5 tfrfotc ivupctl Dallr Ottos Thursday, Norembcr, 10, 1949 SHXtr.." 03rECTIXG (Continued 1 10m fage l; S-'X' V, t ' '" '' ' Today ' 9 p.m. 1 ""Wltfi... 1 P 'ltl 1i Columbia.- The request is I that the government carry out , during the spring and summer a IMF M. If '"! 1 J UFI? - 1950 a campaign of control through aerial spraying such as proven effective in other part R St r 1 "'ML I p, Continuous Show, IN ' 00 . Rid Country Of Mosquitoes, Flies Mosquitoes .and black lies may not be such a plague in certain parts of the central interior henceforth if the provincial government meets with a request that is being made by the Associated Boards of Trade of Central You Sr.w it In Trie News. Advertise l :be Daily New V v , - V '- v . " V V YOU AINT SEEN NOTHING YET! ..a ally feasible ' concentration of scientin, See Wallace's Special Xmas Gift Suggestions REDUCED 25 33' 50 OFF Limited Quantities - Hurry WALLACE'S DEPT. STORE ore. Whatever method of financinr Is chosen, the future cf'expk.ra- MISS TRUMAN WINS OPERATIC TRIBUTES Margaret Truman, daughter of the president, is shown smiling triumphantly with Vladmir Golschtmmn, conductor, after he enthusiastically received conceit appearance with the St. Louis symphony orchestra. Among the concert guests were her mother and Vice-President Barkley. Thunderous applause called Miss Truman back for two encores. Hon is largely i Ule hands ot m,,!:? n in Ult n illlBIlglll ANNOUNCEMENT Sidney Gonkk, Optometrist Graduate of Los Amreles ' r' ;' Complete Visual Analysis Classes Prescribed When Necessary College of Optometry is pleased to announce that he has opened permanent offices in Prince Rupert for the practice of Optometry in Rooms 23 and 24. 1J )f iraln, TODAY 4 that huge geological formation are known. Thl' constitutes a challenge to exploration engineers and geologists. MORE SCIENCE NEEDED "There Is a growing need for more scientific methods of prospecting," he said. "We muat develop methods which will give us-an idea of the underlying rock in areas covered by muskeg and heavy overburden." Illustrating the chances against any property being brought into production on a paying ba.-;i.s, Mr. ta'oore declared that records of Ontario mines show that only one out of every 480 urrives at a state where It shows a bare operating profit and only one out of 1,500 develops into a genuinely paying producer. "The initial cost of btinaing a mine into production Is about Sa.OOO for each ton of ore, no you can understand that heavy canl- tal expenditures are Involved. It is really risk capital." Since scientific prospecting methods and large expenditures are necessary, devlopmcnt com panies look favorably only on prospects which Indicated highly concentrated ore bodies of large size. Development plans often hinge on reports of engineers and gologists, and often the reports of different experts differ. Consolidated Mining and Smelting chooses to finance its properties by Itself, although i some companies allow public par ticipation by selling shares," he said. "Often a prospector with a likely claim will go to a broker and a mine will be financed com pletely bv Dublic siihscrli.t ion If, Its stocks.' Mr. Moore told of a lead-zinc property in northern Alberta which had been known to exist for more than half a century, but which is now being developed by Consolidated and associated com- ponies only after scientific ex ploration indicated an economic- A VICKERS' It DISTIUiO IN CANADA and u biitiiiuiip irCalvfrt j Tliis advci'tiwmenl is not publishrd or itiv pU)cd br the Liquor Control ltoarj 01 by (fie Governmcnl 0 British Colurnhit. Moving, racking. Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage For Complete, Reliable ana Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd ana Park Avenuef Established 1910 Phones 60 and R8 Bcsner Block. Of! ifC Hours: Evenings by Appointment Daily From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Telephone 212 AVOID DISAITOINTIEXT OI1DEU youii Steamship Movement .V.V.V.V.'.V.V,W.V.V.V.' For Vancouret Sunday - ss. Camosun, 9 p.m. Tuesday - ss. Ca.tala, 1:30 p.rn Thursday ss Prince Geo! go Nov. 7 Princess L011i.sc, 5 p. in Nov. 19 -Princess Norah, 5 p.m Nov. 30 Princess Norah, 5 p.m From anot,Ti-' Sunday ss. Caiala, p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince George, Friday ss. Camosun, 2 p.m. Nov. 11 ss! Princess Norah, j a.m. . ; Nov. 25 ss. Princess Norah, j a.m. ; Prince Rupert Film Council has advised the contributing or ganizations which are in good standing that film service L; now 1 i available for the winter. I STARTS to work in 2 seconds (SWPjihmjim an mrm m mm m j! tOWtSI PRICES I 12UW.IS. .. 1U EN"'Nf As,,, ( I . T- 5 BROADWAY CAFE . . . For Alice Arm and Stewart j Sunday- ss. Catrtla, 11 p.m. From Alice Arm and Tuesday -ss. Ci'tala, am. For Ocean I Thursday ss. Prince George. 