Prfnce ftupert Daflp Wttot Etc. " ' ' Mouday, May 3, 1948 ' "' GY EVANS-;- Seasona ble Ideas for Housekeepers A'ER HONOIltt AGED WOMAN'S FIR! MISFORTUIIf were opened by the guest of honor. Those attending the pleasant affair were Miss Peggy Evans, Mrs. E. Pettsnuzzo, Mrs. W. d! Griffiths, Mrs. L. M. Felsenthal! Mrs. Jarvis McLeod, Mrs. J. For-j man, Mrs. Crawford Moore, Mrs. J. H. Black, Mrs. Rayner Montgomery, Mrs. A. J. Dominate, Royer honor- cf!!aneous "GOLGOTHA" ft IMPRESSIVE Passion Play Make Notable Screen Event at Civic Centre Clergy of the city, school principals and a few other gues at the preview showing in t! common lounge of the Civic Centre Saturday night we;e TREAT LEFTOVERS WITH DU RESPECT; MAYBE APPETIZING hose marriage is to take v. ..1,1 SVMav There are two kinds of left- from stove, add beaten egg and STEWART In the adjoining town of Hyder, Alaska, misfortune overtook Mrs. E. Stamford. About nine o'clock in the morning Mrs. Stamford had just lit the fire preparatory to preparing breakfast, when the roof overn. . Some Just happen and j a nort.i vu,uw'. mis. r. vac- Timely Recipe Peach Bread Pudding "Peach Bread Pudding" is a good substantial family dessert that you will want to serve mix thoroughly. Place In a greased dish UO" x 6" x 2") and ethers are planned for. second- day use. Either kind may be bake in a hot oven, 4uu degrees Mr, Shannon and tunC) Miss I& riffilhs were ji..v , Wirkt Mrs. Stamford Is an old time resident of Alaska and had in the courrj? of years collected many curios of the territory, many of which can never be replaced. During the war years, Mrs. Samford, who is about 80 years of age, used to walk tho two and one half miles to Stewart to attend the meetings of the Portland Canal War Fund She was one of itg most Indefatigable members. H trw 4 tn in n too flit. Int.n aprvp hf I deeply impressed with the sound offered as an appetizing encore. When small amounts of food caught fire and in a few min 'Barbe. Miss Alim Rarha .1. ...l.ifa nnH njnbl. ' with hot chili sauce. Yield: Six!0 Picture 'Golgotha,- be- utes the place was blazing. The often. The sweet delicate flavor arp tint patpn at one meal there .atfd wun - i- l,. l-. unmitis and Mrs. L. M ing a new screen presentation. house was razed to the ground of the neaches adds a liehtlia a real ehnllprn in making servings. the dining ruum shannon fruity touch to this simple spicy them into something so good before any assistance could be obtained to fight the fire. .. attractive, centrea -t V' ' nink lipcrs miu a. uwu- pudding that's so good and so easy. that the family will not recognize them as yesterday's surplus. 1' Modern Etiquette By ROBERTA LEE flowers on the spimt! The careful planner often one of the notable spectacles bo- When you're low and bleak of the Passion Play which is to be shown to the public in the auditorium of the Civic Centre tonight and Tuesday. The story of the Crucifixion nd the poignant and deeply moving events leading up to f.nd following the central sacred for hooks were made ing the storm scenes which fol-r with' blues, advertise more in WAR DAMAGE HEAVY BONGON, North Borneo P Of 890 government buildings, medical buildings, schools, offices, barracks and stores in North Borneo and Labuan, only 10 escaped damage or destruction during the war. A total of 614 1 nnnl, txt tUa lowed the Crucifixion. The News. cooks an extra quantity of food,' q. when a girl is offered a knowing that it nmy be dressed cocktail in a crowd, but she does in a new way, saving her time not drink, what should she do? and energy and meeting with a. Say "No, thank you" but aim i-ai-ii "i P-tu-oe ..uAil a mr' i ta ave n'T a i" 1 cup sliced cannpd cling peaches 8 slices white bread Hi cups milk 4 eggs Vs cup honey ' cup granulated sugar Vi teaspoon salt -1 teaspoon nutmeg were enjoyca, ain-r wiutu the entire approval of everyone graciously. It isn't necessary to Invent In the. history, of- Chris - m.nts were .served. dirts, under a daintily decor- buildings were destroyed and elki of pink and white, 268 damaged. tifinity was depicted in solemn and stomas manner. It is, indeed, a picture that should be seen not ouli' as a religious nar-ittive but ai a technical at the table. J add that she does not drink, nor Home economists say that should she accept merely to there need be no apologies for please others. ' made-over dishes. When they q. isn't the bridegroom sup-are