a ar ie - Prrrrr Rcpm Daf!? Hrtrs LtB. LOCALS ! PRIN CE RUPERT YEARS AGO I SALVATION ARMY VACATIONSCHOOL (iwi TrtdMf Irmxif Ur iii irt. A. cf T?r- I PA YS to soli you own wrm SC HTHZ?3 iV3 CEVT3.C. FrTH 0TJLV1C21A i yrW?AFL3 -I iMr-p-ZK?". SS? T ei4 V, BJKrT.jri 5 '-Hut tj"t JLsrjFMA SjwxjS Can MS fJ"T3r lp)G-JlSA.. Cr, frr fc L. ' -j J r. .-n, fcr-jfc Co: -jsr.aa -,d U.T. E. F, Ov--.- BrifeliCciis rwz Strj .xi it . rfr Ki'x are ir-ir-.f y-f. ,-fh.t c& --7 Bees spt arrii-: :t i--A Tr7 : t? i.r J Qjjtf Bit A-i-- 1 lX -lie oc iif-ir ?r k-s Ad 31 Freight Rates Parley Cigarette Tobacco MltS. SWffT, MIGHT VIIGIN Ttrirt AJc &:d. t--er si r?r-i iri Srr ca a siVJiJ off P I! K s EN7ATI YES of seven Canadian prov-l.'-'.-es RE are to me-: wi:h th jEroverrirrsEr.t in 0 'va tomorrow cn th rfuestion of railway irelgnt rat-. When the cocft-rer.ee was arranged vi- w'.th a vie-- to obtaining- sone amel .'oration from th 21 fereer.t irarrea.- approved firmly i.xi , i er-!:--. w Vftir p .f- Kir-j ii:IJi. t...T-i rs f-jr . Tri yr-zjzrr ti5r it 2 c'e-t tia ifvrryvae Jrrrs : ' Vi.irS--p Vn 3 Erk- it yr.-?. tr4 a Sstr l.-i S 0.. h.i a tha ir.-mr. fcr Kas j i tii a-.'-ri Mifct-u. Tjrr wzZ r.wr. herr Xo- t'jiU c-VJfr ii-r-ei EAi tarjrrcfr r.tsr. rV:'Sr.4. j iT'x:. t." C--li. . 7 w. i C-: 67 w ISLAM SllTKt DISt"5StB , Wkfcifc. c'p-iT-3 i cortege! rues Pe- Odi RtT W H Viae, pnicipaJ r:t-i cr. Cve Priac Hipert f-jf by tne EriH of Transport twnmt-or.er3 and bo Reminiscences By wj. anc Reflections That vu furore tr.e lc per r.our waze Aafturt. nr... aii r.fns . ,, 8xxl m r.:.-. !; ; to am?ur .1 wit of a man Mi fiofxis. no r.-t tit a r. imi. ir.crea.- for railway worfctn hk-h obviated the general railway rtrir.e iast week. Of cour-e. there r.o rrar'-- of any jch amelioration now. Even f re the wage ir.cre&se the. raflxay rr-2nagerr.er.ti! z they rxo:re3 the ii pereer.t increase in freight rate. Indeed, they hal a.-ked for thirty w-reerit ', rS. a!i fTrrorn''. conference can do is to ; t4t tt, j- k j or the np.:.:j ,)f 1:T i t.,x at th -- JJy . ia at Ar.y ux joghl h.tT c-a y.f sii? hp r-fn a Cr. f:re -stroTj Ttr basld-i-.i a.-.i crtid ihr-At of a-ti f ip..j5.-,n frssi Utoi of cyaiar.iU urea rap:a . Sticts ar.i r;c?,."5 -ri" brit ; f! s sc. ns!r; c j r- ; panarar ftarsi. I, k"'. b Xroni da; to far. coctis j to . tnmc up ai--j-T isnz ar.d tar.tiUru- ru--o a: x- ( presi of th TT-rm A- 'Al! ocr-trii toa7 rTJ-- r,o ! ar-jr f a kt of British CJ-t.J: priai r;Tr.' to r.V -aganda which rnay keep dri?. G Pr..--.-. d-arrt a -u- ri . .J ir:-tii'--d Val. a.'i n f,-. the next few weeki. There ; 7 'An ej; be scares of (Jjo:j in an ' 6 like the Premier and ur-ier the present condl-; ' Jvi., the one leadm? to the; Adverts in : Citchen must urpiis ail other , - i fcr.he; ii;r.;.'rr 1:.'.: t-a.-. icxn i- etaisri'.- that r. mu th W r :r7 Lis irr ca.-!-? r.Irum or certa.ir.iv another in- !re;.t to the Ur-i'iT.y bid veather cirlay-ed the f ..-. f:.ght of the r.ew pr.e b.j-2.'.. by the Rifrwsy Tv. tnr'iM f-f ta;r. erric of tb hiht v- more su.-ts arva stone include Sjvie; Rusa. And p-r'jerix x'.-!. t-i a3r- f?-r! f-' R'jitw I T. G:n- i of J-. axra. cor.- ."".11" . . ... .T .. ckientafJy. ihe ii capit.e of ovn-t r- ' r e xvra. p - - than hujuii? Xiei At h-r i.-.ih- AiV-iati ia taid. The piine ran of -rfrn? Co: Tyr daH Mtif.c Ccr La-xhrnoce wit of ViaP7jTr. Th C-rJ in- O ft. 3. Biictaty. arjnj presi-.-ip-riH lt. i--.i-i on the pro- cr. of tfc Caa-T-bw; E T. A-tvarrs w.Ui rvr. cf tr. boy ptAi. iecretaTy; O A. Him- City Men C!ty mr-j.