priori fTiihrH rwn ftig ' Thursday, November ltt, 1949 1 rj'f -it " J deod COAL River i IT'S HARD, HOT AND CLEAN-BURNING Valhalla Lodge meeting and Hear Ted Applewhaite reinitiation Thursday night lol- port from Parliament CFPR lowed by dance. Everybody wel- 6:15 p.m. Friday. (263) COme' 283j Mlsa Mary Margaret Bulger, S. O. N. Whist and Dance, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Jack Friday, November 11, Whist 8 Bu,Br, returned home on tba p m. Music by Mike Colussi ! Prince Oeorge yesterday after ANNOUNCEMENTS Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, NoT-ember 9. Second card party Catholic Hall Thursday, Nov. 10, 8 p. m. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov 17. W. O. T. M. Card Tournament, Nov. 17, All welcome. Women of the Moose dance. Oddfellows' Hall, November 18. Prince Rupert Symphony we. naving Deen lor some time at Everbody Refreshments come. (23 Duncan, Vancouver Island. W , V J jbert & McCaffery ' LIMITED PHONE 116 CQAL LIMBER BtlLIUNtt SITPLIES New York Herald - Tribune newspaper is planning to publish a special Canadian edition. The Prince RRupert Chamber of Commerce has been Invited to Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. Civic Centre Bridge, November 18. l.O.DE. Chapter's Fall Baz-.r. Nov 24 Old time Dance, Conrad United Hall Nov. 25 Admission 50c If you are interested in seeing the Womens Institute continue in Terrace come to the next meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Jonnstone on. Thursday, November 17 at 8 p. m. (268) t "Britg Your Misauj ( Night" Canadian Le Vgtff gin Hall, to-night at v'Ai 8 p. m. (Members of Bch and Aux.yi. Canadian Le r.A if J, of. - is r. take out an advertisement but has taken no action in the matter. Charles Durham, who hag been in the city for the past week following his arrival from Vancouver, left on last evening's train for his home at Usk but will be St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Not. 26. Saturday. United Church Xmas Bazaar, Dec. 1. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League j Sale of fancy work and home I cooking at Sons of Norway HalL gion Members have you bought your tickets for Annual Ban STETSON Advertising Is payable In advance. Please retrain from back here again before the end ,' of the week. He plans on returnr Classineus, m jjci wuiu per mwriiun, minimum Birth Notices 50c, Cards ot Thanks, Death Notices. quet and Smoker 1 p. m. Frl. Nov. 11 at The Armouries, and Armistice Day Dance (open to everybody) at Navy Drill Hall Dec. 8 ui 2:30 p.m. KEEPING POSTED ON HIS FUTURE With the deer season now in full swing in many parts of Canada tins buck appears to be making sure that modem Daniel Booncs are obeying K.e ga.r.e rules when they take a s'not at him. He and many of his pals will probably tie "laying low" somewhere until thinjs "cool off.' I M AND frOLMJ ! 10 p. m. same date ? Uu OF THANKS ing to Vancouver Sunday night on the Camosun. E. D. Fuara, Civic Centre director, returned to the city on yesterday's plane from abrief trip south to attend th 1 annual meeting at Nanaimo of the British Columbia Basketball J Association. I , vtcnd our near; "car om .owrage mans ! eX.ten? wrist watch.Initial p. W on NOTICE TO NORTHLAND Members of the Soroptimist b;n.k. Phone Green 851 (205 1 DAIRY CUSTOMERS There tor tne nmimur will be no delivery of milk Arm Club, under their president, Misf extended 10, us HELP WANTED ' I HERE'S ani our Brother and I : . istice Day, November 11. All drlver Apply mv ripiivprpH Ui,riaU ,.. ROBinsOn. OlJeuiai nnjiifu Dashing fof the office, or scrolling on the avenue you're dreised right for the bright city in this smooth and snappy Stetson. The sleek, graceful lines of the Whippet will help