PROVINCIAL LI2?.ART, VICTORIA, 2. C. I Cabs NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA! NEWSPAPER t Phone 231 TAXI I 14b ill 89$ lAiniuc D0Q8vSTfln Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." ... VOL. XXXVII, No. 16. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS )hake-up In Ministerial " Posts At Ott 100 DIE AS SHIP SINKS ALLOWANCE IS APPROVED Says Nothing About Himself Dulles Frank About Europe BINET CHANGES ANNOUNCED BY . IEMIER; MACKENZIE TO SENATE OTTAWA Appointment to the Senate of Hon. Izn Mackenzie, M.l for Vancouver and minister of veterans' affairs, was announced last night by Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie Kino; who said that Mr. llickenzie had been asked to he relieved of his cabinet duties. Next to the I 'rime Minister himself, Mr. Mac Marine Disaster In Chile River Owing to Overloading SANTIAGO, Chile O The Ministry of the Interior said today that about 100 persons died last night when the steamer Cautin capsized and sank in the Mr. Mackenzie King May Give Indication of His Own Future Tonight OTTAWA, 9 Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King, in an- Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip are Voted $200,000 LONDON, ' The House of Commons voted $200,000 to Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip today following a two-hour debate on the decisive second reading of a government-sponsored measure. The vote was 294 to 17. A revolt of a handful of Labor kenzie was trie senior member CABINET SHUFFLE noticing the three-way shuf-; Imperial River in southern Chile. fie in the federal cabinet last The steamer carried 359 pas- night, gave no hint as to hts;sengers. Officials said that ex-own political future. cessive cargo was responsible. Mr. King parried questions They have arrested the captain nU....t V. 1 ..1...... lr.n.l Sask. Fur Breeders Plan $50,000 Feed Processing Plant in Rupert A shortage of horse meat in Saskatchewan may mean construction of a $50,000 plant at Prince Rupert. Announcement was made today at Regina by the Saskatchewan Fur Breeders' Association that that organization, in conjunction with the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative, plans to build a plant to convert fish waste into food for mink, foxes and other. fur-bearing animals. A shortage of horse meat, brought about, mainly by mechanization of prairie larms, is responsible. According to the Regina despatch, the fur breeders plan to erect a $50,000 processing plant using waste products from the local Co-op, which last year handled about 60 percent of thejlsh landed at this port. No authoritative comment was available from the Co-op offices here today due to the absence from the city of Ken Harding, manager, and Norman Bellis, his assistant, but the processing is understood to be relatively simple. Fish by-products would be ground up, frozen and shipped in blocks to the fur breeders. I'nijed States Cannot Survive If It Does Not Recover Castigates Soviet WASHINGTON, D.C. 0!-John Foster Dulles, Republican foreign affairs expert and United States delegate to the United Nations, says the Marshall plan is to help sixteen European countries to "step tortrds peace" and that the United States "cannot lot.g survive as a mere citadel of self-indulging privilege surrounded by a mass of human misery." Dulles said that Europe was convalescing from war wounds while Soviet leaders were trying "by every art short of a new war to assure the wounds will prove cmuui inn jjri auucii iuluic jjiana but he is expected to make an announcement toniRht in an address before the National Lib- DRUMHELLER FUEL-SHORT of the cabinet. f.rm. Milton P. Gregg, V C , t X ant minister of fisheries, will g ted Mr. Mackenzie 'as mill-t. fi'if veterans' aflairs and LUn. J. A. McKinnon will become