i mt mmi 8, do, and allowing the heated' 4 Pr.nrc Uupcrt Dnfip rc'uis Monday, January 19. 1948 Today in Sports SAVOY DEFEATS V ICO-OP 33-27 IN HOOP FIXTURE 'basement air to enter the bed. , J The window is li ft open at nl-jht ; and may often be closed during I the day when the sun is shining on the bed. Hotbeds of this ! type have been tried and test-i ed. and although they do not rARDEN 'JNOTEBO with 18 maintain tpmnpratnres as hieh 1 Led by Jo Davis JUNIOR BASKETBALL LEAGUE IN OPERATION AT CIVIC CENTRE EV.i.tf FVi.l-ii- in tho C i fVnti-K (Jvm is Juvenile rr as other kinds the heat will be points. Savoy defeated Co-op ! more even, and the ventilation 33-17 in Suturday night's senior ! much better. basketball league fixture. Flaten. HOT-BED OUTSIDE WINDOW EASY TO BUILD AND MANAGE What to sow in a hot-bed? , for Co-op. ww ouuS-.ano.ing with j p , .," wi th fnnr t from the lil"'l I I I LuketoaIl League 14 f!a iv 1th lour team pqm 1 1 0 1 I H The tender vegetables that 14 points. Lindsay and MacPhee the evening on participating, hith School has one p ah . need a long season, such as to- of co-op spent (schools matoes, peppers, and eggplants, the bench due to illness. Savoy team, Borden Street has another team and King Ld-the hardier cabbage and cauli- started off by taking the lead , war(j roln.S out the league with two SliaU nower, a few cucumbers or and held it throughout the )lael ()n Friday last the two weekly games were summer squash in pots sunK game! At first quarter the scoie into the earth so they may be was 12-9. 22-15 at the half and brlore a howling crowd of ard- transplanted readily all may be 30-21 at the three-quarter mark. " supporters. In the opening MWf was so (...ed. Kins iianea Girted here lure. ' I In the Intermediate game F' . . King Edward No. 1 squa.sh- Friward under thr leadership of a..u,vtX niiintet bv . . . For the gardener who has a Build a frame to fit in the basement window with southern excavation. The sides must exposure, it is possible to build slant sharply from a point a practical hot-bed which is above the window, almost to more easily watched, aired and the ground. Fit the sash on watered than the standard this frame, using hinges at the type. I top so the sash may easily be C.O.D. DELIVERED FREE PHONE 654 c 1 raised for ventilation, tartn In front of the window make. may be banked around the Most " of the annual flowers eort toward macie uieir ui-uui - ,' " 27'. coucn woo irvme, mru excavation about a Zl frame t0 P out the cold; and bv losing a close one to the Bo- a wide margai. 12-2. This was a wilh a ,.zune defellse- which start be from a early foot loot deep. The The sue must must oe Deneul lrom " aslu c,m h, s tinht ... ...... VA a thrlllinif tame even though th,' ... ..... K....i, .... ! figured carefullv. so that a , " " " here if you do not plan io put me-m iau. . i. ..a.u . noum ju.h mium -w frame set in this excavation PSiilble t0 keeP out Uie wind- I them in the cold frame, other- right up to the dyin minutes . ln the second game of the d. ran he covered bv window or The frame should be caulked ; wise use the not-bed only for when two baskets by Slieir and nAncrn Alt foundation ;, h f,nrier or slow ones. one by Scherk made the score IS 11 l I I nil. I it joins the hot-bed sash. As in the case where Fubl Inco Be . . K mm mmr W W to prevent drafts. The main things to watch are to lane uie game lor of other hut-beds, a glass sub stitute mav be used on the sash. Heat is supplied to this bed temperature and drafts. Venti- Me-Hi. Vickers was high for Port STANDINGS Borden Street school bowed down to a close 5-4 decision at the hand of King Edward No. 2. This was the hard fought game of the day with bi'lh .