Liberals have good ideas " All this was highly. umuMnj Prirtrf Rupert Dailp ncto 11-r.ii.f Dc.'f!iiD?r 12. 19-19 ;Paslor Coming Xnias Gills Ii i.iii haruly descried t ia.-ic.i-. i I M the love between Liberals and JQ nilfC!! mCTC Victoria Report 5c: Ptt Tear. 18 00 GItj Crr;e. per . ioc: Pt Mi:t Sy MM!. Per Uonib. SOc: Pw Ier. 5 0O o Conservatives in Coalition. It's. Men v'FM brow hf Dollars As a result of the visit here of easy to see Mr. Anscomb is sore. t r v t . ... by J. IS.. INesbltt that he came out of the pro- Rev. James A. Munro, superin- on Trees Political Straws Real S vinciai election last June with tendent of mission of the For Rumors Winch Out? Johncon far tewer seats than the Lib-, byterlan Church In Canada. First 3V:i To Ortowo? The Big Split erals. , Presbyterian Church here hopes It's beaini ina to look here as to soon have a permanent Das- ATURALLY enough, the results of the general elections first in New Zealand and now in N Prices VICTORIA The silly season of wild political I if Mr. An.cmb miuM like to tor in succession to Rev. Oeorge find some reason to break coaii- E. Sendall. who left the city in rumors seems to have come. tion. This would mane mm late SUTOmer and Is now takine - Australia, both of which countries threw out their ' Labor governments after ample years of experience with them, intensify speculation as to what will Men's DRESS SHlt BUT YOU CAN SAVE MONEY AT Blue 992 KEN'S RADI ,4mo CLINIC For Satisfactory Service 718 2nd Ave. W. Klue 992 m d.l, we nave neen interested in two in recent .leader of the opposition, rcpac advanced thenloelcal studies at selection days that Harold Winch will be ousted from the i ii. . i ut r..;f."vi ing Haroia vwncn. uppo.-iuon, KnoJ Colege Toronto usually become the Govern- W- Munro told local con-position ment If Anscomb were in op- four years he mi?ht gregation at yesterday' services well have an opportunty then that it had been arranged for i : T.'e hie T?r.v Xfnlrnlm A Mark AKiiittant ; Happen ... tne ..di ruvwun n. u.r-i "nun,, jeadershjp an(, that premier Byron Johnson next ear . will go to Ottawa as a federal cabinet minister There need not be too much assurance, how- Every now and then there's a : a u r r ij. ...i Ul urt uiiims ririniri. i o . - - ... chance As lone as he re- superintendent of missions Torv partv. It rocked the Legis-i0" main in Coalmon he will be headquarter. In Nelson, to come 1 lative and Buildings the lega! Drofession more or ess an 0 e y llers for lne montn of January or Prince Rupert Florists Flour rs for Ail Occasions ever, that the Old Countrv is readv vet to turn out buzz tnat ,the CCF neirarehy .. , , . . ,. . , , , isn't satisfied with Harold its labor government. In the first place, it has only WinCh and wouid purge him. had four years of such government whereas New so far there u no evidence o! Zealand has had thirteen years and Australia SV eight. Further, the Labor government has lost no satisfaction with the leadership watc in hv.Wtinn.i pvon tlinno-h ma inritip mav The rumor mongers this year i303rd Ave. Box 318 Tel 77 It started when vlr. Wismer' me iucrwia. ne uws t i.-vc until "sucn umt as me pastorale 1 that and neither do Conserva- .vas oermanentlv filled. riwpc In thff Hiin.v w- w i i ' Men's TIES - 9'fts. Latest shadfi from L j, Men's SVEATEP j pullover and butt styles, wools, Q! :i from Mcn's TROUSERS! dress, oil oo w 1 Perfect gi ft, qoadrt, menr from - Men's oil woo! 4 heovy SHIRT-JAC good shades. P.. : bargain y Men's Ail Wool t COATS Covet Ii batch of KC.'s will be appointed " v - ,., u mu,,ro u " . ion their merits and ability, not I . . . J inursaay nignc Dy me rruice intcres Ot).;crvrrs vy-oi. . . - . J i'trti all CCF. rrVel in ltd-, hB.