THIS AND THAT 6 ptlnre Rupert Dallg JSctoi Tuesday, January 20, lf'48 Crawford - John ;arfwio in ' Humoresauf " LAST TIMtS TOOAY ! FRANCOIS LAKE NATIVE GROUP RE-AFFIRMS ITS PROGRAM The Native Brotherhood of British Columbia, at Its annual Leslie Right 'Man For Lighthouse Job Only Girl Lichthouse Keeper on B.C. ( oast Holds I'ott lor Two Year VANCOUVER, -Leslie Thomson, 18. only girl lightkeeper on the British Columbia coast has WEDNESDAY ONLY SHIPS AND WATERFRONT EVENING 7:00 - 9, MATINEE 2:30 - MAN IS BURIED BURNS LAKE Funeral of the late George Bidder Stanton, a resident of the Francois Lake district for 29 years, was held at the Anglican Church here on January 15. interment being convention at Bella Coola this resigned from her post on wind-month, re-affirmed a five point j swept Pine Island Light, Queen program, previously presented to charlotte Sound, In favor of her Parliament, designed to give Can- ! brother. Alan. The ex-H.M.C.S. Prince Ru FRANK CAPRA'S production "Meet John Doe" pert, which performed valiant war service is being converted into scrap. Last Friday, she was 'made at the Burns Lake Cemc- towed to Victoria and at Ogdenlerv cry. Mr. Mr. Stanton Stanton came came here with IU Kit Alt STANWYCK nda'a Indians greater control of their own destinies. Because of a lack of repren-tatives from the widely scattered branches, the election of officers for 1948 was deferred. Recommendations which the natives hope will be embodied in the new Indian Act, are: i.KY COOPER from Saskatchewan in 1919. taking up land which he farmed until 1927. He held the only Leslie, two years ago at the age of 16, became assistant j lightkeeper when her father: took over the lighthouse. I It Is believed that when she, got her last pay cheque, government officials did not know Leslie Thomson, who stood a lonely vigil seven nights a week. Point Dock, the break-up job pot under way. The feats of the Prince Rupert included 'the sending of a u-boat to the bottom. The vessel was bought by Wagner, Stein and Greet). MWAKM AKNOI.I) WALTER IU(IN SntlMi BINMMiTOS JAMES (.Lt.ASON and (.ENK I.OIKIIAKT commercial fishing license permitted on Francois Lake. The license expired at his death. Highly respected throughout the district, he is survived by 1. mat me spending oi na- ; was a gjri - Capt. Wm. Mackenzie, the last of the three brothers who, for a gggM ALSO LATEST NEWS (OLOKED CARTOON good many years were active in his wife, Phoebe, and two sons,! Tne attractive. Kack-hai.ed 'girl was christened 'Leslie" and ;when the lightkeeping .service ! wanted an assistant, officials 'checked the family list. They j thought his "young son Leslie" !was just the man for the job. live i unas ee unaer couiroi oi the Indians themselves. 2. Tiiat qualified Indians be given preference in appointments to the Indian Department by the Civil Service Commission. 3. That a separate Indian De- British Columbia coast marine i Corneiius and Thomas .of Prince and shipping affairs, died in.George. Mrs SUi.ton pians to Vancouver last week. The three ! take up resid,,, with Thomas were the founders of Macken-1 j. prmce George, zie Brothers Steamship Co. They j operated the S.S. Rupert City.i and so she was appointed ' Anybody here got two nickels for a dime?" Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS parimeiu wnn us on minister, lov- SmU1 , Leslie said she be set and of the two assist-, up and j ed the geai lne ht even PROTECT YOL'k EYa'l Workers exposed to Hym, j I tides and other hazards j,! wear safety gogglrs heaiu, . ixtU say. Statistics shot 4.' ! ants to the Deputy Minister, one the seagulls this' the be an Indian. I 4. That recommended Im POLICE FOLLOW LENGTHY TRAIL Only visitor, to the island is the suoulv ship which comes a good-sized craft, during railway construction days here. An- other vessel on the northern run, ' and which will still be remembered by all old timers was the S.S. Henriette. I FARM INSTITUTE NAMES OFFICERS FRANCOIS LAKE Annual 1. What Is wrong with sentence 7 ' He was burn fourth of September." 2. What is the correct J are eye injuries of which il CAPT. ROBERTSON MERCHANT GUILD VICE-PRESIDENT pro s lint, mc Jn IlldUll. table. BURNS LAKE A husky. Am-! election of officers of the Fran-erican elephant trainer appear-'cois Lake Farmers' Institute in in DOlice police court court here here on on a ! s,.,,p(1 ln Neii Kellv of Tchesin- provements in Indian educational facilities be brought about. 