f THIS AND THAT t Prfttri Rupert Daflp Hrto Etfl. 1 Wednesday, June 16. 1648 SHORT SPORT SAVOY WINS p , (Continued Irom Page One) plf back into their hard seat, last vm ' -night. After the first c-.mple of n ?uUno innings, all they had to do wasV a k 2b wonder how badly the Mouse i or "7 36 would get beaten. . jourv"-'h rf It was not that the Moose MOOSF batsmen cnitlri nut hit n..i , . ot . DOMINION DAY CELEBRATION AT STEWART IN AID OF HOSPITAL "STEWART Last Friday the Board of the 5 J ! -S j , 5 2 5 1 , 5 0) 1 i 45 U It ABRfi - 2 ! 5 2 j -S 0 i LAWN BOWLING PLAY STARTED Fine weather, greens which were never in better shape and a goodly number of tyro players were combining factors which got the Lawn Bowling League season off to a splendid start last night. Three matches were played, resulting as follows: MucPhee rink. J7; Arroll, 14. Macdonald. 27; Frew, 15. Ross, 2C; Paul, 18. The Maritime sports scribes' feud with the Canadian Boxing Federation concerning the vagaries In the middleweight division is on again. Alex Nickerson (Halifax Herald continues to beat the drums for recognition of George Ross, the West Bay Road, N.S., farm boy, as the ..j iiunku mm ior n but Ker r If me smuotn-working Savoy field- ! Stewart General Hospital called upcn the various organizations to assist them in the semi-annual drive lor funds on Dominion Day. Representing the board were Charles Lake, chairman, George Anderson, Outhrie 3b Rosedale rf, s Windle ss, p' ers kept the runners from coming home in a style that was most discouraging for the 5 0 j Vanetta lb '. , 0 ' Canadian middleweight cham treasurer, A. Russwurm, secretary, W. K. Tooth,' Kitchens 1 p : pion. Announcement that the Nonstable George Nelson and Caldercmi m"" 5 1 Halifax Athletic Commission had McKinn.m - 7 4 1 2 become a member of the Cana " n . ..3 0 j Mouse Pitcher Hector McKln-non hurled for eight innings during which he was hit 15 times for 11 runs. Then Coach Benny Windle went in for the dian Boxing Federation caused the most recent verbal blasts. Reminiscences By w.J. ancl Reflections " Savoy no 200 M) 200 Summary-Err.. .. What irked Nick most was the i balance of the ninth but it was Mrs. G. Nelson. The Hospital Women's Auxiliary was represented by Mrs. G. Anderson and Mrs. W. J. Crawford, the Canadian Legion W.A. by Mrs. L. A. Behnsen and Mrs. F. Lewis, the Parent-Teachers' Association by-Mrs. J. McLeod and Mrs. R. Stevens, the Women of the Moose by Mrs. H. Wilkinson and fact that the Halifax Commis Hitch. o.u.. much too late. Moose got two hits oft Lindsay in the first three innings but sion paid a $50 affiliation fee. "The Halifax Athletic Commission," says Niek, "having paid a OuthrHBM Relief can be felt when a flood , much all over the front page ot u was lwl untU lhe fourt(l , son. Morgan 2, M. g fee to the Canadian Boxing Fed- u,o,i o.irf a rvvr niurst'S me Vancouver oun ui diui - in t ivaiuerom d , . ( i ..iMr H Rtou.crt Dmi. ,;.,! . . . ,. ...'J.. ,v, i, va,i' ' J ' " B w UUSC v,. -"aie I nuuuu la uuw in a uuoitiuii iu . .vumi wince. ; ur.ml)i, .u.rmiil rnailneL.. CUV uuy. ui tuui, tiic t .... ,... ,,w,,; ..i . . t-iu. h m o;fc. . oiBuc u K,aouiau " - v,.i,lne lmpuci or me oiuw uurj nu iio),oiiiF . w.., v-"' t, " -v incnens on an ejTor Both uHr. i Dl ravllicis Mb uig cuaniijiuiio vvtui uir - .v,,..vv.u j uuuhj-, sll)p tnerft. loaay, uieie is uic ouiuuou " brought home on a double bv ! ' ' "urvlch sr. niuHmiftw Ituui ( ' ' HlfHUtr Ul puoo.uic 1 L-UUierOIU. ; 2 'JL', J V4nu itiiu vju-ucu, no nuvr -i , , - j nen, ciisuiiini mu iiuou ..u , ".v ... vv. ... , Jn sevenlh M mired t i j ' ' WmUi If I themselves up as rulers ol all oy j. r. uanics ana a. ness, arises the long,, we