-.yii.uU battling furlosly fur the victory. The leapue standings to date are as follows: 25c per doien paid for emptiei. p3se have them ready when the driver cslii. COAST BREWERIES LTD. SICKS CAPILANO BREWERY LTD. VANCOUVER BREWERIES LTD. : by opening the basement win- if desired. Pet. 700 lation is necessary on warm tdwara wun u pjini wnue days, and for very short periods Shier and Scherk were tops for on cooler days. Sow seed thinly Bo-Me-Hi with 11 and 12 res-and water bed moderately when pectively. planting; thin out when needed j In the second Intermediate . game of the evening the Merch- William Gordon, customs of- ants, after a slow start, took the fieer at Ocean Falls, who has fashion Footwear Dy a score of been on a brief visit to the city, 27-23. PAH iLeii may! caulk COVC RED FRAME Pet. 1 tH0 .500 .500 .000 P W 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 King Ed. No 1 Borden Street lm) Kins Ed No. 2 Senior League W L Co-op 7 3 Savoy 8 a Brownwoods 3 8 Iiitrrmetiiaie League Bo-Me-Hi 7 0 Merchants 6 3 Fashion Footwear 2 6 Morgans 1 7 Ladies' League WITH CLAiS SUBSTITUTE; WHtftE IT JOINS FOUNDATION Booth 857 250 125 :r-fit i', rc; puUi.licJ cr a--p'i-i rJ or L tde Governmi-nt r.f Rril !i Q-ji.il Bo Cotitro! Next Friday the games will b" King Ed v. aid No. 2 vs. Booth. School. Borden Stieet vs. King Ed- is sailing by the Princess Louise! m the junior game biones tonight on his return to the -on over Gyro 16-12. After tyins paper town. ilne score 12-12 at the end of the j third quarter. Stone's scored e- our noints while thev held the SIDES MAY BC COVEdtO WITH TAR PAPER TO KEEP OUT WIND ,V.WV.V.V.VAV.WVAV.WWAWW.V.VW1 1000 Peoples Store 6 High School 1 ward No. 1. :i NOW OPEN PnrUIr Rnalr Sweet Sixteen .1 Radio Dial j Gyro scoreless. 1240 Kilocycle j Senior CFPR Junior League e:.i Joe (Subject to change) Savoy R. Holkestad 7, m w ww Mil Y SUtVKK AM) Ri-PAIK WASHINC. MACII1N ELECTRIC ,10TOIt: 65 Taxi 166 1000 857 125 125 Davis 18, H. Morgan 4, S. Alex- stone's Mur- School It would be a line imng n the-'e youngsters were treated t' a good-.ized crowd next week but. regardless of whether the crowd turns out or not. th e boys are going to be out theie fighting with plenty of that "oV school spirit" thrown in for good measure. ander. M. Holkestad 2. D iinwnAV P M ELECTRIC IKON Kb EARTH MAt BE B.IKED AKOUUD TUt FRAMt TO KE.EP OUT THR COLft ..3, Z.h.' i. . ray. W. Haugan 2-33 Gyro VACUUM CLEAN Li: 4:30-Especially . . ,, For . V You Co-op-Menzies 2. Haugan 2. jFlaten J4 pierce) om 4 Filfn 4:45-Magic Adventure i shler 2 ,2? 5:00 Latin American Rhythms! I KNRS f CRAMOIMIONKS I llrclric and Sprint and all Home Appliane g 12 2nd Ave. H R i, mas 4. Walsh, Sharon, Christoff 4. MeChesney 6. Holt. 16. Gyro Marshall 2. Sather 4, Young 4. Hartwig. McAra 2. Mac- Werking Drawing fer Hot-Bed Outside Basement Window iDiermmisic I Port Edward A. Vickers 12, A. 5:15 Vaughan Munroe and Orch. 5:30 Hartley and HU Miuic ; Stewart 2. T. Venn 3. H. Gurney. Farlane. Slater. Hills. Toderas ,w.. - - Classified Advertising - - OlaKl Heels: 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge, 50c. Birth Notice. 60c; Cards of Thanks. Death Notices. Funeral Notices, Mnrrlage and Engagement Announcements: $2. R. Davis 0, A. Gurney 7, J. Woods 12. C Barton 3. D. Wauer. S. Har- . ris. J. Daniels. 27. j ROBSART. Sask. By a j Bo-Me-Hi Olsen 2, Davidson vote of 25-23 this southwestern jl, Shier 11. Scherk 12, Spring 3, Saskatchewan hamlet .recently Carlson. Boulter. 29. ! approved a lcx-al option bylaw j Junior 1 authorizing sale of beer by the Stone's Carlson, Lesieur, Du- elass. FOR SALE FOR REM- K7 TH Help-m mi EMERGENCY FOR RENT 2 room furnished FOR SALE Franklin Heater, suite. 537 8th Ave. West. (17) i base and two lengths of pipe, - . $4 00. Mrs. Pullen. 