1 MOOSE CARD ufrt HONOR prince nupcrt Daflp J3ctos Lto. Muuday, May 3, 1U1S Local' News Items".. of honor was given the, best wishes of her friends. Those present were Mrs. T. J. Boulter, Mrs. M. J. Keays, Mrs. C. Anderson, Mrs. F. Cameron CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle tannine L DKIUC (Subject to change) SUNDAY SCHOOL Mrs. C. Wilson, sr., Mrs. P. Cameron, Mrs. Georee Howe Mi- Women's Canadian Club Elec- R. Ncff sailed Saturday aftcr-tions, Wednesday, May 5, 3 noon on the Catala for a trip p.m., Civic Centre. . to Vancouver. ENJOYS PICNIC George Rudderham, Mrs. A. Guy- . (105) gir wlio rei.cn Vancouver was bride in by friends .jtli a shower return Here. Guest of function, held at t the PARTY ENJOYED A good crowd enjoyed the weekly card and dancing jfcirty held Saturday night by the Moose Lodge In the Moose Temple. Cards took up the early part of the evening, winners being Mrs. J. Van Wallegham and Mrs. S. Dumas and William Terry and Ted Latch. Dancing began at 10:30 with intermission for refreshments and distribution of whist prizes. an, Mrs. Pedersen, Mrs. T. Priest, R. G. Van der Sluys left by W. H. Brett, M.L.A. for Prince air Saturday for a business trip Mrs. William Bussey, Mrs. K Greer, Mrs. E. Goodsell, Mrs. J Rupert, returned to the city on Le of Mrs. C Anaerauii, the Cardena last. night after attending the session In Victoria. to Vancouver. George Yule, after a weeks' visit to his home in the city, Intermediate Classes of Inited Church Visits Dighy Island Twenty-five members of the Intermediate Sunday School of the First United Church packed their lunches, climbed into hiking clothes and set out at noon Saturday for their annual picnic. Under the leadership of Rev. Carl Wilson, wuusc took place In the 16. She city on April J V. Scrivener, jr., returned sailed by the Catala Saturday afternoon or, his irturn to on the Catala baturday night on his return to Vancouver af Black, Mrs. D. Parent. Mrs T Boulter, sr., iwrs. O. J. Smith, Mrs. J. Christenson, Mrs. D. Macphee, Mrs. P. Wlngham, Mrs. O. Wingham, Mrs. S. Dickens, Mrs. C. H. Finley, Mrs. A. J. Croxford, Mrs. F. E. Hunter, Mrs. D. Chrlstmanson, Mrs. J. R. Carr, Mrs. Arthur Leighton, Mrs. Robert Murray, Mrs. Hugh Killin, Lmer Miss Olga Ponich. MONDAY -PJM. 4:15 Stock quotations and Int 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:45 Magic Adventure 5:00 Recital 5:30 Tips on Travelling 5:45 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Int. 6:45 Plantation House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Summer Fallow 8:00 Parks and Burdett, Wpp. 8:30 Guy Lombardo Show 9:00 T.B .A. 10:00 CBC News 10:10 B.C. News 10:15 Provincial Affairs ENTHUSIASM FOR T .T Rnul- MIGO SHIRTS For LEISURE For BUSINESS For EVERY SUMMER HOUR L.cos WCIC mi.-,. r" . .... ,i ter spending a few days in the city on business. MOTHERS!. A shipment of girls' white shoes, sizes 11 to 2 R. A. Wilson and Esther Harrison the party walked to the ere present, enjoying DRAMA FESTIVAL G. A. Hunter sailed last night on the Coqultlam for Victoria where he will attend a Canadian Press regional meeting, lso spending a few days in taring the evening. Co-operative fish plant where Mrs. H. Eastmanf'Mrs. J. W. Watson. has arrived. Specially priced $1.98. Suitable for Festival. Pupils, teachers, cnoir leaders, they were met by a boat and ferried to the wireless dock. On Vancouver on business. aspiring actors and directors have been industriously working the beach they were joined by Ilea of a Co-op truck lovely gifts was wheeled Uttif Marylin Anderson itfe same time, the guest another group, including Fran Mrs. William Wallace is on the Cardena Tuesday on for the past six weeks to prepare their contributions for the Advertise In tne Dally News! cis Stone, one of the teachers, Family Shoe Store. (It) Miss Joyce Hawklnson was a passenger aboard the Cardena last night going through to Stewart for a visit with her father, J. P. Hawkinson. a trip to Vancouver. Before re Prince Rupert and District Music who had reached the rendezvous direct by boat from Prince Ru turning home, she will visit her and Drama Festival being held daughter, Mrs. J. R. Nygaard, at pert. PRINCE RUPERT AND DISTRICT Bella Coola During the afternoon Softball 10:30Dance Orch. 11 :0o Weather and Sign-off 7:30-viusical Clock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns W. J. Crawford, who has been and -other games were enjoyed in the Civic Centre this week. E. E. Hyndman, chairman of the festival committee, reported at an executive meeting Friday night that great enthusiasm Is being shown by the school chil USIC and DRAMA on a trip to Vancouver, was a