uwi- puptfi uumr uui iiu mm lthne runs ghk.r d " -"uiy Hits: McKinj "Now, how would you like to see the magician disappear, for a quarter?" things connected with the prize Russwurm, -the Stewart Branca cate, the involved and weari- Xor anotlier line ship lor the i coining home on a single uy n . tno. M, " some business of interpreting north coast, because it would be rine in Canada. The fact that or the Canadian Legion by J i..!,. .1 . . UOW N Saw. and pertorming tne Kdminis- neeuea aele by Kerr. vm Sci n ation of w hat has been given I in t;w inth m.w,. a """'""no. Time 1: .., ...u..v -vum mv the Halifax Commission had paid Wolstenholme and W. S. Orr. tribute to the Canadian Boxing J W. S. Orr was appointed chair-Federation means nothing in man with J. Wolstenholme a.. Cape Breton. They maintain, secretary. and rightly too, that George Three candidates are entered Ross, who has never lost a bout in the content for Dominion D-y since he turned professional, is QUeen: Miss Eila HauhU. snon- Team Slandinp 9 gamesi by a generous public and the Doctored water, where ve you pledges of stau:. This flood has been? Quite long time since I've a lng sequel. jyou en!. Best U) take it, wise ;men tell! Pretty soon we'll ul. Thunder growled here Mon- be well. And so, our old pul P. D ;... r tv...;n rhl.rina.j iu ha-lr fi.r H'ir n.uv youngster like Rocky Graziano. So why can't Louis? He doesn't 1 even have youth to conquer, jwalcott became of voting age .some considerable time ago." I Between the lines of that brief i but hectic middleweight scrap, i Dryburgh read that 'an old gaf- fer can have authority in his mitts." He saw no reason for be-llieving Louis wouldn't use Zale's W 1 Sees Hope For Louis Tony Zale's Victory Shows "'"Age Can Be Overcome by Arch MaeKenzie Canadian Press Staff Writer bavoy 5 1 Merchants j Moose 1 i the Canadian middleweight sored by Moose Lodge, Mlss Greu ; no 7LZZ. 7pl champion. Soderlov, sponsored by the Cana- Generally speaking, thunder U hence, perhaps no one will be Nick says that Roger Whynott, dian Legion, and Miss Joy:e larp in prince Ruoert. That Is. aware he is still here. I runs off three hits. Shier and Kerr singled, Shier coming honv when Rosedale filed out to left field and Kerr on a force play when Vanetta walked. Savoy had their big Inning in the second when they brought in seven runs off five hits. They also scored one In the first, twe in the fourth and one in Hit ninth. SAVOY AB R H PO E B. Simundson ss . 5 0 10 0 Davis lb 6 1 1 13 0 Pete Zaduk and Ross were all Stewart, sponsored by the Prem-' the kind Nature makes. The ! unrecognized as champions for ier Club and Union. 'otheF sort is heard In city coun- The passing of William Spil- I reasons that are "sheer rot." He The winner will be crowned on cil chambers, public platforms, r, retired police inspector, is of i REGINA, t When rugged ; strategy. Tony Zale clubbed Rocky Grazl- "He il go arter the kayo early, 'ano into submission in the third .The old rock-a-bye punch is still round of their middleweight there at 34 but the old pins com- j championship bout last week, i plain when asked to go the Dave Dryburgh . of the Regina : route." feels tlie "tardy recognition jujy i: tlle ceremony to be fol- beer parlors and, of course, the 'speciallnterest in Prince Rupert I given the C.B.F. by the Halifax !He will be remembered iowed bv a biir uaraoe tn thP h .'i street corners. more body will carry no weight in paric where sports will be held particularly by the earlier residents, and through the fact thai Cape Breton Island they followed by a ball game and a A new subscriber in the Coeur - Leader-Post figured it was a Aside from potent fist, Dry- are at a loss to