minister of fisheries temporarily. X'.f, McKinnon's trade ami commerce portfolio will be taken by Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe whose reconstruction department is to toe dissolved. The national war services department is also being dissolved but Dr. J. J Mt-Cann. the minister, will remain in the cabi members was put down. Parliament considered again the fixing of the allowances for the royal couple, a question which had split the Labor party's ruling of membership of the House. MURRAY OLIVER CASE ADJOURNED The case of Murray Oliver, eral federation. PROTECTION GUARANTEED Apologetic Chinese Officials Make Belated I'nilertaking local taxi driver charged with Canada's Richest Coal Deposit Centre Hit by Miners' Strike NEW NOMINEE EDMONTON Mr. Justice W. C. Ives was today named by coal mine operators to the arbitration board on miners' wage demands. The nomination was satisfactory to the government. net fa minttr.r ,,f mi'. ! fatal." driving while intoxicated, was ! adjourned until this afternoon ! when it came up before Magistrate W. D. Vance on Monday. Defence counsel T. W. Brown I CANTON. China 9 Apolo enue. The Prime Minister save assurance that British Columbia would not be left long without cabinet representation. getic Chinese officials have guaranteed protection against a recurrence of rioting which des- DRUMHELLER, Alberta. LIBEL CASE COMING UP argued yesterday that concussion and not intoxication was 1 responsible for the condition 1 troyed the British consulate and jhe 3.000 - odd residents of i injured six Britons, uonsui-uen- I 1 0 SENATE Hon. Ian Mac Drumheller. Canada's richest coal deposit centre, were short of coal today. This mining city. I which led to Oliver's arrest fol- 11 j j lowing a motor mishap last LilllIUl - SCOtlClllCl iweek Oliver, a passenger in a eral Ronald A. Hall of Britain said yesterday. A French consulate car at MEDIATION COMMITTEE IS SET UP kenzie, minister or veterans affairs. j on the Red Deer River, has been Hankow was stoned on Sunday cauf,nt snort by the unexpected taxi cab, received a head wound when the vehicle struck a building on Eighth Avenue East. Dr. but no one was injured. Part Company strike of 10.000 Alberta and Brl-j lake SUCCESS, 9 The Uni- New Liberty Publisher and -. Writer to Appear in Edmonton Court Next Week TORONTO, f Two Ontario . men are expected to appear In Edmonton court next Tuesday in answer to five charges of conspiring to publish defamatory U.lll 1T..I1 TT1 . . t.... wriuiui nau nu, miaiu dou- , ,ish r(ll,,mbla mlnPrg ho are ! tA i.i ,i ciUc rinciil- . fi.ttii TO DIRECT FlIHERIES t GetWtr It. lark Named T J.ikr Charge In Wctrn Canada I OTTAWA ( Appointment ol Oeonf K Ciark of Vancouver as ( tor of Pacific and inland fisheries was announced tot seeking higher wages and wel- day vot-d 9-0 to establish a three cher. United ; general, would The famed Oriental stoicism A. R. Large testified that he believed Oliver drunk when he was examined in the police station. pnmmpnt tiiw. fare fund increases. power oooa unices commit strained Monday, was severely betuement ol tne strike nit a tee to mediate disDutes in India .1 v. ... i- ever, on the failure of Chinese authorities to take precaution libel. new snag today as the Alberta! and Pakistan. Russia and the i frm in a ln,iHt tvt ary measures earlier. I he deLnstration had been PAZI'Ik onIr'.iw, Ukraine from has been known to bring , tears; TODAY'S STOCKS wtbne uamvu u y mini- uuvivuia vOTlli? J .. . j vifc. to 11 the eves of .. r manv a . stalwart ... . . Courtesy 8. D 4i haM ju On. hcly scheduled In advance. to a three-man conciliation i Andre Gromyko. Russian de-! westerner board.. The government said the j puly oieign minister, disagreed J A chinese who had visited lhe mt - 7f" 7;''.v Stewart oiewari Bates, uate. deputy