passenger aboard the Cardena last night returning to Stewart. Kenneth B Warner, publisher of the Interior News, Smithers, arrived in the city by train Sun on the sands and those who did not care for this type of sport explored the area, gathered shells and investigated the sea-life left by the receding tide. Af Mrs. Crawford , and daughter, day and left this afternoon by air for Vancouver on a business Jeananne, will be returning to Stewart next week. FESTIVAL IVIC CENTRE MAY 5 AND 6 ter their semond picnic meal the group left for home at 7 p.m. trip. It was not until 12:30 noon Sunday ,that the regular train due the preceding evening, arrived. Delay was caused by waiting for connections in the prairie dren. Although tickets have only been on sale for two days, S. A Cheeseman of the Borden Street School teaching staff, said the demand for them was extremely encouraging. A. G. Boas will be in charge of all ticket sales, acting as a co-ordinator for the various selling groups. Members of the Business and Professional Women's Club will be invited to Mr. and Mrs. G. R. T. Sawle, from Ontario, are expected in the city next Wednesday, on their way to New Hazelton, where they will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sawle. It will be thirty-five years, if not FOl'K PROGRAMS iwstlay Evening 7 :45 p.m. Rhythm Band, School Choirs and Singing Groups A new casual shirt that is shown in many attractive colors, the new Migo Casualaire shirt can be worn with or without a tie. Casualaire is also shown in the new Soap n Water fabric, unconditionally guaranteed washable or money refunded. country. This was because 'of 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 10:30 Roundup Time H):45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Kindergarten of the Air 11:15 Songs or Today 11:30 Weather rorecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 Musical Program KM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast hesday Kvneing 7 :45 p.m. DELICIOUS! ) Serve Jiof os I vegetable or told in salad J t ALWAYS f ASK FOR V VAN CAMP'S! 1 :ama One-act Plays by School and Senior Groups longer since Mr. Sawle was last the floods in Manitoba, Saska- here, when he was editor of the ,, , ,, and southern Alberta. Optimist (forerunner of theJewan Dally News). Associated with Gus Christlanson, New Hazel-him, at that time, In that news-1 ton hotel man, is looking f or- Lrsday Matinee 3:00 p.m. ' assist as door attendants during the performances. paper venture, was his brother, School Choirs and Junior Choirs ,day Evening 7:45 p.m. School and Senior Drama Choirs Adjudicator Mr. Ross A. Lort, C.D.A. . ward t o taking a long rest, his health, for some time not having The festival is sponsored by the Parent - Teachers' Council and members of the Parent-Teachers' Associations are making arrangements to billet par who now is proprietor of the Omineca Herald of New been the best. His son Carl, iden-tfied with the Hanson Timber and Lumber Co., has taken over the management of the hotel. it.lSON TICKETS ADITTS 50c, STUDENTS 25c ticipants from outside points. T-ongh the School and Com- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY B. munil Branch cf Win Depart- v-. Reid, catering superin- tendent of Canadian Pacific I meru OI "cation, unaer wnose FOR RENT House, 4 rooms and bath, near McBrlde, 3rd Ave. Phone Green 432. (It) i Good for all performances, space permitting) Sponsored by E PK1NCE RUPERT PARENT TEACHER COUNCIL Under the auspices of The School and Community Branch iif the Department of Education auspices tne lestivai was organized, arrangements have been coastal steamships, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise 12:55 Recorded 1 :00 Symphony OrehV 2:00 Sheila Prasents 2:30 Commentary and E. Hobbes 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3 :30 Divertimento 3:45 BBC News made for Ross A. Lort, C.D.A., to be present as adjudictor. FOR REN T Newly decorated sleeping room. 650 7th Ave East. (109) yesterday morning from Vancouver on official business and will sail by the Princess Adelaide Miss irahces Cross sailed Bat Upholstering urday on the Catala for a holiday trip to Vancouver. 