-.nto thov Viqvo hsn orvnrl '"'" i...!..!....",. (jeurte Oil Ills leLUl II to V liaLOU- have shrunk in some eral and provincial elections , liUcal v0'kSTS iQf the partywiU watch for a widening split ' between Anscomb and Johnson. On the other hand, the growing turning away But u ,th! narty ierarcny "aS: m power. Mr. wismer said h' There is every indication it ii i would consult with the two i- . a, t .1 ... Advertise In the Dally News iiuiii MKManMii, Miucn as to oe een ooserveu in would also have to be dissatia- i chief justice i Hnn Hnrrtiin 1 Canadian elections during the past year, is not to be fie witn national leader m. J !Ssoan of the court of Appeal1 .Moving, Packing, t ratins, Shipping and Gtn.i! Cartage and Storage Complete Reliable and Efficient Service, also agents for Canadian Liquid Ajr Co. Ltd.. for Oxygen. Acetylene and all welding supplies. Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Est. 1910 Piions 6(1 and C8 WORST MISERIES OF CHILDREN'S' new shades end p ! Loiu.ti.. nC leue.aiiy ajand Hun WendeU B. Farris of : badly as Mr. Winch lost pr3-;the supreme Court, and a re-! vincially. j preSentative of the Benchers, j This writer wouiu say that The day of handing out these j Harold Winch is just as safe in; honors for political reasons if j CCF. leadership as Boss John-'gone, said Mr. Wismer. and noj son is in Liberal Leadership and! attempt would be made to Herb Anscomb in Conservative! divide them equally between leadership. - j Liberal and Conservative law- j As to the rumor that Mr ! vers, just because of Coalition. 1 Johnson will throw- up the B.C. I Premiership and become a fed-! This infur'atl Mr. Anscomt ; eral cabinet minister welL''ho issued a statement to sayj that's the silliest one out Whv he didnt aree with the at"! should he? Cabinet ministers torney-general at all, at all. are a dime a do; en in nttwi He said wouldn't give his ap- 7 a ra fit. Keol bargain $ Men's SOX I selection, new dr qood quality, fro-n Poys' SHIRTS shodes, from Cum' CWtlTnr discounted. Also in the Uld Country there is a growing discontent with the continued austerity which is, no doubt, part of the reason for Britain is today endeavouring to buy from the non-dollar rather than the dollar countries such as United States and Canada. There is also the question of whether Britons are still of the same mind, or at least as enthusiastic, as they were before on the broad question of nationalization of industry and continued control of the very way of living. Between now and the election day speculation will be rife on whether or not the majority of Britons have yet had their fill of Labor government and are ready to change. TFIR virmiiii FiiiiPri?s: Warmiiv?. soothing relief from the n;Wrv of children's coins cumes quiticly nhr-n you rah on Vicis VaiioRub t bedtiiite. Otu-n S r;'.ornin mast o( the (listresjs o( a cold is gone. VdRub is so efTt-rrive because of ita sprriai double actlcii. Firs.t. Vu.)oHt.b penetrates detp Into cold-congested oroni liial tu'jrs to relieve coiiRestion ... soothe UTitatiov At the same timr It sfi'nu.atej ches and back r.rras like a rotriortine ultice. 