and 10 on Kitimaat j L. Venn. H. CaUI r. A R.ibin- I cleaning but it can also be used - M- -. p- , The was marmt bt lme to combat disease by means of a I fia;.ranl foul 0n the pa.t 'in Stevens r..l:.l. vaporizing attachment which rice of Port Simpson who was purifies the air and eliminates out of the uame for the balance ! BELLA BELLA -E Newm.uii deadly germs. Mr. S. Gustofson, j cf the evening. . ; f W. Brown. R Peers is. J. GrenjHH Across from Liquor Store 3rd Avenno ported ale.Only r r a case, including B-Jsi smess and Krof essional AS sl"Dr4EY (ioNICK r Optometrist I Lineups: . , lvtiU -. "uuiniiLi, t, ivi. nunii i well known man, is the agent. By town Machine Work; Sales Service and Parts Simplex Gas Engines 3, h p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Diesel; 65 h p. 550 h p. rnquire about our long term Warranty and Service j Port Simpson- V. Dudoward , w""ams ason O. Martin Compete Vlsuat .Analysl.i rorriCE hours js 9 a m. to 5 p.m. " 2? Js 24 Besner Blfjck iTelepnone 212 Etchings by Appointment SYDNEY. Australia O'-Cana- 8- B- Bryara, L. Rooce, A. Skn ' lmM I i; da's Empire Games competitors : key 16- M- Rom. E. Wells. w-; -sr-r - r-C-vZ -Ci-i woti threi rsices. gained twolKntt H- Sampson. A. Reece , ,rvrri ArjfTtAl O - second places ard took one third ! c- Vlhoa. 23. 11. Amos. T. Smith. I UJ I LL AKK1 VALO in seven event contested at an ; - Pr- Total 3ft. tmtt-i invitation meci here The Can-' itlmaat P. Wdson 8, C. Smith, I'rinrc Kuperi adians are in Sydney on their ' R- Ros?- .S- Woods, R. Smith 10, D. H. McDonnell, A. M. Loon, i. wunaius. noom.son j, o.iKf. and Mrs Wiatt, Vancouver ! Grant . Total 53. j Mr. and Mrs. J Stevens.Mi and way home from last month's Empire game in New Zealand. tiREENTILLE - 0ELI.A BEI.l.t i son. John Keatty, Dorothy Jr- j Greenville won the Junior vlnj. Terrace; Frrd Christie. A.; DR. P. i. CHENEY Z, . DENTIST. t SUJTB.5, SMITH. BLOCK Phoiie 706 -P. 6. Box 1401 R. Miller, L. W. Lefler, city; Mr. j ' Mid Mi 's. J. Houchen, Giscome; A. M Smith. New York. ' SCHOOL BOOTS Rod Smith To MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8TONK BUID1NO Mr. and Mrs. J. Gosnell. Port Billiard Final i Simpson; Eddie Bolton, Port! lEssington; A. Manson, M. Gaiety, i & OXFORDS FOR BOYS PHONE BLUE m P.O. BOX 1184 QUALITY REPA1KS r6r Downtrodden Heels and Worn sole ! " aac -' Shoe hospital Box 714 bec,ofia Avr In his match in the second iSmilhers: Ml-'- and Mrs. W. Monk- I .round of tlu Canadian Leglar. : mHr- Kaien; C. L.Andrew, . ' i handicap English bUUard tourna- Bossons, E. McDonald, Vancou ' tnent, Bert Morgan iplus 10 1 de- er; D. Badkin, Digby Island; M. tented J. Lau:ie (plus 10 by a Martinson, J. McArlhur Port Ld-i of 150 to 124 reach- .-core thereby warc. R c Em dty ! invt the senM-t!i::l.i ln the sec.ind I . ' LIMI , tournament in succession. , I i In the thlro k'ound .semi-fira!) i :Rod Smith playing scratch, had -' no difficulty ln disposing of his jmrponent Rrtbt. Murray 'plus 15 whining by the substantial mar- : HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS BROKEN LINES AT GIVE-AWAY PRICES Reg. to $5.90 COAST VANCOUVER BREW E R I E S NEW WESTMINSTER ; FOR SALE ; Firit Ctass Garden Dirt : A:J2.50 yajid " ;i ; Rock & J)irt Fillings $2 yard 'ka'ten traWsfer PHOTO FRAMES Frome Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and metal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing This advertisement is" not published, or displayed by the Liquor Cont'd Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS or by the Government ot British common I84i Phone, 981 $t95 and $395 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Charlie Roberts PHONES Hlack 334 Red ?m P. O. Box 1070 Kox C.3K Phone 357 1 crpan rsamrm gin' or 66 points. Rod Smith' be.st break was a well played 29. , On Sunday the final match in the semi-final will be played be-i tweea Bert Morgan (plus 10) and ! J. Campbell 30). Bert Moruan, runner-up of the last Legion bil-i liard tournament, has mpdo n j great come-back this season and 1 it tough match is looked for n-jainst Jock Campbell, a tournament winner last season who is i also playing a steady game. The l w.inner of thi. match will meet ;Hod Smith in the final match ol i the tournament and it is ex-ipected that tins match will be GEORGE RQRIE & CO. Publl Accountants and Auditory. Income Tax. Returns i compiled ' iO. L. RORIE, A A E. filB. LAUfJl i. 0mra. Bemier Block - Phone 387 hi i i n Prince Rupert Florists I lowers for All Occasions 1 300 3rd Ave. Box 510 Tot. 777 B & W TRANSFER Dry Kindling Wood fide per sack Random Lengih Fir PHONE RED 182 - m s m ,!f III III 111 III ill ill III lit III 11: i:j k hi in in in .! T7 vv . . i- a. P. 'Gardner & co. Quartered Aeeoijtjtanls 1 A. L. BT1LL, C.A., j Prince RHp-rt Ifotl the first event to take plr.ee in the billiard room shortlv after opening of the new premises. . J a doll uoi to nil i ('aUirnne Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ' 401 Third Ave. Went (Prince Rupert Really Co.) Phones: Oreen (187 Days New Residence Plione Number Red 9(14 ! March 10-Aiwit 1st Prlnee Rupert JApitt 1st - April ISth rrt n FOR YOUR R(CK & CONCRETE WORK CALL Bt Ub. 93!) M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment , Alt Work Guaranteed LtR. GARNET E. H. j MONTGOMERY - 5 DENTIST ; Suae 7, 8mlth Block Phpne 525 P.6. Box 1210 ! "I -I ' When you choose yom mm mm cigarette for mildness - yon ' VANCOl'VIlh VICTORIA SEATTLE Sunday, 0 p.m.. Chilcotin Tuesday, 1:30 p.m.. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STCWAKT AND POUT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. OR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcolin March 17 and 31 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ;.s. Chilcotin March 24. 10 p.m. ano 24, 10 p m. ERANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5(58 choose Millbmik CigaiXttes HELEN'S This advertisement is not ; published or displayed' hy the Liquor Control Board or "by the govern-1 raent of British Cohim-j bia- ; MATTSON'S UPMOtJJTKRING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Bon We 330 Second Avenue Prmc Rupert. B.C. ."BEAUTY SHOP j permanent Wavlni Beauty Culture hi all -its branche 204 4th Street Phone 6SS u