1 ! Prince Hupcrt Dailp jT3cU)5 Thursday. November, 10, 1949 v. , . . n TEMPERATURES t S(cn At . CIVIC ENTfiE a- GOING "Wat Qiui&fcj. aif tcr (tie BE WISE AND MAKE SI RE OF YOIR WINTER SIMPLY OF COAL D 0 W N 5? AT? fnfll BOYS' V.'OOimORKING Watching the small boys' woodworking class on Tuesdays in the Civic Centre basement Is quite an experience. And not an Inactive cxperiere because, before low,', one flic! oneu-lf handing a saw to this boy, finding a piece of plywood for that one, giving qRDER TODAY FROM . nrtTT Call fiJU Lrui i ; wood and pattern to start the n)U project. Borne hoo the cowboy tie rack ft did Rusty Sykes and Arthur Tlte while some begin the Mexican book ends already being cut put by Murray Buas and Rnbert Oil-mour. When Mr. Miles wishes U get everyone' attention he has to flick the Hunts out which (tons the sawing poise. All ye in his direetlqn at, h tella them Ifl economize on plywood, or not to push so hard on tlah; iawi and break so many blades. . The final flick of tVp l!?nU U TEA SAO VITT una one a pattern, the other a lamp and a new blade. It's a ea of action accompanied by the din of saws. Any attempt to talk Co. Ltd. BI II DINO SUPPLIES 7 K i is useless. Most of the boys are sawing out the five pieces for the first project - a comer bi ic-a-brac, shelf. MilK Evaporated Mi.n. i ?-oz. tins. 2 for " Case 7.50 Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 60 f-'lour. 4a s. No. 1 hard Wheat 3 60 Flour, 24 s 1.82 ""a and Cnftei Lloyd Kristmanson sandpapered j On i TOP BRAas SHOW THEIR MEDALS Wearing the uniform of an admiral with a few embellishments, Generalissimo Fran Raspberry, 24 oz 45 biatKDerry, 4-lo. Mi Cherry, 2-t-oi.. j r-each. 4 lb B3 Apricot. 4-lb. 8 Sou us Canned Soups .4 to .2T Meat Roasting Chicken, lb 60 Ham, boned and rohed, 10. l.'V Hum, reg. lb 75 Bologna, lb 48 Werners 46 Garlic Sausaee. lb Bacon, pkg. '2 lb 50 Bacon, side, piece 95 Collage Koii, iu Liver Sausage, lb 5? . KYeh Pork Ham, lb '"1 ' Pork Chops, lb 75 ' a sign to put their names pr) their plywoocj pieces and, brj them ) the cupboard where they arp kft till the next sawing day. ADIXT I.EATHERCRAFT Vnittee t Coffee, lb 78 ueijuxe quanutv. lb 1.18 j Guests at last nights dinner meeting of the the Junior Chamber of Commerce at the Civic Centre were Lloyd Rice Neely Moore, Bob Mclnnes, Dr. D.R.E. Whitemore. Arch Wudrl and Don MacDonald. -lis well before joining the line up by Paul Dnniont, assistant to Mr. Miles, who nailed the pieces to. aether for the boys. Next they go to the painting room where they a: nun if.ur worlt anc set them up 1o dry. ,lt is made of jt of J. T. Harvey cisco Franco, Spanish chief of state, is shown (left) chatting with President Antonio Oscar Fragoso Carmona, of Portugal, during the banquet given In his honor during his state visit to the neigh-toorirM? republic. The affair was one of the most brlliant events field fn London in years. Associated Boards bh Columbia on : prince Rupert. Beets, bunch 10 ' "j having done this, Lome Mur- tae pre F. M. Dockrill of Tel- ray. Biily M.-Leotl, Eddie EwasulW. kwa and F, W. pobson of Prince Kenny Taylor and Gary Ogilvie .1 ParsU'V. bunch ARKETS Lcatharcr&ft l,a, tftkco ir manent hojd in Pfinc Ulert, and the Civic Centre Hobby room, as a bright place to work and talk and drink tea, is' being used by more and more members. . The busiest group U the Monday beginners' class which keep Mr. Miles and Miss Patterson on Turnips Spinach 2 lb Radishes, bunch Cioorge. ,:; uf the commlt- rush fur another piece of p)y- 08 21 .03 86 ... .20 .25 Fresh Irult Riusnrooms. id. Bananas, lb .VjS Head Lettuce ... g so different today . :- Apples, cooking, 31b. 25 CooHnsr onions, EVirw 1 IVe ' On CflUliflOWCr. lb. .30-40; 45 3 10s. 2 lbs. lb7"Z" JUTCCS Orange Juice 29 Blended : .25 Grupdiuil 'ii l orn a roes, 20-oz ta 1 28-oz 24 eatlon .59 i;nle. 20-oz. tin. i, lor 2f 43-oz .34 Cannei rruus Pineapple, crushed 33 Pieces, 20-oz 41 A orients. 20-oz. v Cherries, ancy. 20-oz 3? Loganberries. 20-oz 29 Peaches, choice .. .$) Lard P'lre lh Shortening 31 Soao Soar), face, bar if. t oi?