-La fjtare to Juj diiplay adtriy the Daily SV-.j p m. of the in their pubUeaths To hare 'rivr- tefj ywi they came uj Pr.iiee Robert to ex-pf r.r.ice iurprL-. if djI amaze-rr.er.l. reed not be cur.iidered onr.ethir new. In fact, it ought to be thit ay. Thii city, har-inf been iibeiied and slandered for thirty ye-i.-s cod.c! not pos- crea-1- to.'r-g to ir -'jgrst and the tran?wrt corr- R-j: yrATi zr. going to VjA i difficult, if not im-,v:--Ih!e, to refuse it. BrJ-h Coh-mhia can, of cour-, and must ?eek rerr.o-.-al of the mountain differential again.-! thit pro.inc without further delay. So the con-. fererce tomorrow rnav revive ite!f into retr-r.tatior. of the provircef! individually or collect-jvely a?alr.fct di.-criminations or a reaHOf-ment of the v.hole structure of freight rate along line? of falrne- or ability to pay. The propo.-ed commission to inve-tigate the whole freight rates eituatkn wo1; Id ketw these things in mind. British OAum-I'ia, certainly, puffers from a mar pector Vj Thstade Like. ; Half a cer.tury this ir.or.th Mayor S M 5".on asked the'sjrwe Roovtelt's Roneh R:crr city police consicskm to make stormed San Jaan HUl hi Cu&a. appheation to the proTiiwiaf ftm are Jeft. txiay. A gjod anf fir's erf Ir,ia -Srt h had rp-t a r.-..TJ-r of yean aj a rr.-.-i ..r.a.-T tr. chairrnan of the pjolie ut'J:-tie cxnmiitee of tfc eharni.r-r; Capt. J R Efen. harbor tna- ter. and Frank SKr.r.er. !ra! .,,Tr,n-.T,t to mm orotclil m.r.v neooie. in tali nerroui s;biy be reckoned, from trie ou.- THIS .)-) treatiy a -., t;.. department in - aeent of VrJon Stea.-rXtip td wtibhed at Prir.ee Hop- era. slight eor.fei to never , aide, aj an attractive communl-Cdr. Latchmore wfil riait the i-rt. I rtiT.'r.g heard of them. But it' ty. "A place up In the sUck ftr. Charlotte Liiancj tr.i. ! was not that way !n "9. The s coruuiin, malr.Iy of rain and A party of 44 Detroit Boy dramatie atory of the thousand fah". W.th thii irr.prevsion . Scouts lilted the erfy cm the of Weterner$ covered less than . - - refaTar honr fjr Kir....: for th prcrk35 j M.- j. G- PecoT. Th pr'ram i at fofl.Twi: Oprr.;.f fRf. "We Are BudS- ir.z Day by lszj. tr.e Senior Twrrty-Tn:rd P-a;m rr!d tn vr.Lvm by the Prirr.ary De-frsr.ment. Son by the Primary Review of the B.sle Stuiry by j ten yurtf people. Chores, "The Wise Man Boilt' MliRCHVNlS Tn. y know Prince Charlotte They were i montiu, bot there wai wme- ; that the Daily Stm n the m4 on their way to Skagway and thing vnf every minute Th effeetrve mediam ( aavertiMne AtLn I-ike. j ricir.g waa roufht and ihev a Printe Rupert? one Ziwf.ed in it. , Ormes D DRUGS mie yoar meiaje If H' ad- LGKDOX Q To avoid con-j i fusion, nonhwest Londoner The moiti-miilioalre who in-are urging erection of "To Went- vented yeait cakes U under- verthed fn the w. H' the rearty effkieBt way f yntUn; tit a-er. It H- Koi Cpr3 a Rork' by the main roads rtood to be on his way up the siena on al biey" In the area to gaide Olympic instde paware aboard a oeau-Gamei visitors. Ufai yacht W grie Is going to PRESCRIPTION CHEMIST! STORE HOCRS WEEK-DAYS, 9 AM TO I SUNDAYS AND HOUDAY3 II NOOI TO 1 7 P .M TO S P M Adverttse tr. tee Daily News! DISASTROUS TIE-UPS T IS NO .SURPRISE to hear lhat tl SI!r;aV.-I I'rernier mine management is closing down the famous workings at Premier, which have been the sheet anchor of the mining industry in the Portland Canal district for 25 years, rather than concede retroactive wage increase. But it is a serious thing for the towns of Stewart and Premier that the payroll of upwards of 2W men fhould be ' cut ol f. It will give cause for reflection if the strike ; deci.