j,iUr, a clve their hi. " I Blood ..Transfusion Service Is Coming 6 Vtinti Bupctl DaUH 2ttof Lio. Monday, July 19, 1S43 be established her, CERTIFICATES ARE PRESENTED Extending tre fin. H' J Cross blood transfusion tc tr... central MARGATE. Kfr. tive barrier at n. A feature of morning service ; intenor 0f Bnisn uiumui- iot at First United Church yter-the first time, a mobile clinic r,r.untaiion of cer- . , vi!iit the area bc'wetn to Pat a dozing jj miser anri .' '-.MM Uficates to the children who biid oeorge and Prince Eu-'mauied ri(,ht attended the vacauon now t this year, n u m.nt.ui.i. nospital: ' i th,.,. weeks by the Eritish Columbia Rd animals were fri. regularly during the two tho u-Viml was in session. Rev SUMMER Und erwear FOR BOTH DAD AND LAD Shirts And Shorts And Kalbriggan Combinations S T R. A. Wilson, minister, spoke in aDDreciation of the work done by the teachers and then called, on Miss Ir.a Dearing, director,' 1 CHILDREN S HOSPITAL This is the layout of the Children's Hospital at Vancouver, which operas a mobile clinic that will visit Prince Rpert next week for the first time. The travelling cl.nic will also stop at other towns in the district next week, as part of a program designed for the betterment of child health in this province. It will be at Terrace and Csk Tuesday, at Haz-elton and Smithers Wednesday and at Prince George Friday. and Mrs. C. L. OLsen ana r.r.. McCUntock, supervisors, to present the certificates to the pupils who had earned them. Taking as his subject, "Adventuring With St. Paul." Mr. Wil t : VlJ- .1.1 Complete varied stock of everything in Mens and Boys' Summer Wear All sixes, too RUPERT MENS AND BOYS STORE COUNTRY GOOD, ROADS BAD, son stressed the ceurage shown; Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycle- CFPR by St. Paul under all circumstances and in all situations He Illustrated very effectively (Subject to ch.mge) HONOLULU VISITORS FIND A holiday that began almost three years ago is nearing its end for Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Monsarrat, of Honolulu, Hawaii, whose wanderings throughout North America have taken them a distance equal to by means of flannelgraph pic- j tures the Incidents connected j with the arrest of St. Paul and Silas, their imprisonment, re- . .. i r . a travel one way through Canada, going or returning via the VS. Jasper National Park. Cana-j dian Rockies, is a popular three- day stop-over point for all seven ; tours. ! During their Canadian Na-j tional rail journeys, in special fnlnnkf cars hriirIrs handle YOUNG PEOPLE VISIT COAST ; VANCOUVER Seven mixed parties of young people from the ekilern United States five ! lease ana me conversion ." i to gaoler . at least twice around the world before coming Prince Rupert. groups of 26 and two groups of j f QWn arrangeXents. prepar- They arrived here'at the by car, almost accidentally. 20 wiii visit Vancouver ior . . . making beds ana A choir, composed oi members of the prlmar and jurior departments of the vacation school, led the singing and gave two special numbers of their own, "At Work Beside His Father's Bench" and "The Ei;ds Upon the Tree Tops " Mrs. L. Dakin was organist. brief periods between now -.1 chores. They are indi-: they say, and now, before they return to their Pacific Island in' October, they want a look at Alaska. "But not by car," says Mr. Monsarrat. a Honolulu broker, who figures that he has done enough driving, especially over northern roads. "We want to go by boat and relax." They left Honolulu in December. 1945, and since then have MO.SDAX -FAT 4.15 stock Quotations and Int. 4:30 Lyle Evans 4:45 The New Mother Goose 5:00 Spring Time 5:30 Pops on Parade 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Mania! Airs 6 20 Musical Varieties 6:40 Recorded Interlude 6.45 Plantation House Party 7 0'j CBC News 7:15 The Tenth Man 7:30 Sun.mer Fa'low 8:00 Date After Dark 8:30 Guy Lombardo Shgw 9:00 Piano Recital . 