served piping hot or in a nosed to pay ior i.he wedding i , 1 1 r Drain peaches thoroughly. Cut, bread Into cubes and place one DEMAND . PUBLIC The time of running Is just half in greased l-quart casaer- ( crisp, chilled salad and well music? ole. Arrange peaches on bread seasoned they deserve respect. a. No. This expense should be and top with remaining bread. That applies whether they ara borne by the bride or her family Scald iniUc and pour over eggs the accidental kind or carry- q. What is a hors d'oeuvre, that have been beaten wRh ' overs deliberately cooked and and how is it pronounced? hcrey, su?ar, salt and spice, kept for the second roeal. I A. It is a side dish, a relish. about one hour and a half. Removal SALE been re-the typical The actoia, hav; markably cast to CONTINUES Blend well and pour over bread The first point in keeping Pronounce hor duvr, o as in or, conception of the roles. Theie and peaches. Place caserole in cooked food is careful storage u as in turn, accent after the du. I are also magnificent setting', pan of hot water. Bake in mod- j"keep cold and covered." A scrap x)AV and WEDNESDAY, May 5 and 6 Do you like canned pearhca to be luscious, smooth, firm, and generous in size? Then "Royal City" is your brand. Your groce can supply you. IE Alt!) STILL MANY ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS I OK erate oven Uao degrees F.) of cooked cereal may be used as about 1 hour, or until silver a binder for meat loaf, to thlck-knlfe inserted in center comes I on soun or eo into muffins. A THE TIIU1ITV SHOPPER The Experts Say Serve warm. Serve1 mlv SIIOUTIK COATS Plain and plaid. j i 1. . . .1 .. T" 1 T r . 1 Mm rfv mm out clean. 8 to 8. Punishment When punishment of some sort is necessary the child should be put in a ne wun noons, ivouiar vaiue wji n lie DIPLOMACY WITH CHILDREN Fond parents should try a litle more diplomacy in bringing up their youngsters- -if they ,0. SALE rmcE v--xv room by himself if he persists mlv SI'OliT JACKETS Regular want to take the nagging out of .ia wrong benavior. No child . llll.nn tn U lnff left out nf of ,V.n the fnnlih, family ue$U.!5. SALE PRICE child-rearing. iitle gravy gives extra flavour to soup, sauces or casserole mixtures. Bits of leftover meat, ground and mixed with egg or cereal may be shaped into wee balls, browned and dropped into clear broth, making a hearty main course soup. There are many ways In which these extra bits of cooked food may be dressed up but because the amounts vary so greatly it is better to use general recipes and vary the ingredients, supple- KXS Wool and plaid. $9.95 3.95 $1.95 News of SMITHERS CLEAR AT C I I I E I F00BS likes to be group and to be removed from his playmates. Spanking, strapping, or slapping should be used seldom, and then only as a last resort. "If this punishment is used too frequently it creates a resentment In the child who is too (U'SKS Assorted. In a breezy little booklet entitled ''Obedience," the health and welfare department lists eight do's and don't for parents. 1. Expect the child to obey never let him get the impression that you expect him to do other- 4721 ('LEAR AT . . . . UK UPSTAIRS AND SAVE j Two moose paid a visit to j town early last week and were watched by J. M. Collison and ! several of his neighbors. The At menung uie amount on hand t 0n y0U are more likelv llkely to t0 get small to defend himself," says with freshly cooked or uncooked ; getlthp health and welfare deoart- foods " " lb, 2. Make few demands, but be n' booklet, sure that those you make are I Correcting Bad Habits Bad earripd out bv the child. (habits will never be cured by ; animals appeared from . the I brush bordering on King Street j where tthey remained for about j fifteen minutes until a passing INNETTE MANSELL'S IN the Stone Building These recipes are excellent and ailow for variation of ome ingredients. Finest QUALITY SEEDS Best gardening equipment, enriching fertilizers, insecticides! We have 'em all to assure you of a fine productive garden. 