you go places in style. " -------- -"""""- Uf) McDonald Dr. J a. Muriel Vance, had a busy evening at the Nurses' Home of the Prince Rupert General Hospital Monday folding and enveloping Christmas Seals for the British i iiict-u w Keep unui tsauiraay. mile and Carrie, HELP W ANITiCD 33 ''a Com- Order your Friday require iiciurd. Carl and Os- mission ior energetic, reore- BOTTLE-FED BABIES If your h&hy b bottle-fed, be sor to watch tittle bowels closely. Mother's milk hai a l&tursi laxative etJVct which helps take care if baby's need. lurking this, a bottle-fed iabv often (jets fietty, feverish and puffers fonstipauon ami upset stomach. Let Baby's iwn Tablets help yon keep bitby'i bowels in schedule sweeten upset Htomach relieve feverish&eHS and teething trouble. No 'sleepy" stuff no dulling effect. Easily rrufilted to a powder, if de&ired. Dn't let your baby gutter get Baby's Own Tablets ;oday. ments Thursday. Usual deliv- sentative to sell direct to householders well advertised j ery Saturday. 2u2) run SALE 1 l CRUSHED LEG IN MINE WORK James Grieves, flown here from Premier Mine to receive treatment at Prince Rupert General Hospital, received a badly fractured right leg above the :,Brovtn enamei iu- Columbia Tuberculosis Society.! Distribution of the seals is ex-; pected to get under way about j November 15. Refreshments were served to the gathering by Miss P. M. Mooney, R.N. mealclnal preparations 0 1 world wide repute. Free1 W. S. Arneil, Indian Commis-etKJds tp start you off. Se:id.sloner for British Columbia, ar-full details other lines car-1 ... rled and territory covered to'rlvecl ln tne city yesterday Box 616 Daily News ....i264ijon the Prince Oeorge from neater m might1 vancouver to take part ln a c iwr. roru i-uiwi H(nir.u itruorter, 1 siuing 01 tne Metiakatia en nuim. simp tuiiaitjfr yuuiiu limn wiwi u; v.. tar. .A.-.-n .... kn,..,n..J in ..nt ... ruIs Motor oer- KlTp'rofeSr Apply Editor csement board sitting here. Dailv News (tfi .Other members of the board are "ji -Bride St. Comfort, Health, Rest! Classified Ads. Get Results. knee when he was crushed against the wall of a tunnel while riding on a mine locomo 9- - .. I n m a n t Indian Superintendent F. E. An-field and Peter Leighton of Met- tive which was carrying a .i-lC tf M U H '. 0! enlttrgers pnnt-; and tanks etc. WANTED Two neat appearing lakatla ii5) Your Restmorc needs can quantity of material for rehab ilitatlng the gold mine. .A length . of metal' rod ap , every w. llJ ill R rial Dai.y .1 GET YOtlR INTERIOR PAINTING DONE NOW SPENCE & MATU K Painters & Decorators young ladies for national con-i cern. Must be Iree to travel. XWs montlVg regular meeting 1 of the Business and Professional parently caught on the side of j the tunnel, crushing Grieve's ( ,Buby Burgy. lnone waki-io Juy nouse up.,., women's Club was held Tuesday " before 1 p. m. Phone Blue 215 P.O. Box 1111 (284) leg as the locomotive continued 1 harbor view. Phone Green evening at the home of Miss 224 after 5. (263) Frances Partridge following a be supplied by your furniture store. "Best for the Rest of your life." Have you thought of PiUou:, for Christmas Gifts? Se- 1- tftT MMnnrrh ...... A ftnt. WANTED Used piano, any aimer in tne uivic uentre uin- .tires, k . ln motion. City ambulance met the Q.C. A. plane at Seal Cove air base taking the injured man to hospital immediately. The Premier mine is In pro PERSONAL. XMAS CARDS From your own Snapshots make, reasonable. Cash or ing Room. A report on the Donna office desk, value cas-h plus nrpsrnp Orescoe rnnrprt Concert wa was rp!)ri read. Th, The $200, solid oak, five feet. 708 Alfred Street, evenings and forthcoming visit to this city of ., be seen aw -pit. tt-1942 "Chevrolet Come ln and See our Samples