Prince Hupctt DaHg Hctos Thursday, November, 10, 1949 lie fleets . . . . . . and Reminisces )' Albert Mah Is Robbed 1 J war supplies "over the hump" trom India to China during Walter Wilson of Burns Lake has written to the Prince Rupert World War n and has had chamber of Commerce urging the many dangerous civilian mis-i advisability of continuing an sions since. i active campaign with a view to Albert Mah, veteran Chinese pilot, who earned ills money the I hard may making tiansportl f, p..J"' .wauirib! in undertaking to :'ully lot the pual turn on the heat and instil life am. luajiy into these long cold and silent !"ritm. t). ii and ''y questions, the member forSkeena. V n..p! Uu're is Pl'r,("'l"i"C a welcome service, ' nip;i."'s Pi','hi,Ps 11 lll!d du,n8 il. f'Uhl at lieadquar- ,(1 Usui in Eur- ters. Albert plans to return to j obtaining the building of a high-China within a few weeks. jway northward from Hazelton to A brother, 27,-year old Ced-1 connect with the Alaska High-ric Mah, is now in China flying way. Such a highway is of vital for the Central Air Transport importance to Prince Rupert, Mr. Co. Wilson urges. ) . ft : 9 & " is v.nere, did not f ii' ri c!' ilir S"i! f'lgnts in war-torn China lost $1500 of it when a thief entered h:s unlocked hotel room in Vancouver on Sunday and escaped with his wallet. Mah is at present paying a visit to the coast and it is not known yet by local relatives as to -whether or not he will be coming here. The money he lost was in United States currency. The 28-year old Prince Rupert-born airman says China flying pays $25,000. He carried We I'li.'.lit r ;4 tr;.il the lui in lilZ'' ,-r tut- rea till' K''1 1 .British Columbia's water power for industrial, fanning or settlement purposes can still be made u.w of to a e;:tent. This is an Immense province with thousand.! ol waterfalls and swift streams and all of them possessing rnerey that keeps going to waste. Arid it s been like that for 4 ju, ili.U m- plot dominant in j, Die WM Z 111 .1 i- Ihh.k MONTREAL, Nov. lOtli What's e-slni-eood f"f vour guests is "jiHt. riitia'' for vour fumiiy f iy II l)..i)-t 'inive TENDER LEAK TEA just for ' tea-pur' y' oeaion I Kerve it. to your q-fiimilv everv day of the week! Y$, .- -r b;f Tender Leaf Tea has a special iiveli- r-., . f ne of flavour that jut Bilnmlly.,'. j t makes it, a family ''flavouritt "I ' '&1 TIiohc lit tie ton Ituvcs five it a RELIEVE PAINFUL TprfTS countless years. British Columbiaat least the northern narU . ' iusS, exeil ability, "V .. . rue 1 M! - . i r m mm mm i - i,h was barely explored a few gener-of ations ago. ,J(I ami n'"'1 sbor'i'ces. But , so bad us I I ii ciioui'l) to make ROYAL CHAPEAU AND OTHERWISE The meeting of vounr members of the Mother's Un Mutiny tlia: m."kes it the firH choice of ti-lovr-rs g everywhere! After a hard day's work at home or '. -1 th" oflice jul try a cup of this delirious tea! Il' the lie-t quirk "pn k-me-up" I know! Whenever you nerve Tender ti:nl 'lea so fian.ant oo truly gisnd-tasl ing . . .you can bo fiire you're wrving tea that will satisfy! Sunitny Breakml phoeld have a ''holiday" air about it. And hcrc'i a tiulv ''ijala" Sunday Hreakfat dish that v.ili brins W m Put a few dropi. ot Vicki Va-tro-nol in ion at London's Central Hall, nearly turned into a study in hats, as Princess Elizabeth (left, studied the headgear worn by Mrs. S. I. Kale (right). JJ Manitoba, says G. D. Weaver, Liberal member for Churchill, fhouid be rated as one of Canada's maritime provinces because she has a coast almost equal to that of Briiish Columbia. He has VICS1S ,.s tliu.k, with a sus- ,i::li,i, of the old ji'li UiUt k hoi oc hair , tut.