VOL. XXXVII, No. 15. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS i ynowciowmi i On ermah Control Is d xement of King andCabinetus arrested fees at Ottawa Mooted !F2J!?1S '-'fJ Reported to Have Confessed at Fargo, North Dakota Russia May Sound Off Sharply at Berlin Meet BERLIN (CP) Russia is expted to sound off sharply against the new British-American bi-zonal occupation set-up in Western Germany when the Allied Control Council meets tomorrow but officials of the two western powers predict that outright break with the Soviet Union will be averted. , ,TAWA (CI') Amid speculation as to when r Minister W. L. Mackenzie King may retire, VANCOUVER, ff It wus reported hjre today that Fargo, uian i.ju delegates today were present at the e p ot of the ine annual annual meeting meeting of of the the advisory advisory coun- coun- North Dakota, police are hoid-the the National National Liberal Liberal Federation. Federation. There There will will he he lng a 22-year w Vancouver rra-day discussion ot party policies, man. Roy Carlton, who allegedly admitted 16 armed hold-ups here and in Seattle. His confes Reports have been current that MRS. LOGAN IS STROKE VICTIM Resident of Prince Rupert for Twenty Years Passes Away Mrs. Margaret Logan, wife of William Logan and a resident of Prince Rupert for about 20 years, passed away Saturday afternoon following a stroke. She resided at 653 Tatlow Street.. She was a native of the Shetland Islands and was 56 years of age. Besides her husband, who Is employed as a stevedore here, Mrs. Logan is survived by a ssiter, Mrs. Dan Fraser, at Fort St. James, and two brothers Charles St. Clair in Saskatchewan, Robert St. Clair at Fairbanks, Alaska. The funeral wil Hake place Thursday afternoon. Chinese From Officials and the Germans sion Includes several bank rob Mr. King might disclose his ln-U'lition to retire as party leader beries. Police at Fargo said they at the annual dinner tomorrov: , found $$300 which Carlton hid ! ni!.',ht. VMILLS MAY STRIKE-TIED enty-eight Thousand Mem- ( A.F.I.. in Pacific ClWest Favor Walk-out EUROPE AID HELD VITAL Baruch Heard by United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee There is also speculation about police station. reported Impending cabinet . changes which may see Hon. Ian ; themselves wonder whether Marshal Vassily Sokolosky, Russian occupation commander, will demand that the United States, Great Britain and France pull out of Berlin on the grounds that the new bi-zonal plan nullifies four power agreements for the control of Germany. The Council has not met since the London conference of foreign ministers. The new joint government set-UD in Mackenzie, veteran minister of pensions and national health, bo Gandhi Ends TTLE, (P A strike vote by to the Scale and be succeeded by ' Peace Fast WASHINGTON, U Bernard M. Baruch, advisor to President Truman, laid before United States senators today a program western Washington Hon. Milton Gregg, minister of rs of the American Feci- fisheries, with R. W. Mayhew, A of Labor lumber and Liberal member for Victoria, or UU workers union was un- Thomas Reid, Liberal member Germany ,as proposed by United States States and and Britol Britain, n nrmiM n4s for "peace-waging" including a i 'Terrace Dies a nwum fei W ous Tor beginning a strike for New Westminster, becoming! week unless they receive a minister of fisheries. I iuii-uatK m iooa prices, no tne Germans more power in the wage raises and no tax cuts for government of the economically two years. Hoy Ming, a Chinese cook from Terrace, died in Prince Rlinprt. riunoral Unni(l lnoi merged zones. Baruch told the Senate foreign --e- Establishment of the bi-zonal region has been attacked bitterlv i . u " v , . .ii..ijuLi ioow night. He was 69 