9:30 George Olson's Orch. m W CBC .New !0: 15 Outdoor Fun 30:30 Let's Dance 1:00 Fish Arrivals and News 1:05 Weather and Sign-off TOBSOAl vM 7:30 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News 3:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music !or Moderns 8.45 Little Concert VtOO BBC News 9:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Transcribed Melodies 9:45 Modern Musicians She recalls a two-mile walk! along a clay highway when! their car became mired near Francois Lake, where they stop- j ped at Paradise Lodge. j "Except for the roads, how-; ever, this country Is one of the most agreeable we have been in. The climate is lovely and the j people very friendly." To complete their trip, they hope to obtain passage on a steamer to Juneau and Skarr ay but, so far, they have not had success because all the vessels are crowded. " They plan to continue triying, however. The Hawaiian Islands, Mr. Hot water is a handy thing to have if it's not too hot. On the hands, it feels as if it is boiling, which it Isn't if it gets up over 140 degrees. vidually equipped with utensils and blankets. ! First two parties arrived here . i Saturday. A CNR. train brought 25 members of the American Youth Hostels, Tour 1 in charge of Wm. C. Crisp and Gladys Dupp-' stadt. Saturday afternoon, 20 members of Adventure Trails group, Miss Dale Fullum in charge, arrived on C.N S.S. Prince Rupert alter a rail jour-. ney from Jasper to Prince Pvu- pert and scenic cruise through ' August 9, using Canadian National trains and ships in and out of this city during their west or eastbound travels, according ;to K. E. McLeod. genera! passenger agent, Vancouver. Five of these "low-cost" tours are sponsored by American Youth Hostels Inc. of .East Morthfield. Mass., and two by Adventure Trails Inc., New York. Although they "rough if to some extent, the boys and girls really get around at minimum expenses. All have bicycles along to pedal on sightseeing and Going Steady . visited "everywhere from Cali-j fornia to Maine" in leisurely ( stages that acquainted them I with the United States and parts of Canada. TODAY and TUESDAY B.C.'s inside passage. A similar A fourth-generation Hawaiian camera expeditions inrougn j group arrives on me same sn:p cities.-towns and national parks ' next Saturday. July 24. on their route during stop-over! Other American' Youth Hos- II Monsarrat recalled, were vasuy overcrowded with troops and war workers during the war but now they are recovering Deriods. These vacation tours tels parties wia be in ancou- WH-MlUJUJltBimill1 last several weeks and parties frnm a nnst-waf slumD. t "Durine the war, we couldn't ver July 21, westbound, in charge of Wm. Piaisted and Mrs. ' Florence Plai.?d; August eastbound, led by Ronald Gallup and Jean Burns; August 9, east-j iSoic Available! Islander, Mr. Monsarrat is a, graduate of West Point Military Academy. A short time ago he attended his thirtieth class reunion at the famous American' military school. As a West Point student, he was a year ahead of General Mark Clark and a year behind a man named Dwight Eisenhower. 1 He is a bit proud of the fact 9:59 Time Si?naj i 10:00 Morning Visit bound, via C.N S S. Prince Ru GIRLS! GIRLS! leave the Islands, so we decided that, when it was over, we would take a real holiday," he said. He and Mrs. Monsarrat flew to San Francisco and had their Buick car shipped by boat. They plan to return to Hawaii in October from San Francisco abjard the reconditioned luxury pert to Prince Rupert and rail beyond, conducted by Edward Willing and Elizabfth Darling Victoria and Nanaimo are included in Pacific Coast I SUPREME that his grandmother was tue first white child born on the K USQUKl liner Lurline. Huge New Zealand Trout Are No Fable 10:15 Morning Melodies J0:30 Roundup Time 10:45 Scandinavian Melodies 11:00 Bernie Braden Tells a Story CBC) , il :15 Songs of Today ! 11:30 Weather Forecast i 1 1 :31 Message Period ! : 1 33 Recorded Interlude '11:45 Let's Wraltz j YM 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies ! 12:15 CBC News j 12:25 Pros: ram Resume 12:30 B. C. