rk av tart.- Prinr Heprrf Eafl I3rtoj na. CO OP CRUMBLES ! Todata in Sports BEFORE 99 TAXI j 99 TAXI 1; CO-OP II LINDSAY LEADS SAVOYS TO 13-5 99 Taxi climbed oars to so.i c WIN OYER CELLAR-DWELLING MOOS 7a0lf!4a: e per wort pr fcro. Biia2ntnn etotm. SOe. Btr.S Hottra: ttx. Crua a t-c Laeita NootM. F-jTi m, Murwn sPSCiAj-'OIiinLAY. DOLBLS PKfCS .TwJ A simmer a pytje is tavasce Pjt na from trhtng. LOT AND FOUND DEATH NOTICE Suite 4 ten Jack Lindsay reovel a ?ta:e of emergerx-r for Savoys in a fuurth-innine crisis, then retired again temporarily to his spot in centre field as the hotel-; mtn cklievered anotht-r routine drubbing to Moose in the city baseball league at Roosevelt Park Sunday. This time the score was 13 to 5. ; Iar.diav ux the mourd i t - , the fourth. reneing Aiex BI(Arr(T 2. Sharpe. Mown. DP wT.h the bases loaded, and H. - Arr.ey ard Omch. LOB Sawy cherj. Moose catcher at bat. Th 12. Moose 3. BB Bui 2. Lindsay HOUSTON At Prmee Ripe-. FOUND YVrute fc: Grr.eral Hospital July If.' SeavrfT Apts. FOUND Fishir.f rod on highway. Apply McKenzie Fvrni- Vlct.r Geuree Cecil Ho-istcr: ) hosbar.d of Alice Houston of Prince Rapert. B.C.. is his 51st year. Funeral Tuesday. J July 2D. a: 2 JO p sr.. ire si j Firs: Prt-cy Church.! Rev. Chas. 1- Lem-as. Cha?-' lain to Prince Rupert Branch.-CanaaLi-T ' Lesion, officiating !:. lary ieacersn.p in tne city fastball league and C-op slumped : aa eq-uaily lonesome spot at the bo'tora of the standings as a result cf Saturday nteht's league fixture at Gyro Park when the tax.men to-: a 19-1! victory Fn-r to the game. W Taxi shared up spot in the league w.th CNR A with four wins and two losses while Co-op was paired with Gordon and Anderson at the bottom status with two wins ar.d four losses. The, fame aoounded with the rxh smack of wood on leather. P9 Taxi eo-ieeied 21 hits in eight innings, r.ir.e eff Aiex Siaier ir three ar.d orte-third inruags and 22 eff PaUister who uxt orer en the mo-ir-d in the fourth. Jack Ros?da. whs went the nine inrunss f:r Taxi, zave up 15 lut. f.r.mr.t cj'. one bailer, allow u'-g five bases on bails. Slater S :.-. out two men and Painter tour. Tne Taximen took a 4-0 lead in the tirst inning, then built cn the advantage consistently as the game prvgresit-d. By the end cf tr.e third inninj. they had 2. Winole 4 SO Bill 2. Lindsay . 2 Wmdle li Forbes 1. HP Wir.clle 1. Hr.i Wmdie 15 In 7 2 3: Forbes 2 in IV. Bill 4 in 3 2 3: Lindsar 1 WP Lindsay. LP Wasale versatile Safoy piarer made Kit-ehens rroar.d to third baseman Ted Arr.ey who then threw to second base, tagging Forbes f jt the third out. In the fifth innmf. Bill re- Basebali Scores FOR KENT FOR P.EK'f Flat, hard Btact Apply Mas Heirorwser, Jewei-ier. tf) FOR RENT 2 room apartment. 81 Borden S-.reet. 'tf FOR REX-T Three roomed suite, fiimtshed. with private ot'.n. App: eu.te at t-i ul Wash.n?:on B:ocfc. or Phone E.a.:S tyi FUNERAL NOTICE 1 turned to the mound facing tw-; empires: Karasosky and Rod- i ft:. v Boston 18-3. PitiAurth 2 BAhB4U ft Savoy Merchar.u Moose . derham. Time: 1:5. Brooklyn J-U, St. Louis 6- men. He allowed Jones a Da.