- aiway.s .slidinf; i ,,! irz iij)rli'.:it. relief comes fast! Advertise :n tne uutly News' thorn out from behind those .Sunday ''Funnies' in a VATElO-riQL NOSf tion hunv! ...A Jtlhi Om'Ut! and be pure von iriake it. r smuHn-i's tiii'k vui'iT .ii i i ir:s S- t (f'.rnee f inbamile Hlaek Currant or Rial Currant . . . L ilf Uc.ittttitn r-nteau the inrin rt Jeliv ol 1'our rnoie.c VICTORIA to TORONTO o-cr ie omelet jut, before folding und you'll have a flm-iiiir I rent. In fleltilit. even the leirdesl-to-ivakr'ri K . ' i ft j i T " 1 ' ' ' -f ) fY y. -nt . - ' .-s. f -V ' J m f 'f f 'yH ft ' - ', . I lazybones in. your family! M-ninim! that luscious je'y flavour! For nil lho goodness of hoi'-et rich, ripe fruit ie captured in tehirntf's True, l'ruil Jellies . . .for your flavour delight every day in the year! . urged this, on the House of Com- liar!, v.ho managed mons. It sound;; like an Insult ,,: anil e:;labli.;h a to the balmy and beautiful west n, ,4, b.n k in the coa.-.t. Who ever heard of any- uiuvn i: out to the one moving to the chill and dist- ,)Hi' I-iaiiils. lock, ant shores of Hudson Bay to en- Prince Edward joy a retired life? It may be cor- ;. in-.'.! region, as rcct to call Manitoba a maritime in 4i DAYS! In nil TutlieH' All "Bibbod An Itbor provinces, it takes Hit High-l hair . . . baby looks good enough to eat ! Yes. your liny tot will be a model of happy, good behaviour when you treat him to a province, but somehow, an elfort. T " i-1t V scale as the r. C airl, can ril he should once he '( t i dish of HEINZ STRAINED Report On Groundhog j . ileitis anil tlv j lu'i- hue - racli a: I ::::;,' .'! !;;ni"' to Mil Of Courtr You Know that MAZOI.A Salart Oil makes ''inize-winnitie. prniso-winning" salad tires.-itigs ! But you'll discover how truly versatile it i. when you've rend thrj wonderful 'Hie refine jM' r written for you by Jane' A'.hli ? of Canada Starch's Home Service OejiHrtinent ! Anient; her many, inouilnvaterinir MaTolii, vc-;-ies . . . Home-Styie Fried t'liicken Chocolate Jumbos! M-inmm! makes me hunirry just to read thia rerine boriklet ! for your rrr roiy of thin honktei by Jane Athtey! sitniilu write to vie Hnrlmra limit, 1 ,11 Crctrrnl St., Montreal, I'.Q ! You'll use Jane Ashley's Mazolrt recipes over and over 1'EACHES! The ic-a-h crop was extra-plentiful this year and the skilful Ilein chefs made the uiost of it for baby I Why nut intuxlnet! him to all of He-im Strained Baby JWx.V-jio deliriously cooked to his taste so easily Jieai'u!e! From four to twelve mom let you can vary baby's menu wi'h any one of the 27 varieties of lleiu ltaby Foods und after his hrrt birthday, you can change . t rourser-textured lUinZ Junior foods including fi.-h, meats diced and chopped vein tnt .lea and a complete Vegetable Beef Kiirarrt Worried About The Curve Of J ,!;niii r.ta'ly Ui fuel New a. ! ('ompniirnsive Domini lit Keing Prepared By (icoiiiKieal Survey Following field work in 1943 by A. F. Buckham and B. A. Latour, a complete report, with illustrations, on the Groundhog coal field in north-central British Columbia has been prepared aivj will be published by the Geological Survey of Canada, a'.'cordin to inform.".! inn which has been anion! . What Drtterti At Creamy mnoth. full of In! ; Jj J . ; '?p3 j Your turrn? Then go and lie expertly , fitted in one of the fumed Gossanl foundational There's n. n limit like it, for k . u " . ' v : ; ; j ' -.' 'l ! f , . 'i 1 3 rich real od- ja.ili;iftfd vour and ea.-y n ABC to JF.T.l.-O rrD- make? rW'hy ttmkinjf you feel free as air for making vnli Lull: Ril-oo Hvhih- of course! I'll cheer any KINGS U tlie time for tlice. won- time obtained at Ottawa by E. T Applewhuite, M.P. for Skeena. Dr. W. A. BjII, acting chief of the Geological Survey has ari-vised Mr. Appievvhaite that "the MAN' THE HOSE, LADIES!