a. Vtlnti nuptrt Daflj RetoJ Tuesday, August 2, 1949 f ' 51 I I I lU i I t 1 Everything for Building Lumber of all kinds-Mouldings, Flooring, Siding, Cedar and A i p h a 1 1 Shingles, Plasterboard, Wall-boards, Fir, Cedar and Birch Plywood, Cement, Brick, Plas- P W1 IIP VHti! Now Is the time to buy apricot, for preserving. Free deliv- ery. Sheardowns. (180) Mr. and Mrs. Earl Onrri.m ,4 family returned to the city at , the end of the week'from a holl- -y motor trip to the central Interior as far as the Burns Lake district. They also visited Lakelse 'e ana Bmlthcrg. .1 ! . ter, etc. , ALRERT& ; McCAFFERY LIMITED m Kona n t, . '-"fa "1" i nunc WcdncsLj Wednesday, August'3rd. a M MeetinB!6 for immediate delivery of 8 Dm. vonr .nrit. o - u PHONE 116 A. H. MacPherson, pioneer contractor of Prince Rupert who moved to Vancouver years is recovering rrom the effects of a car accident. Mr. MacPherson, who Is 83, will be remembered by many old friends in the north. 1 jr lYll' 0Y;'in In advance. Please refrain from word per insertion, minimum aras oi inanKs, Death Notices Engagement Announcement: $2! 1 lowln8 his arrival from Edmon-EC1AL DOUBLE PRICE 1 ton last week. I -'--- j ' STEAMSHIP PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SO CLEAN SO WHITE SO EASY TO USE iJfon'f Vouch Jeuie $uil Vuxn Jjevet! Use Ordinary Paper Bag ' Dry OdorlMH McBride Street Phone LOST AND FOUND mans watch and bracelet. ' LITTLE AND OH MY! The younger set loves polka dots, too! This style adds a peekaboo . touch with eyelet-embroidery insets in the bodice and the skirt. The style shown can be made from polka-dot-print cotton feed-bags. It buttons down to the waist and ties In a big bow at the back. The full puffed sleeves and snirrea sKiri maice it a lavorite of the very little "Miss." Mother can turn out a wardrobe of variety for the kindergarten group. The contract having been let Miss May Benedict, Baptist to Greer & Brldden, work Is! mission worker in Edmonton, already under way ln remodel-1 who arrived ln the city ; from News office. . (18U) WANTED Young lady to share Xppiy Box bbfi! Daily News ' (180), WANTEdTto RENT - LlRht housekeeping room, quiet place, close ln. Please phone 332 between 6 and 7 p.m. I (180) WANTED 3 roomed suite for family with children, wife leaving hospital soon. Desperate. Phone Blue 849. , (183) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE-Third Avenue business, good location, good turnover. For further information, apply Box 544 Daily News. (tf) FOR SALE Delivery business , wiui two trucks. For miorma- tion call 383. lw' l WOKa wanted WORK WANTED Girl wants housework. Live in. Write Box. 630. City. (183) WORK WANTED-fExuerlenced i Vancouver at the endi.of last ling the building formerly used by naval officers during the war and now owned by the Canadian Legion. . - . (180) Norman Brodhurst and Jack Coleman, who sailed on the Ca- mosun this afternoon on their 'return to Victoria, had come , north at the end of the weofc with the se ner Robert O. John - stone for delivery to Inverness cannery. Have you seen announcement for "The Vilce of the Deep?" -t (131) Elmer Warkinton of Abbots-lord, who is about to leave for Borneo to take up Baptist Church missionary work, is leaving tomorrow for Terrace a and Prince George after having spent a few days in the city fol Regular monHnir Diq,.. on Women of the Mooae. Wednes- ""- o. (180) ,ack Cook- supervisor of first am for wesiprn rpl,inn r.ana. dian National Railways with headnunrtarft in Vancnnvor n - tlved ln the clty Saturay night in tfle course of one of his perlodlcal lnsPectln trips and w"i leave on his return south by tomorrow evening's train. HELEN KASPER IS SHOWER HONOREE . Mrs. John Thompson and her daughter, Mlss Kay Thompson, were hostesses rai a delightful shower ln honor of Miss Helen Kasper whose marriage to Jack Furness will take place thfs c.un1, m, -rri .. 