urpu.j t 4 V C'i r ut I Kjii'ries., jClyrk, , C,,,., lf:i(ned at Ottawa, wit) b' L,4 c. Jli JTiMble for the direction of JW"",! be ret. BOMB BURSTS NEAR GANDHI man was no accep.,.e ue- with the method of setting up ; government refreshment emp-cause of conditions attached j the mediation agency. The pro-orium was returning westward As the strike enters its eighth pQj wras submitted by Fernand !along Tnird Avenue wUh pur. day curtailment of electric pow-lVan ungenhove. current coun-icnases under eitiner arm..a case er through the Drumheller Val- en president, who spent lasff K00r anri . ,.,aH Senior Magistrate R. J. Brown of Toronto yesterday endorsed Alberta warrants for Publisher JacH Kent Cooke ot New Liberty Magazine and Harold Ding-man of Ottawa, correspondent, but it is not expected the men will go to Edmonton in custody of a Royal Canadian Mounted Police constable who brought the warrants here. They will go west without escort, it is eic-pected. Cooke said last night that he was "not conscious of having NEW DELHI. r A crude ley blacks out street and store j week-end with representatives package. The package slipped from i window lights. .; oI the two quarreling dominions. ! anH -,ra,hpH m hB n..mpnt. bomb exploded 15 yards Mohandas Gandhi while 1 1 van ianuennove saia uiat n-io rhinpso ' administrative control of prail I lc. British Columbia and Yukon j fisheries. I D3S AFTER HIS I TRAILER BURNS l: VANCOUVER d - T. A. Whit-taker, 74-year-old trailer occupant, died today alter J Soiuers- ; br drained tiie severely burned paused a mom-! then began to both Hindu India and Moslem ! ent pensively. Vancouver Bralorne 10.00 B. R. Con .04 B. R. X 092 Cariboo Quartz 2.45 Dentonia 15 Grull Wihksne 054 Hedley Mascot 80 Minto 02 a Pend Oreille 2.40 Pioneer .' 3.30 Premier Border 0434 Privateer 25 Reeves McDonald 1.25 Reno 10 Salmon Gold 21 i Sheep Creek 1.05 Taylor Bridge 50 Hindu spiritual leader was addressing a prayer meeting today. No one was injured. Police ar LOCAL TIDES Wednesday, January 21, 1948 Pakistan had agreed to the pro I posed resolution. 18.9 feet , committed any crime whatever" in publishing an article by Ding- rested a young man possessed High of another bomb. He is believed MINISTER OK FISHERIES Hun. J. A. MrKinnon, taking portfolio temporarily. 15.6 feet 9 8 feet 8:44 21:56 2:09 15:46 man entitled "Babies for Ek-port" in the Nev Liberty issue , to have bean one of four who ar- Low i rived in a jeep. 6.8 feet of December 27. man from his trailer home Mon- i day right. Somersby suffeied: severe bums about the hand push the soaked bag and shattered glass into the gutter. An aroma long identified with Scotland filled the air. The grins of passers - by brought a strained grin to the face of the Chinese, who remarked, without rancour: 'Ten dolla' two bottle of Scotch gone!" Hugging his case of beer with both arms he continued up the street. WWWPS5WtVa ; ''r' T TaWWVW W. 4 r.'- . 4is. , -.-. The article criticized child welfare practices allegedly followed by Alberta's Social Credit and arms in an attempt at res- u I let in A iCUC, He was treated in nospiuu and later released. BREAK APPEARS IN COLD WAVE CHICAGO 9 -A break appears today in the severe cold weather which enveloped a wide section of United States and Eastern Canada for several days and resulted in the deaths of 47 persons. Eastern temperatures arc moderating from 45 belov which have closed schools, stopped traffic and hit fuel Vananda Central Zeballos .... Silbak Premier Oils A. P. Con Calmont C. & E .22 01 i .43 .16 .52 3.90 . 4 lit TllEWLAIHbK 1 ( III IU Hil l. HOME ON DON Winston Church Overcast skies were general in. C.N.R. GETS NEW CARS PALESTINE QCIET ERCSAI.EM Palestine was quiet yesterday with the only disorder outside of Jerusalem on the road to Tel Aviv where crews blew up a house from which Arab snipers were said to be operating. Foothills '. 