Prince ntrpfti Oaflp Jttoj Eta. Monday, July 10, 1943 HAT IS "it t, rvsv MTI fefeiITHOUT A INTERESTING LOCAL GARDEN 4 " - - ... , '. .. J- Is it a "green finger" or Interest and industry that makes a garden? Probbaly a well-proportioned mixture of all three and certain it is that where there is a will there can be a productive garden. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pavlikis on Third Avenue West have proved tained from a nursery last year. Right alongside there is a feathery little slip of a tree just a few inches in height, the result of an ambitious peach, seed's contact with fertile soil. This year for the first time, ' caterpillars are attacking the fruit trees. When the caterpillars attack a tree in force it appears ' ji - . -. - - - '. """""" .-tip! '?1 V ' A I 'J ' 7 this. In have 50 their front yard they; as though a bunch of cigars are rose bushes represent- j hanging from the branches. rs A Vfr SfNSffllf PUKCHASt M LOVE - 'vrir d;cnt you buz a coupkt- ing many lovely varieties includ- This illusion is created by the ing the Mandalay, the Kathleen i caterpillar pulling fhe edges of Marshall and the Lady Trent. J the leaves into an overlapping Border flowers and shrubs give j position, forming what he may a colroful trim to the neat lawn fondly consider his house. Be-which has for a centrepiece a sides damasing the leaves they 5" - ' -j. -4 ,oti say' Oh - yon T-ncli, hem-y-gold-...N'.:t8 Flakes:" Ann cherry by a smaller of hKI.K.NA HIGHWAY I'OI'ULAU Becoming increasinly i.upular with motorics from all parts of the continent. The first car from Hawaii is here today. tiorljr mud beautiful Royal tree companioned Bing. u Hi. I ta-at and maltfd i .tt out of this H IE MARKETS- .15 I Tomatoes, 20-oz i that help build up the old muscle'" "Proteins, Hercules. And Iotl'$: Grape-NuU Fltfkea sure have gut 'em!" "And phosphorus what's that for?" "That's for sturdy bones and found teeth." "Eating Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes trrry day no wonder I in such a husky guy!" "And Post's Onrpe-Nuts Flakr-s give you Iron for the bloodand other food essential " "Say Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes are ready to eat right from the package, to let's have tome, quick " iut you're forfct- 40 OZ , Vegetables Eaon .35 .5 J ,won why 1 go lor 4 jti Makrt-" mean' The rarbo- .14! I Celery, bunch 4a Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin j Cauliflower, head 40 49 oz .35 ! t hold squatter's rights on, the young caterpillars are born wich a husky appetite. A good all-purpose spray, according to Mrs. Pavlikis, can be made from nicotine of sulphate, one teaspoon to a gallon of water with a dash of soap flakes added and allowed to dissolve. It can be used on shrubs, trees and flowers and vegetables with good results. In the Pavlikis back garden there is a good show of vegetables. The peas, carrots, cabbages and celery are particularly healthy-looking. There too is a grape vine but it hasn't reached Cid UU IIP wnn -m- ;ifl you the human ,t art those things j Swiss Chard,, lb j Parsnips (unwashed) lb. Turnips, lb 1 Mushrooms;, !b -2 1 i Orange, 20-oz 15 .09 Blended (oranpe and grape M , fruit, 20-oz 16 .85 I 48-oz 3G The Royal Ann was started from a seed some eight years ago and right now it has a number of healthy - looking cherries that are just beginning to blush. The Bing was started from a seedling but it hasn't the same hardy look as its cousin Ann. There are three other fruit trees in the Pavlikis front yard. A plum, which had its beginning about 5 years ago from seeds very well. Green fruit is in evi- All . i Head Lettuce, bunch 15 Canned Y raits Cucumbers, each 32 Apricots, 20-oz. 33 ireen Oniuns, 2 bunches 15 cherries (fancy) 20-oz .38 Australian Onions, 3 lbs. .. .39 Loganberries, 20-oz . .41 'abbase, lb 11 Peaches, choice 29 ft MED In all were In attendance at the Valhalla Hall. A reception preceded a dinner over which W E. Bottomley, assistant district engineer from Smithers, presided. On betia. o.' tht combine i Rhubarb, lb 10 jpinarh, lb 15 pure Laro lb 29 dence and, although the harvest the producing stage yet. dropped in the soil is doing! Perhaps some day Prince Ru-won't be a bumper one, chances Pel"t 