tlliiiiiijimiiil;uttiiiii!jil):uiitiKuiiitiiiii:iii:tiiiiitniii nuwam. ?nnce Kupm ?atlj? Mrtus Thursday, November, 10, 1949 SHIPS and WATERFRONT Purser Bert Kobson, veteran of MIMKW. ACT (KORM F) t'rrt if Irate of Impruieiiirnt NOTICE Jean Mineral Claim, situate In the Skeena Mining Division of Range s. Coast District. Located on tjie east side of the; Prince Rupert to Port Edward hlgh-j ay on Wolf Creek. Take notice that J. A. Rutherford. I P. M Certificate No. 25725F. as nccnt for Henry P. Knudson.. P. M. ! Certificate No 26868F. and Frederick: Handforth. P. M. Certificate No 26-! 78iP. Intends at the end of sixty the Canadian National coast steamship service, is aboard the Prince George again in charge of the purser's office for the first time In more than a month, having joined the ship at Vancouver Monday, following a holiday in California. With him is Assistant Purser Don Jenkins, who has been in charge during Mr. Rob- j son's absence. The Prince George j days but not later than one year from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvement for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 85. must be commenced before Issuance of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this 10th Day of November 1049. (H) ... wf& h o 4 "! v. If v t H 'lvlP-VN -k fP ri EXPRESSIONS WIN PHOTO CONTEST "Nobody's going to make lamb chops out of you; So go ahead and laugh!" The baby lamb's expression is answer enough to the little girl enchanted by what seems to her to be an animated toy. This photo was a winner in the children's division of the Annual Newspaper National Snapshot contest in the U. S. was in port yesterday northbound and will be here again tonight southbound. PRETTY CATHOLIC of blue taffeta with a shoulder-length veil held in place by blue gardenias. Her bouquet was of bronze chrysanthemums and pink carnations. CHURCH WEDDING Miss Helen Prystay Becomes Bride of Thurlow Wright The sacristy of Annunciation Church was the scene of a pretty wedding Saturday evening when Groomsman was Theodore Prystay, brother of the bride, j Following the ceremony a re-I aeption was held at the Sons of j Norway Hall where about 150 I guests were present. Receiving 1 the guests was Mrs. Prystay, I mother of the bride, who was Rfr Ma-1 Miss Helen Grace Prystay, daueh- 0 wearing a street length wine dress with a lace bodice and a corsage of pink and white car Otllu Ponies a ! ter of Mr. and Mrs. T. Prystay, became the bride of Thurlow MacAUer Wright, son' of Mr. and Mrs. ,W. Wright, The double-ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Mohan, O.M.I., assisted by Rev. Father Rayner, O.M.I. The, ,'oride's :o' ely gown of white satin was fashioned with a nations. A toast to the bride and groom was proposed by M. V. Patrick, to which the groom responded. The coupje received congratulations standing beneath a pink and fitted bodice made with lilv rjoint sleeves, an inset yolk of net and white arch and wedding bell. The beautiful three-tier wedding cake was cut by the bride the skirt slghtily en train. ; The mree-quarter length veil was held in place with a Queen Mary coronet and a spray of myrtle. and groom after refreshments, provided by Mrs. W. Rothwell, were served by Mrs. A. Muskal-uck, Mrs. M. Chaprun and Mrs. Her bouquet was of white chrysanthemums and pink carnations. Gertrude Husnik The bridesmaid, Miss Stella Chaprun. was attired in a gown During the evening dancing was enjoyed to music by Mike Colussl on the piano accordion. Skinny men, women The bride is on the staff ol Wallace's Department Store and the groom is employed by Campbell &? Bennett Co. gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor The couple will take up resid Whal a thrill. Bony llmlja til out: nil holkiwa ence at 1020 Ninth Ave. East. CANNED S A L Wl On Sunday evening, at the I' . home of the bride, a sunDer was 01 served in honor of the couple. nu up Dftt no longer arrawnv; body kea halt-.turvrd. gltUy - bean-pole'1 look. Thousand, of girls, women, men. wtio never could gain betora. are now proud ot ahnpely. healthy-looking Dodlea. 1 njr ttinnk to .pedal vigor-building, fleah-buildlna: Ionic, imrtx. Its u-nirs. stimulant., tnvtgoratora. Iron. yltamin Bi. calcium, ennrti blood Imoruva DP w and digestion to rood five you mora .tre.igtn and noumnment. put flrwh on bare bones. Lon t tear Keuioit It tat. Stop when you ve gained the 5. It). 16 or 20 It, you need tor normal weight, t obi. little. New "tot acquainted" .lie imiy fine. Try litres Tonic Tar-leu Tor Dew Yigor and aodau nnyaita. uua vary day. At all druggist. Thirty guests were received in a beautifully decorated dining room I oy Mr. ana and Mrs. Prystay, I parents of the bride. 1 fri3WJi ' iJ croquettes 1 lb. Canned Salmon Va cup bread crumbs 1 tbsp. minced onions :up thick white sauce salt and pepper cayenne 2 tsp. lemon juice crumbs and 2 egss Ihme Gfofh Belted and Full I Regular $39.50, Combine salmon, white sauce, : seasoning and lemon juice. Chill and shape. Roll in bread crumbs, then in egg and again In bread crumbs. Fry in deep fat (380 degrees F.) for 3-5 minutes. Drain. Serves 4. Shorties Sale Sitartts Serve Canned Salmon r often . . . it's so economical it Wonderful Lingerie Buys PANTIES, Reduced From 49c to 28c NYLON PANTIES From .... $1.49 to 99c SLIPS from $2.95 to $1.88 $3.95 to $2.88 AtJakl -Z3L-' H ,TWmjrVr XV.-fc tit' WCI ta