J ood sedan. baiuraays. juo the Provincial President was Phone WANTED To rent small apt. and plans were made i condition. it: i p.m. 10c EA.25 FOR $2.40 ; WRATH ALL'S PHOTO-. FINISHING ( (263) or house, unfurnished. EVj lor ner entertainment while here. 3 PlTonerlBlueC0993ple- ,5!;', Following the business session a SOf'al hour was.enjoyed, , To" Apartment W ANTED Rent 4,'jdio couch, good ' tiasunable. .Phone (263) cess of re-openlng after being j inactive for more than a year as a result of a. dispute between the miners .and. the com? pany. Grieves had been employed at the mine 11 days. He had been at Aero Timber Camp, Cumshewa Inlet, for a short time before going to the mine. FOR S1.E Just one coat of B-H "FrMConette" coven unight!v kalsomine. Killpaper . , . givc you gay walli with a satiny washable aurface. Dries to the touch in a couple of hours. L-fc 1 upriver spuds or suite bv newly arrived re-i presentative of Canadian Cfeneral Electric. O. R. Ford,' Room 94. Prince Rupert H0-1 tel. Reward. (264) xt delivery out 01 p. Don't be dis- FOR SALE Electric machine. Console Cash $a0 00. Phone 329 7th E. Sewing m 0 del Blue 72 26i (2641 : Oratr now Shear- FOR RENT IRESTIVIORE SWA SPKlttfOR MS WEEK Odd oizes in WOMEN'S SHOES Regular to $11.95 FOR RENT Large housekeeping room, 613 Third AveIJufp)' i S4U cash. Appiy Jv-nue Eist -'' 1 SWAP 5 tube Dictator Cabinet Radio for 12 guage shot-tjun 845 11th Ave E. (264) And removal one FOR RENT Small two-room apartment on Eleventh Aven McBride Street Phone 311 AIR PASSENGERS WEDNESDAY To Vancouver C. Perry, G. K. Hale, K. C. Lowe, Miss M. Thornton, C. Munro, K. H. Kearns. To Sandsplt K. G. Findlay, E. J. Hale. TUESDAY From Vancouver J. Beale, Mr. cabin 740 Ful WORK WANTED :m Blue 849. (2b6 ue. Box W3, uity. voo' syyr RF.NT Two room suite. iou saw !t in the Newsl li-Brown circulating wanted Part time bed-room and kitchen, two WORK mi and wood, as job bookkeeping, filing clerk-i cim tvninff or anv woriC men sharins or couple, no rhllriren. 743 9th Ave. West. new. Phone Reel (266i Remembrance Day Parade to Cenotaph Members of Bch. No. 27 Canadian Legion B. E. S. L. and Ladies Auxiliary, also representatives of other Organizations laying wreaths, "Fall In" at Canadian Legion Hall 10.15 a. m. Friday Nov. 11. Berets or Forage Caps should be worn (if owned) also medals ancior ribbons. All ex-service personnel are invited to join the Parade. PHILIP M. RAY Secretary-Manager (263) .940 four-door Chev. SAVOY in ousiness une. ruw.c BakeFi Mr Ka2,ekj p pnffCTi j 7 7;mh' A. McDonnell, E. L. Johannes, F "ffiWKSSnt J. Hale, G. K. Hale, Mrs. W. Pat- Pressure Ticket Arc. Refer- terson, Mr. Collins, R. Taylor, J. H12. Daily News FOR RENT Sleeoln? room for working girl. Apply Box 587 City. 2631 Ii-1947 Ford deluxe NOW 3.95 & 5.95 THE FAMILY SHOE STORE LIMITED pnres ADD1V DOS ii REAL ESTATE wll mileace. excel- iOTEL News. (264) o''lluus. I From Sandspit E. Wahl, Mr. am. Owner leaving mav be seen at Bob Must be sold by ,and Mrs. B. Schellenburg. Recent Listings of Inter 1 10 Resonably pric-Sale. (263) est , ' 5th Ave. W. 7 room house: W. L. WOODS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT j calibre, specially not water neatiiiK: riasiereu cdncrete foundation: imme-tliateoccupancy, easily con- ird Ave. ' Box 638 Ph. 357 tonvertid Mark 3 at 10-shot Sporting tt each onlv $45.00 a ammHiltlon $3 00 J tlelivcrv. Limited apfone for paxo and " Monev refunded factory. Scope Sales ; Q'een St , Ottawa t280) VerilDie VO UUjlirA " ..., ment purpose. Priced to sell Ambrose Ave-7 room house furnished; harbor view; 3 lots, basement. 