Prfnrt, Unpftt Daflp Tletof Lttj. Wednesday, June 16, 1948 ORGANIZE 1949 DRAMA FESTIVAL ' BROILING FTSn For broiled fish at Its best, use moderate beat, lacing fish about six inches from the broiler. No extra fat is used with oily fish but lean fish is rubbed with butter before broiling.- Football Schedule a,- 9c r woM ft HwMtlon. minimum Me Btrth ntii. A major step towards another music and drama festival next year was taken last night at the FORMER LOCAL PEOPLE SUFFER FLOOD LOSSES "u .nd Element A""r.' ."i"10 SPECIAL DIHPIAY, DOUM.g PRICE rJ Advertising I- py.tle tn advance. Piaa, wtr.m from telephoning. Gilhulv Cud. Firsi Round Civic Centre when members of this year's committee met with representatives from the various Battery ts. FOR KEXl ji i -j i.,j i m-uuiu aa;i;uiuiii w wuiu jctnvcu iu High SchOCd. 18 120th Battery vs. the city, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ai- June len. former well known resi- Lesion. fluKTH NOTICE gRBorn to Rev. and Mrs. wrd Slater, at Spokane, ll,, on Thursday, June 10, i ii daughter. All three do- was absent from the meeting, was nominated as treasurer. Peter Lien and Rev. Basil 8. Prockter were elected to act as advisors to' the organization. A "committee consisting of Mrs. F. E. Anfield, Martin Stuart and Harry Seaman was nominated to recommend a set of bylaws for the new organlza- FOR RENT Large housekeeping bed-sitting room, in town Green 780. 613 3rd Ave. (tf) dents of Prince Rupert, suffered , June Z5 first rouna pi uora- city organizations and elected a new executive to carry on the valuable work. R. D. Cleland was elected president of the new association. Mrs. E. W. Becker will serve as piuyciby iuaa iiuiii ilk: iuuw:iwj FOR RENT Hot Duo titonri Julv 1 Final round of Dom-nion Day Cup. , GiUxilv Cap. Second fiaund . July 7 High School vs. Legion. good location at Salt Lakes! River flood In the Creston area where they now reside. Mr. Allen was for many years district forester here, later being stationed FOK SAL, For particulars phone Black Mrs. .tion. ; first vice-president and 168. Julv 9 High School ts. 120th (141) Tommy Fraser as second vice- E. E. Hyndman, past-presi- up Battery. at Nelson whence he took 14 Legion vs. FOR RENT Sleeping room, 650 ' President. Miss Jean Urquhart dent, opened last night's meeting pALE-A real buy, Stude-h Sedan. In running coo-$175. Apply 1401 Fred-k street (Highway En- .. nan .1 .... T" . . . residence In retirement at High t iSchooL 7th Ave. East. Phone Ron 171 nl occupy the position of sec- and Mrs. r. E. Aniieia aciea as 21 120th Battery vs, July retary and Carlo Hansen, who ' secretary. (tf) ice. rJOX oo, niuw nupm. jegion. August 4 First round of 9tu-,rt Shield. ; FOR RENT Flat, Kand Block. Other former Prince Rupert residents to suffer from the; floods were Mr. and Mrs. Ing-vald Urseth who just recently .Jlatea-Mi&r , i--B i -- 14Cl SAL E New Julmsoa wa outboard motor, 2t 5 h p. and Ji.p. now In xARDEN 'NOTEfeOCC Apply Max Hellbroner, Jewel-tej (tf) FOR RE NT Comfortable sleeping room, reasonable. 803 Fraser Street. U42 settled at Agassiz following Mr. Urseth's retirement as fisheries supervisor here. kk. wnie or ptione w. u. ' T7,.nffl rv Print. I?n of LIFE? HOW MOOSE JAW GOT ITS NAME Ruth Jackson, secretary to the commissioner of the Moose Jaw Chamber of Commerce, is shown here holding Moose Jaw's moose's jaw. The jawbone was donated to the chamber by G. T. Ritchie of Wiicox, Sask., after the chamber commissioner, Gerry O'Shaughnessy, put out a call for a moose's jaw to show visitors who asked questions about how Moose Jaw got Its -name. The jawhone will be mounted in the chamber office. B.C. 141) Mr. and Mrs. Alex Finnie, who recently moved from Pilnce Ru EARLY VEGETABLES SHOULD BE SOWN. FOR LATE CROPS FOR RENT-6iepmg rwun. 801 Borden Street. (tf a; ALE -36 h p. Semi Diesel pert to ChlUiwack, are believed hlner Electric heating sys to have been unaffected by the flood as their place Is on high ground. Are you proing through the functional 'middle age' period peculiar to wMe ('iS to 52 ynO? Ueea Uue iulw vu twAor irutu hat float mm. tool mo jmtwmi, hipi wi-runn, tired? Thn do try Lydur E, Fiukbaaa'a vejretabie Compound t rmLrrvm mioh syinptoaifl. Pinkiutrn's 4pipHni iao htM wlutl Doc tun call m muammchim FOR RENT Sleeping room for' Quickest maturing vegetable is ( celery, collards, cucumbers, eg? working man. Apply 100 4th ! the early radi;;h which matures plant, kale, leek, onion,, parsley. no torches. Apply at Settlement Serv-(155) Fermen's with am that means "mutual West or phone Blue 605. 