5wi? clutching a tomahawk ,he was prfnre tUipffl EsTT Tumi Monday. Deombej- 12, 1943 ce great show featuring a tag team night ' Tn- s i '" I ""a match. ui or him nan again. , Tren I With a couple of the musculurs stt-ppt-a in and l clutchin gan eighteen inch length the Williams Lake of rope outside o the ring the Saint on t) .f Khonke and The Saint met. It 'Chief Up to this ' just didn't seem to be Kohnke'sj 'Contain. i ready to meet "Curly Locks l.eo Karlenko of Fresno. California, in the second one fall decision or twenty minutes. It was the Chief's night. And why not Was he not a big burly gent with a chest like a beer barrel? Had he not all the natives Grunls and Groans Twas a Buttle Royal. The winners were losing and losers were winning and then it fmir 'u l- One Hectic Night came about that the losers won jn the audlpnce behind him? And nirf uir.ers lost. Of course, the I "rasslin match was not a bit PLENTY OF SMOKE AND LOTS OF FIRE ALSO FIERCE WRESTLING complicated for it was easy to figure out who the winners were , when they were losing and win- .peaking of the audience, fists and vile vocabulary were tossed around between them. One eager native heap lots fire water but no smoke was gently escorted to the exit door. The Chief, of course won. Probably if he hadn't, a white man's life wouldn't have been worth the cork on a bottle In Prince Rupert Saturday night. """ The wrestling card at the Civic Centre attracted ners losing when they won. , . , m the first melee at the Civic crowd on Saturday night, and an e.sti- a capacity (ntre Saturdav nignt Felix mated POO' screaming fans saw the best wrestling Kohnke. handsome hunk or stuff entertainment to be shown Here in many a year It; who hails from wnnams Lake, tmclLa . with the color- , messed around -ol wasn't always eood wrestling that won the approval mahaniier "The , .... . , i He ne had nau Karlenko ivarienno hot not footing looting of the fans, but for sheer vilhany, and showmanship. Salnr in a one faU decision inaround the ri The Fresno lad 'or rod pi 3ri( to Saturday's three matches could Cenlre mariagement tnat it was , twenty minutes. is an artlst at foui pIay At ,east leave nothing to be desired. thj Cniefs mgrit to win. Th? i The hero was Kohnke. although 1 he made the audience think so. As predicted Leo KanenkOj admiring cr0wd was willing .to he didn't win. In the first few But the Chief was no piker. Many was the perfect villian. He was; tatte up the cudgels on his be- minutes he pushed the Saint ' ja ame he rubbed a finger along able to keep the fans in a con-j ,au 3t a moment's notice anJjaround to the satisfaction of the Curly Lock's spine which prompt- i t tniual uproar curing ni; maiui mlnor fights Drone out in u.t-j audience, twisting arms and legs iy developed a ca.se of knee walk- ndedated as it with Chief Thunderbird and in audience at regular intervals. i, pounding the anonymous j ing to the ropes on the part of A loss for the chief, would no, , , u,0 canvas . n ,,.vh- ... k. k-.,,-- the tag team match when he teamed with the Saint to mix doubt hJve seen Uie poor Kar- mm OS very harsh! er.Ro -.o.a iimj r.-om limb by Thunderbird and A I fJn ; blows, grips and A AUfflW J 'FfIx Kohnke W v ffj ftw j the non - fi-hting Th(n the Saint decided enough off in Hollywood, but that Is his w.i.v i-nough. business. But let it not be said Grunting, groaning and pant- tne Chief was not a Broadway ing .Felix was in a bad way. And future In his own right. Afur ih audience couldn't do a thing scoring a decisive victory, he about it. Tlfe poor man had his hopped and whooped around the hen he was partner of G B O A I I the angry crowd, and no doubt be realized fhat a minor loss to the Chief was the better p.iri or valor. A "Saint" Inderdy! .the 1 N S U L A T I N the tag matcn :ie still manngea Mak tout conitruction doUan do doubts duty . . . m Cc The Saint was no more saintly i hair pulled. He had his arm' squared circle. to be the most active, conjurm? up more acts of skullduggery in five minutes man the ordinary villian could think of in an i hour. If not fighting with the -'f-'nt n'rtyt nlf " '' -fc.