-.c on balls ar.d gave up a single to Sew York 8-8. Cinemnat nati 3-2 1 1 c-JU "T Chicago icago S-4 tf ' ' J . Guthrie before he was reuev 1 Philadeluhia 2-6. Amerieaa Sport Shots 1-4 ht Chicago 11-1. PhiradeJphia 10-6. t ; Pt Louis 5- Boston 11-7 I r - X : - 3 -. ..' Tr.e funeral of Imjcedia-e Par. PreiKper.t Victs.r G. C. Koustcr. wd2 take place frtrr. the First Presbyterian Church '4th Ave East' T'jfsuv, July 20. at 2:3-" FOR RENT R.jcm. Woman pre-' ferred. Apply 117 4:h West, j 158' i CAPE TOWS Control Barj applicative 0; cabinet rr.y.vjj their )obs-at in the rceat election. Hot,. had to vuci f mues. tne ex-tj piled f jf sect WAVTXIl Detroit 5-4, New York 3-12 Pacific (oai San Dtego 4-0. Sacramento -' Portland 1-7. Seattle 9-4 Oakland -S. Hollywood 4-13 The rashest gjessers likely would understate what the Grar.d Old Man of cricket faery Dr. W. G Grace, would say ! if he were alive to hear that ! women will probably save tome t BOYS WA.rm-&iys ctfirmr ied u te to p m. interment in tr.e O.oi-P'.ot. Faciei Cemeterv. Lee:- members attending are request-1 ed to "fail in" at the Car.ac.iar Los Angeles 8-. 8aa Francisco I re- News routes ihculd leave th?!r riira While CoV meanwhiie names at the office as vacars- brought in three in the cjes may be occurring any da. j-iid. in an effort to stem the Taxi- WANTTD Oil b-arner or iate ; s ,j.,-01, r, nnt Pa: 1 of England s cricket seif-1 soect tnis season. ' for the second time by Lindsay. This urr.e. Lir.dsay stayed 'on the rubber ur.U the end of ; the game. Tr.e Savoy victory brmgs to nme the number of games won so f ir this season, against tv; hKses The Moos 'defeat reli-gates them even more hopelessly to the league cellar 11 loss"? and on!y a single victory. As usual. Moose made a de-f termined attempt to get out of ; their rut but. in the familiar pattern, they failed to live up to the promise shown in their better momenta of piay. Savoys opened up with a three-run start in the first knnir.3 1 with Lindsay bringing in tJ of the runs off a double. Arney and Pavlikis came home from Lindsay's two-bagger ar.d Lir.d-c-?v in turn, came home off a On Nov. 15 women cricket-up in Australia for Philip M Ray. Sec'ry-Manage! lt it. . . . 7rg f - V . ;. - "CV. ;' - ..' to' 'OHX ers will line lister on the mound in the fourth model stoe with oil burner instated, must be in A-l shape. B:x licl Prince Rupert. a series cf Test Matches at Mel-1 FOK SArfc after Rose-dale and Gurrieh had clouted for a tfouble each. PaS-Lster halted the threatening BULG 19' 4-2 Western International Salem 7-6, Wenatchee 0-5 Spokane 7-5, Yakima 3-6 econd game 11 innings' Bremerton-Tacoma rain Only games scheduled SATURDAY Nation al Phiiad lphia 11. St. Louis 10 New York 6, Pittsburgh 5 Boston 1. Chicago 4 OPTOld FOR SALE Dyige Specie Deiuxe S.dan. Sri '.v painted. Excellent condition. Apply 13 Taxi. lf KELP WANTED Smart lad leaving school to enter ap break-away but was caught m i the Taximen s barrage in sac-! feeding innings. prenticeship to automotive re-i I bourne, Adelaide and Sydney, j on recent form the women ap-; pear to have the upper hand against the Diggers. With En-. lands male team smarting from: defeats in the Test series.! there's dire need for faee-ssv-; 1 ing even if it does mean eal-i i ling in the gentle sex. English J j women have played Australia (twice to date. The coming tour; The game brought forth some F O R SAL E 14-room roomini j John B4& pair trade under Provincial Government Apprenticeship j schedule. Apply in person to batting displays that certainly will make substantial improve- houie. partly furnished, Iv U300: immediate occupancy Located on Fraser Street. Red Brookivri 8-10, Cincinnati 4-4 Lindsay Motors Ltd. (l"0f single by Morgan. 