5. That, wherever possible. Indian children be allowed to attend the regular public and high schools of the province. A highlight of the convention was the receipt of a donation of According 10 me ouneun oi ; d SWnsnrrd hv nunciation of "delinquent?" j 3. Which one of these words , Is misspelled? Bavarian, Subter- ranlan, historian. I 4 What do--, the word "pal.- j " acta mca 5. What Is a word begnininf Civic the Federal Fisheries Depart- rharp of ,hPft after a police , :J..J Capt. W. F. Robertson, master once monthly If It isn't too stormy. But Leslie said she had dozens of friends she saw every day. Coastal boats steamed past and blasted hello whistles. At ' night the friendly winking lights of passing . steamers kept her company. ! Leslie is as proud of the light-keeping tradition as her grand-! lather was before her. For many ment, the total B.C. herring investigation that followed a kut LaKe De,ng eleclea PreMU"" 0f the government snag boat catch for B.C. is 94,337 tons. t f th Sneraton Indian ! with Jonn H- Keefe- Francois Essington, has been elected vice- ! PRINCE RUPEf! LITTLE THEATrr Canned herring pack tume to , Reserve through Tintagel .Burns Lake, secretary and Lee Cooper, president in charge of the Prince , $1,000 from Chief Pooclass to 1,010,519 cases. iLake and Topley, winding up at! Francois Lake, vice-president. Rupert district of the Canadian the Brotherhood treasury. The ' i0ine camn' near Houston.! The retiring secretary, Mrs. Reg- Merchant Service Guild, accord-. Schooner family also donated ! with in that means tneapaoie , jot being avoided?" i Pi-cmiiI $200 in memory of Mrs. A Schooner who died shortly before the convention. The man was remanded for pre-1 maid Partington, reported that ing to word received by him here 'liminary hearing after pleading 'the Institute's finances were in last night from Vancouver, euiltv to a charge of stealing a good shape despite heavy expen-', Capt. Ernest B. Caldwell, mas- years he and her own father m a boy. kept the famous Scottish lleh o: Is.esecrer. .amltall STILL NO ICE ON FRANCOIS rifle and a blanket from the re- ditures last year. These included tt,r of lhe steamer Prince Rupert, At the conclusion, a banquet of the warti,ne ferry piluts flying FRANCOIS LAKE Prolonged sprvp nn v,pw year's Eve. Cabins installation of a new light plan a-as plected vice-Dreisdent of the was held, to which ail white 'lne trans-Atlantic trips to Eng Coola ine Bella Vancouver section. I residents of land. j Answer ' ",oodni(hi Ciralw I 1. Say "He was born on the One Act Fjrcc ' fourth of September." 2 Pro- j ..(iay KtT-! nounce de-ling-kwent, not de-I Musical lin-kwent. 3 Subterrancin j j 'Op-0-Mi--Thun,b" 4. A remedy for all diseases, a; j 0ne Act Cu:r;r ' cure-all. Pronounce pan-a-w-a. ! ; i first as as In pan. e as ln see. ac- , JC IMC i EAT RE AinrTl: cent third syllable'. 'His faith'! Eritlay, January a in God was a panacea lor all hi 8 15 p m ills." 5 Inevitable. ! j Adults ."iOr Chtitoe ; iol-!vauev 'ere lnvuea ana mlxt'a The elections took place reclv ith ,ne delegates. annual lowing the thirtieth , meeting of the members of the l Alt rEXTLR-Nl'RSES mild weather is arousing specu on the reserVe had been ran- and a building to house it. A lation as to whether or not sackecj while their residents strong executive also was elect-Francois Lake will get by the were at gurns Lake. ! ed. Retiring president Hugh winter without freezing over., Neave was chairman of the Old timers, however, are betting During the search for the meeling three-to-one with the tenderfeet missing articles, they were dis- that the lake will be sealed with covered in the- unused railroad ice by February 15. i station at Sheraton. ! Advertise ;n the Daily News. Board of Management at Van- GOOD WORKKkS LONDON f Matron Florence couver on January 8. The guild; Handicapped persois employ-'staccy and nurses have been embraces between 300 and 400 eci m (actorles are just as effi- attending carpentry clases mak- masters and mates of deep sca.'cjent as unhandicapped workers Ing wooden toys for children 'n It Pays to Advertise! I ii i: I 11 ! coastal vessels and tugs operat- their care. ii placed in the proper jobs. i ing out of west coast ports. j P60pl6Sor Solid Comfort I There are about 40 members in the Prince Rupert area. Any ' skippers or mates holding coast-iwise tickets are eligible to join. I t I . Complete slate of officers is as follows: j President, Capi. W .A. Goss, 5 t Friii cour. fror Vancouver. ; Secretary, O. F. BulliM-k, Van- couver. J Treasurer, H C. Biles, Vancuu -H vrr. Vice-Presidents: Vancouver. Capt. F. B Cald-2 , well. ' Victoria. Capt. A. R. Phelps. New Westminster, Capt.' A. Bown. H Port Mann, Capt. I. Dutton. Yukon, Capt. James Wilkin-J 1 son. Prince Rupert, Capt, W. F. Robertson. Esquimau. Capt. R. G. McDon-J ! aid. m Representative, ocean-going. , R. S. Armstrong. ' Representative, local passen- lr. TT 17 A ,,.-,lot,.j rrt and Belt tion f Prin Wm nitmt iepar khicf Tit "t 5a by Re. 'I j? J M t i JfUiil iubmi pel FY Nightwear and Housecoats BEDJACKETS PYJAMAS HOUSECOATS Year After Year the Mecca for Wise Buyers flnslfl the V ' j IC. i; I jW f lEupert no GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT NOTICE Is hereby given thnt on the 1st of March 1B48 the undcr-MKiiPd Canadian LpRion No. 85 Intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a veterans' rlub llcrniw ln respect of the premises situated at NW Corner 4th and Columbia Bt.. Stewart. B. C. list floor, upon lands !rl escribed as Lot No. 13 14 and ! Block 15, section -, map 10B7, Prince : Rupert Land Registration District ln the Province of British Columbia, to entitle each member on the premises reasonable quantity of liquor for ! personal consumption on the prem-, lses, and entitling the club to purchase liquor from a vendor and nell by the Rlasa the liquor so purchased to Its members and Kuests. for consumption on the club premises In accordance with the provioions of the "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" and the regulations promulgated thereunder. DATED this li!lh day of January. 1 1948. Store Peoples R, H SHARP, Secretary. Canadian Leeiun BISL. Branch No. 85. CiB) Not only llir fihlirrnicn and plant employers in llie industrj, not only prople vlio cat and enjoy llie prime cpiality fish from British (Utliimliia waters, lul practically everybody hcncGls vlien our prcal fi-hing induislry tliriveti . . . the farmer wlls more products. tJie factory worker's job in more secure and the city merchant finds Imsiness flowing more tlcmlily throughout the year. The millions of dollars paid out every year to fihing industry -workers find their way eventually into the pockets of people in all walks of life, maintaining the continuous flow of money and goods that spells IN THE SUPREME lUUHl t-r BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE J StE IS A BO IT THE The Popular nt; rnai nrie. Th. (otht T 4 t M I i "''3 Com 1 rxz "In k r fl; a c: at. kve S.S. New "AMTiCO" Rubber PRINCE In the Matter of the Estate ot Calbert Harvev ThorD Otherwise Known as Culbert Harvey Thorpe. and IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT" Take Notice that by Order of His Honor Judk'e W. O. Fulton made the 19th of January, AD. 1948, I was appointed administrator of the Estate of Calbert Harvey Thorp, otherwise known as Cul- hQrt TJot-vov Thnrne defeased. RUPERT prosperity for all. Sails For FLOOR TILE Easily applied Lasts a lifetime All parties having claims acainst the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified to me on or before the '28th dav of February, A D. Comes in a v.ide range of colors, solid and shades. Will not break or curl. VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AT 11:15 P.M. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. Brilish Columbia Packers Lid. Vancouver, B. C. 1&48 alter whlr.n aaie claims in-! ed may be paid without refer-I enr.e to any claims of which I i then had no knowledge. All parties indebted to the said 1 Estate are hereby reauired to pay the amount of their in-; debtedness to me forthwith. DATED at the City oi Prinee 'Rupert, in the Province of Bri-Mish Columbia, this 19th day of January, A D. 1948. PHONES 631 - 632 PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Coal - Lumber - Huilding Supplies - Paints PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. (27,i