r J?rfnct Riipm Dailp rectos Thursday, Novcmbpr, 10, 1949 mid.SEas; hi. MXlR STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE (Air An lEriopT3'3piit datly newpan-r devoted trt the upbulidlne of Prinre Rupert all comir.iinitle com'pnr.ini; northern and central Britisn Columbia. (Authorises as Second Cls Mall. Poet Office Denartment. Ottawa) Publtih.-d every ftrnoon except Sundnv bv Prince Rupert Dali? News Ltd . 3rd Avenue. Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O A HUNTER. Manaeine Editor. H O PERRY. Managing Director MKMBKR OP CANADIAN PRESS At'DIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES ft 7 MENS Ftscv i I Mfcf vKmw, rmr iw iic: rer fctunia. 19c; rrr Temjr. vs no. ai. q. 3. .airr By Mall. Per Month, 60c; Per Tear. 5 00 tf' SAIL8 FOK VANCOUVER and Intermedial Ports Each Thursday at 11:13 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEUNEilMy MlhSKJin For Rservntlun :er v Armistice Day R'J- S25.W). Vow MEV DRF.W 4VD, lb Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUptSH'1 BC. I Hi MEN'S LFw,,.. "J Li BREAKERgu Z Our Glorious Donrf Written at Toronto before World War II in his eighty-third year by the late Jamei A. Brain, father of A. St. G. Brain. Prince Rupert and greatgrandfather of Miss Margaret Brain (Miss P N. E. 19481. From the bloodstained fields of Flanders In the Valleys of the Sommi. From the dead strewn hill of Vlmy In their thousands they shall come. ' In the morniiiK at the Roll Call When the final word is said fliey shall rise to life Eternal. Thousands of our glorious Bead. From the shell holes, trenches, dugout From the Hell pf No Mans Land. Buried in the din of Battle In their thousands they shall stand. In the morning of the Roll Call When the Final Call is made They shall rise with Christ their Saviour Thousands of our glorious Dead From the trackless flour of Ocean's Murderei) by the cruel Hun Wflmen, C hildren, Mn and Maiden In (heir thousands they shall cum In that morning" at th Hull t ali When the Judge his Last Word said They shall rise to life Eternal I'llousanii uf uur glorious Dead Fruii) (he arid Hastes uf Egypt Buried neaili the drifting sand Fruni the ruck and murk of Turkey In their thousand they shall stand n the morning at the Hull fall When all time from Earth has fled They shall rise to live forever. Thousands of our glorious Dead From the Valley of the Shadows In great triumph they shall rise Pain is Vanquished. Death is Conquered. Each shall win his well fought prize. "iriai 'J, -yrV;. '-v. mmm i in 4 HUTS-hpfiial MEN'S I.KKSS siin frorn KAi: i"ation,, mtilm Special AIRCRAFT TO CONQUER ANTARCTIC An R. A. f. and two specially adapted Auster Mk. 6 ski-eQuinped air- Best Hamhurgers In Town MFV'S RA1N(((a,v ' craft be jn trip jojnt Nonvogiaii-BriUsh-Swcdish scientific Weatherman says: "( loudyj iiimg MEN'S iABIUi,NK ( Full lined MEN S (OWltT(1(, CO.lTS-.Tops inUil fit a,r,1 Itain. kin riuit'l slay out- tide and gut Hi t; iimie in audi i i j expedition that will set out for Queen Maud Land, an unexplored tract in the Antarctic, in November. Difficulties of pack ice helped defeat the Shackelton expedition of 1914. but aircraft may overcome this difficulty by performing reconnaisance in the search for a passage by the members of the R. A. F. unit, Cpl. W. G. Gilbey and Sergt. P. D. Westori, make a last-minute adjustment to the special skis for landing on the snow-bound Antarctic mainland. MENS DRESS PaMJ t soaked " -AT SNACK BAR Adve -B n 1 j i c a !l -NNorimpnt, p(.rfff, , Snw . , - In Pair and u MEN S W0,)I. and , WRKPAXTS-.A s Sprcial from hobby is jig-saw puzzles. But this one has us peat. LETTERBOX OPEN a.m. to 1 a.m. DAIL1 1 i Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for Just off Third Avenue Al L-WOoi, Kl.ANKt " your space. We remain three puzz'.od cab drivers. 318 6th St. Ph. Orders Blue M J JIM MORAN i THOMAS DE GUXSTINI LOUIS JANZE in plain grrv, khaki , lels at a vrry ptfij from , VS' LACED 8 BOOTS-AII im. Uprrial pa BOYS' SCHOOL md fA'TS . . .. (rum LET US FIXIT PIZZLKD DRIVERS Editor, Daliy News: In regard to the five stop signs at Third Avenue and McBride Street, there is something that has us puzzled. If. by chance, five cars were to stop at the same time, and this will happen, could anyone please inform us who has the right-of-way. In other words, who moves first? Also can some one tell us whose AUHT JEMIMA Pancakes! ONCE AGAIN we come to Remembrance Pay, November 11, most solemn of the anniversaries that punctuate the progress of our normal pursuits. ;Jt is a day which we hesitate to call "holiday" in view of the implication of recreation and pleasure-making that we usually associate with that term. Tomorrow on the thirty-first anniversary of the ending of one we honor not only those who died but those who suffered, many of them still, and, indeed, all those who served in two great conflicts. And we wquld in all sincerity suggest that we observe the day in a true sense of serious acknowledgement. As for