'IU be known as the orch-are the yield will increase in ! ard port of the north. Hefts, bunch . .13 staffs, R. A. McLeod presented Turnips, new, bunch 27 Shortening .33 Soap I Mr. Brady with an upholstered easy chair and ha.sock, readin" employees from ii i;nn, Terrace and I Charlotte Islands 1 those located In .pk: Saturday niKht ), farewell to J. C. S5 Soap, face, 2 for .11 j Laundry, cake .08 -,2a 10n Sunlight, cake .03 A septic tanks in normal use, should be cleaned once a year. I lamp and ash tray. Suitable sen-I timents were expressed by Mr. proportion to the tree's age. Peach trees apparently aren't too hard to grow here in Prince Rupert. Mr. Pavlikis has one about five teet tall that he ob- t Soap Powders, tarse 35 .17 W 4 i fk A farm wife spends as many as 12 hours a day in the kitchen. Tomatoes. No. 1. lb Jew potatoes, 5 lb Canned VeKftables Jill Pickles, gal Jut Green Beans, fey. ... Jo. 5 Peas, fancy , M:xed Veec tables - - )iced Beets, 2 tins Wax B -ans, choice Aixt'A Peas and Carrots ... ti'irinn district en-McLeoa ana also oy Mr. uraav d I welcome his sue- who was wished many years of '4 Stevens. About 50 happy retirement. .14; Glace fruit .IS Cherries, '2!b pkt .25 Almond Paste, lb .21 I y'oconut, lb .18 Fruit Cake Mix, lb 3'. At .72 .41 Fishermen! ly Topics from 1 errace Pumpkin 16 Dates (fancy), -lb. pkt. 24 beeciiess Raisins, 2 lbs. . laf turrea in i errace j .speuu i nc nejiv wui crwi i Corn, chiiif after a lingering ; holiday at Lakelse Lake with curn Nihil .3o .4 .24 .4'; .49 .43 it. t Harris. 30, her young son, Edward. .24 Seeded Raisins, lb .25 Shelled Walnuts, I'z lb. . .20 Shelled Almonds, ij. lb. 'Shelled Bra?ils, Vslb JUST ARRIVED A Popular Radio Made for Your Boat. Small and Powerful 5 low battery drain tubes giving 7-tube performance. COVERS LONG AND SUORT WAVE . PHONE CALL WRITE -Scenes of completion in 1914 recalled bv old t iirVs Nelson. The i s v't conducted 1 1 Church un Sun- DRIVING-OF LAST SPIKE of Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Pictures taken at Fort Franer. Alf Yoxall and his son, Roy, returned on Friday from the south end of Lakelse Lake where they have spent the past few days on holiday. 4$ Jams Pure 24 trawberry, 24-oz 5H 25 Raspberry, 24-oz 44 RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC 3o Blackberry, 28-oz 43 MORE DUTCH SELF-INFLICTED 45, Cherry, 24-oz C Box 1321 Phone 644 survey Is be-4 the district from t.hc. 3 plane with eA.v-i.itance Is being 1 i$.A crew of six with I each, 24-oz 44 I taked Beans. 20-O7., tin .... Baked Beans, 15-oz., tin .... Fiuil Strawberries, I 'kt Bananas, lb Apples, cooking, 2 lb Fancy Apples, 3 lb Lemons, la rye, doz Grapeiiuit, 'iexas (white), j 9Vs, 3 for i pink i, 96 s. 6 for Oranges (N.ivt 1) 25 j Dates, lb frrcsl, Local I Quart - Pint i Cream, pin ULLET WOUND? COMING OVER Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Olson have come from the south to spend a week's holiday with the latter's pricot, 24-oz 46 Soups .23! .29 -.49 .23 i jiijj :imru'e at Lakelse parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hall. : Canned Soups, .13 to 13 I ir party is slaying Meats Mrs. J. R. Ward and small son, Jimmy, spent a- few days In LONDON CP Dana H. Porter, Called from Smithsers to Ontario minister of development, Moricetown Indian Reserve early said today, if r;hip:-ing is avail- this morning, Sgt. T. D. Brun- able, it is probable 6000 to 8.000 ton. B.C. Police, Smithers, found Dutch farm rj::; wi;i Migrate to Pauline Michel, 14-year-old In-Canada this year. He recently ' dian girl, with a rifle bullet j I Ham, boned and rolled, lb. .. .80 'Ham, reg. lb T Bologna, lb 4P Is) Miner home. ; is a patient In aj.tal. . .if . 