1 m 615. j W A N T E D Car batteries, c nwnts to a number of hitting records. Everett Pierce, taxi third baseman, made four hits in six times at bat, bringing in four runs, as did Jack Rosedale. j ' Palllster, Co-op pitcher, had an i w;ll be their second visit down Complete contents apartment. Phone 153' FOR SALE-of 4-room Blue 415. radiators, brass and copper; paying good prices. See B C FVP-NITCRE CO. Biack J24. (tf) American Chicago 9. Washington 7 Cleveland 0. Philadelphia 5 St. Louis 0. New York 4 Detroit 3. Boston 1 Western International Spokane 3, Yakima 4 Bremerton 3. Tacoma 2 Wenatchee 4. Salera 5 under. In the two test series they have won three matches and lost one with two drawn. Moose slightly offset the Savoy lead by bringing in or.e run it; the first when Kerr got on base or. a fielders choice and was scored by Windie. The loose brothers moved in:o the lead in the fifth when Gu;h- equal batting record, thougn only two runs were scored by FOR SALE Must seJ small 4j WANTED Housemaid for staff , him. Warame house. 124 8:h Wesr. Wilson. 19. Birming- Brian ABRHPO .3211 that that started starter". of 0.. ne made a hit t ?m-s motorcycle speedway nouse at sanaspn, ior tana-, CO-OP cian Pacific Airlines. Apply j Pa3. u-0 c City Office, Prince Rupert, for' c;'atlr 3 xt a Moose barrage which resu!tedtstar.t 10 points of a possi LEADS BC. FIGHT Attor-. ney General Gordon Wismer ieadin British Columoia freight rater f.ght at Ottawa. Provincial representatives are gathernig in capital tomorrow. CAYUGA COMING HERE PORT DAY Notification has been received at H.MC.S. Chatham here that the tribal class destroyer Cayuga will be here for Port Day. She will arrive August 25 ar.d leave August 28. Cayuga was to have been hero in June but net visK was cancelled when she was pressed de ft in fmir runs. Guthrie. Kerr, taiJ- l58'i Beilis c ... Victoria 4-2. Vancouver 8-1 Pacific Coait Oakland 10, Hollywood 6 San Diego 14. 8aermen!f 5 CaJ before 2 pa or between; 5:00 and 7:00 p-m. 'tf! FOR SALE 2 H P. Water Cooled : FairbanKs Morse "Mxiel Z") A-l eond.iUu.1. Phone 530. Dave Jones. !"! ; Pallis;er If, PERSONAL ble 12 in a recent match against Edinburgh but failed for the third time to pass his test for a motorcycle driving licence. Considered or.e of the mos: .V. Ward 3: 0 Rosedale and Jones scoring. 0 Savoy marked up a run in the 7 fifth, but remained on the short er.d of the 6-5 score until the Los Aneeles 1. San Francuo 5 VANtC .6 -6 . G .3 .. 6 .5 ... 5 .2 .3 47 Portland 2. 8eattle 0 FOR BEST HOTEL SERVICE ir. ! Vukjcich s-i the Interior, stop at Teikwa ' Warren lb Hotei, 244 miles from Prince Scharff 2b Rupert, just half way to Prince Leamy rf George f tf i D "Ward rf eighth. j or jmising young dirt track art-! In the eighth. Moose replaced , ists in the country. Wilson is; Windle with Forbes on the j understood on each occasion j nourd ar.d then the slaughter to have flunked his team for an- AND I.YTiRMfft EACH TH. LAWN BOWLING Results of lat week's Car.a- SALESMEN AND AGENTS AT M fn'wjf.l.ir rrnfmprt of traltic laws. omii wsinmsi rtcrrauun .