9th E. near McBride four room bungalow, basement. Vacant only $2500 with $1000 down. 8t,h W 7 room house, concrete basement, newlv decor-atPd io down, full price only $3800. . t, Fnr tv,esP &othpr nrnnert'ps See Armstrone Agencies Ph. 342 or Green 297 (evesl W KNOWN NAMEf-i Soeecler Shovels uraclir.PS- Adam' Dries Quickly with a beautiful f&t finish. Paint today-move in tomorrow. $1.40 qt. $4.50 pal. jaders: Littlcford Bros. Cereal and Carnation' says Mrs. Arthur Lavecque, Toronto If you have children who balk at finishing up their cereal every morning try giving them undiluted Carnation Milk to pour on it. Maybe you'll be surprised. Mrs. Arthur Lavecque of Toronto has six children who were all Carnation babies, and she finds the morning cereal no problem with Carnation in the cream jug. Carnation is pure, whole, cows' milk, evaporated to do libit richness, Homogenization and heat-refinement make it creamy smooth and richer V1CKERS 1$ DISTIUtO IN CANADA AND IS DISTIIIUTID IvCalVtTt rut Rook Crannies: ? Concrete Mixers; Qrk ift Tn.Uo. Mulct-, This advertisement is not published ordis- 1 . . 1 - r . 1 U . .l - THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 1111 plaveJ ny tne Liquor umirm utum in L vrn oat F, 5 room iully lur- by mc jovcrnmem 01 duhmi vAJuutm. ihari hmsi leiicra i". wiuu .T(IVV . ... . - - - toders ior Stockpile yemoviU; Rice Port-'5;limal Pumps; Na-""line Scrapers and National All Steel Hoists. National 9 to 12 a.m. lawn. Apply 1214 1265) Park Ave. FOR SALE-Couage i w . mills; National iRDWAUE Kaien ins and Convevoru Co-op p- -;Fmtlon from Na- tasting. And you can keep Carnation on hand without refrigeration. Join the millions who use Carnation Milk regularly. And remember jnw is the lUVl TIME TO IAVE YOUR FLOORING RELAID chlnery Co. Ltd. o. U. (til that Carnation provides all the food values '-lMi; Chev rnnrh if and engine. $300.00, apply Room 'Wrtments. (263) of pasteurized whole milk plus 400 units of "sunshine" vitamin D in every pint you use. A CANADIAN PRODUCT "from Contented Cows" as you would use r. McBnoe on 6th Ave. East. Well decorated and painted. Garage and large well drained lawn at rear. Wired lor Electric range has extra outlets in kitchen and llvinpr room Remodeled kitchen, and all cupboards in bedims finished. Must be seen to be appreciated. Five roorri Two bedroom house on 5th Ave. East just off McBride. Attractive 1k-lng, dining combination corn-nlete wth oil stove and heater New rubberaid roof, and garden Excellent house for V ,n vnr nforma- i - .. toasters, Puns ""rS, sillffer f?pwino I'h oul.T. "8. Cribs. Disston WINTER TIME IS SKI TIME Skis from $3.75 to $34.50 See Them Today COME IN AND CHECK OUR FULL STOCK OF SKI SUPPLIES SKI POLES HARNESS SKI WAX SHELLACS LACQUER REMOVER LETTNER TYPE EDGES SOLE PROTECTERS Heavy 3-tly Roofini? P. tit j BE WISE! , RUY PIES an in r.""" ,, ,"'nHon Call RO- J5f vntc r.. i 4 h BERT E. MONTADOR LTD. (2G3) v,rvruiy usea , H thp 1 an -oof ni-tnAa Call the Men Who Know CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Buehes, D.C, Ph.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 or Appointment ' HOURS 10:30 a m. o 13:30 p m. and 1 to t P.m. THAT TANTALIZE! f .-:r?0 '"ho Co.;BTack 321 FOR SALE Six room Wartime v.nQ anrace. fine view, newly decorated with ranee i v,t Full Price $2,700. 'sih; vi. uu"fs, win-rwPhone 543- CaU FROM - SSSii RUPERT BAKERY LTD. o tt Mortimer, 324 GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS RED 561 P O. BOX 721 rrr- 2nd Ave. Phone 88. (264) 251 THIRD AVENI F ,'.stl and Tnrt,.iri..i BOX 1127 BAKED FRESH DAILY PHONE 179 KVKN1NHH MnndT and PrWay. 1:0 p m. for . those unable to come tfurlng the day. RECEPTIOMBT In atUnd- i ance alternoone. FOR SALE-Wartime four few minutes to Post Office on 7th Phone 643 619 3rd Ave. hi('.h nave been ';( "hauled and Ave. East. Prince mf' a oytown Machine i paea . ttt) (2C4)