-'pv ritrrt 2 for ' Soap Powders, large 41 t iine- ' ' u Cherries, 2 lb. pkt 45 roeonut. Ih f Almond Vasff !h 3 Fruit Cake Mix. lb 45 Dates, fancv. 1 lb nkt ' FfoHlows RaMns ? )hs Ff e'led Raisins. 2 lbs! 26 pv-piipd Walnuts. , lb. .' oi.pii,, Almnnclj j oz 3C KbPllerl Brils. V, lb. ! 45 .01 Lemons, large Cal.. doe, 1.:'.... .80-Sef'lrT: Oraepefruit. Ca'if., 3 lor - . rr,notnps n Oranges (Navel) , 22-..50 Potatoes. 10 lb. mm , hM, 11 .50 .17 .117 .10 the hop helping them all. As no leather Is being sold at the Civic Centre this year, only leather projects being handled, the instructors have more time to de. vote to the class. Mr. Sieber was complaining that his fingers were all thumbs, but along with all the waxes, is to C'umumbers lb lb. Vegetable Marrow Vecetabln Celery, lb 17 Rhubarb, 2 10 15 are working at purses, while Mrs. others who are maklne: kevi slippers for cases or change purses at first, he ! Moor making 165 .. .13 .. .la .. .23 .18 .. .23 .. .19 ?i .. .23 .. .H Squash, lb Carped Vet-a:.Iea Dill Pickles, gal Cut Green Beans, fey No. 5 fens, tiincy Mied Vegetables .. Diced Beets, per tin Wax Beans, choice Mixed Pea? and Carrots . PumnHn. '- for Baked Beans. 20-oz. tin ... Baked Beans. 15-oa. tin, ea. Tomatoes. 28-0 Freslt MiiK is doing a very efficient job. Amas presents. All seem happy about the new Some work on Wednesdays dur- pollcy this year of each person taS Tlny ToU- but Thursday h supplying his or her tools. Borne beaming the most popular aUer- H a 'nr Strawberry, 24-oz 03 have bought an individual set nootx- A there are no f hildjen s while others like Evy Rlvett and ! classe af ter school that day, the Audrey Wrathall share one. Betty, room is 'ree aU afternoon for Hood and the seven other nurses work and for tea- 0rw d3es not 23 22 .12 28 Guart Pmt Cream. ' Dint Professional and Business tecs Medium .. ,70 have to do leatherwork to cone-on. Thursdays. It's a goof time to bring knitting or niendif.g, to do shellwork or draw pictures, or just to drink tea. W-Timt Prizefighter Irainrd on e jirtHr muuIiI have bent ainainl to hear iurihtiiK iuulitiis uf today's popular dr-h - i'ott'i Graie NuU f- lukfi. lor if truniliy, trinplinty.nyTrrJ crrr;il Pullets 65, Kuuer j First Grade, lb 67 1 taking the oourse share a large tool kit and do some leatherwork during the week. Several In the Tuesday evening group are beginning again on key cases and wallets, but How forlunatn that wi.uMlie rli;iniiiini if to. day are to krt-ij ipu 1 lip tiTuiiiiiiiiu Havor if tliii ln-lpfiil rrnil, l'ot't (iratie-.Nuts FLikca provide tlirni ith riOurUtiniMil lliry nneil daily f.r sue , ceen at wlmol ar plar , . . Uefui nuantiliet uf carlmliyiiratvi, protrin. niieral wfl Ktlter fM eucutiali. Older nuw frutu viiur grocer. 6F3W Margarine, lb 37 Cheese 1 Canadian Cheese. ID .'. .. .30 ; vblrHtiii gfiiidnrta of TWU ulilin iiuiriiinif J h licai and malic J barley. CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC PRINCE RUPERT LAMD RECORDING DISTRtCT MATTSON'S UPHOLSTRRINO Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 528 330 Second Avenue Pr'jiCK Rupert, B.C. Mrs. Redhead is making an attractive utility kit. Mrs. Bateman, Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Llppe'.t TAKE NOTICE that the Colunirtla Cellulose: Company Limited ol 4 in. couvet. British Columbia, occupation STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412--Evgi. manufacturers or cellulose products. 7(U 100 DATS 1 li. & W. TRANSFER i -j DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD I U. tends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands, situate on the south sHc of the Slceena River at Scotia River f.nd adjoining ludiim Reserve No. 9: commencing at a post planted about ut the north-wret corner of Indian Re- I erve No. 9. thence South astronomic a distance of FIVE chains; (hencj West astronomic a distance of approximately FORTY FOUR chain; , thence North astronomic a distance 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 I V S i " K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B FOR YOUR ROCK ti CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment AD Work