-wu- began. Tr.e hoteirr.en ABRHPO .6 4 4 3 (elation Lawn Bowling Lesg'i t five rur.s in the eighth, t continued to press their adv FOR SALE New ar.d Lsed Furniture ar.d Hardware. S ightly used Bedroom Suites, Kitch- .v Sets from $12 50: Bed. com- picte $15; used Carpet in guol, shape; Occasional ar.d Kitchen; Chairs; enamel Wash Basins $3; Underwood Typewriter In perfect shape; Office Chairs: r.w ur.pair.ted Bxk Cases. Other useful household articles. BC. FURNITURE CO, Black 324. tf For KETQ profes- play: When Old-Country j 99 TAXI Pierce 3b . Forman rf . Shier 2b Rosedale p . . Gurvich lb into service m connection witli flood relief operations on the Fraser River. Cdr. O. C. S. Robertson. RC.X, is captain. tage mercilessly in the r.irth to sional soccer players' contracts sco' another four. -ed to expire in May, some WEDNESDl! F"r lnforxiti; jf being forced to Undsav's varied talents had ' comp.ainea 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 PROFITABLE W ATKINS BUSINESS in part of Prince Ruper: avaiiable for industrious man desirous of setting Into a good-paying business of hi-own. Suitable for man in good health nearir.g retirement age. Average daily profits about $10. For full informa City or Or 15 Tnesdsy McOreLsh 16. Ross 15. Arfol 25. McMeekin 23. MacPhee 23. Macdon?!d Thurvlay Frew 20, McGreUh 18 Ranee 18. McMeekin 15. the As re-srgn at low wages by some full scope during game. credi'ed a vri.l- ciuos wiucu. : nurgru. ibu . D. Hartwig Postuk c I R. Weseh rf . I A. Hartwig I weU as beir.g rUNDAMENt AL SOURCE Sunlight is the source of all colors as well as of heat and light. PRINd CI rcco-t! ' a3 a ievf r l--e -nrfal 01 sum mil Ditcher, his batti mer wnn no income ro uu, August-to-August agreements 50 19 21 27 . 003 033 01212 412 23 1 2ix 19 are m force, oubs are com- tion apply The J. R. Wattirti j co-op Co, 1010 Aiterr.i St., Van- j 9 xaxi was one of complete satisfaction. In four times at the pla e he knocked fo-ur hits, a tnp. two doubles and a for a pretty 1000 average. couver. BC. ti7?i FOR SALE 16 foot Chris Craft made speedooat. Bsx 601, Prince Rupert. U58' j FOR SALE Dinette, like new. j One Chesterfield. Dresser, Bed. 13io 6;a E. After 5:00 i I69 : p.ainir.g tnat many piayers have not yet re-signed. One London manager said several JIETAL WORK clubs are in the same boat. As many as eight or nine players Savoy AB B. Simundson ss .. 6 PLUMBING Installations ana repairs. SHEET METAL FASTBALL STANDINGS i Taxi . 5 2 .714 CNR A 4 2 .5-:7 General Motors 3 2 .600 G. ar.d A 2 4 222 Co-op 2 5 -2-6 have refused terms offered byj WORK, Tar and GraveL Roof- FOR SALE Girl's C C M. bicycle H PO 2 1 1 2 3 2 4 2 1 0 2 5 In g-jod condition. Phone Blue lng. Letournean Ac Son 825. 172 Sixth West. Phone 543 829 (tf) Amey 3b Pavl.cis If ... Lindsay cf p Sharpe rf cf Morgan c .. some managers, it is tnougnt they hope to sign at a higher salary at the end of July. The managers are in a quandary ; If they sign on new players and I then their defaulters toe the line, they'll be overstaffed. On the other hand they may find ; htemselves by July 31. with the FOR SALE Chesterfield suite, kitchen dinette, bedroom suite. Phone Red 515. 159 1 0 MEN'S FASTBALL SCHEDULE Stranahan Keeps Canadian Title Postuk 2o . Gurvich lb Bill p rf .... . 6 .. S . 4 . 6 . 4 .. 5 .. 5 .. 5 47 A3 .. 5 .. 3 4 t. 3 . 