years old and reia"-ions committee in discus- ViqH w in u,.ni i. it. Sinn aid for Flimnp trior "Mrl. by the Russian press. .ww It v . has i.iu m uu.sfjii.ai a ncttt. jnc j .factory wage boost." jotiations of the union's nd for a 30c per hour wage use to a minimum scale of !4 per hour have been d fsince failure to reach an ment with employers in a lay conference at Portland ary 8 and 9. "ing and saw milling oper-l in four northwest states '.. some involved. had been employed at a lum- lars alone wul not save Europe ' oeen suggested that the Western ber camp near the interior nor wln ' tne peace." He then Allies would be asked to vith- Packer Unloads j Frozen Fish Here The A'.a.ska fish packer Silver' Wave docked at Prince Ruptrt Saturday evening from PetersT burg to unload two carloads of frozen fish for rail shipment to Chicago. The vessel, under command of Capt Ralph Lane, sailed shortly afterward to Se ife proposed restoration of the ex-1 draw their forces from Berlin. town. He is surviveu by his wi cess prouis tax ai au per cent or i Satisfied, He Says, That War Between India and Pakistan Over NEW DM.HI, (CP) Mohandas K. fiandhi on Sunday broke his fast for communal peace among the Hindus, Sikhs and Moslems of India. The 78-year old Hindu spiritual leader drank a small glass of sweet lime juice, a signal that he was satisfied he had fulfilled his vow to touch no food until peace was restored. Gandhi told a huge prayer meeting that he had broken his 121-hour fast on the pledge and counsel of friends from Hindu India and Moslem Pakistan. He said they had assured him of "complete and unbroken friendship'' between THIRD INDIAN in China. THE WEATHER Synopsis Although fog and low cloud wartime level. "The time has come," Baruch said, "to organize to mobilize for peace. It cannot be put off safely any longer." attle. RADIOPHONE .... Kanirn Baruch nrnnnsprt proposed q a - joint tnint de- " c! Mrs. G. Leeining and Mrs. G. are sun the southern covering coastal areas of British Colum- aWed . e pac' under aTB tne Marshall "aUn?, be planMI "g AT K iMNlUUIll ! NfO TH bia a disturbance now entering the Gulf of Alaska is exnerted 38 a Paction against aggres- VES LOCAL STRIKE HAS E FUTURE t. ( Ellis of Victoria arrived in the city Friday night oi the Car-dena and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Foster, 432 Eighth Avenue West. They are here to sion. to brine fresh Pacific air into I KINCOLITH The third radiophone of the proposed six-i point hook-up of the Indian the region during the next 48 hours. Rain should" spread to the Health ... Services, . centreing at Prince. Rupert, was put in service Thursday by Indian Agent F. E. Anfield and Health Ser B Rupert's "Park Avenue northern coast this afternoon jand reach the southern coastal areas tomorrow. Cloudiness is general in the Cold Wave Hits East Twenty-Five Persons Are Dead Away Below Zero in Ontario V ! attend the wedding - of - Mr. all communities. 'Leemings son. Jack, to Miss Joy Gandhi said he hoped to live Foster, which taxes place at on until he was 125 years of First United Church Thursday age working for peace in his night. country. I : : TOD A Y'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. I 00OOWO00MOKJO0HCKOH3 4 vices Dr. J. A. Macdonald. The telephone is situated In the nurses' residence here. The current plan calls for radiophones at Prince Rupert, Port Simpson, Kincolith, Kltimaat southern interior but there has been no precipitation of any consequnece in these areas. Relatively clear skies in central and northern B.C. are expected to become cloudy tonight with scattered snow flurries on rmrjfjn ,tv,o 1 a"u iKatia. ine nrst three wave of the season swept across'!"' v!".0"0": e ser: IS HE RETIRING? Prime Minister King may give