THIS AND THAT LOCAL MAN IS FIGHTING FLOOD PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Daflp r5etos LtD. Wednesday, June 16, IMG the Ife., . YEARS AGO Despite its remoteness from numbers of mT1"1 i the flood scene in southern "ton. ""fern June 12, 192S Alaska Steamship Co. announced that It would make Prince Rupert a regular port of CO-OPERATION Oil GARBAGE Public . co-operation .will be necessary if the city's back-door garbage pick-up scheme, instituted this month, is to work ef-fecUvely, City Council was informed Monday night by City Engineer Doh Stewart. He pointed this out after Al An Independent dnt'.y newspaper devoted to the upbulldlngof Prince Rupert nd mi communities comprising northern nd central British ColumW (Authorized as Second Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published every afternoon encept Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Aveaue. Frlnre Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES gTg- Clty Carrier, per week. 15c; Per Month. 68c; Per Tear. 17.00; EB&0t By MalL Per Month. 40o; Per Tear, 4 00. call for Us Alaska-bound snips. to m called artiv.n'- British Columbia. H.M.CJ3. Chatham, Prince Rupert's naval reserve division, has representation In the fight to save property and aid Hood victims. Leading Supply Assistant Gerry Woodside of H.MC.S. Chatham, now attached to H M The steamer Jefferson wai the first to make the call. Hood duty. "southern city. 8 Thirty members of the B.C. and Alberta Weekly Press Association arrived In the city from Jasper where they held their annual convention. The party was entertained by the Board of Trade. derman T. B. Black had registered a complaint that city garbage crews have In some cases failed to return the garbage cans to their proper places on collection rounds. "The amount of garbage Is much heavier than it was when we made pick-ups off the street," Mr. Stewart sakl. "It seems Spring salmon were running well on the Skeena River and a large number of boats were en that, since people don't have to "7 tJM'AV gaged In catching them.' Most of the fish was being mild-cured at Balmoral Cannery. June 12, 1913 Hazelton Old and New and carry it from the baric svep any more, they have a kit more garbage." Since the new plan was put into operation, Mr. Stewart said,, the Resources of the Interior" was the title of a six-page 11-j lustrated article appearing in 1 Atomic Age THERE WILL ONE DAY spring from the brain I of science a machine, or force, so fearful in its potentialities, so absolutely terrifying, that even man, the fighter, who will dare torture and death in order to inflict torture and death, will be appalled and so will abandon war forever." Who said that? Thomas A. Edison was the man ' and he made no mention of atomic energy. He had no name for w hat he had in mind but it was a vision of this, the great inventor was thinking about. He has long been dead but his opinions remain entitled to respect If this is not the atomic age, it is the dawn of such an age. Todav, something is brood-in? over the world that transcends all else. It is - this force, this staggering power. Its possibilities, as yet only feebly guessed at, sets a universal question mark. Harnessed, and exclusively applied to purposes of jH'aee one can only surmise what atomic energy might not be able to do for the general benefit of , .mankind. But utilized as an instrument of war, it ' could only mean the w recking of nations and general chaos. A choice must be made, before the eople of today can feel the relief that it is their right to expect rather than to merely hoje for. the Vancouver News-Advertiser from the pen of Sydney "And look no walking home stuff!" the collection crews have been getting not only garbage, "but bed springs, mattresses and all sorts of stuff" as well. "We eventually will get the collection worked out properly but it will require co-operation on the part of the citlwiis," he declared. Alderman Black pointed out that articles in excess of the regular amount of garbage could be charged fur under Uie new bylaw. The Prince Rupert Hardware Co. which sold out, disposed of a large portion of its stock to Fred Stork. Bellingham Four Make Open Boat Cruise Up Coast to 'Alaska A leisurely holiday trip from Bellingham, Washington, to Juneau in two open boats is the fortunate experience of four State of Washington people who stopped in Prince Rupert briefly Tuesday afternoon, a week away from their home port. Forgetting their jobs and their shore-bound, cars are Roy Harris, superintendent ; of schools at Meridian, Washing- originated with Everett a year ton, his son Everett, a high.ag0 a(ler ti,e same group had school junior, and Mr. and Mrs. mare a cruise through the Gulf A company with a capitalization of $25,000 was formed for the operation of nurseries and greenhouses at Terrace. Stockholders were Mr. King, D. D. Munro, M. P. McCaffery, E. C. Gibbons, Fred Stork, O. W. Nick-erson, L. W. Patmore, F. O. Dawson and others. SAME FAMILY TREE The laurel of cherry is close jjLL i t nil ly allied to ilie almond and the plum. Uxes Joath doesnt get One thing in favor of death over worse every time Parliament meets. FLOOD RELIEF CONTRIBUTIONS (Continued from Page 1) of Georgia and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Everett made J. Caylor, of Lyndpn, Washington. Both towns are near Bellingham. They are travelling in open, 18-foot boats, powered with 3S horsepower outboard engines that send them scooting through the suggestion to his father, a bit hopelessly, then was delighted to see it catch hold and mature. "It's probably the only chance EmU Qulst 1.00 II. Watson ...... 