4 FOR SALE Large new. Black 3S5. buffet, like (163' i vs. J j.v 19 General Motors 2 li 2 0 17 27 H PO 2 i R 2 2 3 2 2 1 0 0 1 13 R 1 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 i season only three weeks ahead j hi njv rr Gordon ii Anderson. July 21 Canadian National Recreation Association vs. General Motors. i Moose Guthrie 2b . ,Kerr If wur.out enough p.ayers to field two teams. HAMILTON, C Frank Stranahan of Toledo. Ohio, retained his Canadian amateur golf championship by defeating Joe Stoddard of Hamilton Saturday nine up and seven to go. FOR SALE Second-hand 3x12 planks. $115 M.; also fir or oak barrels. SI each. Apply B & W Transfer. Phone Red 182. ."IS' (173' FOR SALE 4-room furnished Julv 24 Gordon & Anderson i Rosedale ss ; Windle p 3b ' Var.etta lb - I . m'w ($m POPULAR U tZ v I i PRICES J) JJcyj ,.1 vs. Co-operative. 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 5 054- SCHEDULE FOR LAWN BOWLING July 20 MacPnee vs. McMee In; Paul vs. McGreish Football Forbes 3b p 4 j McKmr.on rf 3 j Kitchens c - 4 Jones cf 3 house, new !y decorated. 1424 Pigott Place. 173 i July 26 Gordon & Anderson vs. Canadian National Recreation Association. July 2a General Motors vs Taxi. July 31 Co-operative vs. General Motors. August 299 Taxi vs. Canadian National Recreation 33 Savoy 300 010 Moose 100 03 FOR SALE 6 -room Wartime house with brick chimney and level lot. Sacrifice at $1550. Apply Robert E. Montador Ltd. (173. 000 5! I S. RiS I Pavlikis 2 Lindsay Schedule! Gi'hnlT Cub- Second Round Julv 21 I20tn Battery vs. High School. July 23 Battery vs. Legion. Au?ust 4 First round of Siu--rt Shield. Mobiev Coo August 6 Hieh School vs AL JOLSON AL JOLSON GREER & BRIM MACHINERY FOR SALE j Sharpe, Morgan 2, Gurvich J, S Rosedale 2, Wmdle, Forbes. Van-i etta. 2B Lindsay 2. Morgaa. j 3B Lindsay. SB Si.T.undsor. AL JOLSON TO SAW better lumber more BUILDERS AND CONTRA? viSitjtd A4ver.r.? Pays? economically use the modern Legion. and up-to-date type National Aueust 11 men School vs 120th Batter?. Portable Sawmills manufac Aueust 13 Lesion vs. 120th tured by National Machinery noor feandine a Specialty AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH . . . Company Limited, Vancouver. B.C. (tf) P.0 Batterv. Auaust 18 Lezion vs. High School August 20 120th Battery vs Hieh School. Aueust 25 120th Battery vs. Lesion. September 6 Final found el Stuart Shield. Phone RED 561 It Pays to Advertise; IN B13 LATEST DECCA ALBC.M TOXl'.ME 1 24397 -I Want a GirL- "Where the Black-Eyed Susans Grow." 243D8 -Wbe the Bed Red iUbbia Cmrs Bob Bob Bobbi Aiang." "Someone the May Be There While I'm Gon." 21399 ' For Me and My Gal." "When I Leave the World Behind." 2448 "There's Rainbow lUnd My Shoalder." "About a Quarter to Sine." DECCA ALBUM NO. A-649 NOW ON SALE AT a pound of cure. Our regti-lar servicing of your car keeps it In A-l condition-assures you safe, smooth. 4r Kaicn Coop REVERE WARE Drn in and rh L ivr the NcW carefree drivin. Let us service your car every 1.00 miies. BASEBALL SCHEDULE It's the wise thing to do? Call 83 for pick-up service USED LUMBER Flooring. 3" and 4" Fir. Shiplap. (short). Demension Lumber 2'x4' 2"x6" 2"x8" Selling reasonable. NORTHWEST CONSTRUCTION LTD. Second Ave. Phone 553 Stainless S4rHl Pressure Cookers n other linea of Pots and Pans. July 20 Savoy vs. Merchants July 22 Moose vs. Savoy July 25 Smithers vs. Rupert July 27 Merchants vs Moose July 29 Savoy vs Moose Aug. 1 Savoy vs. Merchants PHONE Phone 179 WRITE Bos 1H7 i mi iiii 'i i" i