3.30 Home 6.15 Toronto most regions of British Colum-Wa this morning. Rain is fall-' t ;ng on the north coast with II now in the central and north-J rn interior. Fog is present over V jthe southern coast lor the sev- INDIANS HOLD THEY'RE EQUAL EDMONTON, 0' Demand that Indian children in Alberta receive educational opportunities equal to those of white children was laid before a royal commission Investigating the administration of the province's child welfare. The Indians, who produce from trap lines, fisi catches and fur takes, say they are "part of the community." .07! 2 .21 .75 .46 .14 .13 Athona Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bob jo Buffalo Canadian BETTER PENSIONS : Jap Fisherman OTTAWA Senator Ian Mac First of New Fleet Delivered to Railway Company Today MONTREAL The delivery of the first of a new fleet of 500 automobile cars to the Canadian National Railways was made known today by N. B. Walton, Drown in Storm iiui successivf u;iv. n wren .... turbariee approaching the noilh-ril coast Is expected to mow jjrery '.lowly eastward bringinu Consol. Smelters 97.00 TOKYO 9 Eleven Japanese fishermen are dead and 120 others are still missing after ! c.B.E., executive vice-president .85 .82 .75 .67 5.75 MINISTER OF TRADE AND COMMERCE Rt. Hon. C. D. Howe, whose reconstruction department is being dissolved. CConwest Donalda Eldona Elder Giant YeYUowknife God's Lake Hardrock Harricana Heva Hosco Jacknife ome light rain to the .southern Coastal areas during the next 43 hours. Temperatures are above normal in central and northern B.C. nd near normal over the rest 4 the province. I I Forecast ! Prince Rupert. Queen Charlotte! and North Coast- Over- m est ri.;.u Tntt'l- Kenzie, just retired as minister of veterans affairs, in a f n a I statement predicted more generous pensions and allowances for veterans, merchant seamen, active service men and their dependents. G I Fit I IX AS BEATEN ATHENS Press dispatches said today that Greek regular forces had killed 400 guerillas in a decisive victory over a force of 1500 to 2000 which attacked Platonos, south central Greece, Friday. Saturday Evening Post P.R. Article severe storms which buffeted the fishing fleet off the southern island of Kyushu Prefecture. Police report that there were 91 vessels in the fishing fleet. Twenty of the ships and crews are listed missing in the high seas. .85 .15 .07 .18 .35 !'2 .06 of the company. Built by the Canadian Car and Foundry Company, it will be followed by others at the rate of twenty-eight daily. These cars are larger and differ in construction from any of this class previously built for the CN R. The loading capacity of the new type car is 86,000 pounds and it has cubic capacity of 3,-900 cubic feet. It will carry four rr-:-:;-i(irTjfj ,,iJ9ll JAl,u' TIU1 lain viii.t- riSlmlttent r;iin Wednesday. Winds Joliet Quebec 38 Lake ROwan 11. Lapaska 09',2 Little Long Lac 1.25 ill. Britain's wartime Prime Minister, arrived by plane yesterday from a holiday at Mar-rakech, Morocco. He announced he had recovered from an illness which marred his stay at Marrakerh. "I am quite well," he told questioners as he stepped from his plane. MAY END STRIKE VICTORIA The provincial Department of Labor in collaboration with the province of Alberta is endeavouring to end the coal miners' strike which has been described as "illegal." Arbitration, it is hoped, may result in success. Eighty-five hundred miners have been idle in British Columbia and Alberta for a week. TWO LICENCE PLATES VICTORIA There will be two licence plates for British Columbia automobiles again this year no wthat steel is in better supply. Motor Vehicle headquarters here are now in the throes of issuing 150,000 drivers' licences. DOl KHOBOR