understand why dance in the Moose Hall in the'.d'Alene country writes to hand4t Ml 10 hls lot 10 be ln chirge WHAT ARE BULGER'S TRYING TO DO- We try to be depends We try to be earliest r: the latest. We try to keep 1 go. variety. We try to sell rellafc. goods at prices 1. rjuod omen for Joe Louis who burgh figured another angle j George Ross should not be uni- evening ithe Dailv News a full blown nere wnen onle 01 wle Rruvesi ; Idaho bouquet. Look forward to;crlnu,s ln the hintory of this dis- meets Joe Walcott June 23 in might help make life miserable iversally recognized as the mid- Committees trict were committed. defence of his heavyweight ' for Walcott "this next time, crown. Walcott "has naa a lot of time r- -"Zale has probably silenced to think about what the heavy- cueweignt cnampion or Canada ' Dance-W. R. Tooth chairman even though the Cape Breton Mrs. L. Behnsen, Mrs. R. Stevens organization refused to Day $"0 .i p r.o,ni, n ,' its arrival for one always en-oys what's in a fine paper. Well, 'it ain't" such a bad old world, s it now! is-a-fat - old - man weight championship will mean t0 Montreal Interests. Their old-:ii, r- U .. , ' ' CITY OF LEARNINQ There are more than 650 libraries ln the city of London, the Louis I . . OllU . U . 11,111, UOOI' COl- OX U 4 !.!. , t .!.,! for t the voof rest chanters." said Dave. "At 34 he to his way of living fashioned idea, it would appear, !Iecti0ns, and J. Thompson MC Used all over Cm made the birdies sing for a I (Continued on Page Six) co.0 cnrc;EnKland. including those of is that boxing champions are arid life nriservr and the faces government departments, na- such as bluebird Diaii Rogers and f ommunity S. Parade Constable Nelson. Sports J. Smithson. Crowning arrangements. Mrs. W. J. Crawford. cf pretty girls and statistics, the!tional museums, learned sorl- port of Prince Rupert was pretty B,,u JroeKmmi uouira. tiruen, Waltham and BJ r r -ja runs in the fiist inning and two Watches, WrsUlox Pnc Kunsun's, Pens, etc. ... In fact mast of our ( are standard. i in the sixth of the seven-lnnnlng I exhibition. Moose scored one run "urw 4. S7v . won by leather-covered fists, not by a fragile, lily-white hand signing a $50 cheque," Nick concludes. Ed Smith (Sydney Post-Rec-ardi claims the Halifax move was a surprising one. "The Hall-fax Commission's decision to become part of an organization that is there and has no intention of being insulted out of existence must truly shock the long-range mockers of "this U.w - drrir1' WITH 1 1 OWEN'S HIGH SCHOOL WINS FIRST GIRLS' GAME each in the fourth, sixth and seventh. On the mound for Moose was Betty Hamilton, who allowed si hits, struck out 10 and walked J. Budinich 3b 3 33 Moose AB A. Hamilton c 3 I. Kildall rf 3 R. Thain ss 3 S. North lb 3 D. Kennedy 2b 2 P. Smith cf 1 M. Lykegaard If 3 B. Matson 3b 3 24 1 4 R 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 3 First girls' fastbaii game of j four during seven innings. Betty the season saw the High Scho. j Sedg vick allowed only one hit, self-appointed body.' struck out eight and allowed n Canada needs a centralized team, sparked by Betty Sedgwick on the mound, defeat Moosn 4-3 in an exhibition at Gyro Park babes on balls A pick-up boys' game which 200 002 04 000 101 1-S High School Moose boxing administration for the good of boxing and for the good of those who pay the shot at good j followed saw Bill McChesney's : team defeat Roy Webber's by i that was featured by a quality of play. the box office, 'fhe C.B.F. has INCOME TAX lately shown that it wants to Because the ladies so far have score of. 7-5. Batteries were Bill KI71TRNS PHEPARED-Sl make its way out of its former been unable to drum up a