his answer to Liberal national executive opening in Ottawa today. Toronto Tuesday. Temperatures are still somewhate higher than normal in Central and Northern B.C. eastern and southeastern Uni-j "c " at I ST?, Ua. ted States today but moderated . i lan considerably in the m.dwestera f Ag?CrLbaLNaS" states. The icy wave caused a'fT p " " minimum nf tlntv.fiv. Hp ti, . phone and can keep in touch .07 .22 .73 .47 .16 .12' Athona Aumaque Beattie Bevcourt Bobjo . Buffalo Canadian To Represent This Area at Meeting When the Associated Boards of and near normal over the rest of the province. Sawmiliing At Terrace and cut sharolv into fuel oil I V"1 ..any 01 tne Points on the circuit. Forecast Prince Runert. Queen Char- supplies. The Chicago Wea- Trades delegates gather in Pen- ticton February 25 to discuss lottes and North Coast In-federally aided transprovincial i creasing cloudiness becoming highway projects and other mat- overcast with intermittent rain ters of mutual importance, this afternnnn npfflcinriQl rain , Operations Temporarily Slowed up by Heavy Snow Forty Mills Upwards of 4U sawmills, some George McAdams of Terrace Objective of the installation is to give radio communication to isolated villages, primarily to aid the work of the Indian Health Services. In cases ef accident or other emergency, nurses at the various points can get in touch with Dr. Macdonald at Prince Rupert for advice on treatment. If the case requires treatment ther Bureau said that sub-zero readings were general. In the New England States the mercury skidded well below freezing as far south as Southern Florida. The coldest weather was at Phillipsburg in Western Pennsylvania, 26 below zero. In Memphis, Tennessee, twelve inches of snow fell on Saturday luesday. Winds light increasing to south easterly 20 m.p.h. this afternoon. Little change in tem- Vancouver Bralorne 10.25 B. R. Con 04 B. R X 09' -t Den ton la 13 Grull Wihksne Oft'3 Mm to 02 Fend Orielle . 2.45 Pioneer 3.30 Premier order 04:,4 Privateer 28 Reeves iCtcDonald ... 1.30 Reno 10 Salmon Gold .21 Sheep Creek 1.10 Taylor Bridge ... 50 Taku River 55 Vananda 18 Congress 04 Pacific Eastern 05 Hedley 'Amalgamated .01 '.i i Spud Valley 12" 2 Central Zeballos . 01 1 4 ! Silbak Premier .45 Oils Calmonl 51 C. & E. 4.00 Foothills 3.20 Home 620 perature. Lows tonight and fairly large and some rather former president, will likely rep-small affairs, are now operating resent the Associated Boards of within a 25-mile radius of Ter- Trade of Central British Colum-race, providing employment for bia. The question of sending a an estimated 350 men in plants delegate to this conference came and bush. Recent heavy snow up at an executive meeting of conditions in the area have the Associated Boards in Ter-slowed up operations since race at the end of the week and Christmas both in mill and bush Mr. McAdams indicated the but by the end of the month possibility of his attending. Mr. most of the mills should be hum- and Mrs. McAdams will be In Consul. Smelters 97.50 Conwest 86 Donalda 81 Eldona 69 Elder 63 Giant Yellowknife ... 580 God's Lake 84 Hardrock 13 Harricana 07' 2 Heva 17 Hosco 37 Jacknife 04 Joliet Quebec 37 Lake Rowan 11 Lapaska .09 1 2 Little Long Lac 1.15 Lynx 0!) Madsen Red Lake . 2.91 McKenzie Red Lake 5G M'cLcod Cockshutt ... 