princt nuprrt Daflp JUctos Tv.c.'.ay, Aa;k,t 2, 1445 capetojW ku' 'Persian Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS Ray Reflects . ... . and Reminisces 12 1 this I 1. What is wrong with Karakul im ICKMBEK OF CANADIAN PRES9 - ACDTT BTTREAU rY C IRCCLATIOKS CANADIAN DA1LT JTBTSPAPER ASSOCIATION la l&aepuicleut ojuit newspaper aevowci to n upbuilding ol Prince Bupert uul-au cotcmunium ccncprtstng northern and central Brltuh Caumou (Authorized m Second Ciaaa Mail. Port OTfl Department. Ottawa) PublUhwJ every afternoon eicept Sunday by , PrlBoe Bupart Daf Ken Ltd.. rd Ay nut. Prince Rupert, British Columbia, O. A. HUNTER. Munfg'Pff Editor. H. O. PERHT. Managing Director. HmwOUPTTOM RATES "?' here. sentenre? "I have every reason. 2. What is the correct pro-; 1 "9 4L . from Victoria says a, a blood relationship. Beacn housing plan will b!paus..d in Prince Rupert one I Advice national 7 uti carrier. Per Week. Pw Month. 7Sc: Per Yew. M 00. i! fr'-'Hr ' By Mall. Per Moot. 60c; Per Tear. 5 00 placed before the Federal aulh-j morning y. ais ago. ne gave an ..-i.i. a ni nlno t, nlart interview, speaking slowly, and nunciation of "caffeine"? i 3. Which one of these words is misspelled? Carbohydrate. ' to believe that he Is honest." ' carboretor, cartilage. I 4. . What does the word "lus- ghost would might' be a large, new frame' then Inquired, with the hiiiiriinu in Prince Runert. listht of a smiie. if the press 3. m o ... . - mind being liuervuweu m turn I MEN'S sa) fi j trate" mean? ',on all sides and with a grand j 5. What is a word beginning view. It U empty, and could be I ' with ra that means "sensible"? converted into a dozen or nsure Answers j handy-size apartments. j 1. Say. "I have ample or,i ... i sufficienti reason , to believe Rex Beach Is reported seriously IMBKI!.Urt This is the week "Operation Kals" will be staged iu-Alberm and British Columbia, with Grande Prairie and Fort St. Special I.!' - - " -. r t ., - - v I ' ! J .: :- IS irxr ir ,1,111. I, ii -a Mm i inn i iii iad adf Mm. t b.. A He ' John becoming a war zone, of There will be 1,400 troops, u he hundred planes and sufficient j that he is honest." 2. Pro- ill at his home in Florida. nounce kaf-e-in, as in add. e as Is the logical team-mate I in me unstressed, i as In ill. ac- Robert Service for In pro! cent first syllable. 3. Carbur- described the Klondike in much brass. It seems the general idea M"S AIL,, JACKETSAH at 'KX'S and , SUITS-Wo, doublr-brta el- Spiti MEN'S TROt. etor. I by a 4. To make clear or pure the same way Service pictured is to. test the movement of propitiatory offering; to ii in verse. There ia the : fighting units by air or Uiafs purify. "We must purge, and vivid, masterly touch. Somehow I the way the military editor of HOLIDAYING ON DOCTOR'S ORDERS Chancellor ol the exchequer. Sir Stalford Cripps, accompanied by Lady Crtpps, has arrived in Zurich, Switzerland, where, on the advice of his doctors he will undergo treatment for a digestive complaint. He is not seriously ill but will remain there lor six weeks so that he will be able to take part in further dollar talks in Washington in September. cieansa, ana lustraie tne whole "The Spoilers" and "Songs of a j dines, twer J this column understands it, as flashed by courier stationed at Hole-in-tlie-Wail. , i...jr. numuoiiu. a. national. Sourdough" make one thin of! . ! assortment, , Special MEN'S OREtS You Saw It in The Sews! Advertise In tr.e Dally News SHIRTS - l, The Experts Say ' " from By KAY REX Canadian Press Staff Writer slip-in lids are excellent for products packed dry or in syrup BALAGNO Florist,; Phone (.rem 7H7 Boi 1133 BOYS' T SHlti ERS Latcki , sertment SpKS BOYS' WOOL a. PANTS Strain, sortment Sfnii HOYS' SCn (K; Bine and ii Spfial 'or brine. Rectangular - shaped FREEZING-The market lslcarU)n moialure . apor . filling rapidly these days with, f bag mon sujt quantities of fruits and vege-;ab,e fof dry pack vegetables or tables, many of which the house-; xlils wife is anxious to preserve fori' Glass jarg may be or winter use. J packing vegetables or fruits, but Home economists note that , , f f k B.C. - California COLUMBIA is sometimes called "The BRITISH 'California of Canada." It can be hardly said the-comparison is extravagant. Her western shores front the Pacific. British Columbia has experienced gold stampedes. Asiatics have been here sincp early days.. Eastern provinces still regard B.C. as a sort of glamor land. Huge trees grow in B.Ci Her mountain scenery is little short of matchless and her gardens rich and fragrant. Perhaps we should say "California is the British Columbia of he United States." 