229 3rd Ave. FOR RENT ,,,-, Well furnished,; v. j w (15) ; bright, 4 rooms and bath. Will' ' j be vacant Feb. 15 in Summit FOR SALE Kitchen range, $25. i 5:45 Yours Sincerely, Wpg. 6:00 Slipper Serenade 6:15 Martial Airs 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 According to Record 6:50 Recorded Interlude 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Recital Time 7:45 Canadian Short Stories 8:00 The Choristers 8:30 The Smiths of Hollywood 9:00 National Farm Radio Forum and News CBC 9:30 String Melodies 10:00 CBC News 10:10-BC. News Mr. and Mrs. Hicks Welcome You At All Times FRASER HOUSE When the proper medication can relieve su!(i-; and hasten improved health, you ran rely" on u to L. jour doctor's prescription speedily. Apartments. Please phone Mrs. J. Linney, Black 277. (16 1 FOR RENT Two room furnished apartment. 801 Borden St. (15i Good heating and cooking oven. 345 6th Avenue East. 1 15 1 FOR SALE Two lots less than assessed value for quick sale. Blue 773 (19i 714 Fraser Street Phone Black 823 Ph i - PHONE II Ormes Brings Announcing our new HOLMES TOWING AND WRECKING TRICK SERVICE FOR SALE .35 calibre Remin- , 10:15 Provincial Affairs ton Woodsmaster autoloading ' 10:30 Dance Orch. FOR RENT Warm sleeping room, reasonable. Apply 808 Fraser Street. (16) SAFER LESS EXPENSIVE FASTER ROOM AND UOARD GURVICH & SON CoillUlVlOl'S HASEMENT FOUNDATIONS OUR SPECIALTY . LAND CLEAKINT, ROCK WORK ' TRUCKS For Hire PHONE 32 or RED 511 SIXTH STREET r:. VAVMVAVi'AVA'AWiVW.WAVAVd'.V.ViV rifle, $45. Phone Red 728 after 6 p.m. (tf) FOR SALE New and Used Furniture, Hardware and Office Fixtures, etc. New Articles at Special Prices, Skillets 80c. Cups and Saucers 25c, Soup Plates 25c, Electric Hot Plates ROOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent. Table meals. Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street. (tf) With this new equipment we can do the job with the lea-st possible effort and save you money by cutting down labor charges to a minimum. RUPERT MOTORS LTD. "Complete Automotive Repair Service" Iay Phone 566 (Nights, Black 320) il:0o Weather and Sign-off TUESDAY AM. 7:30 Musical Ciock . 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Moderns 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visit 10:15 Morning Melodies 1030 Treasure Islands fEKSONAL $7, Scatter Rugs $1.75, Handmade British India Rugs, Book Cases, Chest of Drawers, IF IT'S CONSTRUCTION WOR IF YOU HAVE an Alcoholic problem, contact Alcoholics Anonymous, Box 276 Daily News. (tf) WINTER tm. Mattresses $16, Dishes, 5)4 piece set, beautiful design. Slightly Used Electric and Battery Ra HELP WANTED f- WE DO IT I Your Remodelling, Addition, Repairs p $ Finishing given prompt attention Our now Wasop Rock Drill ami I Floor Sander at Your Service S CALL BLUE 610 OVER dios from $2.5. All kinds of other new and used useful articles at very reasonable prices. B. C. Furniture Co., Black 324. (tf) PHOTOGRAPHY Developing, Printing Enlarging, Picture Framing Chandler and Cowjrill 216 Fourth Street Box 645 PRINCE RUPERT, B C. 10:40-Recorded 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 CBR Presents 11:15 Songs of luday 11:30 Weather Forecast 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude ll:45-Ethel and Albert, ABC KM 12:00-Mid-oay Melodies WANTED First class mechanic to work in small garage. Recommendation needed. Apply Perow Garage, Perow, B.C. (.19 WORK WANTED That is all your Car or Truck may need to keep it rolling through till Spring DAN'S SERVICE STATION I'd IlilT CM I'rinr. I'lliwrt, H J IT IT'S MADE OF WOOD WE MAKE IT FOR SALE R room house with three room suite, close in, easy terms arranged. Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. 