1.00 H. Hanna - 200 A. McDonald 5.00 O. Petterson 200 Helge Essen ; - 5.00 J. Thompson .00 Norman Iverson .. 2.00 G. GustoXson , J GO the water at 19 miles an hour. They sleep and eat on th beaches, stopping where and that we would have in our lives I to do it," Mr. Harris explained, "so I thought we might as well j take it." I On the Gulf Islands cruise, Mr. when they like. The Caylor boat is christened Skip and the K. Peterson 1. 00 L. Karsen 1j00 Bruce Nesbitt - 5.00 Harris kept a journal from which he wrote an article tor Pacific Harris craft the A let a. "This is our summer vaca Frank Gale 5 00 Claude F. Leigh 2.00 Harry Raven 2 00 Ray LaMarche - 100 Knut Ostrom 1.00 Klaus Ostrom I 00 W. Fulkeraon 3.00 C. Hogan 2.00 K. Kaisla 2 00 Art Hodgson 3.00 Ivar Odegaard .50 I.OD.E. Municipal Chapter 10.30 Mr. and Mrs. J. Sandhalls 2 .00 Hygga Club 5 00 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Faare .. 5 00 W. Smith 5.00 J. Brentzen 200 N. Peters .... 1.00 Gus Qulst .... : 16.00 E. Hogan 2 00 Karl Clin 2.00 F. Steinberg 5.00 F. McDowell 2 00 S. Soranson - 2.00 Miss C. Merrett 16 09 W. P. Herman S 00 John Comadrna 5.00 J. Hammond 1.00 Geo Wain wright 5.00 FREEDOM OF PRESS of freedom of the press is being GUARANTEE sought by the Canadian Daily Newspapers' Association because this organization with a membership of eighty-six feel convinced these rights are insecure. Not so long ago, the year was' the question of press rights became an issue in Alberta. Sir Lyman Duff, then Canadian Chief Justice, had the following to say: "Under the British system, which is ours, no political party can erect a prohibitory barrier to prevent the electors from getting inlormajion concerning the policy of the government. Freedom of discussion is essential to enlightened public opinion in a democratic state: It cannot be curtailed without affecting the right of the people to be informed through sources independent of the government concerning matters of public interest. There must be an untrammeled publication of news and political opinions of the political parties contending for ascendency. "Democracy cannot be maintained without its foundation: free public opinion and free discussion throughout the nation of all matters affecting the stabe within the limits set by the criminal code and the common law. Every inhabitant of Alberta is also a citizen of the Dominion, and the province cannot interfere with his status as a Canadian citizen and his " fundamental rights." Motor Boating, the same magazine for which he plans to write about the Alaska cruise. J. A. Oswald 2.50 Arne Stamnes 10.60 Walt Emerson ... 18.00 Modern Etiquette By ROBERT. A LEE Hans Apsatch . 5 80 Emll Carlson 5 3P I Mrs. Albert Hopkins 2.W tion and we are really enjoying it," said Mr. Harris, a soft-voiced man who is proud ot the fact that he coached Bel-lingham'a champion amateur basketbaU last winter. "So far we have had nothing but good weather." They expect to be between 30 and 40 days making the round trip. Their major concern is to Q. Hasn't a devoted wife the Frank Frantsen 2.00 privilege to open her husband's Oust Mostad 2.00 malI? ; City Employees Union 25.00 A. NO. ThiS has nothing Hnrru Tnlrec 4 M Wm. Bell 2.00 2.00 Mrs. J. J. Johansen make sure of a gasoline supply, since the big, hungry outboards each drink about four gallons whatever to do with devotion Neither should he or, she pick it up and read it after it has been opened, without permission. A well-bred person will not even scrutinize a postal card that belongs to someone else. Q. How should a girl introduce a man to her mother? A. "Mother, this is Mr. Margin," or, "Mother, this is Ralph Martin," if she knows the man well. Business and I rofessional Advertise 4r uie Uailv News! FOR YOUR HOLIDAY in STYLE A smartly tailored TRAVEL SUIT Is the ideal going-away ensemble and Uhti wliether you are oily, seaside or mountain-bound you will want thu latest in slacks, shorts, blouse i, bathing suits, 'summer dresses and accessories. See them all at Sweet Sixteen. For all - purpose top wear select a nort WHITE COAT. "Worn as a sport Jacket or slipped over your evening t'owa it will be a liitfil bit of MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST ROCK AND CONCEtt m V VI' WORK CALL BLUE 93! an hour at cruising speed. Their daily progress is guaged according to the gasoline supply and' with an eye for comfortable camping sit3 along the shore, i Since leaving Bellingham on ! June 6, they have moved leisurely up the coast, sometimes trav- elling only three or four hours a day. "We move when we feel llko it and we stop when we feel like it," continued Mr. Harris. "W; have enjoyed meeting the coast people, they, are friendly and hospitable." j Mr. Harris and Everett ars both capitalizing on their holiday.' The former plans to write an article tor a boating magazine describing the journey and .Everett, an enthusiastic camera hobbyist, is taking a 16-milll- , meter color