Tlio a (,!,. 1... ! urrn il Anna (Moorfield, Ont.l, Mr. and jyjoose Whist Drive . ....... . 1 TT-J 1 tfa Luren was 6D years of aye. He came here from the East Koot-enay country where he had ful- TERRACE OLD 6 1FIINFPAI OF Prince Rupert Dailp J3cU Monday, January 19, 1948 uie nuer in Trail Whfr, , married daughters - sh 'Mitt . J ! lowed mining. Some years ago ihe was assistant forest ranger Fanny-reside. Anotht- mrs. nuauis iiiuuiuuwu, icc . and Ross (Anchorat-e, Alaska),' And Dance Lnjoyed the Purdy family (Ketchikan),! Thp n ()f (.ard the Thompson family (Cahfor- 6a ,n the nia). Jean, Cyril and Merle umipr th(? aus. (Moorfield, Ont.. the Elevator 0r(U.r , Ut Is Mrs. Janus O'Brien of L'sk. and later engaged in trapping and well digging. JOSEPH JACK Many Pay Final Tribute to Memory of Prince Uupert Pioneer TIMER DIES Joseph McLaren Succumbed to Heart Atttick in His Home at End of Week TERRACE Having evidently I i v Staff (Prince Kuperii, Mr. ana,- Moose Saturday night proved to Reminiscences By w.J. and Reflections Mrs. John Watson, Mr. and Mrs. be an enjoyable and successful Mount Pleasant Funeral Home ', William McLeod and John affair. Card playing, under the (in Vancouver was crowded with .(Prince Rupert), Mr. and Mrs. dlrefttjon of wiu'iam Terry, took been dead for about a day, probably as a result of a heart seizure, the body of Joseph Mc- former Prince Rupert people as S. E. Parker, Mr. and Mrs. W 1 up 1 ' the early part of the evening. ... . I . . , rr.1 wen as otner menus ana jui-,r. Annum, mi. aim , Prize-winnc rs for the women mer Prince Rupert clergyman b. mack, Mr. ana Mrs. n. i. nui, Mrs D Bolam and Mrs, A. i i Laren, resident of a quarter oi a ! century or more here, was found ; lying on the floor of the kitchen To combat the rising cost of, "I may go south again in 20 living, Canada's consumers are or 30 years," he remarked, after turning to baked beans. It his return, should not be inferred from I when the funeral took place on 'Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Asemissen,'MoHer fQr thp wom,.n wU1) of last week of the Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Parker, Mr. i,. A T,, p.,t,.t1fwri t;il- n Mc hnmo upst. of town late ...IIUIWM. ww this that pork is asociated with Sir Wilfred Laurier was in, late Joseph E. Jack, wno sue-, ana Mrs. u. r-oy, iu. uu lvlng high scores for the men. Saturday afternoon. Discovery of Mr. McLaren's the beans although it has al- Metlakatla once. ADoara a stern cumoea 10 serious oim. , Dancing to music provided oy I V.JtKji-A .jfi.-" w. i 1-.-' v.- I auuuiiiuwiiv . -v , ..... ..... T -i - ..t 'o hcv v vion-inr the the land-'rient. land-'dent a a few few davs days Drevious. previous, In in the ine vis vis McLeod. McLeoa. Mr. Mr. and ana Mrs mis. neu Stevens' Orchestra commenced at 10:30 Following the distribution of prizes to the winners at certain aiuiuij. iiimiuil, a. oun e , . ... . ,., . . !..:. .. fm ki ninr oiroVioaH. i camo ncrirtpnt Mrs. Jack was McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. is P. 01 two souis wnn dut. a single oaic u .....v. , --- - - -,, two hearts that beat ed, and slowly pacing the deck.; also injured ana was sun con- wooasme, mi. uu ... thought, th Prfmipr rirank in the fresh- fined to hospital wnen inu tares, ueorge nuw,, in. .m death was made by his son-in-law, James O'Brien, who had arrived from Usk to visit him. lie walked in and found the body on the floor. Deceased had been seen alive last on Thursday afternoon when lie had been in town, or some time he had been In, as one" identity. Today cards during intermission, the gathering was entertained by the talents of Mrs. Nora Thompson at the piano and Stephen Drew with his guitar. Refreshments were served at 11:15 and funeral was held. Mrs. Joseph Bennett, Mr. ana Rev. W. D. Grant Holling-1 Mrs. J. H. Macey, Mrs. l; B. worth of St. Paul's Presbyterian 'Lambly (Tranquillei, Gladys, Church officiated, paying high Bob and Jerry Ranck (Seattle), tribute to deceased and alluding Lynn Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. A. to the respect and esteem in ' .Sloan, Mrs. H. E. Ross, Bernlce which he had been held end Bill, Mr. and Mrs. B. Kin-throuehout his long residence ,nie, Kaien Chapter R. A. M. l . .... Lflollt, considering beans, it must bejness of the September morning, stated that pork is out. Pork and beauty of the hills. As much is not only out. It is. in fact, 'to himself as to those within becoming exclusive, if not pos-j hearing he said, with a slight ifcively uppish. The price is accent: "A grand countree. A bevond the average man, and 'grand countree." The party strolled from the shore at Met-lobking so he falls back on that homey little brown pot, filled lakatla over to the school and the balance of the evening was ' v1 .. ! iWkX. sly it Irt The coroner. Will Robinson, devoted to dancing. and Dr. Stanley Mills were can 1 1 n,..l and Mrs. Mr. in Prince Rupert. Following then