Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 25, 1950 Delegates To Army Congress lici tj loom ic larje or to lis- know that I wrote lor papers.) tlr In. the picture. J But I hope she'll forgive me for ' Alec' was- genuinely shocked this. when I told him he -was BET- ..'.Where were you born?" ' I TER than his hero, the late asKedr 1 Harry Lauder. But In my hum-, "Londonderry," . s h e replied, ble opinion Lauder in all hr, j looking around at the room full Ions life never put over a char- of almost 100-per-cent Scots half Captain W. C. Poulton will be In NFLD FTR3T COLONY ft conference with Commissioner) Newroundiand h''aroe Charles Baugh on matter, reia-' s colmyZ''" tlve to expansion of the work of ,ir r the Salvation Army In this nor- Sir Humphrey Gilbert landed f-.t t , thern district. St. John's in 1583. u Delegates' from Northern and ( As" r See 4 it acterizatlon as good as nniay ieauuny Central British Columbia will attend the annual Congress of the Salvation Army being held ' Aha! Iruh! I knew it dees in the Old Kirk Elder She lausrhed when - I - told ------ her But But he he does does remind remma folk, ioik, and am at Vancouver from October 27 to 31. They will gather with other deleeates ' from Saskatchewan, that her le-s not Bcottwh. how were demonstrates to us. Just j ; (Not that I like Scottish lassies of great a heritage happiness Lauder did leave to us. . I B (thf -' rom lt- Tne' o0o . are just different.) YUUK ALL AKUUHU itKYIU; ;. By ELMORE FHILPOTT Alberta and British Columbia. The del'eeation from Northern ' British Columbia District will be I tne ieil in love wnn ner nus-TAMMAS FISHER is the best band wnen his unit in tne Royal accompanist for popular con- .Navv was based at Londonderry. aa.. t.nt-' T VtriKA Oltm. .OOr Qnrl 1 ', n .. I headed by Senior Captain w. C. Toutton, and will include Major 111. t.njit Dinrnknl-a rt 1 1 1 .1 KILT-LEG MYSTERY. LIKE THOUSANDS of. others, I heard the Scottish troupe h e a d e d by uciva uxav "vc tci o-w IS HOW in Uie r'Aill . HHi naiu oiuir " phis nume omv uiiue a. jcai ui grand in the two public pev-,s0 She i00ked so sad at this Lodge '. for .Young Women In Robert Wilson. ' I like i"1. . tnai i nopea lur a iiiuuicmi mat j really let loose was at a private sne was gomg to cry on my nnrtv urhpn snmcnnp OUtraeed ,v,,,i- Robert Wilson's tenor Prince Rupert, Lieutenant Joint : Harding from Hazelton, Captain I and Mrs.' Earl Jarrett of Prince George, Field .Captain William Moore of Canyon-Naas River and j Captain. EU..P. . McLean, of Vanr; every Scottish tradition by try- j But tnen sne iaughed when A. I - - I 1 1 ...klclrn,, I . .. she told how a radio announcer ing w pui ice in iius wiij . 000 had said "the map of Scotland Ann unw THfisR less is written all over your face. . ballands and can well believe what many experts say, that he is Scotland's finest liJ-in tenor- Certainly he is as handsome a male specimen- as couver Normal School.-While in Vancouver, Senior I first saw the legs of the the lzd me how her Church-lovely soprano singer, Frances loyal mother had great misgiv-Derry at the Press Club Ball. J lngs about the effect Of her go- STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE """j I have ever seen on any stage. In the big auditorium miss ms KLayc. - nm, nnt in a UwpIv shim-! went back home and Mum saw But that, of course, is because .. . . . . ... i Hro t fnrsnt all that she did not even smoice, For Clean, Courteous Service , Call TAXI 65 TAXI Now Under New Management Eventually Why-Not Now?" the Hieh.and cress .s most nar- well! But even on leuo-tering 'Vr fegs especially when all was to the. male. And Wilson's! sBU!r 0f 'J8 favoritrs adc. Miss Derry was doing an uniform Is like a tailor's dream.! Jerusalem' (which reminded me Irish jig quite as lively as the Offstage, relaxed and urfas- 0f jock, who, ten years before braw Scots lads and lassies were suniing. he strikes you as JuJ he was killed to E-","" PHONE 79 PHONE 79 a fine young Scottish genutunan . ie ' V I 1 1" a veil cni . v - - ... . . . n snotty nose). Alter living w yeals hi x-m. But then when Miss Derry I Arthur, Mrs. A. C. Johansen has Qm nut in her tartan kilt' I mme to sDend the 'winter ill to use that word in its true, not snob sense, and not snobbish connotation ooo OF COURSE any show would 111 allare 1. Its Fast! Kind out how fait an electric range really is and you'll be-surprised. Just a flip of tlie twitch and your cooling it underway. said to myself again: "Those prmce RUpert. while here she is legs don't look Scottish to me . . het and be a success with Mr. and Mrs Robert Finlay in it. She is ar ideal Master of Ceremonies and North American M.C.'s might well study from her how I was in luck, we goi mvueu, -to a grand private party. In daughter Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Jo-came Miss Derry and sat down hansen, 1035 First Avenue West right by me. (She never did and grandchild. ,.'