1 spanking, scolding, shaming or 3. Mean what you say if you ask him to do something and bribery say officials. They ad-then do not bother to see that ivlse replacement of possible car frightened them off. All Smithers is looking forward to the installation of a water system in the near fu- it is done, he will soon get into feelings of helplessness, guilt, or Business and Professional the habit of paying you no at- sname, Dy seii-connaence ana Cheese Ring With Vegetables 1 cup milk 1 cup soft bread crumbs' 1 egg V2 cups cooked macaroni 1 cup cheese, diced Salt and pepper optimism. tention. , "Correct wrong ideas about For your gardening supplies phone or call at 4. Have the same general SUPERIOR jture. Plans are moving apace JONES NEWS STAND and authority for the printing We handle Eastern and Western of bonds sr the project was ules from day to day if you his difficulties and any thoughts are lax with vour child one dav the child may have concerning DKCORATORS TO :: PAPF.RHANGING inherited traits.' Papers Blue 952 or Black 245 and strict the next, he is con-used and consequently becomes nore difficult to handle. 5. Keep your temper the surest way to make a child sul- Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner Sixth Street Red 808 1 tablespoon minced parsley or pimiento 3 tablespoons fat, melted 1 teaspoon minced onion Scald milk. Add to bread crumbs and add well-beaten egg and other ingredients. Pour i-rnns Bui Thornton approved by the Village Commissioners under Chairman Harvey Davies. Negotiations ar2 under way to purchase a tank from War Assets Corporation but final approval is still bein.'; awaited. Tiie tank will have a 13 U McBride Street Phone 311 en is to lose your temper. Either .P.J. CHENEY DENTIST into creased rine mould and lle wm 106e nls temper too, or ne FlASIIES?Mi capacity of 100,000 gallons. Arm co Pipe Co. is supplying the pipe f: oven-poach in a moderate oven,:Wl11 learn to noid a gdge. 350 degrees F. until set . . .about ! 6' 00 not order but 'ask" yur 50 minutes. Turn out on hot ehlld t0 do things use of this TE 5, SMITH BLOCK PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning. Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 13C1 Overlook Street LIIIG for the system and have informed the commissioners that de 05 P.O. Box 1401 olater. Pour filling in centre metnod teaches the child co- Are you from thru the functional 'middle-BKt;' perijd peculiar to women 38-fi2 yr.)? I it- this maka you suffer from hot flaHhem, feel bo nervous, high-ati-iing, tired? Thea no try l.ydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Cor pound torelieveifuchfiymptnrnM! Fmkhard'l Compound bIho has what Doctors rail stomachic tonic effect! ind garnish with parsley. Yield: perauon. livery will commence in September. The $106,000 system will bt a decided asset o the village when installed. H & ELK INS LTD. DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING SCPERPAN PRESS KODACIIROME and KODAK FILMS Chandler & Cowgill Fourth St. ox 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. iix servings. ' rtvulu onoery ana coaxing Filling bribery will soon teach the ichild he can bareain wit" 1 cup medium cream sauce you- 2 cuns cooked vpfrptahir Coaxing is an admission of LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S XtiZ! imbin and Heating Engineers THE TAILOR We are taking cleaning and' pressing and steam pressing while yea wal PHONE 849 220 Sixth Street A drive for funds in the Con HELEN'S beauty Shop Permanent Wavjig Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 174 P.O. Box. 274 quer Cancer campaign has been taken over by the local Odd Baked Beef Hash 2 tablespoons diced onion 2 tablespoons diced green pepper 1 tablespoon fat FOR YOUR weakness and is an unfair appeal to the child's sympathy. He will soon tire of it. 8. Give the child suitable duties from an early age he should be taught certain duties. NEW ROYAL K AN D CONCRETE fellows' Lodge and Chairman A. C. Fowler reported that the 2 cups cooked ground beef WORK CALL BLUE 939 J. SAUNDERS 1 can condensed beef soup ?,nJnis way ne 'm . develP a HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Mortem Equipment HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms, Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Phone Kl P.O. Bos 196 work Guaranteed with vegetables, undiluted "ttu" ul W"w"y 1 cup diced, cooked potatoes !wiU make 11 easy for nim t0 c-1 egg operate in more important du- Saute onion as ne Srows older. and green pepper jties n fat until tender. Add beef, I . . oup and potatoes. Simmer torj IN THE SUPREME CO0RT OP' . minutes, stirring occasionally British Columbia first day's collections were extremely encouraging. Although the campaign got off to a late start, through no fault of the Oddfellows, the quota should