1o- SPECIALIZING la Designing and Remodelling ni?hi, use Vicks vioMtt ,t your child's cold. Beil.Known Horns Remedv to WICKS VVapoRub j A provincial premier though ProvaI t0 ' Federal appointees' havin to do with the looked upon as more or less a anything Relieve Distress of Cold assortment fro-r, Boys' All Voo! f JACKETS goo) barga.'n prices from I case. He said it's the preroga- nuisance in Ottawa, is more "Russ" Gafzke CONTRACTING Box 155g Phone P.lark 279 important than a federal cab-,uve 01 lne 6vernmeni n power inet minister. There are 22 of t0 appoint K.C.'S and he Sheriff's Sale i Boys' Dress Pub 1 1 up wouldn't consent to giving that prerogative. them, which a lot of people think an extraordinary large number to run a country ol Under the Coalition the RAINCOATS J from .f Boys' ond Girls' ANNOUNCEMENT that the Victoria Colonist and Victoria Times will be published in a less than 12 000.000 people. number should be divided be- IV TI1K MI'ltl VIK IH KT or KKITIhH IOI.I MHU Between HANSON LUMBER AND TIMBER COMPANY. LIMITED. Plallltlfl And FRED EL'GO. Defendant. Under and by vtrturi of a Writ of Flera Facias Issued from the abovt Court and to me direciea against tne gxnis and chaiteis of liie uciendanl, Fred But I have .seized one Pandon Unit Sawmill complete with powei unit. 200 i B m. lumber, camp buildings and their contenia. tools and accessories. 240 sawlogs at the camp known as pugg's Camp, near 31tei-na Crossing, 00 more or les. cedar poles In the woods neur the said camp .. v WUU1U say mjs tween Conservatives and Uber- GOLF HOSE ?; als," said Mr. Anscomb, adding that the whole thing sounded to him like a Liberal idea. 1 and three draft horses, now at Hanson's sta&les. at Nasii. tioixln and . I chattels may be viewed at the above described locations on Thursday Tr ihi-h fh lO wnicn me Attorney-gen-j December 15. at the heur of 1100 o'clock In the forenoon at tli. joinuv owned plant nut with each retaining seperate Mr- jonnson m remain right; identities and policies, does not come as a surprise. X'rSgSmT. ! For a good many years.there has been an increas- j underpaid job 411.500 a year. ing tendency among newspapers in both Canada ! " :Vi T ' Not so 8!llV the recent o,,",i v it. c 1 'a 4 i. and the - United States to reduce costs without mv rumpus between the Attorney-pairing efficiency and general service. Sometimes general. Liberal Gordon wis-this has taken the form of amalgamation. j nan cri": EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIKi - REMODr'M INC FOI'NDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phone Green m Box 586 . i- ft. fv V i' eral, in some indignation, fired back with: "If Mr. Anscomb tays it's a Liberal idea and if it happen to coincide with "liberal thinking it shows the Sheriff's office In the Court House Prince Kupert. I will offer for sale at public auction, all the ritiht. title and Interest of the defendant In the above goods and chattels. Terms of sale: Ca-sls ThU sa)e Is subject to the SociaJ Security and Municipal Aid Tax. t ' The highest or any bid not necessarily accepted. Dated at Prince Ri.peri. B C. 6tn day of December. 1849. M. M STEPHENS, (281 1 Sheriff of the County of Prince Ruptrt. B.C. REAL EST At INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETL'RI.S PRKPA: fcj GIFTS FOR THE YOUNG CHIROPRACTOR j nhn r. U Hughes, .t, Ph.C 1 A That Will Thrill and Give . . ui ail the dailies in Western tanada Ihe Colonist is by far the oldest. Founded by an enterprising and original pioneer from Eastern Canada known as Amor de Cosmos, its story is vitually tl)e history of Victoria. Not so long ago,' the Colon- ' ist printtd its centennial issue, a production of outstanding interest and value. The Times is also full of years and, like the Colonist; is a respected institution in the Capital City. 324 2nd Ave .N ,,r ( fr MR. DAGGETT'S THANKS I desire to thank all those who voted for me ! Thursday and extend to those elected best wishes for a successful term of office. ; H. M. DAGGETT. Everlasting Pleasure CHANDLER C.C.M. Bicycles, Tricycles and Joyrid- ers, Sunshine Bicycles 21-22 Besner Block Phone BI.IE 442 for Appointment IIOI K 10 30 a.m. to 12 30 pm. and 2 to 5 r .ti iVi:MM,H Monday and Friday. 