. Pi armarti HOURS I Always-Prompt -4to oufhmv , .. y ' ' '' ' '"" '.'J? .".:. pup t' .-.ijw1 l ' ' '- i'iiijh .i. ip p i .ui- - . j 7'. J I It I ' ' ' (..' ' f t It I s rfY " i ' ' I IV Wc'feiHnra to Servs TOU . :' . : -. i '' it t . - i. i " 't - i nut .-..! Kll r. 2. It's Cool! w ith an electric range, the heat pin's into the food where it should he. There's no excew heat ftw'uping from the oven to make )our kitchen hot and unileuaut. Icmmpdore Cafe i..!.. l. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 12 Noon to 2 p.m. f.Ljptalw, Hrt UK)d Food"" Weekdays Sundays ... l - , , .--. ; tiiii s ' zzz it fil l i hniiy H f..r Snd Out Orders! .Vt,' .' wvio Chow. Mgr. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND. THIRD AVENUE .r f . - ' t. . . ? BS H k" : t II II 1 I J I ' : . .:',...' ' . 1 i SATIN GLO 3. It's Clean! Klertrieally produced heat it clean. No xtot . . . siiuike ... or fgri'.r. Pots and pans slay hin-in); bright. You'll enjoy a spick V spun freih-air kitchen. lt' wiiiiilcrful in the summer. h EE - i t r;w.,j'c, .Aiisui I'r-' UK , I .. -5 . ,r Sem-Gloss . & High Gloss )rv maiiy,' beautiful tints i for ' decorating. 3. I J m r 1 '-MiCUTUt-O. . r, I- t ; QUJtK UR 1N(j HARDWARL CO. LTD. ' , . . ! , ... . 1 4. It's Safe! Your electric rane i wfe as an electric lipht. ith children in the house you'll appreciate this ecn more. '.. - i , j ... ... . . .. . i 5. It's Economical! With clccticity, there's no wante heat it's accurately measured and controlled. Kleetric cookery is low-cost cooking only a few cents per da. Yes, be prepared vffh good-Iookfng PRiNCF GEORGE :. s"ifAUS FOR VANCOUVER at laiermediste Ports 'Each' Thursday ' ..' - at 11:15 p.m. For ; TCHIKAN. t;hicsrAt!' midnight I tfw mnilmi u ay vtrctru atly vnjoy the 'inrc. If,)(i in and sum the mmlvrn, automatic -"ic rany. If sure-profecfion mj j Storm Boois, Rubbers Mi J ) and Galoshes. jj ) ( See our handsome group today! j 1 AiiiArMAA,nii"!rrnn Ueot-rvauoiis ' CITY OR DKTOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. .i ' ! V. 'J-. ..J frs-rir7n I I wm ,,. i - --' iir 'i ui trrivYT'rREETlHerss University Avenue, one of Toronto's most beauUful thorough-TO j blKLtl EEAUTIFY Qn ngw beauty wlth fares. Those ban en bouie-. arcs ana t 'r Teft of the United States and shrubs. At wer left is is the- the ropi ropf plants of sr.a'l map's trees pHoTQ) rpnsulate building; at torlght, the new Hospl . -- ; ; v . : . BROADWAY CAFE y Best Food 5 W '. Finest Cooking SERVING THE B.C. COAST and QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS FROM PRINCE RUPERT Hours: 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. 1 JtmvxKv&m r v f For take home orders Phone 200 i 3 S TO: MASSET is. - i You Can'l Beat out1 PRE-WINTER BARGAINS : ,;. in - MEN'S W BOYS' WEAR MEN'S SUITS . All Styles PORT CLEMENTS JUSKATLA QUEEN CHARLOTTE CITY ALLIFORD BAY . CUMSUEVA INLET J 900 AM'" LEA VP: 'PRINCE RUPERT r Except Thursday and Sunday FROM PRINCE RUPERT TO: ALICE ARM $37.50 $45 KTFWABT I5.AVF.' P11INCE RUPERT THURSDAYS '. 9.00 A.M. AND CLASSICAL TOO! I i.1 r V"t ,1 LEAVE: STEWART FRIDAYS 1 9 00 A-M .v.r-", it - '' '"''icm from the lowest TROUSERS Flhest Tailoring and Styles .. f ' For . TICKETS INFORMATION RESERVATIONS - w i r-k and variety of records in the North. i Ail PHONE 476 54.25-812 I QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLIIIES LTD. VICTOR DECCA 6 LONDON 6 BLUEBIRD CAPITOL 6 COLUMBIA 1 I i I 4 f- V (illiiil Killas & Christopher Bldg. Air Freight on oil Flights ,lintu horn Callander, Ont.. are greeted by Francis . CRFSIFD BY C.A RDIN AL The nne 'f 1' Cede, the l.r.t of the four famous Caru.;ul Cpcuman as W M c Bth.nd cc...e,. froin left to right, are Marie and Emille. Not ' Cardinal's ring. s-stes. kiss s the f r ; (C PPHOTO) McRAE BROS. chow-, aro Yvonne and Ar.nctte. .