the celebrations coming on that day, may those who served engage fully in such more power to them ! But, for those of us who may have been deficient in our service, and let every man be his own judge as to that, may we use the day as one of reflection and resolution. May we resolve on actions and attitudes that will tend to bring about conditions auspicious to removing or allaying the possibility of further conflict with all its horrible consequences. The best honor we can give to those who served and offered their all in two great conflicts would he to decTicate ourselves with all our will and all our power to the prevention of recurrence of the need for such sacrifices. WAKE UP, PRINCE RUPERT! PRESENTATION by Boards of Trade and Cham-i bers of Commerce of the Peace River district to the royal commission on transportation of a brief seeking action in the way of providing a Pacific Coast railway outlet to that vast and long-denied area suggests that Prince Rupert has long been somnolent on a matter which at one time was considered so vital to the future development and use of this port and railway line. Without seeking to avoid any of the blame our-Kelves for this deplorable inactivity of the past few years, it might not be amiss or inappropriate to suggest t the Prince 'Rupert Chamber of Commerce and. ojher bodies supposed to be active in the use and development of the port that it is high time we were bestirring ourselves and once again presenting our case as the logical Pacific Coast railway outlet for the Pwiee River. Y In; fact, the new presentation bv the Peace River people of their brief is in itself a challenge for us to wake up and get busy. We have a strong case which has been prepared and often overhauled and reiterated in the past. We recall some of the old champions of the Trince Rupert as the Pacific Coast outlet for the Peace River. Death may have removed some of them. Infirmity may have overtaken some. Others may have just btcome discouraged for the lack of support and interest they have received, which lack has been no more evident anyw-here in recent years than in r!ncB KuPf rt-the place where the interest and the actiorvshould be most abundant and intent BOVS' RAINCIMTS-4 The Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce has been invited to bi represented at a conference of the Community Planning Association to be held in Vancouver November 15. It is not known yut whether it will be possible for a local delegate to attend. OUinj. irom BOYS' ALL-Hooi. r JACKETS f,,, 'brain wave this was. We are three cab drivers whose Tempting freedom in LUNCH or SUPPER TREAT CHANDLDf PORTRAIT SU'i Film Finishing Enl Flash Photo; Hktn a Phone Green J89 2'.' Specialists in All Types of Welding . and Platework Phone lilurk 881 T H OM SHEET METAL LTD. LLCKIES ON YOUR FEET J J 7 Aluminumware . . . . TO PLEASE .... The 'Missus' Advertise In tne Da OP TA8TY MEALS AT -a. A -J? V jv1 -c ii. .A " Rex Cal hirirse Dnhns a Spri it CHOI' SUEY I .- 3 . V AT THE CHOW M Hecona Avenue oppiiie Prince Huprrl Uoiei cini mm. to I:S0 am Phone 173 for OuUlde U For day-long comfort wear The Windsor-an easy-fitting, plain toe shoe in choicest Martin Grain. Made with full double soles and solid leather heels. Ask your shoe dealer to let you see and feel The Windsor SIS 3rd Ave. W. Box lilt Pbune Red 400 -a quality shoe by I.eckies. PHONE 79 QUALITY SHOES Ithtllarr FINE PRINTING at pljannan Sa RFRAI PDIfcllTDC PIIONeTI 222 Second Ave. HOURS of? ypti Weekdays ... Sundays . . . . B THIS CHRISTMAS -OIVE . . 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 P-m. SALE CONTINUING ALL WEEK WITH Top Values at Low Prices IN JACKETS CRUISERS SHIRTS " TIES '""' SWEATERS ACME CLOTHING STORE SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENU School for Tomorrow IT'S AS EASY AS A. B. Irs tmef inird Avenue Tr, Rnv on Our Phunc 359 You .can have the Electrical Gift of your choice put away now for Xmas V III) j CREDIT PLA ORDER TOI-R OlFTSTOPj A Brfon- Xm Pay V, The newspaper boy ... . the bjy who delivers your papers . . j, a typical Canadian boy. He la tha business mu?? t,7orrow- And a carrier, n. learns those lessons which will prepare him for a successful future. Carrier Conpetition Starting on October 3 the Daily News Is sponsoring a carrier competition with bl.iycle as first prize i and manv oUwr valuable cash prtos. The boy, will be awarded polnU for obtaining new subscriber, for dependability nd lot efficiency In collections. So any help that you can give your carrier will be appreciated by him and he in turn will n W serve you ... , hiS cu.ton.er .... to the utmost o 2 CAll IN TOMORROW WHILE OIR STOCK IS COMPLETE Pay the kosi - MARCIIANI) OIL HEATERS VORTEX OIL BUHNERS IRON FIREMAN STOKERS Plumbing & Heating Alterations SMITH & ELKINS LTD. A I..L Startine. Peliruary W our NORTHERN B. C. POWER CO. LTD. Christ REE - BESXER BLOCK PHONE 210 PRIXCE RlTERT, B.C. STEWART, B.C. MANSON'S PHONE 174 BOX 274 YOl'R FRIENDLY JEWEIXEft L