--As part of Tokyo's fire prevention week, fire department officials turned over one -of their fire houses to some of the city's housewives, to familiarize them with the importance of adequate fire prevention techniques. Some of the lady firefighters are shown manning the hose in true professional style, after they answered a mock firecall and hurried to put out a small "set" fire. - repoit brings under one cover iike! You see, tiossard's jbili nted tlesijmers have fpeut, years of,, research and ptudy lo create garments thai (rive vou even-thin? ... support, lit anil comfort! There nre CJoAsani garments for yoiy figure type and age group. D(iifM-fully lijdit, slininiinjr Costard girdles .. .wonderfully pliant one-piece garments like the popular Gossird -MifrMmplieiiv, I '" voli'll lilorf GfSARI) aanueiits : nnd their; I'casotiii I) 'e prices! They're , designed in (he plates made id Canada sold in JjtMer stores everywhere for yuuT1 " derfttlly dclii'ious puihluifi nil aei-cn of them! Mellow. iRitlery Cnraniei and Uulterseoldl. ilee-down. iicli-ia.-::ini! C'lioeolate. de-lienlc-fiavoure I Vanilla Jell-O Ihoee deliirhtful Jell-O Taiioea Puldinie Vanilla. Cho-co'iteand Oranzi Coconut. I can't fiv which is my favourite I love them all! And lo think they lake hut a. few mihuteu to make! Plan lo serve nourishing Jcll-O l'ud-tlinirs lo your familv often. They'll love it and so will vour budget! "CIRCUMSTANCES mide il ntcessiry for m 10 dri my Hillmin to Toronto in t hurry," writcj Mr. J. C B. Kenne, of 766 Monterey Ave., Victori. B.C. "I covered the entire 2,818 mile route in only 4Hdys, averaging over 5 m.p.h. for long period through the United Suttj. Biggest mileage covered to a tingle i day wa 696!" My Hillman behaved beautifully, cruising smoothly over Stillwater Pass (7000 ft.) in high gear, and handling perfectly at better than 70 m.p.h. on the highway. Despite very long sessions at the wheel without a break, I was always completely relaxed and comfortable. What's more, my Hillman steered and held the road better than any of the big cars I have owned." "Gaa consumption was at least 40 mites to the gallon. Driviog costt ' were no more than $1.00 per 100 milej." ' - t' v ; on rot Mown worn.. .at a HILLMAN MINX FEATURES II ADVANCED REFINEMENTS FOUND ON NO OTHER BRITISH CAR IN ITS PRICE RANGE DOMINATO PRESIDENT P : ':- '50',?:l i t . i essentially all obtainable, autlien-j tic, significant information on . this coallield since Its recognition as such in the late years of the last century. The authors deal can fully with the location, meais of access and history of I lie coalfield Jts physical feat-i u;ei, and with what is known of i Us geology. A detailed description !is then given of all the known Mrs. and Mrs. William Hanson, who have been on an extended trip to Montreal, Toronto and elsewhere in the EaU arrived in the city on the Prince Geoe h Take So Much Time To Be Well-t',roomel! Vet, the wise worn m To Head Gyro Club Next Year Apple Day Was Sucrrss has a whole bag ot tricks mat neip ner kiic uiu". ne,.-i. one trick: I "sing a powder that gives the smooth look ot ii . f:vhiou motlel without anv extra fuss in npplymg . ;:t powder is it? THE NEW WOODPA KY POftDl.H! It's wonderfullv flattering and yet it doesu t, give that powdery look. Woodbury Powder contains a rel ingredient tiiat gives a smooth-as-satin finish lo your skin, it covers little skin Haws and has an cxiUsi!e texture yesterday morning from Vancouver and proceeded by the evening train to their home at Dominato will be presid 'A. J. rerun ences ol coa . accom nanien Gyro bv a table listing the resulUs ofent of the Prince Rupert . Mentraol AirMiT, Oervd Voncauvtf ROOTEt MOTORS UMITID: 170 Roy Sht, tnn . . 