voyage. The Catala will be back ji Gyro Lieutenant I Governor Vuits ttupcrt Dailp r-Jctos LtD. Monday, January 19, 1943 Better English Bv D. C WILLIAMS here again tomorrow morning to sail south at 1:30 p.m. SHIPS and C P.R. steamer Princess Louise, 1- What Is wrong with this To conduct the annual lnstal- Capt. Fred McUraw, is due In semence: 1 1 " r" ""latton of officers of the rnnce WATERFRONT o..r.r.w.t Htftn rMtiVt Wllunn Hunt port at 4 o'clock this afternoon enougn. from the south and wfll sail at 2. What Is in nm ra. 11. i- iP.urn to Van- mmciatton of Uie correct pro- w - exuberance?" ' Pentleton, lieutenant district Which one of these words governor, arrived In the city Returning to his duties auer . ,nvi..lints i 3. u independent dally newspaper oeotMi to the upDullcrmg or Prince Rupert nd i) lommunltles comprising northern and central British Columbia. Authorized m herond Class Mall. Port Office Department. Ottawa) Published eery arternoon except Sunaay by vinee Rupert DUy News Ltd.. 3r Avenue, Prince Rupert. British ColumbU O A HUNTEK. Managing l?"jr. H. O PFRRY. Managing Dtrector. tMBKB OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OF" CIRCULATION? CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION SUBSCRIPTION RATER - eraiQ,. orrtfr r wwk, 16c; Per Month, tec; Per Tear, 17.00; uS&J.,irtE. Bj Mall, Per Month, 40c; Per Tear, 4.00. Soaking Terrace Lumber from the south on the Catala an extended vacation, part of t s misspelled? Ocurrence, con- which was spent on a trip into currence, temperance. the Chileotln country from Bel- . j Answer la Coola, Capt. John Boden, E. E. Hyndman, inspector of; x 0mll plenty. 2. Pro- commodore of the Union Steam- schools, returned to the city on noun(.e ent;-zu-ber-uns, u as In last night. He met with the club execuUve at luncheon today and will be the principal guest at the installation dinner dance tonight in the Knights of Columbus Hall. He will sail tomorrow afternoon by the Catala on A HUDSON'S l COMPANV rDar ships coastal fleet, Is back on the Catala last evening from u vulf,i un(j not eks-oo-bar-ans. duty as master of the steamer brief trip to Butedale on ofl'i- 3 Occurrence. Catala which was in port from cial business and continued 10 o'clock to midnight last night through to Stewart and Pre- northbound from Vancouver to mier to visit the schools In Unit You saw It ir the Daily News' Stewart on her regular weekly area. , ( I Classified Auverlbmy; Paysl his return south. M 1 1 r tre bh lei t EUREKA Tank Cleaner The finest iliamr of it kind ever built STILL S99.50 V v v sfe . ' i A lew l eaturex: 1. Super Mietions-inoves 4'.) 9 cubic fwt of air eufli minute of oX'rutiiu. 2 Seven attachments Includni" di-rwither and paint sprayer. 3 Easy to empty butf- 4 in the Terrace area have been paying SAWMILLS 62c per hundred pounds to ship lumber to New Westminster for export to the United Kingdom whereas local rate to Prince Rupert is 17c per hundred pounds. This amounts to a difference of proximately $15 per thousand feet and, when it is considered the many thousands of feet a ship may take, depending on size of ship and whether or not it is full caro, it would appear that it is quite an additional expense to carry the lumber by rail to New Westminster rather than Prince Rupert, the logical port of cean shipment. It seems reasonable that some shipping interests at least should he seriously considering the use of Prince .Rupert. The wonder is that this sort of thing should be going on and that there should not be continued and even greater pressure to have this port enjoy the passage of export shipment of which is obviously long overdue. If there ever was any doubt about the economic i aspect favoring the use of this port, the extrava gant method of export of Terrace lumber to the United Kingdom amply illustrates it. Nor is the Terrace area the only one in the central interior 'j which should be making Prince Rupert instead of the ports of the Vancouver area the export ship Answering I i t tv. ' 4 HiKh efflcleiiry uir filter. , : 5. Balanced handle smart upix ar- t j fiance. . 8. No ollliiK no radio Interference 5: 7. Approvi-d by Good Housekrcpln.. 1 SEE THEM AT McRAE BROS. It Your Questions It1 f s ABOUT ! L ADII'S. . . .0 1 IK IT'S SMAUT HOSE WM HAVK IT! f J I El ' if ;i f - SKAMLKSS N 1 Ia) STOCKINGS IN MV ItAltK SIIAKKS HOUSE DRESSES IN NEW H-ORAL AND POI.KA DOT UKSIONS WITH Till. "MW KM)K" ping point for lumber. As the overseas exports of lumber increase with the ultimate stabilization of I' postwar buying power, the volume of the traffic may be expected to increase and the desirability of shipping in the most economical manner should be even more seriously considered, particularly if there is to be competition with other countries. And lumber is not the only thing. If mixed car-( goes are wanted there is our canned salmon, which new goes to Vancouver for re-shipment, and there is the ready feasibility of exporting grain through ! the notoriously idle and long discriminated against ,i terminal elevator at Prince Rupert. ' Meanwhile, there is no reason for Prince Rupert to go on accepting the excuses, sometimes most flimsy and often looking almost false, which are j given to keep this fine port idle and not playing its part in serving the national economy and the world's needs. Prince Rupert, with such specific instances as '; the Terrace lumber in point, might even do more in the way of campaigning for the use of the port than it is doing. It appears to be a case of organizing and seeking the co-operation of interests which are willing to see that there is more than one : centre for export shipping on the British Columbia coast. , Another objection to old age is that there's so little future in it. OST of the countries which are Canada's regular customers have not recovered sufficiently from the war to pay, in the normal M xl I 1 ' r - i IS ; SI SKIKTS in (irrrn and lird I'laids in the I ..nt Ut NI W llll'MI N r l PUTllS, All Sue im luilim: (ii:IHt Ittl.TS, All Sizes ANNETTE