easily be exceeded in a few days , The Btilkley Valley Branch of the Canadian Legion is holding a V-E Day dance in the Elks' Hall on May 7. Arrangements for this gala affair are in the capable hands of Clifford Em- Building and Repairs of aU kinds Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners NT F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor -22 BEKNER BLOCK o prevent sticking. Remove' m i-hubaih Iii I ho Malli-r of 111" :1IIIIIIIIH Mm '" 894 Phone Blue 442 .Aft" the! V."' '. Just Arrived ... Scandinavian and Finnish RECORDINGS New Scandinavian Numbers BACKSTROMS POJKE No. 10003 JING JUNKERS singing by Karin Juel SORLAND POLKA No. 1108 SKI GUTTEN REINLANDER BORGHILD REINLANDER No. 4009 DEN GAMSLE SYREN Finnish Numbers ELAMA JONKSUHAUDOISSA No. 3818 RAKASTA MORENA TAISTELUN JALKEEN No. 3820 SYDAMMENI SALAISUUS The above and many others available at '.he town, has purchased PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 SAVOY OnGE L. RORIE in mr .ii.iiii-r in nil" r.siinp m .iirt' Hjelm. Keren. I'd. intrxiult- TAKE NOTICE thnt by Order of His Honor. Judg W. O. Fultnn. Local Judge of the SuDreme Court o ransfer business of Vic Mac-Donald and the business will jow be known as Lloyd's Trans- merson, chairman of the entertainment committee. Lloyd Hann, one of the en- Will COn-iBntlsh Columbia. I was on tho 30U- rcr. Mr. MacDonald Accountant, Auditor, etc. ' T.ix Returns Compiled wr Block Phone 387 '.inue with his sawmill Iriny of Apr, A D. 1948. appolnte ; Administrator of the Estate of Alfred opera terprising younger members o dons. Hjelm. late of Atltn. British Colum b.a. who died on or fibmit the 18t) HOTEL Carl Zarelli, Prop. Phone 37 P.O. Roi 544 FRASER STREET Prince Rupert ASTORIA'S LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St. Night Calls Green 882 . . ., T H 1 S AND THAT EORGE McWHINNEY Minting and ,clay of February. 1948. at Atlln, Brl-Itish Columbia. All persons Indebted to the snld estate are required to pa I the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons havinw WEU HANGING claims against the said estate are required to file them with me pro perly veritled on or before the lSth P-O. Box 1426 cn" St. Phone Green 394 day of June. 1948. falling which dis tribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. pHEN ERICKSON DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this 1st day of May. 1948 'Train Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, Friday-8 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday-10:45 p.m PIANO TECHNICIAN l!,ING AND REPAIRS ALFRED EDWARD RODDIS. Official Administrator. -Atlln. B.C. (117) 1 411 West 7th Ave. JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST Jdhn Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue SEED TIME Clover Seed Rubber Hose Bamboo Lawn Rakes Garden Tools Flower Seeds IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE f'nS Hie Fisheries Industry III the Mailer of the " Ailiiiliilstmtliin Pis (P.R.) Ltd. QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. Art anil W Labelling Weighins In the Matter nf I Pie Kstate nf Arthur THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD.; 255 Third Ave. Phone 11 i 780 Leveretf, deceased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by Order of BLUE, 980 His Honor Judge W. O. Fulton made the 28th day of April. A D. 1H4B. l was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur Leverett. deceased. All parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 30th day of June 1B48. after which claims filed TRY Rex Cafe FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Moin GREER & BRIDDEN ; BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS Repairs Construction Alterations Floor Sanding: a Specialty , ; may he paid without reference to any claims of flitch I then had no know- m Moving, Packing Crating, Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, coll Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 61 OPEN leaKr. All parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. Dated this 29th day of April A D. 1948. ALBERT E. RODDI3. Official Administrator. Atlln, BC. (US) " j tjJCJif T'.t i; M. I'. ' !," 5r,i"i. . . . ftM TO 2 A.M. CHINESE DISHES OUR SPECIALTY 'C0ND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL "I didn't get a thing accomplished. All I've done is. run around in circles all day long!" Phone RED 561 P.O. Box 72lx