4 Sherwood left last Weiners, lb 40 Terrace as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Dodds and on Saturday left for the south to join her husband. .12. .25 .45 completed a visit to Holland. i Garlic Sausage, lb (Bacon, pkg., lb New Stock of WATERMAN'S Pens and Pencils has just arrived. A fine graduation or going-away gift. " DIBB PRINTING COMPANY t tun where she Willi I ESS Grade A: ,ar?c, cartoned, doz Bacon, side, piece P0 .05 .70 RuUer BESNER BLOCK THIRD AVENUE .73 i nii? staff of the Mrs. B. Rogers left on Sunday t -ial Hospital. to Join Constable Rogers In -i Stewart. Also leaving for Stew- K--nney arrived In are were Mrs. W. Cooper and "i Friday and will Mrs. W. Martin. Cottage Roll, lb Liver Sausage, lb. . Spare Ribs, lb Fresh Pork Ham, lb. Pork Chops, lb First Grade, lb. . wound in her left Side above the heart. She was removed to Smithers Hospital where she is expected to recover. A doctor and nurse accompanied the officer on his trip. The wound is believed to have been self-flicted. DOUBLE BREATHERS The species of fish called Dipnoi has lungs as veil as gills. Milk Police Officers Are Transferred Transfer ir.xolvlng Constable H. O. Jamieson of Atlin and Constable F. J. Payne of Salmon Arm is announced at divisional readquarters of the provincial police here. Jamieson Evaporated Milk .45 .50 .05 ,6( .43 .00 .70 2 for - Pork Tenderloin, lb. 10-oz. tins, 7.75 Pork Sausage, lb. Steak, T-Bone. lb. Steak, round, lb. Case (Conti!Ti"o nn Page 5) Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb Flour u.Klrv Flour. 7 lbs .53 59 CHECKED in a Jiffy or Money flack poes from Atlin to Salmon Arm j 1 and Payne goes from Salmon Arm to Atlin. Harry Calderwood, jr., who has been visiting at his home her'', 'i,,r 4!)'s. No. 1 hard wheat 2.99 1.59 WRATIIALL'S PHOTO FINISHING Developing, Printing Enlarein? QUICK SERVICE Amateur and Professional Supplies Flour 24's Coffee, lb n..t live duality, lb, Vacationing with Your Car? Points to check before you leave to ensure a carefree holiday : . ENGINE TUNE-UP Maximum miles per gallon of gas. Insurance against engine failure. BRAKE INSPECTION Safety and Confidence. 1 WHEEL ALIGNMENT Driving comfort when at the wheel for long distances Prevention of excessive tire wear. And last but not least a thorough LINDSAY LUBRICATION and know that every part of your car has been correctly lubricated and checked includes under-car inspection. LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 806 O jV 1.14, BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your NERAL MOTORS DEALER wolet Bulck Che. Trucks For qui k relief from itcln'nucauapd by wtpiti.ii aOilclf 'tt ttt. wnlties, pimple ami other iu Iiinft tnnclilixn". !- o medi, ated. liqu.ii D. O. D. PRESCRIPTION, (irciarlrsa md itainlfss. SouUie. conmtrts anil qim Uy caiiu; ntense itehniR ion't snM,'r. A-k v,nr firuiuiist lud.iy (or D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. is leaving toniRht on the prin Tea and Coffee Junes cess Adelaide for Kamloops. - onliae OldKinobila C M C. Trorks Fred Stephens, jr., is sailing tonight on the Princess Ade I THIS AND THAT MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY NEW SHIPMENT OF SUP visit in Vancouver. laide for a . ,ace Machine Shop & Garage Miss Ruby Bagshaw is sailing tonight on the Princess Adelaide lor a trip to Vancouver. TERRACE, aO. ERBLY TAILORED SUITS A well-groomed appear ance plus that feeling of con IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladles' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a hew Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. YOUR BEST EATING PLACE FULL-COURSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. fident assurance that springs from being comfortable and correct is yours in any of our new suits. OTHER NEW ARRIVALS AT ACME INCLUDE A new range of gabardine and worsted SLACKS, casually correct SPORT JACKETS and these ever-popular CROYDON RAINCOATS. i E SKEENA MERCANTILE We can supply all your needs in ... . BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLBOARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLYWOODS, SASH AND DOOR, NAILS, PLUMBING SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EVITT&CO.LTD. "Serving the North Since 1920" Phone 651 652 COAL LUMBER PAINTS BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CHINESE DISHES BROADWAY CAFE 608 3rd Ave. W. Phone 200 I 1 Seabee Amphibian Plane I Non-Schedule Charter Service W ii, Commercial Hunting JL Fishing 'Sightseeing ?ENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. ACME CLOTHING STORE 1 PHONES rice: Be a Congressman, for the Senate again? W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 3 "Why ru Prln so everyone will wrue y. pe Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 406