142t in 20 days; and slowest are win- parsnips, peppers, New Zealand V good will?" ter onions which require 115 spinach, rutabaga, salafy, Swiss days. I chard, squash and tomatoes. SALE Empty 500-pound FOR RENT For July and Aug- Answers Advertise in tne Dally New:;! Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS ' 1. What is wrong with this drums. Apply Dally News, be Between these extremes are After June 15 these may 1. Sav, "He visited not only tt ust, attractive, MJinfortable furnished suite. Phone Black 277. (142) other vegetables, winch may risky. Los Angeles but also San Fran I SALE 4 room Wartime e, good furniture, electric take 30, 40, 60 or 80 days to reach Cauliflower and brusseis the size and quality which best sprout are fall crops, and seeds sentence? "He not only visitea Los Angeles but also San Fran ¬ ROOM AfS; BOAKD cisco." 2. Pronounce ba-re-lef , a as in ah, both e's as in me (first e unstressed), accent last syllable. Vj3. Biscuit. 4. Change ipe, oil heater. 1326 Plggott fits them for table use. I should always be sown late cisco." ' - ' (141) ROOM AND BOARD $50 n There are two salad crops m tho BnHv nrinP these ma- in terrace:.. A Modern Departjwjit.Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Gaadf' Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Deli very Service. month. Rooms $15 to $18 a month. Apply 22 Fraser St. or plume Black 548. (tf i nunciation of "bas - relief, ,; . " .. . turity dates are of less significance than later. Early varieties SCUiptor7 , -dh nhlo "A man nserl to j SALE 1945 Chev dump jcK. All steel box, heater and tire. $2180 cash. Call at fe 7th East before S p.m. or should always be sown for n i FERiSONAL early harvest, but the late ones 3. Which one of these words vicissitudes is not easily misspelled? Biscut, biennial, ed." Samuel Johnson. 5. Am-binocular. ity. ne nea up iu. uwi WILL LOOK AFTER small chilo. SALE New and Used Fur- 4. What does the word vicis for working mother. 1013 7th Ave. East. (141) THE SKEENA MERCANTILE .situde" mean? It Pays to Advertises word beginning 5. What is a FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE in also should be sown for fall and winter use. As summer advances, however, maturity dates become more important, and before sowing any crop the gardener should make sure it has time to mature before winter sets in. Seed catalogues usually give the Interior, stop at Telkwa Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Rupert, just half way to Prince Timely Topics from 7 err ace George. tf) fcre and Hardware. Kitchen j Lirs from 50c; slightly used fruom suites, less than V? kitchen sets from $12.50; Metric washing machlfie; Jies; cooking utensils; good rdwood office chairs; new es, best makes; other use-i household articles at the jh'ni prices. See B.C. FUR-ITURE CO., 3rd Ave. Black (tf. IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane . Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting-, ., Fishing Sightseeing- ; On Monday afternoon the foed was elected president and flood relief collections amounted Alex Olsen vice-president. Floya Frank continues in office of sec PERSONAL WE'LL SHOP FO& YOU. If you know what you want, but live too far away t find It yourself, write to the Select Shopping Service, Dominion Building, Vancouver, (tl) retary. to between J700 and $800 and more subscriptions are coming in. While the canvassing of the home finished last Wednssday, SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT ITDc the maturity date for each variety lusted. The average date of the first killing frost in your vicinity should be known. Compare these two, and you can easily avoid crops which have no chance to develop fully before winter comes. Until June 1, however, there are few vegetables which cannot !tic enmnaien has nut officially m house, central location, Prince Hftpert Red Top Cabs 849 Terrace: PHONES W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Keaney, Ltd. 35 TENDERS A. Sorenson was a patient la the local hospital recently suffering from infection in the face of cuts he sustained when the car he was driving got out of cement footings. $2500 closed yet. SEALED TENDERS addressed to ms, $2250 cash. mi house, clone In with base- The funeral of George Cob'n, the undersigned will be re Of I T.U55H5 5rHJJU!.V ' a thirtv-vear resident of the 'control on the highway near f:it on oe-roent lootings, ex- s celled until 5 p.m. June 23rd be sown with good chances district, was held on Saturday