-ion was worthwhile and if it might not have .' been b:tter to conotrfie the point at issue. No doubt that w as seriorly considerei There no question of the legality of the strike. AH the required ne-; L'otiatorv st:p had been taken. htirjf.. -Open the Door for the Chdfen" by ill teahi.i? staff. ! Mexorizaticrti of Script are by nr-viM age f.-o-jp. R;r:?. Tephtine to Glory" b7 th SerJor School. 1 Contt, the ie?t Vf:H;or.ary I'wory. A'corfikin solo, Olive Strand. Chorun, "I am at the rrjr" . th Senior School. Tr.e rr-emorizaUon of Scr:(H ! ttire protel M be an rnterertir.g eonsptrtitSon. The i.v were Emergency birytk from 7pm u2 : and Ej.-.ai ftl car delivery ervlc from 9 am. tlU pm. A MESSAGE TO PRINCE RUPERT BUSINESSMEN Are You Beinq PHONE 81 ! Mr Col. Tyr.'Jai! and Mm. Oil HOLLYWOOD Rut the Premier miners' strike would only seem ' Hrmham. Prize winner were a :j (.rrill ihWi'.r if n t.rallf-l shrillffl PnSUP in fhp Ifitr- 1 foiiow: g i - j- 1 W 1- ft PR( T- Rl rfRTS StlX J tT-TO DATt RtSTAlli1 'liahVa BY-M.8SEB? Do You Want To Stop Them? Let tlw DAILY NEWS. .v open rrcOM j-30 p.m to: t Mivrsr. nisiiM a srrt 1 tin For Outside Orders PHONE III A-es 7- years Margaret Hlrachan. Ronnie N'ordine Gerald Desaultats. Age lOand over Margaret Strachan. Olive Strand. Best MUsionary Story Margaret Strachan, Olive Strand. The following received first prize In their handiwork Margaret Horn, Margaret Strachan, Offve Strand, Marion Home, Rebecca Morgan, Sylvia Cherry. Dorothy Penner, Linda Strachan. Marzaret Strachan (two girlv CHOP SUEV ging industrj' where the International Wood-- workers of America has just called for a strike vote among 27,000 men. There are two alarming 'near certainties in connection with the loggers' strike the first that the loggers will vote for a strike, notwithstanding the warning that it would , lie illegal, the second that the lodging companies will close down operations indefinitely if the log-' gers take the responsibility of going for an illegal , strike. ' The Premier strike is disastrous only to Premier and Stewart and this immediate district. A tie-tip of the Rritish Columbia logging industry would be an economic disaster for the whole of British Columbia and it would I the loggers and the.resf of ! th ordinary folk who would suffer most. The op-, erators, as a matter of fact, would probably be unite happy to wait it out and watch the other fellows ; sweat. Certainly the companies "are in a more se-; cure position. b7 this name were In the school), BUSINESS AND PROFESSION MARGARET McLEOD roR Ic: OPTOMETRIST ROCK AND f( wori CALL BLCt In New Offices j c; ROOM 10 STONE BUTLDINO Nw M,Vern I All Work CM' New Phone PIANO TtX BLUE Gl Tuning, Voiclrit M , K p col DR. P. J. CHENEY Phonr BUCt DENTIST " 72 m 1 SUITE 5. SMITH BLOCK " Carol Wick. Gerald DesauUU, Olendon Smith, Robert Widdoes The following received second prizes: June Widdoes, Marion Home, Betty Morgan. Margaret Johnvm. Olive Strand, Carol Wick, Margaret Strachan, Enid Morgan, Craig Oliver, Bobbie Carrlgan, Robert Kntrtson. The prize were presented by Col. Tyndall. Mrs. Capt. Jarrett thanked all those who had assisted m the wrrk of the school. There was an average attendance of 45 for I he two week. Thirty student had perfect attendance. 