- InsuUting Board, ll build and insulate at the Hmtl-.w ni, cori. A Donnacona-imulaled hom ia more, comlortabia s winter, cooler ia Bummer and mvs on fuel contumptoc about th many usm oi Donnacona ... a an ei'enor than expected and probably : s-riaun-'d ovt the ropes. He was After 600 seconds of internals- j produced the best weestling uf pjn-.j a herk of a beating. Fin- slon .the grapplers returned fori rhe evening. He managed tojfli;v it W;IS uji over and in less the final match of the evening! keep his identity masked anJ j than twenty minutes. The Saint all four of them-and put on a Iiu Jeiuuitul is nt publidiej or JiifUvoi bv tr,e Ijquo Cwurol BorJ of bv tiic Government of littlub Culumtub aa a plaalar baM ... a attic and ioU uauUlua.,! generally gave a good account , relrea!f,d victoriously, amid bel- I- DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS lowing boos, leaving the tortured fans at the ringside and most of his blows were hurled in a constant stream of invective and some were even expectoratedhe was surreptiously aid-ine his partner in crime by ' lutarioc finiah. CAM- 6.-.1 Felix on his rear busily massaging a battered leg. the excitement. Felix Kohnke iost in the first bout but shared vhe victory with Thunderbird PIIILPOTT EUITT stamping on tne reel oi tneir, in the tag-team event taKing mutual opponent, or stalking one of the two falls required! BROADWAY CAFE With Imaginative drums deeply pounding in the distance, powerful and well-known Chief Thunderbird of the Saanich tribe I across the ring for a kill, when for a win. ' leferee Tom Andrechuck was it was a big niaht for the ki:1s.) & Co. Ltd. 1 LUMBER and BUILDERS' SUPPLIES IS THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COI.UMriA IN PKORtTF. FM Tin? MATTER OP THE " ADM1V-ISTR'TIOV ACT" AND IN THR MATTFK OF THE EKTATF. OP MAIX"Ol.M M'T)ONALD. DECEASE!) INTESTATE TAKE NOTICE .hnt bv Order of Rts Honour Juh j W O. Ful'on Ifcal iiwl'.;? t the Supreme C urt British Columljla. X was on the 1st rt:iv of Diwmbfr, A D 1949. appoints Admlnlttnitnr of the Es-t:ae of Malcolm McDonald, deceased late of ly.wer Post. British Columbia, who died on or about the rub day of September. 194a. at the , Columbia All 'persons Indebted Ui canvas. Be- tbusily engaged in separating a They kept the Chief busy in the j stepped onto the Best Food j wild melee of legs, arms, and intervals signing autographs r ecked in a coionui blanket and ! tweatina torsos. Chief Thunder- and kept him i the ring for a' from the Saint. Third fait also won by the Chief from the Saint. 'Vie winners Chief Thun oird was a perfectly cast hero, full hour after the match doin i Hundreds of his native admlr-more of the same. He probably i ers were there to cheer him on was more exhausted from pen-I and every small boy in the : mamhlp than wrestling. They ' ! packfd house picked him as the delighted in his war dance en-i hero of the night. It was a for- acted after each fall over his Finest Cooking Hours 7 a.m. to I a.m. -Phone 200 Professional and Uusint derbird of the Saanich tribe i J,,.,1n?,:nt D Cm. British CnliimKin All rwnu-.ne InHfihrwl trt For Take-Home Orders- nd FeliX Kohnke Of Williams; e said estate are required to m Civic victims, and when in trouble lunate thin? for the the nmount of their Indebted new to tlake. they stormed to the ring to ' forthwith and all persons having j cialms aKaliist trtf said e?tau re T give a helping hand if called upon. Referees George Howe and Tom Andrechuck had a big night. George managed to stay dr. p. j. cut: DENTIST J SUITE 5, SMITH U if iuirtra it) imp inrm wun mp pru- i prrly vfHfit-d on or bfforr the 15th ty or Jnrtviary. 