11:15 P m- rov. -ss. l'nnccss Ixjuisc, 5 p.m. Nov. l'J - ss. Princess Norah. 5 p.m. Nov. 30 ss. Princess Norah, 5 p.m. from Ocean Falls Wednesday ss. Prince George Nov. 11 ss. rrincess Norah a , Nov. 25 s.s. Princess Norah. ,t m I rum l.tk Thursday -ss Prince George 8 p.m. p.m. Nov. 19 -ss. Princess Norah, p.m. . Nov 30 -ss. Priticess Norah, 3 p.m. For Alaska Wednesday - ss Prince Oeorgs midnight. Nov. 7 - ss.. Princess Louise, 3 Nov. 25 Princess Noruh a m Nov. 14 -Princess Norah a.m. TRAIN SCHEDULE l-if li e task- . Monday, Weoneavia. rrlua 8:00 p.m From the F.a.tl Tuesday, Thursday Sar.un. 10:13 p.m. ,T ""''I" ' T I Ml I ! rki . ,r, Mr&VMm At WZmW3- v. A .SPECIALTY IJoxcd Assort minis That will he sure to ilc;:sc ovurv mernher of the family at. . . Radio Dial CFPR 1240 Kl'xyele (Subject to Changei of THURSLAT rM. 4:00-Bernle Braden ' Tells a Story 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Forest Rangers 4:45 Personality Piano 4:55-CBC News 5:00 Yesterday's Band 5:30 Musical Program 6:00 Canada at Work 6:15 Dinner Music 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:35 Musical Varieties 6:45 Smoke Rings 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 Eventide 8:00 Citizens' Forum 8:40 Citizens Forum News 8:45 Here and There 9:00 Winnipeg Drama 9.30 Vancouver Concei t Orch 10.00 CBC News 10: 10 - CBC News 10:15 Open Hearing 10:30 Dance With CBS 11:00 Weather and Sign Off FRIDAY A.M. 7:00 -Musical CUK 8:00 CBC News 8: 10 -Here's Bill Good 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music tor Mifn. 8:45 Little Cr.ter' 9:00 BBC News and Com'fy 15 Morning Oevotlon 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Sitrnal 'l0:00 Ellen Harris 10:15 "Singing Sam" 10:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodins 11:00 Kindeigarten of the Air 11:15 Roundup Time -11:30 Weather Forecast ! 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recording Interlude 11:45 Personal Album - PM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Prog. Resume 12:30 Gems of Yesterday !2:55-Recorded Interlude 1 :00 Afternoon Concert 1 :45 Commentary Needle-pointers 2:00 -National School Broadcast 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 T.B.A. 3:00 The Music Box 1 3:15 Don Messer and His Islanders 3:30 U.N. Commentary of "days of yore" R-4 I.iq,, Control Board ALL HANDS 70 ir.rt.r.n HI.(K K, 3KI) AVE. pin HOLLYWOOD cafe ..'.I ... --I .411 ;:.Mer mM , AIOST UI'-TO-DATK CAFK IN THE rt 13 H t OPEN FROM 3:30 I'.M to 3:30 A.M. -W THM U , 1 Jti IIFKT food FINES sst CUOKINC FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 860 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a m i the spirit We Specialize In Chinese Dlshe mi.v-J "a. f l ELi JS v.. IB DO ff3 ' - - "-t 0 t-tKI . ", 1 Saves 4 CHOI SUEY CIIOW JMELN For Outside Order PHONE 133 Work! Checks Diri! - w im 1 i:v.i rs ks 1-- Money-saving Coleman Low-Draft Burner. Low-Flame Fuel Saver. - ) 51,000 Heat UnlU Per . ti rw O rroducca Hour. Ctrculr.tes. 19,800 cu. It. Warm Air Hour. AVAILAHLK I'OU I.MMEDlATfi DEI MM-"' 5JTnn rhntrlii nnH Hcih 152 BALAGNO Floristi Pbone Green 78" Box 1193 j with reinforced frame & 2-speed J 3-Ton Chassis and Cab, liO with leinforced frame & 2-specd fhinminn I Per IT r ;t lOfmtmi liiiirr j r7 KT'DOl'Annr.S . "AUiOMATic" 1 Rupert Motors riionea: K'fi Of rice, 6M Shop is captured in old Inspector for you . ; . ready for ihose momenta ofcordialityandlionebt friendship. MM CIRCULATES HEAT like a furnace! radiates heat lika a fireplace! FOR COLEMAN o;l heatj Phone 775 :7 Z: :-srij&Tr 'Jii. H i EBY & SONS Contractors , RKPA1KS RFMODFIXINd I FOUNDATIONS (Let us help you plan ithat new home mulcr the N.II.A. Phone Green 883 lion r88 m :j k Commodore ;i 5 Cafe I 5 "Dettwr Th-n Ever" i ?Best Food nrA Ro?h S J W.AT& 111 Vit jr-hone 17 for Send-Out Orders? f Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr.? I II A.MacKENZIE FURNITURE LIMITED A GOOn PLACE TO wxx LA-Z-BOV CHAIR nith STOOL Covered with Velour Relax and rest. La-Z-Boy v. Ill do the rest SI 15.011 FIREPLACE MANTELS from Ion for fireplace: Electric Equipped ;. Sll.nn HASSOCKS Beautifully upholstered with Record Compartment & ..- $17.25 HASSOCKS With shoe compartment $1C95 HASSOCKS Upholstered , $8.25 n I St I . l CA N A D A 3L"Tsi,Tt it ruin m This advertisement is . iV Ql'KEN CIIAKLOTTE AIKUXKS I f''' ANNOUNCE A change in fares Between Prince Rupert a;i I M' live Oct 15, 1949 by authority of ihu A.r Tn of Canada. New Fares Will Be . .... Single Fare ;M2 Uetun Faro $235 FrpirM .v !!'!. (l,c frtonfo mm not published or Hiy-,1 hy the viovcrnmcni or rintisn Columbia. 27 Third Avenue , . . , , . . queen cn.KLoni; auiusts i "'lTri Box 280 Prince Htipert, B. C .Vhoj.eJ J