Prince Rupert ca ana sausneu uinnanrm wi. death was due to natural cu.i 1 . A native of Scotland, Mr. Mc- Mr. and Mrs. K.' F. Harding left this afternoon by air for a trip to Vancouver. to the brim with well cooKea ' Launei , UUwmS .u u: k,i,.u. rpmnrkPrt that, a new nuDil had ' service interment was made in, James Krikevsky, Mr yaller eyed beans," hot come to her fine little school Forest Lawn Cemetery. Consist Hawthorne Dunn, John. Delia and Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Bar- rant.'EtMmPH hmwn hread und and suggested that all have a ing principally of old Prince Ru pallbearers, nev Phillipson, Mr. and Mrs. the nert friends SCAR LEVANT nlentv-of butter and coffee. No , holiday. one starves on that. Mrs. A. MHburn. Mr. and Mrs. Edna and Ferris Sticker. Milly Oscar Sathor. Mrs. Whitlow. Mr. J and Roy. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. and Mrs. O. T. Adams i Edmon-', Brown. Nick Chenoskl, Mr. and ton, Mr. and Mrs. J. Saunders. ; Mrs. Jack Campbell, Joan and Ethel Croll. Mr. and Mrs. Mai-! Bob. Bet ty and Freddy. Gerry colm McLeLod. Catherine and ' Woodside. Betty and Gerry Harold Gent. Margaret and Sid, j Wynne, Mr. and Mrs. J. Lowe, Kate Herman and Aunt I taie. JuJne and Gordon Lovitt (Vic- Prince Rupert has seen five theatres come and one remain betweeti 1909 and 1948. First of the lot was a glorified barn on were Joseph Saunders, Ernest Eric Parr, Alex Murray, Mr. ami Gammon, Malcolm McLeod Mrs. Ernest Gammon and Robert Cameron, J. Lowe and E. Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pren-r. Baker. Idergast, Mr4 and Mrs. Chester Among the many who sent Neff, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mc-floral offerings were: jlntosh, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Keron, The Family, Douglas, Grace; . M HuHhes. Cul. This man found Seattle altogether too swift for him. He orefers to stay up north. His and Rupert Road where the late name is Emmett Botelho, Frank. Alice. Rov and Lillian, tortai. Larry and he's an Alaskan territorial pat rolman. Frame Stevens assauuea me ; piano and villainy pursued vir- ' tun all nupr flip Kprppn Npxt. nn Blair. Mr. and Molly and Dave. Bill and Maddy, lei Skae and Miss Phia Bennett and Mrs. R. M. and Bert, Belist Chapter O.E.S. ' ( Prince Rupert), Tsimpsean Lodge A.F. & A.M. (Prince Rupert). Conestoga Lodge.F. & A. ' Not long ago he took a trip to gecond Avenue beyond Seventh I by Rt f- j recoru i'lh&ZSg-, 1 The tieaiiie ior me iirsi. vinie in ma life. He had never been fur Street appeared what looked like a promising little movie house ther south before, than Ketchi- but it first had a fire, then con- Now he is back and he, I kan, traded malnutrition and died says: "Thin in real life. The Westholme and ?s and people move too ; Emoress theatres on Second Av- fast there for me." enue saw years of good and not In Seattle he was met at the iso good business, each giving M. (Drayton, Ont.), the Both-emlys (California), The Boys (California), Bryce, Wanda and cony and boxes. Around the corner on 'Third ! Avenue, another playhouse, the ; Majestic, for a year or so reliev-: ed lifes' vexing worries and finally came the Capitol, which immediately became the city's entertainment centre, setting a strictly modern and gratifying standard. plane gangplank by a horde of stage plays as well as pictures, photographers and news re- Even musical comedies, with porters, for he was a novelty, buxom chorus on the pint-size and therefore, news. But, he stage of the Empress, remains did not wish to be photographed one of the minor mysteries of or interviewed. He moved for the amusement world. The a car as quick as he could. Westholme was roomy, with bal- MB li ! r -J$ P60pl6S'r Solid Comfort v :: f ": - 1 1 i ' i 4 t " 5 WW f&& ' ill Nightwear and Housecoats .v,c Wi-C" AiV 'V n wi i sm .IV VSA' .Arc I 1 . TVV- roc (3 Witty M vt ' WtfW tvv BEDJACKETS PYJAMAS HOUSECOATS Year After Year the Mecca for Wise Buyers l ..V. tf6 o1 ot A, 1 tVv .t. to tCi to Store i Lint1' Peoples Kit v. U lC7cn n-he I i M IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIBDIIIIIilllllllllllll SEE IS ABOUT THE ot The Popular it? Avo New 'miTICO" Rubber Plugging n 4o4nf 8 :.,cA e VtfYvVtb -r,VtAt(1 .Aia1 r Pt AotS cte - AucV ft. v . n V rrrerbpralnrv furnnrt in the AitAv imelting plant. WTO c S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For FLOOR TILE ". -iii id'4 tce Easily applied Lasts a lifetime Comes in a wide range of colors, solid and shades. Will not break or curl. VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY .; AT 11:15 P.Vl. j" For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For information call or write City or Depot Ticket Offices. PRINCE KIPEKT, B.C. "fhf (fllMMK ff fwnfc ff PHONES 631 - 652 PHILPOTT, EV1TT & CO. LTD. Coal - Lumber - Building Supplies - Paints KING STREET THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL COMPANY OF CANADA. LIMITED, 25