i M worked so hard this year, com- Hospital prised the principal bush, i "'" , 'Bn' mis need was DreaKrasi tray or eacn patient on GRCNTS AND GROANS 'Continued tium Pa?e 4) ce Monday, December 12, 194!) .... vuii.iiun uuun in I liii i-iiiuai) iiiiriiiuig- the caijy future. The sum of $10 The annual meeting and slee i Thursday night's meeting In the' J hospital lounge. Mrs. D. Q. Little 1 presided and Miss E. Head was Plans Xmas ps voted to the Terrace and tion of officers will be held in enjoying a holiday. Uhe Legion Boxing Club provided Masset Helps Crippled "Kids" MASSET A total of $110.67 was donated to the crippled children's fund of the Red Cross by ui.irici Hospital Fund. The Saint But it had to come January and all members are be Florists Bo 1W BALAGNO Phone Green 78" secretary. The sum of $100 was placed in an emergency fund fur rllt... r- DisbursmenU of Ior which the Tcr-Auxiliary ha. met the Chief and Hades broke handlers for the four muscle-loose. The Saint, hidden behind , bound groaners. a platinum colored full face I Christmas plans included a ti hamper to be placed under the Christmas tree for the nurses. For this, parh memV.o- tc ing asked to attend and take a filend to swell the membership. At the close of the business session, refreshments were served i needs of the hospital or nurses. I An all-over bet table and a babv mask, threw the Saanich Tribe ADVERT1HK IN THE DAIL.V NEWS FOR tKST RESPt 1'8 being asked to leave a small box! by Mrs. and Miss Head. bottle sterilizer will be purchased the Junior Red Cross of New Masset elementary and high school as a result of a success in arucn-s at the home of Mrs n VTri(irisi(4'c'fee'e''('f'C'err';?cT'rc',s for the hospital and for the nur- I Little who w ill attend to final dis MODERN ,ront Designing gentleman around a bit, but received it in double quantities. It was a great night with Referees George Howe and Tommy Andrewchuck also mixing things up a mite. ses lounge, a much needed coffee table. A small refrigerator is needed PRACTICAL ful sale of work and tea held in the school recently. Under the leadership of Mrs Mosquitoes No Menace posal. A big box is being placed in the Skeena Mercantile for donations of jams and fruits etc. to the hospital at Christmas nH Materiols for the nursery j save the steps of the nurses who maw m Wrestlers are the funniest peo Jean W. Singer, Miss Joan Hew-lson and Principal Norman Green, the students produced a fill I T finrt cmn ,-,, I , 1 ' plebut who isn't? ,6EE formula. In .h u Wmmwim iiuibcij uiiu turn . Vv Tanned in r.p nnhnn Art Murray had the job of in Electric Light Kates, Radio Reception Discussed by Officials With Terrace Board bottles ootues to to the the kit a card will be placed on the troducing the grapplers and explaining to the audience rules of IkiAND V.I I 1 me kit- with & SIPPLIES , I SunnliM I I I - FOR AB.fi. good display of needlework, toys and other various articles which were displayed for sale in various booths. A home cooking booth and the serving of tea were the tag team match type of FINE PRINTING at I 6eSl Blue B20 wrestling. Bob Cameron kept time and Graham Alexander of AT . VARIETY THE STORE OF A THOUSAND GIFTS in charge of the high school girls. TERRACP Only an Increased use of electricity by the people of Terrace can bring about a reduction of rates of 12c and 8c which are now being charged, T. M. Gibson, regional superintendent of the British Columbia Power Commission, told the Ter i . 