Guaranteed Prince Rupert Flutists i Flowers for Ail Occasions i of approximately TWENTY chains to 1 pot in rock being the Westrely ontlc of water lot No. 7374 situated In the skeena River; liience follo-vius the high water line on the South bans of the Skeena river In a South-eust."rly. South-westerly. North-easterly imd Easterly direction, a distance of approximately FIFTY SIX chains to the point of commencement; and con-illnliiK FORTY acres more or less. COLUMBIA CELLULOSE I . , COMPANY LIMITED. . T. A. V. Tremblny, Af;e'it. ' ,300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 77"' iiliNlliilili'iiiili!ililiilk.i,iii!:il!il:'lii!',,,il'i!i'!!,.,;,i.:.ii!i;i;1i A. P. GARDNER & Co Modernize your kitchen BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melvlile Street VANCOUVER - B.C. CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are invited to our showroom to view our. various engines and talV over equipment problems. Hlli'cr Eileen Kit. I, Kllver IJueen No.' "!. Hllver ((iieeii No. 3, siher (Jueen ! Vo. 4. Kiher Mrunil, Nilver Sliunil i. i. 4 uililio Nil. 5, Hand No. I, Kami Niv 4, Hoy. Illack Damoiiil o. ' 3, aiil K. M. l-raiiiiiii.MIiieral Claim. Situate In tlie AUip Mining Div-k-i.)U. Where located: On the West, aide of the Tulsequah River. Lawful holder: Polnrls-Taku MniiiR Company Limited. Number of holder's fwe miner's ceitficate: 28103. j TAKE NOTICE that James T.' Underbill. F. M. C. 34D04 F. as AKent for Polarls-Taku Mining Company Limited. Free Miner's Certificate No. 28103. Intends, at the end of sixty days but not later than one yearl from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for CerUicntes of ' Impovements for the purpose of ob- tainlng Crown grants of the above , claims. TO MARGARET MeLEOD OPTOMETRIST ' . Room 10 STONE BUIDINO Make your kitchen Modern at, Very Reasonable Cost DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box i2l6 PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 And further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mln era! Act," must be commenced before the Issuance of such Certificates of For F.stimates and Supplies ! PHONE 363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors Improvements. Dated this i7th day of September. 1049. - (H) PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 756 972 10th East J , GEORGE Ij. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Complied Besner Block Phon 387 "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) ASK FOR PACIFIC MILK Enjoy the incomparable garden-fresh flavour of tomatoes fresh from the vine. Ask for Libby's, and let your own taste be the judge. Credit goes to the summer sun for filling our fine tomatoes with juice. But it's Libby's exclusive method the patented "Gentle Press"-which takes out the juice without getting any bitterness from skin and Tomato Juice you really do enjoy finer flavour. And you get your full share of vitamins A and C of which Libby's is an excellent dietary source. Without these vitamins your body has less resistance to winter colds and infections. It's a wise health rule to serve Libby's often-to keep a few tins in the refrigerator and enjoy it w henever vou're thirstv. .',,.Ol.TtO I A M I LI WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED Hi S. Whalen, Manager . . Complete Moving Service ""'' Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 513 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS seeds. So in Libby's NEW ROYAl HOTEL A Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and ?old water FIRST IN FAVOUR FIRST IN FLAVOUR Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS More and more people are buying Pacific Milk regularly, for varied kitchen uses. Irradiated and vacuum packed, - Pacific Milk Is "ideal for the infant's formula or delicious with your cup of coffee. PACIFIC MILK 1W QUALITY REPAIRS For powntrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Avi PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 P.O. Box 1670 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Pho.ne 281 P.O. Box 198 Irradiated and Vacuum Packed "V Ha