1 1 .1 -, the home of Mrs. Sam Haugan Fifth Avenue East. Contests and music were enjoyed by friends of the bride- to-be who gathered for the light proceedings, ever, came during an Interval when Miss Kaspor was presented with a lovely decorated basket containing many beautiful gifts. Delicious refreshments were served with Mrs. R. Haugan, Mrs. J. Knowles, Miss B. Macau-lay and Miss Pat Thompson acting as scrviteurs. Those present Included Mrs. F. W. Grlmble, Mrs. Terry Grlmblc, Mrs. J. T. Kasper, Mrs. II. V. Tattersal, Mrs. P. Shannon, Mrs. V. Norberg, Mrs. B. J. Bacon, Mrs. C. Mclntyre, Mrs. T. Thomas, Mrs. H. Stewart, Mrs. F. Gunn, Mrs. G. B. Casey, Mrs. W. V. Tattersal, Mrs. K. Nesbitt, Mrs. J. J. Little, Mrs. F. Reid" and Mrs. B. J. Smlthson. UNION MEETING There will be a meeting of the Laborer's Union Local 1427, at 8 p.m.; Tuesday, Aug. 2, in the Carpenters' Union Hall on Fraser Street, Prince Rupert. All members and those Wishing to become members ar2 urged to attend. Fraternally years, (179) F. ABBOTT, Sec'y. V.WW.V.'AWW.V.V.WW.W.VMV.V.VWV.V.V Civic i Little Theatre Meeting Civic Centre, Wednesday, Aug. 3. All members and anyone Interested in costuming or. staging kindly attend. (J79) See rules and prize announcement for Civic Centre Carnival Perfect Child contest This Page. A PriRPrviniT anrlnnta Til. "i" "' m y t oj a UUA. Blain Bros. (184) Attention Men. Harold Dac-res is in town to fit you for that new suit. Guaranteed quality at great saving. Shoes, shirts, lies, ladies' wear. Contact ; Harold Dacres . at Canadian Legion or Bayview Hotel, Room! 18. (H) Miss Helen Hard, who has been engaged In missionary and social service work here for the United Church for the past twenty months, will leave this Friday night on the Catala to spend a holiday on the lower coast before proceding to Vernon to which parish she has been transferred In the work of the church. RETURNING FROM 'TRIP TO EUROPE Miss Phyllis M. Mooney, R.N., lady superintendent of the Prince Rupert General Hospital is returning to the city at the end of this week after an absence of three months during which she attended an international nurses' convention in Stockholm, Sweden, also making a tour of the continent and visiting with relatives in Lon don .England. She flew across Canada going and coming. ANNOUNCEMENTS Auvertlsemcnts in tnis column will be charred for a full month at 25o per word Port Edward W. A. Bazaar, August 8th, Community Hall. Catholic Bazaar ' October 5 and 6. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28 Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, Nov. n. LODE. Chapter's Fall Bazaar, Nov. 24. St. Andrew's Cathedral Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND FORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, July 29 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, August 5 and 19 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 668 Power Co. Ltd. BESNER BLOCK STEWART, B C. Fashion - Craft Made to -- Measure S i s 20 1. :: DISCOUNT From Now Until Aug. 15 GUARANTEED SAVINGS . OF FROM $15.oo TO 20-00 Glidden Paints FOR " - m ALL PLRPOSES BLUE 846 SAANICH PLUMBING AND HEATING 9 eeeiileew Representing: G. H. Wood & Co, Ltd. Dustbane Co. Ltd. Brodie Brush Co. Ltd. S. C. Johnson Wax Co. i PHONE 79 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE Rex Cafe Chinese Dishes a Specialty cnop SUEY CHOW MEIN 1949 Carnival 1949 1 typist - bookkeeper desires feasant occasion oa810"- The hluh-position. lne, nlgn- Apply Box 557, Daily ,f'esanl of the how r-r I 311 1 J Zm 'ft, 01 tnmon- ,-r was one of k of Alberta has lince Rupert for i.ow reached an I. as m the my liricr is in tnc ! here. :sin is payable ilieds, 2c per n Nonces aue, Marriage and DISPLAY. NOTICE 1 Us. T. D. Smith; ed wife of tli of this city. " conducted at at 2:30 p.m. iKii.it 3rd. In-w in f'airview (Hi ,".P xdianse four-house lor six- k.ipiy Black 213. (182i kU.E Monarch, fully Fi :ie Ureen Vau (181) ,ire Jewel oil e healer and .old suite. 132 U84i j -uval Standard 1 w condition. UBOij id 1948 Chev-I & iivery. Heater, ilcae only ros Grocery, i McBride. (181) --IIM Josephine, ,M net and trol- Illlv rauinurd. Iirysler. Must Owner leav-lo-op Credit (1821 ' spin drv iiby buRRy, $lu. 180) iifn table- and cneap. Phone (tf) i shingles sel-m 'JO per bundle. 1 (186) "RC steel crib, J.ode chair. $15. (179) j"", snotguns, -W ammunition, ' latest folrlers 'Pe Sales Co., Ottawa, Ont. (195) fliina used furn 'WW paper, first '.Ji'ood bicycles, pfii, new electric 4:-'rs and elec- ruas, beautl- llcw cuns anil filing at the i ue b. c. Fur- 324. (tf) MOWN NAMES "der Shovels. ''m: Adam; LJttleford t Bros. ' Maintenance 'TO Clamshell, ""v Jiappi?s; Hereto Mivn.t, Ml rucks: Nelson f for Stockpile J J'al: Rice 1'ort-' Pumps: Na. scrapers and "al All Steel National "Is: National wd Conveyors. on fnim v rV Co. Ltd Me at) ire bred male 0 weeks nlH fh- Geo. Storey! (181) 6 ft. double h show case, i, u it. autiw tlUSS frnnt ni-,,1 I vegetable or T reasonable. puichers. Phone uty. 1 17!) 