manse iifc;TAiii ii ;TnvF mm DIN FOOD FOR BRITAIN POSSIBLY the most concise and concrete talking - in favor of supporting current organized campaigns for the shipment of food to needy Britain might be this comparative tabulation of the Ail A USE i'f. -mm Bulkley Valley amounts available in Britain under the existing strict quotas and the average consumption in Canada, per week in case: way, for all the goods they need, despite extensive help from this and other countries. Nor are they able to send us enough of their goods to balance accounts or to pay us in the kind of money which we, in Canada, can us to buy goods in other countries. At the same time, Canada has been buying more goods than ever before from the United States and other countries demanding U.S. dollars. This is because these goods were not obtainable elsewhere and because of demand pent-up during the war. Buying from the United States or U.S. dollar areas must, therefore, be temporarily reduced until our trading again becomes normal. To meet this emergency, purchase of goods and services or expenditures for travel, which must be paid for with U.S. dollars, are now subject to control. 1 YOU ARE AN IMPORTER OF CONSUMER GOODS ond wish to find out what good ore (1) prohibited, (2) subject to quota, or (3) unaffected by controls, se or write your nearest Collector of Customs and Excise. IF YOU WISH TO IMPORT GOODS SUBJECT TO QUOTA and wish to establish your quota authorization to import, or need special information, consult your nearest Collector of Customs and Excise. Quota application forms (E C. 1) and instructions for completing them, are available at all Customs Offices. These applications must be filed with the Collector of Customs and Excise. If YOU WISH INFORMATION ON THE AMOUNT Of YOUR QUOTA. After your application has been filed with your Collector of Customs and Excise, all correspondence about the establishment of quotas or cases of exceptional hardship through import prohibitions should be directed to Emergency Import Control Division, Department of Finance, 490 Sussex Street, Ottawa. Quotas are issued on a quarterly basis and any unused portion may be corried over into the following quarter. IF YOU ARE AN IMPORTER OF PRODUCTON PARTS, STRUCTURAL STEEL, stone, machinery or other capital goods or automobiles, and wish to know the import restrictions in these classifications, write or see Emergency Import Control Division (Capital Goods), Department of Reconstruction ond Supply, 385 Wellington Street, Ottawa. IF YOU INTEND TO TRAVEL OUTSIDE CANADA and wish to know about foreign exchange available for this purpose, consult any bank or the Foreign Exchange Control Board at Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto, Windsor, Vancouver. If you wish information obout personal purchases of goods made during travel outside Canada, consult the nearest Collector of Customs and Excise before departure. IF YOU ARE A MANUFACTURER, WHOLESALER OK RETAilER and wish information obout excise taxes, or about the list of goods to which they apply, consult the neorest Collector of Customs and Excise. IF YOU NEED OTHER SOURCES OF IMPORTS consult the Foreign Trade Service, Department of Trade and Commerce (Import Division), Ottawa, regarding your supply problems arising from import quota restrictions. Through the Trade Commissioner Service, " the Import Division is endeavouring to arrange increased supplies from the United Kingdom ond other "non-scheduled" countries. IF YOU ARE A HOUSEWIFE and wish information on available alternate foods which have comparable nutritional values to those now prohibited or subject to quota, informational material which has been prepared by the Nutrition Division of the Department of National Health and Welfare may be secured frorr. your Provincial Health Department or local health unit. The administration of these emergency import confroi it the responsibility of various departments of the Government. The above information it given to aid Canadian citizens in complying with the new import control regulations with a minimum of inconvenience in their business and perjomif aflairt. CANADA (Average Consumed) COAL AND SAVE BRITAIN Hi pints milk 2 small chops (or equivalent) 2 strips bacon ,or equivalent) 2 oz. butter 3 oz. margarine 2 oz. lard 2 oz. cheese 2 oz. U a. 7- oz. sugar 7 quarts milk 10 small chops for equvialent) 14 strips bacon (or equivalent) 8 oz. butter nil 6 oz. lard or shortening 4 oz. cheese 8 oz. tea andor coffee 8 oz. sugar OR Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of C Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERS Those who predicted a brave new postwar world weren't 100 per cent mistaken. It takes a fair to middling brave person to live in it. RC. L1M1 Hollywood Cate fKINCT'. RIPERTS NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-OATE RESTAt'RANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:3 .M. Special Dinner Every Sunday -5 p.m. to t1 C1IINKSE DISHES A SI'ECIAl TV CHOI' SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 133 WHILE RUPERT DOES NOTHING CANADIAN SHIPYARDS are making a substantial contribution to the restoration of world trade and the industrial development of this country. Some forty vessels, aggregating 99,000 gross tons, were completed during the past year. Total deliveries consisted of fourteen cargo vessels, three passenger and car ferries two passenger vessels, two colliers, one tanker, one tug, three trawlers and fourteen barges. We've heard a considerable number of persons say they wouldn't want to live to be 100 but we have never heard a person 99 years old say so. x Minister of Finance. GREER & BRIDDE w. ; Modern Design and Efficiency! BUILDERS AND CONTRACTOR Rerairs - Construction AHratl I"Ioor Sanding: a Specially Outfit your bathroom with PLUMBING that will be delightful to look at 'and serviceable to use as long as your house stands Prince Rupert Plumbing & Heating P.O. M IMione RED .r(l Xmm, Xmmmumu n mini' m, ? UiUrifcg ' liliin. Iiifinilliiii mwrnmnm