15 FOR SALE Simplex Engines AVAVAVV.VAVAVA'AVA,A,A,A,AVA,.'A'.Vl Green G05 M Bride Street MLDDLE-aged woman will look after children evenings. Phone Green 588. (tf) FOR 1'2 to 31 H P. air cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight or WANTED Winter DrivM Don't Take Chances! Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B.C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS. (ti WANTED Used piano in good condition. Phone Black 167. (15) WANTED TO RENT Furnished housekeeping room, central. depend on G00DYEAIL POWER r T V 12:25 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded 1:00 The Concert Hour 1:30 Artists or Tomorrow 1:45 Commentary and Ethelwyne Hobbes 2:00 B. C. School Broadcast 2:30 Sheila Present 3:00 Varieties in Music 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 A Moment in Music 3:30 Divertimento 3.45 -BBC News 3:55 B. T. Richardson FOR SALE Seven room house with bath, Atlin Avenue. Piano, dining-suite, heater, Two Sailings Per Week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE lor elderly lady. Phone Blue 5. (tfi stm k of all Ci(MlVEAB tc Rl'BBER (ompaB' j9- MACHINERY FOR SALE Why take chances on ruining your car in Winter when a good grease job NOW will prevent serious trouble. Beatty tubs with stand. New picket fencing; girl's bicycle. Green 296. (17) ...... i. nosF B'f IN(i. BATTERIES. Elr. jf PRINCE RUPE FOR SALE Planer. McGreeor- Gourley 0x12, complete with TO SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. (tf) SUPPLY HOU Imv AvaiUibJpl belts, shiplap, flooring and square heads. Price $500.00.! AC nlrc Manufacturer's 712 2nd Ave. Smithers Lumber Yard, Smi-thers, B.C. 20i PARKER LIMITED FORD-MONARCH DEALER Phoi S3 BOB Box 38 M LOST ANU I Ol'ND Tuesdays, l:Si p.m. Coqultlam. Fridays. 12 midnight. Catala. STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 12 midnight. QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS January 9, 23 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS January 11, 25 RUPERT MARINE REAL FOR SALE 1939 Cab over engine l'j-ton GMC Truck in good condition. Terrace Machine Shop and Garage, Terrace, B.C. (20 1 FOUND Two keys on string by Wrathall's Photo Shop. Owner may have same by calling at the Daily News and paying for this advertisement, (tf) TRY Rex Cade FOR SALE Used car, 19361 (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . 1 BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTS BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQl',r,It ' TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR Ql'ICK SALES OR CHARTERS sedan, cheap. Green 155. 17 METAL WORK. FOUND- Pair o glasses, front Of Gordon & Anderson. Owner .may have same by calling at Daily News and paying for this advertisement. (18) FOR TASTY MEALS Chop Suey Chow Mein CHINESE DISHES Ol'R SPECIALTY OPEN S A.M. TO 2 AM LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL (Just East of Llpsett't, Waterfront) ! ki ki,a Green PLUMBINQ Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK. Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughing and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TIXRKR X 4S44 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent ' Sealed tenders will be received by SECOND AVENUE, OPPOSITE PRINCE RUPERT HOTEL the Minister of Forests at Victoria Third Ave. . Phone 508 N Cl EC, not litter than 11 a.m. on the 201 h day of January. 1048. (or the purchase of Licence X 43444. to cut S. 628, 000 f b in. of Spruce. Cedar, and Hemlock, on an area situated on the West side of Louise Island, Cum-hews Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief ToreWor. Victoria. B C or District Forester, prince Rupert, B C, THE WHOLE TOWN'S 99 CRAZY