4 A A , t , ei S Constable G. W. Anderson of I 3 t2 l PRINTERS i v Masset, and young David Uns-worth Sewell, were winners in y v t: I I ! i ! j ! a stuffed toy raffle. TOYS race and District Board of Trade at Its monthly meeting last week. i rr 'iv - i iiu.M, ti zzi Second Ave. i nr L..z ji Although there are 388 power customers now as compared with j 47 two years ago, the per capita U SA HUL YWnnnnaFF n EVERYTHING IN TOYS TO MAKE (Consumption remains extremely V . y y V I t I I W.m I MOST UlVrO-DATE CAKK IN THE CITY I YOUNGSTER- 2 YOUR low. At the same time, rates l hers compared favorably with! other towns. I i I wSS !! OPEN raoM S:S P-M to J:30 A.M. ffjk HAPPY '1 Qriiuiiffiiirrj) k umiK FOR THE We Specially In Chinese Dlsbe t W RED AND rjk WHITE CnOP SUEY-CnOW MEIN U WGf I 0 SEAL LA6EI ror nt!,,de Tien ivtss A. I. Peacon, inspector of the Department of Transport radio 'ivlsion, reported on local radio nterference and attributed the lost of it to local causes which juld be rectified through Improvement of wiring and fllter-ng of certain sources such as CHRISTMAS CARDS The Widest Assortment of Xmas Cards in Town XMAS DECORATIONS mid v V V w s M V v V V This advertisement ivnot published or disolaved by the Liquor Control - - fluorescent lighting. T0KTATIF ROW, board The Department of Health at or by the voovernment or British Columbia. Victoria does not .take such a wi mm serious view of the mosquito and www Xmas Lights, Wreaths 4t, black fly nuisance as does the district Itself and, while not be , Candles, Wrapping kt 1 fc ing willing to contribute finan cially, advised the Board that it T I ' 1 All- Change-ruban rapids Douc toinla grits Touches conformiet t Barro d'otpacsmsnl If is ready to advise on how they can be eradicated. The Board in 11 Yl I ft DON'T DON'T WAIT WAIT FOR FOR W nQu I I? rapido Margtur "MogU" TOMORROW SEE IT IT TODAY TODAY AT AT ... . was assured that, while they might be a nuisance, they were no menace to health. -Next meeting of the Board will be the annual dinner in January to which Invitations will be sent to E. T. Applewhalte, MP. for Skeena, and other guests Including members of the Prince T ' i f Gifts For Any Occasion ! T" v.r?i !f THE WIDEST SELECTION WE'VE HAD IN YEARS. J I A FEW SAMPLES ARE SHOWN BUT WE Commodore Cafe "Better Th-n Ever" xjm VmuUIIL 7W I 7Z . 5 tT 5 , "Manic" t one S The Store of a Thousand Gifts gBr:,l img W'NlliiY iitilda v IRW inlK??lr" RZlM Available with English or H-J U J; iiFnTrKnnnC I K im'Mi'A ; MrUAr Klll " ., r.. ma p.h inn 5, .ffifei VfZX &LA Rupert Chamber of Commerce. i Best food and Service In Clti I 3 Mrs. George rflilt returned to Phons 17 for Send-Out OrdeMS 5 the city on the Coquitlam last K HAVE HUNDREDS OF OTHERS xJe X- fTr-ik Ronson Crown jfZ jEf5?S & Lighter . v-1: s Third Av. Dvld Chow, Mgr.? trip to Vancouv evening from a er. K,,fcaS,3:i,5tj,s,-.ftsr)ias:a9iS'.aliSiats,s. 4 ly Will Enjoy ,7rfS ; A Gilt the Whole Fami 1 .rMMlafe Ti Smeller Ronson CHlii)' li' Leather Covered " 4R, Traveling Clock j si . 1850 i 1 Musicol !arl! i il.l . h Powder Box if ' (JO 0 7.95 ' t. 1 26 Piece Silver Plated Flatware Set -v Stainless Knives - Th Rodio-Phonogroph of the Year 7 Different Models to Choose From with 3 Speed Automatic Record Changers Priced from $119.50 tO $239.50 ' Ask about our Time Payment Plan with life insurance at no extra cost NOBLE & WICK 201 3rd Ave. W Exclusive Dealers 1 3 VJ 3 Stone z3 jeS'J IV"" Diamond Ring x5; 90,00 vip2 arai gg& I" Gold Cameo . . r, ' 1 PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS TOWEL CABINETS LIQUID SOAPS SOAP DISPENSERS DISINFECTANTS DEODORANTS and FIXTURES LAMPS PASTE and LIQUID WAX .DUSTBANE and SISAL I I And Time For CHRISTMAS!!! Industrial Janitor Supplies at Vancouver Prices Manufacturer's Representative :COlj 20.00 TrQy j ies - i2.oo Vr ERr I IS PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 032 . P.O. Box 772 712 Second Ave. TR' 1 Ladies Wrist A CARLOAD OF KROEHLER CHESTERFIELDSTHE NEW AND BEAUTIFUL 1$50 STYLES AND COVERS TO ASSURE DELIVERY - I 25.00 " fi in various shapes Order youi THE PERFECT GIFT MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS HAMS MAPLE LEAF CHRISTMAS BACON and . MAPLE LEAF GRADE A TURKEYS DUCKS and GEESE From your dealer NOW! See Them Now At (iordoii & Anderson Canada Packers limi