5 Mi A G you CUSTOMERS Advertising results are most consi.stentlj obtained through jour evening newspaper. ' ' I The Daily News gets consistent, proten results Ix-cause H is a member of the family circle. . Home delivered, it reaches people: when tfiey do their regular reading, leisurely and reflectively. Daily News advertising penetrate and produces. ' The people pay for iie Daily Neva to read the news, the feature and the ADVKUTISINC. It the Daily News help you 'to , jet business by using space regularly. ; . , We are at jour serrice to assist anJ advise" Our representative would like to llp you. 'The Fishermen Tls early morn, each fisherman la hauling fn hi net. They've toiled ail night along the shore, are tired, cold and wet. Phone 765 HELEN P.O. Box 1401 jack McNeil is BEAUTi Permanent IN BAD CONDITION Jack McNen, prominent pioneer resfdent of Telkwa, who ha In more recent year made Beauty Cu;t JOHN F. L. HUGHES Chiropractor 21-22 BESNEft BLOCK CO Box 894 Phone Blue 442 all its trJ 204 4th Street hi home at 8mither, lie In a ' HANDY HOME SE GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Return Complied Bener Block Phone 387 critical condition In Smfthers with little hope held for hi re- j co-very after having been found1 at 10:15 last night with a 45 cal-1 lore bullet In hi head. Mr. Mc.l Helll had been In Ill-health for! some time. In the early day he operated a general tore at Telk-1 wa and also had extensive other I Interest. I GENERAL CON I watch a boat go drifting by, his flag U green and white. He's getting near the buoy, beside the Pointers Ught. ; Since g!!l-net season opened, I've watched them day and fright. Each fifhing boat, along the hhore display a glistening light. ,' At evening after sunset where &almon rnay abonnd ; The finherman will bring his boat and fish In Fitzhugh Sound. , I often wonder when each morn I see them leave the shore. Was it failure or success they had the night before? ', Fishing is a gamble. Do we know the cost ; To each and every fisherman and how much may be lost? ,' Perhaps while he Is trolling he loses line and lead. Perchance, while netting salmon, he get a shark Instead. What happens to his good new net, a wide and gaping hole, His spirits ebb and thought revert to being on the dole. But Lady Luck Is fickle, on other he may mlle ; While Idly drifting with the tide she makes hi night worthwhile. In the morning when nets are pulled on board and wound. , His catch may surpass the fondest hopes, in fact, It may astound. We'll mini them when they leave the Sound, their friendly June lights. Our little village disappear, existing so few nights. But fishermen must be alert and follow fish that ramble. ; This fishing buUines teem to be Just one great big gamble. Josephine MacDonald, Pointer Island Light Building nd ml" Rocfs.Chlmnfyt5 LONDON F The only known portrayal of novelist Jane Austen's face, dated about 1810 and drawn by her sister Cassandra, has been bought by the National Portrait Gallery. PHONC nreeu 488 - ( PHONE 98 The daughtei of Mr. and Mr Leln Husoy was christened Kar-1 en William Husoy on Sunday at; 12 o'clock at 8t. Paul's Lutheran Church by Pastor Earl Soiland.) Godparent were Lalla Husoy and Eddie CIccone. Among those ! Axrrt A THF nAMJ NFWS trod Tor Dn . av,.m Serving the Fisheries Industry Wells (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage, Labelling, Weighing at the christening was Mrs. M. Schwab. I J MAM Mm M M A V f f J and j MAC SHOE Bi Advertise n, the Daily News! Dux 774 rBXTT! 7St " BLUE 9S0