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded l:00--Symphony Orch. 2:00 Sheila Presents 2:30 Commentary and Talk 2:45 Western Five r-WC H--A Islands with the exception of the missionary families. Mrs. Monsarrat, a charming woman with an extremely attractive smile, thinks that central British Columbia Is one of the finest regions she has visited, "except for the roads." HERE'S THE CHANCE OF A 1IF ff f. ." An A!l-Ex))en.M? Trip' to Vannw SEVENOAKS, Kent, Eng. f When the Vine Baptist Church celebrated its 200th anniversary, congratulatory telegrams arrived from as far as India. ROTURUA, New Zealand, Q Tales of the hut;e size of .New LOOK FOR TttI NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL M-KMuLi at the Hu chaperon. mm Discover? FREE! FREE! The BC. Winner with ch.i(w r 'iron a four day tour of Il'iily Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Prizes. Zealand trout areof ten dismissed ; as fishermen's stories overseas.; ' Trout in New Zealand gro..' much larger than the original , stock from Europe and North j America and to prove that the ! glowing accounts carried abroad j by fishermen are not just wi.-,h- ; ful thinking, C. F. Gordon, of ; Lake Tarawera, had his catches over six weeks w eighed and j checked. During the period he j NOTICE 3:00 Ethel and Albert 3:15 Spotlight on a Star 3:20 Sketches In Melody 3:30-Divertimento, Ottawa 3 15--BBC New3 LOCAL PRIZES CONSISTING 01 OLD-TIME PERISHABLE Ml! COMPLETE WEARING ENSE! Donated by WALLACE'S DEPARTMENT landed 49 trout of an average weight of over 12 1 2 pounds. The smallest fish weighed 3 pounds and the largest 193j pounds. He The Dally News wishes to draw attention to- the .' rule that classified and transient advertising Is payable In advance at the office at time of presenting copy for advertising. Those desiring to advertise In this manner In the Daily News are asked to assist the office and respect this rule by refraining from telephoning classified Steamship Movement? Daylight L-aving Time For Vancouver Monday ss. Princess Adelaide 11 p.m. landed five fish of 17 pounds or over. They were big fish even j The Time is Short Get your Application F Capitol Theatre to enter the Miss P.N.E. 1948 for New Zealand but by no mean;, j records. Each season a few , trout exceeding 20 pounds are ' Tuesday ss. Camosun, 1:30 p.m. caught. You ar !t In the iJn:lv News' BEAUTY C0NTES Thursday ss. Prince Rupert 12:15 midnight. Friday ss. Catala, p.m. July 14 ss. Princes IJorah-I'rom Vancouver Sunday ss. Camosun, p.m. Monday ss. Princess Adelaide. For Gifts You'll Give With Pride Let Your Jeweller He Your Guide p.m. Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert 1 a.m. Friday ss. Catala, 5 p.m. July 23 ss. Prince George, 10 a.m. July 19 ss. Princess Norah, a.m. For Alice Arm, irtewart, Porl Simpson Sunday ss. Camosun, mid-light. From Alice Arm, Stewart, Port Simpson By reason of his experience your jf j should be able to tell you the quality ot "! Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays, 10 p.m. FOR QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS 85. Coquitlam, July 10, 20, 31, 11 p.m. he sells. Tuesday ss. Camosun, a.m. From Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide p.m. he 1 That is your best guarantee fr himself responsible when he makes tlie sa"' When your house needs a new look on top nr just repairs to the roof and gutters, sec Mitchell & Currie Limited PHONE 3G3 Builders and Con tractors Your ieuelli-r Unows that tf thing you buy from him to be exactly as rf'l FRANK J. SKINNER because most people do not pretend to ' Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert. 10 a.m. Friaay- -ss. Catala, a.m. July 19 ss. Prince George, 11 a.m. For Ocean Falls Monday ss. Princess Adelaide, 11 p.m. Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, 12:15 p.m. nuucik nucnn Inline Third Ave- Phone 568 jewcilry like they are of other merchant Vim km- uiih .fiiifidence and you'll find our prices about the S',me asi"1 RUPERT MARINE REALTY ai i-Asi i a moaern improved yeast that needs no refrieer. Canadian cities. July 17 es. Prince George, Ik p.m. From Alaska Thursday ss. Prince Rupert, ation! With New Fleiscbmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast in the cupboard you're set for speedy baking grand results. Yes, this modern baking discovery fits all recipes. Use exactly like fresh yeast in any recipe. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME get several packages of Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast to-day. At your grocer's (J. CLAUSEN & SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsett's, Waterfront) Box 518 Phone Green 975 p.m. lor Alaska Wednesday ss. Prince Rupert, midnight. July 23 ss. Prince George, 2 p.m. package - f yeast cake in any recipe Try a Classified Ac in The News