3:551. Norman Smith tonight on his return south. Victor Amadio arrived in the city on the Cardena last ev ening from Los Angeles to pay a visit here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Helen Marchtldon returned to the city Saturday bj Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS r PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Mrs. Louis Amadio. He was accompanied by his sister, Miss FOR "Chicken in the Rough' "j 'f - TO TAKE HOME JCall the . "I .: CIVIC CENTRE 'l dining room :: PIIONE 231 J Marie Amadio, who has been on a trip to Vancouver. air from Skidegate where she spent the last two weeks on holidays. Announcements All advertisements m this column will be churned for a lull month at 26 cents a word FURNITURE REPAIR TRUCK AND AUTO CUSHIONS RECOVERED ' Ask for PLASTAIIIDE available NOW! Out-of town orders pven special attention LOVIN'S (Next to CFPR ) I'HONK BLl'K 818 Mfelatasds A press portrait of Bishop A. A. Jordan, O.M.I., Bishop of Mother's D ly Tea, Salvation Cigarette Tobacco Army Native Girl's Home, May Prince Rupert and the Yukon, Is included in pictures of members of the Holy Name Society at the annual communal breakfast recently in the Hotel Vancouver following mass in Holy Rosary Cathedral. Bishop Jordan was formerly identified with St. Augustine's parish in 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "He is the kind ol man who knocks everybody." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of 'usually?" 3. Which one of these word, is misspelled? Strategy, strate-gem, strategist. 4. What does the word "effulgent" mean? 5. What is a word beginning with fl that means "of or relating to rivers?'' Answers 1. Say, "He is the kind of man who finds fault with everybody.' 2. Pronounce u-zhoo-al-1, oo as in look, and four syllables, not u-zhoo-li. 3. Stratagem. 4 4, 3-6 p.m. aM Mother's Day MAY 9 CARDS Prince Rupert District Music and Drama Festival, Civic Cen J f I L D, SWEET, BRIGHT VIRGINIA tre, May 5 and 6, afternoons and evenings. St. Ppter's spring sale, May 6. , Gyro Klondyke Nite, May 7. j Mother's Day Tea, Home Cook- ! Margaret McLeod OPTOMETRIST IN NEW OFFICES ing, Sonja Ladies, May 8, Sons Diffusing a flood of light; lum- nf Nnrwav Hull ilnnEl St.H inous. (Pronounce the u as in!Ave 2 pm 5. Fluvial. Shrine Club Band Concert up i. "Effulgent rays of light.' ItOOM 10 STONE BUILDING NEW . PIIONE BLUE 593 Capt. and Mrs. Andrew Brown, following a visit to the city, sailed by the Coqultlam last night on their return to their home at Massett. May 10. Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. Booth P.T.A. May 19. St. Andrew's Anglican tea at the home of Mrs. W. S. Kergin, 224 4th Ave. West, May 27. Eastern Star Tea, June 3. fZ'A hi- . . ' I I.ANIl ltKl,IS'IK ACT Rp: OrtiriiKle f Title No. 37K-1 til DIBB PRINTING COMPANY Uvsnt-r llluik Third Ave. i.nis KmirtMMi (14), Fifteen (ir.) Junior Auxiliary United Church mill Mxteeii (III). Illmk Twii :!). TPa i.,np in UI.I AliK OF NTF.H AKT, Map BUS. ' '"X WHEREAS satisfactory prool or Ions of the above Certificate of Title Issued In the name of Cecil H. Fltz-hi-rbcrt has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby given that I shall, it the expiration of one month from WORLD'S HANDIEST VKST POCKET ADDING MACHINE (( i Fust Itrliilllle Aei-iirale $6.95 tne dHte of the first publication here of, issue a Provisional Certificate of Title tn lieu of suld lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B.C., this 14th duy of April, 1D48. A.D. ANDREW THOMPSON. IOunv to .literate. You run't nrfonl to lie without a httliv mlrulator. "Ill V TOKAY" (10a Complete Instructions Guaranteed 5 Years THE CLOCKERY 14 Merrick St.. Hamilton. Out. Mouev Order S..TO Bill. '.O.I. .... . i r NDIE Just the Cowboy In Him! By Chic Young I , : ; i " MMilii " fs& iS:H "n-J-jy- 1 ijlli! Ilih' I WAS JUST) f: ' 'Wl'1 ICOONGTOj (WfnCE NCXJ COVER (HM-M ,1 SEEVWHATT'- JSrxSIT (EVERYTHING J r xV2u uTvr JCrtS. lfeWAii Im i;-. " ' ' Innocent Bysnoozer. Trnr 'iiiiiiiiH1 " V i ! K1"" - -J J And So To Sleep. ' , ' 'r 0"give) t c s I VLAA LDAGWOOD.'A. A WELL, jT, ' 7 UP t- n J vou fell our) sou cxdnt is crsua ' , ,. Ill r f 1 TOP BtOON Pyn EXPECT ME ) iSjSS,Tl "ZT ' ri1 b 'i H s the floor Tr'9rvl to fall up AijMjryxI tfjJ : l-M lllw SPr: Duputy Registrar of Titles, j (1101 When You Buy a Wulch from Us THERE ARE MANY ADVANTAGES .... WE HAVE YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IN BUYING THE GOOD MAKES OF WATCHES. WE HAVE STANDARD PRICES. . OUR GUARANTEE IS BINDING AND IF A WATCH GOES WRONG WE KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT RIGHT WITH YOU. And We Test it on Our WATCH-MASTER Testing Machine. WAR SURPLUS SALE STILL IN PROGRESS While packing for shipment to Vancouver, we arc selling; at a sacrifice. You can buy now at your own price. We still have a large quantity of numerous items... ARMY & NAVY DEPT. STORES VANCOUVER REG1NA EDMONTON " (104 KAIEN CO-OP Brighten Your Home With Wall Tone - Vello-Alabastine VOK VOIR Sl'RING CLEANING 2HAMP CLEANER WALLPAPER CLEANER WALLPAPER REMOVER BLUE CLEANER BRUSHES MOPS WAXES Phone 17 Box 1127 251 3rd West