1 23 Moncta 35 Negus 2.30 Noranda 49 00 by the highs Tuesday: Port Hardy 38 and 42, Massett 35 and 45, Prince Rupert 38 and 42. Northern British Columbia-Variable cloudiness today be- pnmtnir nvnrnaer rilificrr Ua nf. and the temperature stood at "yn MacJonaltl t.hr nhv r .,. vo., can board hk tne Naskeena w and be A" contains little of the I metal, in the opinion torge Royals. Yukon pro.s-! Wid diamond driller, who i hit opinion on the result) survey made last week ith letallxscope," an adaption ie wartime mine detector In ore prospecting .Royals and Dick Cavan-owner of the device, made .ivey on certain claims on Hion of the chum owurrs cancludcde that "the re-wcre so discouraging that ToUnd does not warrant any ier exploration. ' e machine. Mr. Royals says, a type widely u.sed i.l the 1 mining industry and Is oved fur explo' ition work he United S ales vein-1. ',It operates in m iieral ng, on a simil tr principle line detectors used during war, ter looking over the t 'Train, Royals said he thinks that gold Hi u n.i 1... U theiv !s loloji.'al accidc.it, u-f.ul'irg i Tcini" or .( i :al ai ti. ;i. his Island certainly isn't the of formation wher.' on" d expect to find gold in WT0ial quantity." he said, e machine sends electronic -Ue to a depth of 250 ted records any mineralization l rat) ;e. There p'e 1'idica-I of li on, and possibly small "Act of gold.' Mr. Royals said, .TOthing of any quantity, e surveys were niacin on in-'onkr ill.' tlaim owners, he 1. l-'o, ail the claims wove yea, -.Sers of claims were staked ' rark Avenue last Seplcin-)B a blast at the city rock .7 brought up a gold nug-f rich value. No actual has been done on ay df "iljlis staked since that 'J SOyals, who has been m y'lor about three weeks. ii'e from the Yukon r. I. 4.1 ; . . .... President Truman has order- fc PSSf i . , matter of hours. While on the uui.t.g uic i retrMtnn. rpst.rirt.inns UOC Ul llnM. . V . ..uoivirtuo iic uau Rcep in toucn itrnuun. uvercast wun widely 111 " V11C ' scattered snow flurries tonight I heating and motor fuels- with the nursing station by ra- ming again. Meantime, mill Prince Rupert on Thursday and Tuesday. Winds light, Tern-I ONTARIO GETTING dlophone. crews are engaged in loaaing nigut oi una ween ironi vrain io peratures slightly above normal, ix' COLD ALSO yard stock for shipment and boat enroute to Vancouver fori Lows tonight and highs Tues- Toronto a logs are starting to be moved by an extended holiday trip to the! day: Prince George 15 and 35,' WpYn, ,r n, !'aS trucks trucks acain again from from ramns camps into into southern southern Dart part of of the the nrovince province. ismit.hprs Smithers 20 -n and onri in 30, Ti,vh Telegraph sweeping into untarlo today BRIGHTER, CHEAPER NAPANEE, Ont. (F This Lennox county town is satisfied With the ne Wlilhfj: Inst.allaH nn with Sudbury reporting 58 be low zero and White River 47 falling j the main street. The lights not Toronto only provide better illumination below. Snow started this afternoon in the area. the mills despite the difficulties of -handling the timber In soft snow which is as deep as five feet at some points and in whicn the trees virtually disappear on being felled. Terrace-produced lumber is still finding its market in the i LOCAL TIDES Tuesday, January 20, 1948 High 7:41 18.5 ft. . 20:35 15.3 ft. ' Low 1:04 8.8 ft. 1 14:35 7.9 ft. but use less electric power than the lamps they replaced. Creek 20 and 30. Pleads Guilty To Supplying In city police court this morning, Hans Loken was fined $50 and $3.50 costs after he pleaded guilty to a charge of supplying liquor to an Indian. Is Remanded On Driving Charge Charged with driving while intoxicated. Murray Oliver, local E. Jacquest, travelline asent Constable E. D. Anderson of district headauarters of the flf thn Qw, T tnA .1,1- l i United States Eastern Canada! M()rri, Dahl Ust wpU knwn and the United Kingdom and, ; Cedarvale , m operator ,eft paradoxically enough, the lum- : t A f ,,..,,. v. i - v Anne wim ueaaquar- provincial police returned to the ters In Edmonton, arrived in the city on the Catala last evening city on Saturday night's train from a brief trip to Vancouver, on one of his periodical business , v rilU Ul tlir VVt-ClV UH Ilia