19r0 fulling which! distribution will be made having, regard only to sich clBtinn of which j T shall have tven notified t The SPORT Sho p's Toylown, ll's WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complet Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 51S Phone 765 P.O.; DATED at TcleTTaph Cwk. B C. this l,st day of December. 149 ERNF-ST KAftL AU PV. Official Atiminitraror. 294 Tetefrraph Creek. B C. HEW ROYAL on his feet in the first two bouts, but Tom wasn't so lucky in the wind-up and at one time found himself the main victim in a furious set-to with the Saint. Handlers were supplied by the Legion Boxing Club, in the persons of Graham Alexander, Bill Tjornton and Len" Hitchens, a mighty handy threesome in -.ne or xrour. Oh Yes, the Results! By the wj, the results: Kohnke versus The Saint- QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box T74 Second Ave. HANDYMAN' HOME SERVK GENERAL CONTRCI ) Building and ReptWi kinds I Roors - CHii: OIL BURN BR HOTEL a A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot nd Cold water i won by the Saint when Kohnke; PHONES J Black 334 PO I P.O. Box J1 Don't Miss This Terrific Selection. A Toy For Every Boy and Every Girl There's Trikes. Wagons. Pedal Cars. Sleighs, Kiddy Cars, Trucks, Scooters, and Hundreds of Dolls and Thousands of Other Toys to Choose from. I had to call for mercy from the ieferee. ! Karlenko versus the Chief won by the Chief (of course with a hold new to these parts PRINCE R'JPERT. B.C. ' 65 a WE HAVE IN STOCK CUMMINS dlesels and SIMPLEX gas engines. Boat owners and parties interested are invited to view these machines at our shop. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS I 'hcie 281 P.O. Box 19 THE the Indian Deathlock. The Tag Team match T- . , 1 . 1 r.ki.1 B & W TRAM: Cord WockI, Cedarlf SPOUTS SHOP auiaiAc aiiu me viiiei versus Karlenko and the Saint. ITIE STORE THAT HAS EVERYTHING IN TOYS AT THE PRICE YOU LIKE TO PAY Kindling wood 50c PHONE RED first, rau won oy Karlenko from Felix Kohnke. 622 W. 3rd Ave. Box 1C92 , Biue 69 ' i L.Qio Col Brd ar by tk Gmuii Second fall Won by the Chief i-s CJk Fleece Lined Flight Boots Women's Sixes Black or Brown $7.45 Red $7.75 f A TTCflW NPHOLSTERliC Phone Blue 818 P 4 1 330 Second Avcf 'J Prlnc Rupert, p 1 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysl.; OFFICE HOURS . 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 St 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment FOR YOUfl ROCK & CONCRETt rT r. RLL'E 959 M. J. SAUNW New. Modem Equip All Work Guaraifrl in i X At the FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED hardneI a p CHARTERED ACCOl ii n v'plville S CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Oreen 412 Evgs. rd Ave. Box 638 Ph. 357 vancouver CYCLOS RANGE OIL BURNERS MARGARET Me OPTOMETRI3I i (& rS'i A, Vr A a S A I t. A l 'X , t i a m a I. Room 10 NO Soot Carbon Wicks Smell DR. GARNET E. II. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suit 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i218 STONE BUIff PHONE S BLUE 59j P.O. BOX llSf PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 750 972 10th East GEORGE RORUt Public Accountants ; Perfect Vaporization Perfect Draft Control Easy Operation Stainless Steel Burner Free Demonstration In Your Own Home Phone Itlack SSI T H OM SHEET METAL LTD. tors. Income Tax compiled n i. RORIE. A HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all 1U branches 204 4th 8treet . Phone 655 S. B. LAIRD, B. f Tlonir Rlrwk i Advertise in tne VA