TROUBLE GRAND FORKS Roger Peachey, deputy commissioner of British Columbia provincial police, has arrived here to investigate an attempt to blow up the $100,000 Growers' Exchange building. Ten additional provincial police also arrived in what appears the commencement of an all-out drive to put an end to Douk-liubor trouble in this area 1 I Uttnitlwrly '20 m.p.h.i. ', fHyto southeast t30 bv noon. Littla ; K'Change in totnpcniture. Lows j Lynx 082 tonight and highs Wednesuay 11 n. .. ... ... i AT. 1v4.i:- Feature article on Prince Rupert, written as a result of a visit here last summer by R. L. Neuberger, well-known Portland newspaperman, will appear hi the Saturday Evening Post of February 7. The article, In addition to containing much factual information with author's impressions of the city, will have some Interesting pictures taken especially for it by a special photographer who was sent to the city for the purpose. m ron riaray u anu , Jailed For Stealing 60c From Newsboy OTTAWA Harold Killeen, aged 44, has been sentenced to 10 days in jail for stealing 60 cents from a newsboy. Magistrate Strike described this as a standard size automobiles or six of the smaller English type. The construction conforms to a design approved by the Association of American Railroads and introduces special all-steel side doors with an opening nine ett 40 and 45, Prince Kuperi I? and 42. Northi-rn B.C. Overcast with Widely scattered snow flurries MONTREAL HAS FIRE Quarter of Million Dollars Damage in Business District Blaze 0f ieei eigni incnes nign ana la todav'nurt Wirinpsrt:iV. WllHlS.t "particularly mean sort theft." 1 yny, ..A Madsen Red Lake 2.95 McKenzie Red Lake 56 McLeod Cockshutt 1.33 Moneta 35 Negus 2.29 Noranda 48.50 Louvicourt 1.30 Pickle Crow 2.20 Regcourt 06 2 San Antonio 4.05 Senator Rouyn 56 Sherritt Gordon 2.82 Steep Rock .: 2.10 Sturgeon River .20 feet wide. These are staggered to facilitate loading operations. An additional all-steel corrugated door at one end of the car provides a clear opening the full height and width of the car. ht, J inci ending to southerly - 120) tonight. Temperatures hove normal. Lows tonight and Wch WednesdayAt Quesnel Wnd 35, Prince George 25 and 13, Smithers 22 and 32. Telegraph Creek 25 and 30. OLD-TIMER HONORED COLLINGWOOD, Ont. it Re ! MONTREAL Firemen to- I day remained on the scene of a' tired railway engineer Archie , three-alarm fire that gutted Marshall of Aiiunriaip rnt ESTABLISH SCHOLARSHIP WINNIPEG ffl On the recommendation of the Manitoba minister of education, a Mani-toban will be selected each year to attend the Colorado School of Mines on a scholarship which jtwo three-storey buildings and presented a gold badge here to! THE SEVEN STATES damaged two others early this the man under whom he served I The Commonwealth of Aus- , morning, causing loss of $250,- his apprenticeship. The badge, '. tralia is a federation of seven ' Ann I . . . . . WOMEN LIVE LONGER The expected life span of a I R30UHCEFUL FIREMEN SACKATOON CP Saskatoon Iremen saved the city an esti-ted $5,000 by converting the "uu- ior w years service with the states New South Wales, Vic- The fire started in a Rich-, Canadian National Railways, ' toria, Queensland, South Aus-mond sporting goods shop and went to Jack WaTren, Colling-' tralia, Western Australia, Tas-spread to furniture and jewelry , wood, 78-year-old retired en-j mania and the Northern Terri-stoies. Igineer. jtories. Sl'Ct'EEDS MACKENZIE Hon. tanU of a new truck into a one-year old Canadian girl is pays tuition. To begin next 68.73 years and that of a one-1 year, the scholarship will be ex-year old Canadian boy, 66.H tended for four years if the years. , students record Is high enough. becomes NTO Milton F. iieS. niinisler ot veterans affair. W-gallon-per-niinute pumper, ooster and hose wagon.