7 30 p m for those unahlc to dime during tli Uuy. RECEPTIONIST In aiind nce afurnoona. PORTKAIT .S7L'l ... . . rum riniMiint In! . Flash Photo fakiTf ai II and Tricycles, RoJIer Skates, iKares, Wagons, wagons, Doll uou Phone Green 3o3 ?i6 i: PRIN'CE PLTERT, iiC j '..',:" fZ' 3 I' &Rft Buggies, Skates, i lis Sleighs and Ski Equip- 2 DON'T FEAR CRITICISM THE galleries are full of critics. They play no j ball. They fight no fights. They make no ! mistakes because they attempt nothine. Down in ! ment. Drop in and see our excellent stock. A small deposit will hold any article until Christmas WE DELIVER imRtat Can TO THE ELECTORS OF PRINCE RUPERT Thank' you for the support you so generously gave. I will do my best to merit the confidence you have placed in me. DON FITCH. riH n Z) pAYO i 1 -ilrT i-a i . tA McBride Street Pbone 311 tjt-' THE SWEETEST GIF Moirs XXX Lowneys Neilson's Smiles n' CHucV Russell Great's the arena are the doers. They make mistakes because they attempt to try many things. ; Ford forgot to put a reverse gear in his first j automobile. Edison once spent $2,000,000 on an invention which proved of little value. . The man who makes no mistakes lacks, boldness and the spirit of adventure. He is the one who never tries anything. He is the brake on the wheel of progress. And yet it cannot be truly said he makes no mistakes because the biggest mistake he makes is the very fact that he tries nothing, does nothing -"fexeept criticize those who do things. Pittsylvania wStar. .( . ; . w PRINCE RUPERT AMBITIOUS THE Prince Rupert News and The Ketchikan, Alaska,. Chronicle have co-operated in a special the nirm from 95c to $5.C WITH COLORFUL XMAS WRAPPING ItUtlUtrr fJliannani SPECIAL VALUE Stotionery ranging from 90e to $3.50 Leather Writing Cases in both Letter ond Sixth St. & Third Ave, ' gdjiion booming Prince Rupert as the great port ' 2 piece matching set $32.75 Complete i not e s.zes $4-50 up I Pocket Wallets by Tillie $5.75 up All Above Leather Goods Gold Stamped Free of Charge XMA PSiC Buy With Confidence ii n. GEORGE COOK, jeweil. ier Remember the 25 tax Is off all fewellerv 1 ; ..and terminal, to handle traffic to and from Alaska. 1 The boom in the Far North-West of Canada and ..the. United States is not catching the ambitious people of Prince' Rupert asleep. They are out to - make their community zoom. ; Aviation has brought new life to Alaska and -Prince Rupert. Also, the proximity of Soviet Russia " to-this approach to the .North American continent :-; makes it a centre of concern. When things are popping, Prince Rupert in-. tends to make the most of the opportunities pre-" Ysehted. Windsor (Ont.' Daily Star. rrnt 4j 1a J 1 1 MsvmK 06 I iu nfc, Phone 264 1 j I BKSXER BLOCK, 3RD AVE. noXE M j 25 Attractive Cards with your name imprinted in black or gold ONLY SI. 1)5 Ready in U Hours ELIGHTFUL ESSERT ELICACIES That's What People gay About Oui Cakes and Pastries MARCIIAND OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BURNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating; Alterations SMITH & ElKINS LTD. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Wilson was christened Joan Christine while the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Wight- Double Baptism At Prpsbyterion Church - Two baptisms were performed at morning service in First Pres- Baked Fresh Dally RUPERT BAKERY LTD. m f nfJdms. Jut byterlan Church yesterday by, man was blessed with the names Hev. James A. Munro. Infant Jane Ellison. PHONE 174 19 3rd Ave. BOX 274 Phone 643