1 1 "lnc ton nort- Mcin-s bicycle. k u,,, .,, .'. u.',rsY 4l ii!1"e 590, via (179) eve-U ner, f CI Chev. RoHnii jfuorr . oc ,, 6 anr. (179) r bauy Kews! Sanitation for the Nation Prince Rupert's MOST PERFECT CHILD Contest 'Junior King and Queen' CONTEST RULES 1. Entrants must be between 3 and 6 years of age. (pa.t their third birthday and not past their sixth blnhdaj). 2. Judging will be on apparent health, beauty and personality. 3. Jjiigirp will be by a panel of judges to be appointed by the Carnival Committee. 4. Juclge3 decision will be final. PAPER TOWELS PAPER CUPS DEODORANTS DISINFECTANTS PRIZES Junior King and Junior Queen FIRST PRIZE Educational Bond. $100,000 will be used to purchase a paid-up bond for both the winning boy and the winning girl, redeemable at age 18. OTHER PRIZES PRINCE RUPER1 SUPPLY HOUSE1 713 Second Avenue Phone 632 P. O. Box 772- isews uince. uU) HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Butcher going on holiday, man wanted to relieve him. Apply Rupert Butchers. (tf) WANTED Taxi despatcher. Apply 112 Taxi. (tf) MAIDS WANTED for kitchen and ward work. Salary to start $8100 per month, less. $30.00 per month maintenance. Uniforms provided. Apply to Miller Bay Indian Hospital, Prince Rupert, B.C. (179) WANTED For railway office, clerk with hieh school education, some typing. Box 553, Daily News. (179t BOYS WANTED Rellaole boys desiring Daily News route should file their names at the Dullu Ni'i Offlpo 1 I (tf) I f 1 FOR nfcrVT FOR RENT The new Johnson's electric floor polisher for only $1 a day. Phone 547, Blain Bros. (184) FOR RENT Housekeeping room. 613 3rd Ave. (tu FOR RENT Room for rent. Working girl prelerred. 539 6th West. (179) FOR RENT Two-room cabin at 960 First Ave. West. Apply 221Flfth East U82) FOR RENT Sleeping room for rent. 801 Borden Street. Itl) HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE Six-roomed house for sule. Snap for cash. Phone Red 597 or call at 817 nWest. U80) HOUSE FOR SALE 9th Ave. West. Immediate occupancy. Hot water heated. Oil range: connected. Glassed ln porch 1 at rear, prince Rupert Realty Co. Green (167, Ubil week In the course of. .a. 1 trip to the coast, left by last evening's train on her return to the Alberta capital. Centre presented by Rupert Men's and Boys' Store presented by Wallace's Department Store CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ih.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment WILL BE AWAY ON VACATION first Three Weeks in August NEED.S CLOTHES LINES IRONING BOARDS GALVANIZED WARES PAINTS 1st $25 Merchandise Order Boys 2nd $15 Merchandise Order 3rd $10 Merchandise Order 1st $25 Merchandise Order ' Girls 2nd $15 Merchandise Order 3rd $10 Merchandise Order Dalian ptanuanj I Entry forms available at Wallaces and Rupert Men's and Boys' Store, To be returned to either of the above sttes by noon, August 12th, 1949. , (It) a ".VAvyvvw.ViWWiV.vww.wwvWiV.'rtwwv HOURS 'Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE Keep Cool - Live Electrically , FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING " REQUIREMENTS REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Ave. Box 423 HOUSEHOLD STEP LADDERS CLOTHES DRYERS KITCHEN UTENSILS Electric Fans $12.95 Electric Ranges $229.00 Electric Rangettes $69.00 Electric Ironers $129.50 Electric Floor Polishers $59.50 Electric Washers $148.50 FOR SALE Brick and concrete block, 2nd Ave. Apartment, hardwood floors, hot water hat. Store, full basement. Phone Black 120. (183) TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Monday. August 15th, 11)49, for the purchase of Block 9, Subdivision Block "A," Plan 1265, District Lot 361, Plan 96(i, Village of Terrace. Range 5, Coast District, together with improvements and contents. Arrangements to inspect this property mav be made with the B. C. Police, Terrace. B. C. HIGHEST or any tendfr not necessarily accepted. TERMS stric tly cash. G. F. FORBES, Official Administrator, Administrator Estate of George Porter, deceased, Court House, Prince Rurjert, B. C. (1G5) SATIN-GLO VARNISnES ENAMELS Northern B.C. PHONE HO PRINCE RUPERT THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders wrtLse;