j Smithers and went off the road. a crop. Long season crops are I I FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER lima . beans, broccoli. cabbage, the The car was the Prince Runert !which are ftt tneir bes(. in the afternoon from Anglican ient for small family. FuJ e $27qo.OQ.. Some terms, house on two lots suitab'e duplex or for large family, cab- Church, H. Biay oiuciauns- ttoiary uiuds rauie prize ui jus-., fall endive and Chinese hymns Abide With Me' ' year, the one H. Alberison was baee. Chinese cabbage wtiich ille fcient basement. Full price Chev. Truck G.M.C. Truck and "The King of Love My driving last Christmas wiien Shepherd Is" were sung. Inter- it became stalled in the snow- on General Repairs to Booth Memorial High School. Specifications may be obtained at the School Board Office, Besmr Block. . Myrtle M. Roper, Secretary-Treasurer, Prince Rupert School District. (144i METAL WORK Sulck Oldsmoblle Chevrolet Fontiae matures In 96 days is difficult in m-noi in th aiifnmpr hprlllise short ment took place at the Kalum drifts near Dorreen, the driver it run to seed, but In the W0.00. Good terms if des- d. ply Robert E. Montador, Braiea Riiacn m oe rra-ivea up hMnti. Cemetery, wilbeai'ers were sam losing nis me. u was uauty wrecked in this recent accident. (144) MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C - to noon. July Htn. i, Dy ine o-nin . vir'r Forester, victoria, lor the conatruc- elongated heads of crisp K-ll'KaiCiy, W. wainei, w vv. vua- tion of an office unci stores building , ltrick, W. Donald, W. Wohor- leaves havin" having a a smreestion suggestion 01 of ' umi 4-cur Rarajie at Terrace. B.C. ...i.-,.. SALE Very desirable prop Pluns and snecificatlons may be ob- -obbaBe flavor Which are ae-i""-v PLUMBINQ Installations ana ity. 508 Fifth Ave. East, next A certain amount of mail lr-being dispatched from Terrace going east on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays by Canadian lor to Skeena Orocery, one William Wright had the mis repairs. SHEET METAL 40?: Melons cooked or raw. WORK. Tar and Gravel. Roof- Kvrs m Terrace and smithers on ie- Vegetable crops which should lng. Letourneau & Sons, 629 ixit of 85 00 which win be rei'd not gown m June lnciud4; with dwelling containing t rooms and bathroom, lean- Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) Uu)1 wltnln thirty days. peas, early radishes, lettuce and National Railways speeder to connect with the passenger train storeroom at back as well fortune to si: on me poles he was loading on to a truck last Friday and broke his knee cap, neofssitating hospitalization for a siiort time. Tenders must be submitted In an .nina,n All t.rwse xeauiiv cool PirpMAPRR FURNACES l.nairy mnrkod "Tender for tP"'-"- out-building for wood anl at its most western paint. FURNACES You don't need construction of Ranger stuuou weatner, alio you may ww ray pil etc., near Hospital, Hig'.l GOOD GARDENERS L'se Vitamin B-l for Better Gardens. It makes lor Rapid Growths and Werks Uke Magic un Your Plants -One Buttle Makes 200 Gallons Solution ZS CENTS PER BOTTLE THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. them now but you Will next The low,.st or aIiy tender not neces. eany Kinas in August so tuey will mature in the autumn. winter. Ask Thorn blieet sarily accepted. hool and waterfront. Good I'Clury range equipped with I burner, and electric washing At a recent meeting of the (J9.18) Quick maturing crops include directors of the Terrace Co-op- snap beans, beete, carrots, en- Metal Ltd., about estimates 253 East First Avenue, Phone Black 884. (tf) Ton Can Get Quick Relief From Tired Eyes Iwchine can be obtained if de- "dive. lettuce, kohlrabi,, turnips, -erauve Associauon vtiana xvu- OP IK THE SUPREME COURT BRITISH COLUMBIA TN PiM)KATE I spinach, peas and radishes. The Reasonable price for a ("d. h liurchaser. Present own-leaving city Is only reason. WANTED sow, the "earlier" you iii the Mailer uf tlir .a!e of furl later MAKE THIS SIMPLE TEST TODAY Relax at the Wheel WANTED Board and Room by (''') lb,-,t "'"' ,le,,'"se,, should be the Variety you sow liitesUCe. which will bear flowers in five weeks from seed. The plant grows eighteen inches tall auu the flowers are yellow daisies, boroe for a long season. selling. Can be seen at y reasonable hour day w ning. Phone Red 290. (144) anil in (he Muttw f I he kilaiinlstraUmi No matter what the gevetablc, young single man In the employment of Thorn Sheet Metal Ltd. Home atmosphere desired. Phone Black 213. (tf) TAKE NOTICE that by order or His 11 win uiste uetuei uie ui , Honour Judt- w. o. Fulton, made the js cooked after behg haivested. 