third MeChesncy and Steve Dumas It. E. MORTIMER anaemic state. A few more team, no league has been drawn ' and Tommy Sedgwick and H transfusions arid it shouldn't be up. so it looks like it will be Webber. ' 324 2nd Ave. (Neu CFB tTsi' . ft P long before they call for a re- Moose versus High School period- , High School AB organization of the Federation ically during the summer. In A. Skora c 2 fTTTTf 'rri I 4 4 the meantime, however, the girls M. Greenwood ss . are hoping that some other B. Mostad lb and the appointment of an executive board consisting of mem- Easy to roll R 1 0 I 0 0 1 0 fl 1 I ' ' IT V PERFECTION I'EKFORMANCE delightful to smoke bers from every province in the group will organize and present L. Farrington If 4 Dominion." I themselves for league compe- ! M. Hanson 2b 4 autumobilr im mm tltion. . L. Roberts cf 3 High School brought home two E. Secgwick rf 3 You saw it in the loaily News', upon Inspeetitin nd te nance at refjular intern: II X , TV ft Don't pul off needed repur-they may prove more fi later on. ,-SWDL When repairing the old or building the new see usfor all kinds of construction materials. Mitchell & Currie Limited IHONE 3C3 Builders and Contractors , , . and what a well life it is too! Trsvel, adventure, special training, recreation good romralehip plus such benefits at free dental and medical care and generous j leavea with pay. As for pension well, take my cae. I joined the Navy when I was 8, and I'm 41 now. In two years I will retire on a pension of $100 a month which I'll get for the rest of ny life! .Yes sir . . . it's a great life in the Royal CanadiaoNary.' Joining up was the Lest thing I ever did," The Popular S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For We ure pleased ' """""I it Men are particularly Needed in these SPECIAL CATEGORIES fLfCTOOAN'S MATE A ww branch where you rmeive thorough1, training at Canada't fineat electrical arhnol. You will becomt fully qualified to install, maintain and repair all electrical, radar and radio , equipment filled aboard ahip. SICK BERTH ATTENDANT To art aa aaaiatanta to Medical' Oflicera in connection with the care and treatment of the aick ... to handle medical atorea, equipment and general administration . . . dutiea in hoapitala, tick bay and ahipa. Specialist courses are available in X-Kav, Laboratory, Hygiene, Physio-therapy and Operating Boom dutiea. 4 t TELEGRAPHIST In the vitally important communication branch. Training qualities operator for commercial certificates. Shore etatioa operation provides experience with commercial marine traffic. Ex obtain d,o in. i.nvr mm the services of a v"7 potent body man, nan" Mr. Charles HcpH Keep your car running Sweet' You'll be sure of a sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. 'CChethcr you need minor adjustments or major repairs, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abide by cost estimates and have your car rendy when promised. VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJW. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT 7rr Information call or write City or Depot Ticket OfXl PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. who will be on'? iot pressed preference for ahip or shore station duty will receive consideration. frii7 to give you a ! liroJ" that body or fender VII till' also SP" Mr. Heppner work- izes in uphiik fOR fUtt PAXTlCUUtS, APPLY TO THE NAVAL RECRUITING OFFICER, TA tig tbst points to smvingt , , . with Hudiom Prottclivt tVmvtv. zROYAL CANADIAN NAVY, OTTAWA HCMI or fo H.M.CS. CHATHAM PRINCE RUPERT COTTAGE CHEESE i New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY i Tour DaUy ALL-WEATHER SERVICE I Superior Auto & BodySerA mjaaiM