If , . ber for export to the United . ... i lum tu nit: miciiuf aiiei a unci , ... Kingdom is being delivered to bu8lne8S visit to tne city "" tnps through the, dUtrict. Sponsored by Civic Centre m:otimilOtri 1UI LI UlloolllLJ- J ' 11 "' 1 , ment ...w.l, at 65c UJL Pri per hundred uuimicu feet icri. Tpitapp lerrace .on nn iria Eliza rm Creek ir in the tuJl ! DDIMPC Dl 1DCDT I taxi driver appeared l.i chj j police court Saturday, entering a , plea of not guilty. His case was jadjounred until this afternoon. Oliver' is represented by T. W. Brown. I Oscar Franklin Stewart, who is charged with dungc-ous d.'lv-lng. entered a plea of not guilty and was remanded until Tuesday for healing. Roderick Mac PKIiXlJrL KUPhKI for the rail haul instead of 17eLakelse j area, the principals be- , i-i-pi V TUC ATD V per thousand to Prince Rupert, lng Jack Franks and William Os-1 L1 1 1 Lt- I rlt- 1 Kt. Louvicourt 1.30 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 06 K San Antonio , . 4 10 Senator Rouyn 52 Sherritt Gordon 2 85 Steep Rock 2.15 Sturgeon River 20 HOCKEY SCORES National League Saturday Boston 1, Toronto 4. Chicago 1, Montreal 3. Sunday Chicago 5, Detroit 4. Toronto 2, New York 2 (tie I. Montreal 1, Boston 1 (tie). Pacific Coast Saturday Tacoma 5, Portland 3. Fresno 4, Los Angeles 2'. San Diego 4, San Francisco 2. New Westminster 6, 2. Sunday Tacoma 6, Seattle 3. Oakland 5, Portland 2. o cUi.nti.-t. ,.,u;v, I., ' , . T the operators as well as those the concern's otvn limits and who are agitating for develop- the output of 8.000 or 9.000 feet ment of the port of Prince Ru per day is being trucked into JT works a claim near pert. Presents "Goodnight Caroline" One Act Farce "Gay Nineties Kevue" Musical "0-0-Me-Thunlb One Act Comedy c Leod is acting as counsel ior Stewart. Terrace for shipment. One of the long standing op Little, Haugiand & Kerr and PUBLICITY FOR AREA SOUGHT Provincial Government to be area from a general industrial Asked to Provide Area Booklet , standpoint. It was felt that this With various communities in , would be the most effective way the area planning their own in- of publicizing the area a3 a dividual publicity literature ef-' whole, supplementing rather forts, the Associated Boards of ambitious publication efforts Trade of Central British Colum- now being planned in the local bia executive, in session at Ter-. communities such as Prince Ru-race at the week-end, decided pert and Terrace. It was felt to request the provincial Depart-. that. In view of the increasing ment of Trade and Industry to active interest being taken by produce a booklet assembling in j the provincial government in the some detail particulars, possl-1 north it might be favorably dis-bilities and attractions of the .posed to such a publicity pro-entire Central British Columbia ject. Sande's Mill at Terrace and erations in the Terrace area the Little, Haugiand i Kerr at 17- Haccn mill at nrmner F.itv nine ""lor F. i B. Woods-John -police, returned r c Davidson, divisional en- nclal Mile on the Kalum Road and Carl Pohle in the Kalum Lake area are still the major he ! CIVIC CENTRE Al'OITOKIVM ! Frirlav .f:inn.irv 93 .V on Saturday night's gincer. Canadian nawu.m returned io me titj ways. ' -fin a trip into the in-,r M far as Prince George ed down recently after having been cutting for 20 or 25 years. John Hagen has disposed of the machinery in the plant and has now taken up residence in Terrace. Later he may commence a logging operation. nluht's train irom a Saturday Newest mill in the Terrace 1 duties, and sailed last trip over the aivisio o 8.15 p.m. Adults 50p Children li-W (15, 18) district is the Fraborn Lumber to4 'he Catala to make the Jasper Park on Co. plant nine miles south of utt pto Stewart. duties.