5O9-10 Rogers Rldg., Cianville St. one hundred and ( icdil coal anal- j Club during the year 1950. His ysts. The report includes a futl;w.lH tnP 0nly name offered In bibliography of the coallield. and j nomination at yesterday's Um- port that the sum of frli had 'iIii'lisViiili ri1-""---2 Dealer: that makes the powder cling nnd cling! And what shades! All seven ol them are warm, glowing, full oj life ! Prices in two convenient box sizes and one "purse"' size, . ..C5c, o7c. l!1c. "Special nelirery" To Your Dinner Table. . . . GT.ENAVOOD FRUIT COCkl'Mb gives you the rich flavour of luscious: fruits in November!" Yes. you'll find Glenwoo.1 Fnut, c s. --. Cocktail at vour grocer's in the new 10 ounce tin. the S V. - trT 15 ounce tin that serves four, or the economical 20 ffi W ounce t in . . . ready-t o-serve from the tin! Delicnnis as 1V a "starter'1 course in a jellied fruit salad or in a Rjr fruit pie vou'll discover extra to-xi flavour in a (ilenwood Fruit Cocktail for il's packjd in natural fruit jui'-e and pure cane sugar it contains mote finest quality pineapple and Maraschino cherries the ingredients that arc no important for superior flavour and give Glenwood Fruit Cocktail the ej(,"-lise:ou.s taste! Add to this the fx;nf-ao(i tnrss of Canadian peaches and pears and it's eRfy to see hy tjicnnood Fruit Covktuil is a llavour favorite! , MX STRIKE OF M. W.--Shortly A a tenth on Die .il John Mitchell. 1 i".v;ici who died if -Wki'i. Pa., Juiin ..r.u; of the W.vkcr., tir.-eat-m.i out the 100.-J' (nai miners ft With him i left i IKrimnly, U.M.W. It was at this "'I IjavLs mention-'ftwiiian U. M. W. 1 ''. ui called to cheon of the club. Martin van been netted as a n'.iiilt oi i . re-Cooten will be secretary next ccnt Apple Day, an event which year and Grant Stewart, treas- the club hopes '.o maKo biRger mer. For two directors, noiuin- i and better next year, ees arc Allan Annstioug, Marki w. j. Si-ott prei. ii' d his final Goimely. E. D. Forward. A. Mrcport on trie d'str.i-. convenlitm Hur.-.t and Joseph Chcll. j which w as held hco?. in June and. includes an appendix giving a dt'la.leri, description of trails leaciinn into it- In short, Unreport is intended to be an adequate repository of all useful information "on tho Groundhog Coalfield to the end of 1948. 1 Field woik was continued tills SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SERVICE Prince Rupert, Ii.C. Distributor: McDEltMOlTS (VAN(X)UVER) LTD. 845 Burrard Street, Vancouver, B.C. The club heard a tratifyuiR re- Vhich was j'.ieofth; clu''shie,n- s of . liiiiit, cv3 year in the Groundhog coalfield ' " " ' est number of known occurrences ! ""' ' of coal. The results of this work ' , ,f5SjN are not yet prepared for public - t&tfj&iJtS , ' MJC- " lion, and further field work may ft . -J be required before any worth- ' T '4 . 4 "iSIT i'r nS, d2S V I WRITE TOW FOR MY NEW PEUCI0US RECIPES ) . f ; ; pL in process of being published. j C.'.: VT "C Sil 'LV ' ' under the direction of Dr. J. b. Muller of the Geological Survey. In spite of an exceptionally wet season, an attempt was begun to tecure a more detailed idea of the struct ure and succession of the coal measures across the coalfield in the viiinity of the great- v ; 9 A xh. r - fM. r . ' Block. 2 Wf'Tlevil, spreads Hie "bat" suit Plans t.i limn. 1-;)lanc 10.000 feet 4r p , i h"'es to be able tht,ilr,h wme.s and the air for onenhvr iiW ' :e the ... ..... !' v.u une ,'ni , .'earth. The bats'' HR speed to ,,v s hour Paul Pt! i ..... i . , . . . i -i"Miuxes mat it M 10 1 W . .. - r A A n F V -V .. ., i.niMmm. a ,i)i-,,i, 1 1 fiiiilinlil t - minutes to Send o Pojhard to; H0ME SEVICE "'liZt c'mv-"m"' I ' 11H Vi 1 JANE ASHLEY. - lUltie hnr.',-ni taw t t0 earth from hetSht. ftfjfmfmnwtM'e,.''ei.'e