film of their journey. In addition he is shooting eolor and black and white "stills" .of scenic-spots, M. J. SAUNDEK New. Modern Equipm;i In ROOM All Work Guaranty I New Offices 10 STONE BUILDING New Phone BLUE WW JONES NEWS STAJ We handle Eastern wd M SECOND PRINCE GEORGE of Vancouver businessmen were HUNDREDS making an admiring inspection of the new CNSS Prince George while Transport Minister Lionel Chevrier was telling the Commons that Canada needs a whole fleet of fast modern merchant ships. Mr. Chev rier himself could do something about that. As the cabinet member directly concerned, he could intimate to the CNSS directors that he would be glad to approve a request for a sister ship to the George. Indeed, the suggestion was made publicly by Howard Mitchell, president of the Vancouver board of Trade. In a speech to the inspection party, he pointed out that Yarrows still has the templates ot the George. The skilled construction crew which built her is also intact. Why not put them to use, he asked. Mr. Mitchell referred and not too delicately to the fact that the CNSS fleet on this coast now comprises one magnificent vessel and the 38-year-old Prince Rupert. Mr. Mitchell thowrht that a re-. placement for the Rupert is overdue. To jude from ; ; the tourist bookings already made for the George however, the Canadian National might profitably run a fleet of three. The Ruieit has by no means outlived her usefulness. 1 Qofaft4 1 rwfiwm 1 I United States dollars ot- i lowed for pleasure travel I are limited to. $150 per I person for the 1 2 months Papers I TriW'l Swedish-American and Western uB Sixth Street beauty wlierever you go. When shopping use Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN No Interest No Carrying Clwirges PIANO TECHNIC1AH DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST i SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Tuning. Voicing and M1 1 Mr. Caylor, a staff member of MIKE C0LUSSI ;the Richardson Tractor and Im Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 Phone BLACK w Element Co. at Lynden, is me 972 10th East chanic for the boats while Mrs uvi.F.K'S Caylor is in charge of supplies. BEAUTY SHOP Her comment that they had been "living out of cans" drew a storm of protest from her JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor ' 21-22 BESNER BLOCK Permanent waw hiijiband and l.h H TV i ftlY Beauty Culture il its wane"" CNSS directors will undoubtedly weicjh the busi- iad- ve""l put up some .O Box 894 Phone Blu 442 ... rwi 20 m once. mighty hearty meals along ih between Nov. 1 5, 1 947 and Nov. 15, 1948. A Form rl Permit, obtainable at any bank, h required by anyone taking out of Canada mare than $10 U.S., or more than a total of $25 in Canadian and United States funds. Special allowances of United States funds for strictly business travel may be secured, but . . . applications must be accompanied by certificates from employers. Applications for U.S. funds for travel for health or educational reasons must be made on special forms obtainable at banks. This caution it given for the guidance of the public and to help avoid possible embarrassment tit border points. way. HANDYMAN NEARLY CAUGHT HOME SERVICE BY HIGH TIDE Only at one point on the tr'p nrpAL CONTRACT' GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled: Besner Block Phone 387 Ormes Drugs so far had there been any threat of discomfort, and that failed .... ..a o.nlr!0fII,11 to materialize. While campirur Building a"" on a beach down coast, thev .. M.ciita ux W Kiea. ineir calculations should also include the goodwill value of placing their construction contracts on the coast where the line operates. Ability of local .yards to give fast delivery is another favorable factor. The company placed the contract for the George with Yarrows after The Sun waged a vigorous campaign on the principle plus the urgent need for new steamer accommodation on the Pacific service. It was a happy decision by the omiajiy, as anyone who has crossed the gangplank of the George will testify. The vessel is a credit to the buiklers and the line and her luxurious appointments will be a pleasure to every passenger. Another of the same WOUld be doubly appreciated. Vancouver Sun ftuuia, - PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK-DAYS, 0 A.M. TO 9 P.M. 6UNDAY8 AND HOLIDAYS J 2 NOON TO 2 PJ4, 1 P.M. TO P.M. STEPHEN ERICKS0N PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS PHONES: found that their tents had been pitched closer to the high tide level than they had realized. The water, however. Just came up to the doors of their tents, 9 Green J Black 195 411 West 7th Ave. then began to recede. I ..TrefaIrm A III Ll ' ..U For Down" - Dally oar delivery aervlce from am. till p.m. , Emergency bicycle deHvery Trom 7 p.m. tm 0 p.m. ' and Sunday Sol Serrinr tb Fisheries UdusW Well. (P.R.) Ltd. "We wouldn't have drowned, anyway," said Mr. Caylor. We were sleeping on pneumatic mattresses. We might have flnntpri aurflv (hnnnh grid Worn MAC SHOE W FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL 10MB .0ITM The man who invented the hole in the doughnut really had the secret to food conservation. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing BUIE 780 BLUE W0 PHONE 81 Box 774 I Idea "for the cruise to Alaska