10th day of June, AD. 1948 I was .ffinient;1 (YES TIREDt Soothe and refresh them la jieconds with two drops of sale, gantla SALE Garden stake ndled. 75c. Call Mitchell & j Annual poppies should be I appointed Administrator ol tna ! Estate of Carl (Charles) Albert Kali- to dull the flavor of those that sown where they are to grow, purine in each eye. You got lirrie, 363. 144) MACUi.NKKI rOH SALE trom. deceased. , rirVi In snfrnr which auicklv and their seed may be broad- OUICK RELIEF. Instantly your eyes leal r CiaimS BKaiUSl. O- - . .. " ,. . ..u-J .l,ll1 Wonrf 7 In. All parties having n, nrhanDtrai ma cm nan , ireHIllfU. lluilw w. . ... iaaij wiicir,i,i mh. " - I , .u m raw better lumber more the said estate are hereby required begins to change to starch. frnish same nroperlv verified to, qreaienis cleanses uuu buuiuob vjvo iuu. loosened an inch or so deep with are tired irom overwocc or expoauro to Do you steer yur tar or "HERD" it? Steering Wander? Shimmy? Tire Wear? O Restore new car steering control! Inspection and correction can be carried out accurately only by use of specialized equipment. In accordance with the LINDSAY policy of having the right tools for the job, WHEEL ALIGNMENT and BALANCING equipment has been installed and is now In operation. Drive in and let us check and report on your front end condition. '" LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. O PHONE 866 O SALE One Monarch 'oil rner kitchen range, comic, and one Majestic kitich- range in good condition. economically -use tne monem of July mp on or bB(ore tlle ,Ust day nH nn-tn-date tVDe National i d i4H after which date claims A The Quickest annual flower to a rake. They stand freezing sun, wind and dust. filed may be XfTTDTXTF t f Pol'Uich0T theThaa bloom is leptosyne stlUnianl, , weather without injury Portable Bawmllls inanuiac- to any claims tone Green 613 or call at 132 tured by Nauonai mauuaK)j knowladge. aii ninira indebted to the estate THIS AND THAT FOR YOUR EYES tl t ( are required to pay the amount of Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. iW FOR SALE their indebtedness to me mruiwiui.. nATF.n at the cltv of Prince Hu- li Ave. West after 5 p.m. (143) SALE Gllnet boat with m, first class condition. nert. Province of British Columbia. this 14th dav of June. A D. 1H48. GORDON F. FORBES. Official Administrator. atly to go. Apply Cow Bay Prince Rupejt, B.C., FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special Deluxe Sedan. Newly painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. 1 (tf) m Works. (140) RUPERT MARINE REALTY SALE Ladv's ereen suit. mm aMirtttu u i. ii i r i . l i mm vtma m ii vat vma SALE Big 4 Wartime , W 12, new. Call between 6 FOR Ki 7 p.m.. 441 7th Ave. East (142) ilouse. imnieuiuic wo. ,.,.... Priced right for quick sale. Acencies. Phone (14G1 342. SALE Boy's maroon C.C.M.I f ycle, excellent onditkn.l jJ ': (J. CLAUSEN & SON) , We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY; FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS - (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) " Box 54 Tkone Green 975 ijfif.jjji flione Green 629. (142) STOKERS GET 30 MORE HEAT . R SALE Sernn wnnrl ran-' "m lengths, $6 per cord. WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Drvelirpine. Frintine Enlarging QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies SMITH & ELKINS Nne Red 963. (145) I iKxuu rz. . nv ill r "ir ir n i Pl.nnP 174 ' Box 274 P SALE One Phllco mantle Fdio and one ladv's CC.M. lifycle. Both In excellent conation. Phone Black 984. (tf) Hollywood Cafe y 1 DELIVERED FREEI fMTO 2 PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST P SALE 18 ft. pleasure boat, ' h p. Easthope engine. Good . UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 3:30 PJ4. TO 8:30 A.M. Kaicn Co-op TfISttING supplies NYLON LINE - SPOONS REELS - SPINNERS RODS LANDING NETS fmdition. Reasonable price.'. -03 2nd West after 6 p.m. (144) , CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY IwSy V CA 25c Per Dozen Paid For Empties PR SALE 24-foot awning with For Outside Orders CHOW Phone US ' ME1N CHOP SVEY tuller. Snac AddIy Maceys. displayed by the Liquor Control Board or I by the Government of British Columbia. I TIPS - SINKERS FLYS GUIDES - a Box 1127 251 8rd West "I just went In to make a phone call. Gosh, have they a high-pressure salesman!" HOOKS Phone 179 (180) You saw u in the News!