'GRACIOUS' Q.C. ISLANDS "THE Queen Charlotte Islands are gradually and I persistently being discovered. It's a long, long process for anywhere north of Vancouver. It's al-days that way. Monday, The News printed a letter signed by W. N. Giegerich. It corrected a grist of misleading impressions concerning the Islands and incidentally lauded the climate. Mr. Giegerich may not'already know but others have beaten him to it. Long before any of us were born, the old navigators and explorers in their cruises this far rarely failed to make mention of "the gracious clime" and healthfulness of these northern isles. RED, RED FACES AMETHYST rejoins fleet. No casualties! No damage! God save the King! Communist China, when Saturday's terse message became known, would not like it a little bit. It was tftuught the sloop of war, 200 miles up the Yangtze River, might stay there. It was a narrow' squeeze frffwever with a handful ;of men, shortage of power and everything else, and watchful Reds. But this time, dictatorship shells failed to score. Btrt; loss of face did. A. MacKKNZIR rn?irr?n irn. A GOOD PLU K TO Bl'Y SPECIAL Continental Brd. Full Size. Keslmure flat rihbon spring, full sine. Ace spnn fill mattress, full siie $11.00 See our carpet-s icst arrived Phone 775 327 3rd Avenue 1 737Tm7 freezing is gaining popularity as Tnere alsQ u danger of jajs the ideal method for home pre-: breaillngj especially if used for servlng. fruits packed in syrup or vege- f'cr r Aim ! ,ov iurt' ,1 li 0k h M N c Ir 14 1 -I., fill tables packed in brine. As a precaution against breakage, at least one-inch head space should be allowed. ! Transparent or heavily-waxed papers and other moisture-vapor-proof wrappings may be used for corn on the cob or rhubarb. All wrappings shoull be sealed securely to exclude as Fruits and vegetables are quickly prepared for freezing and the kitchen keeps cooler than h possible with canning methods. The fruit also retains its natural color and fresh flavor, and vegetables, quickly cooked before serving, are almost garden fresh. All fruits and vegetables do not freeze well. The housewife should be wary of pears. And peaches require special treatment to prevent discoloration. Berries, sour cherries and rhubarb, are excellent when frozen. As for vegetables, asparagus, much air as possible. ANYTIME ,s s TO CLEAN YOUR CHIMNEY ... Let us inspect, repair and clean your chimney now Be prepared for Fall. We aNo specialize in repair of cutter, down pipe and roofing. 1 Cit M,wm A.I.., Sum, Ik " '"i f r r"l fl I SOUR MILK Housewives may, not know it but the sour mllkj which gives such good flavoi to "He drank his milk, put away his toys, and at eight,' o'clock sharp he got Into bed and punched me j'jn,nt!y i : gingerbread and muffins,' has mi j beans, pease, spinach and whole most of tne nulrllive value of j kernel corn,, turn out well. But fresh mUt Healtn and welfar corn on the cob has a tendency ofIlca,s say tnat in view of thu to develop off-navors during ,t is even more imporlant to use I storage. Vegetables usually eaten up any sour mllk on handfor .raw, such as celery, tomatoes, g0Od economy as well as for "good INTERCITY CHIMNEY SET letluce and upiimheri!. .shnulrl-. :-. Free Estimates Phone Red 241 Reai Authorized Licensed Chimney Service. All W ! ...WAR'S AFTERMATH ' , TO FORM WORLD GROUP . bg frozen nean,n. jdREAT YARMOUTH, Eng- a; OSLO -Sociologists from . . -.Vacationers were cleared nearly every part ol tne wona veeetables Alwavs nw 0-oft.the beach here while sold-; will gather here from Septcm-; aen iresn tables and iers-ploded three mines found jer 5-11 to found an interna- freeze a few hours after ii, t& sand. tional sociological organization, withJ MISSION WORK AT HOME, ABROAD III Tn Quality I I PBINTINC I Select "fruits and vegetables ENGLISH CHINA BREAKFAST, SETS ; 20 and 22 Piece-Cups and Saucers Cream arid Sugar Sets SILVERWARE Cake Plates Butter Di-shes Bon Buns CumpurU Pbone Red 400 which are at the Ideal stage of Two interesting special speak- maturity for Immediate table ers were heard at Sunday. ser- BITPLIES FOE STATIONERY W GKEETIN0 ( PENS ANO ft use. Fruits should be ripe but vices in First Baptist Church-firm. Do not freeze any fruit one a young Mennonite mission -that is green, over-ripe, bruised ary from Abbotsford who is or beginning to spoil. Vegetables heading for torrid Borneo on should be young and tender. the equator in the East Indies, Heavily - waxed, cylindrival - the other a church social work- DIBB PRINTING S18 3rd Ave. W. BESNER BLOCK iiiM;T::i:;ic:ii;:2,:L;:iji::j!i2i2;i;! shaped cartons with slip-over or Mfi VUh$A : " hi , i -I- --' j : ! COTTAGK CHEKSK New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DA IKY Your Dally . ALL-WEATHER SERVICE COME IN AND HEAR IT 7 The Amazing NEW RCA VICTOR 4S RF HOW CAN I ? ? By ANNE ASHI.EY A NEW HOME Deserves the Best -JUST A FEW OF THE TITlfSH er from Edmonton. Elmer Warkentin has not yet teen in Borneo but he has acquainted himself sufficiently about it to be able to deliver a highly interesting discourse. He appealed for support of the church's missionary work. Mae Benedict told of organizing a new church among the oiL workers In the Jasper Place section of Edmonton. Mr. Warkentin spoke again Popular Records Q. How can. I- equip an "emergency drawer" in the kitchen with the most essential things needed daily? Advertise in tht. Dally News! A. Set apart one drawer in Carolina Moon VauRhan Munrue Riders in the Sky Vauuhan Munrue Classical Records Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Robert Mirtt Warsaw Concerto Boston Pops Western Records Don't Rob Another Man's Castie-EJJ? Tennessee Waltz Pee Wee King. RE: CERTIFICATE OF TITLE NO 8042-1 TO LOT TWENTY-POUIl (241. BLOCK TWENTY-NINB (291. SBCTION SIX 10). CITY OP PRINCB ROPBRT. MAP 823 WHEREAS satlsfuotory proof of loss of the above Certificate of Tltlo Issued In the name of Neil MacLcaii h. tuma filed lu this office, notice the kitchen cabinet for this purpose, and see that it contains a ball of string, a few electric fuses, one or two percolator tops, an extra can 1 before an interdenominational meeting last night in St. Paul's opener, an assortment of nails Lutheran Church. Young people of five local churched attended to the number of about fifty with Henry Vanderheide Here'i all J and screws, a bottle of glue, an FOIt IU'ILDING SIPPLIES AND ESTIMATES PHONE 363 PHIANG ASKS PACIFIC UNION-A smiling, confident General-i'ssTrho Chiang Kai-shek of China, left, acknowledges the salute from cadet corps of the Philippine Military academy at Bagulo, Philippines. The cadets passed In review before the Chinese Nationalist chieftain during his visit with President Elpdio Quirno, right, for talks on plans for halting the Communist tnenace in the Far East. President Quirno said he would canvass the attitude of other countries toward formation of a Pacific union. , s tA nlnv th B assortment df corks, some waxed paper, hammer, pliers. quality rKordl tkro'91"' and screw driver. Add to it as Is hereby given that I shRl! at the expiration of on month from the dute ol the first publication heroof, Issue a Provisional Certificate of Title In lieu of said lost Certificate, unless In the meantime valid objection be made to me In writing. DATED at the Land Registry Office. Prince Rupert. B. C, this Will day of. July, l'J4. A D. ANDREW THOMPSON. Deputy Registrar of Titles. (l4i MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractor 50miBullwillioi)l'" If, the RCA V,ttor ! iiiim!'!1!:! .inllll,HI,illliirN,llll!;-ulii.:iili,iiili1,i,iil,,,;jWi(1,iiij(11(.lj1ji required. Q. How can I make a cleanser for dirt that is ground into the hands? A. Rub vaseline jelly thoroughly ' into the hands, let it remain for at least 15 minutes, then wash the hands, and see how easily the dirt is removed. Q. How can I make . boiled cabbage sweeter? A. Try changing the water while boiling. "78V too! All RCA Victor releasei on 7U.L ,.,.A will alia be avail"" JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue , en th. .tandard 10- ond ' 2 inch r.lcRae Bros. LI OR Ml NOW Q.C A. OFFERS A DRUGS ONCE-WEEKLY EVERYONE Doesn't Get Two Weeks With Pay' but you can give your wife a "once -a-week holiday" by arranging for regular dinner dates at the ... ; I SERVICE, ' PRESCRIPTION CHEMitf Flight 1J ' M TO STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. w Departs Prince Ru prt at 08:30 D.8.T. Every Thursday. For information and NOON TO SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS-12 7 PJ4, TO 9 P M. Reservation! CALL 478 Call at the Q.C.A. Office Emergency W ' . notiif ir rfoiiimra urvtn KlllM Christopher Block . n n Til QvilCentre Dining Room For Reservations atid Chicken in The Rough Phone Red .'705- lr0BandS from, 9. a.m. till 6 p.m. , QUEEN CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD? ."Why should I watch how fast I'm going? That's your Job!"