provincial i library. us nnrirn nniiAA Iff Pi VIC 12-1 I Da ily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER UYYvJled f Conodo' M Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" PH0IIE81 PKINCE RUPERT, B. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS ' IV CABS - V, u , His RUSSIA REJECTS , iipfpnce - - l L Evidence And Vjjore Floods Due Says Lallimore Yas in Red Cell PKii if if ' nab-5 ae-i ",v ' -v. i - " -' i MOSCOW SAYS BOMBER ARMED, FIRING FIRST LONDON (CP) Rut sia today rejected a United. States demand for compensation for the loss of an. American plane which was fired at by Soviet fighters in the Baltic Sea area April 8. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics also Insisted that the plane was a B-29 bomber, not an unarmed privateer, and that It fired first. The note was handed to United States Ambassador Alan G. Kirk at Moscow fronvForelgn Minister Andrei Vlshlnsky and declared the plane was "trying to photograph Soviet defence installations." It , also Rangers Win Again Underdogs Now On Top Take One Game Lead Over Detroit in Another , Overtime Contest DETROIT iff; New York Ran ge) s duplicated the play which broke up an overtime b game Tues- j I day as Don Raleigh scored an overtime tally to give them a 2 1 victory last night over De troit Red Wings. , The plucky underdog Rangers now lead the best of seven scries three games to two. The sixes game will be played tomorrow night at Detroit and will be broadcast over "Hockey Night in Canada." FIVE DIVORCES GRANTED HERE Five divorce decrees have been granted by Justice J. M. Coady in Supreme Court here. A sixth is still to be dealt with. For the following five, A. H. Brown acted for the petitioner: Harold Skog from Fay Cammilla Skoe: Christia.i Norman Fnssum from Agnes Fossum; William Colin Davies from Elizabeth Davies; Joseph Brown from Sadie Brown; David Guy Moore from Vera Lorraine Moore. APPEAL FROM HEALTH OFFICIALS SENDS SCOTS QUEUEINO FOR VACCINATION When a ship docked in Glasgow, Scotland, with a smallp ,x case aboard, health officials immediately sent out an appeal for mass vaccination, and reslden ts of tlje city responded wholeheartedly. In one day more than 13,000 were vaccinated at the ra te of 600 an hour. This scene shows thousands of residents of the city queueing for vaccination. The line was over 200 yards long, starting from around the corner, at the public health office. READY FOR HOBBY SHOW Arrangements Complete For Big Affair at Civic Centre Plans for the Hobby Show next week are corri' plete. Rowland Miles is in charge of all arrange fired first, the note said. The note said the Soviet government cannot accept the United States demands for compensation for a guarantee against recurrence of the incident. Jets Home From Penticton Trip "It was a good trip. There was really something -wrong with it though. We didn't win" was the simple comment of one of the members of Pflnce Rupert Jets' Kin to Repair Damaged Camp The Kin Kiddies Camp at Lake Lakelse was damaged by heavy snows and Ice during the winter according to reports given at the Kinsmen Club meeting Wednesday night. Th'3 members plan to visit Uie camp shortly and carry out necessary repairs. Th Kinsmen Club has enter- . . Bowling D,,i tournament and each team across the country will play 'heir games simultaneously on .Saturday Aoril 2!) and all snores will be wired to a central office. Cosmopolitan Dinner Enjoyed On Monday evening the Seal Cove branch of the Legion Sew-in? Club held a delightful cosmopolitan dinner at the home of Mrs. Darrow Gomez. During the evening Mrs. Garret Montgomery showed films of her trip to New Zealand much to the enjoyment of those attending. The guests were Mesdames G. Montgomery, Geo. Robinson, J. Ritchie, N. A. Hebb. K. Slater I A. Stegauid, S. Ballinger, Wm. j Russell, F. Hill, D. Dean, C. Dean. J. Tavlor. M. Monteomerv. A. MacDonald, Dtshman, J. . Rcnburgh, T. Horton, O. Rys- slad, F. Marshall and D. Gome?. . firemenaced Doukhobor settle mvnt 'at' KMstOvr wfiere "four more houses were set afire yes. terdayV, Thirty-six persons have Ihpprt pnmmltfjiH fnr ,frial n,i arsoh charms following lasti week's burning of the home of 1 John Verigin at Brilliant. Waterfront Flash Fire A flash fire at the Bacon Fisheries smokehouse shortly before one o'clock today was quickly brought under control by the city Fire Department with the aid of the Canadian National yard engine nd crew who fought the flames from the track side of the bllildin!r Because of the alarm being given in the dock area all avail-blc equipment w as rushed to the :cone. Flames were held to the smokhouse which suffered ex- tensive damage. rnents, assisted by Miss Eileen Cross and Mrs. J. T. Harvey. . Displays in the small gym are being set up by t!u Art Club. Mrs. G. D. Meade is in general charge and is being assisted by Miss Jeanne -- - 7 ; Faure. This is the room where Mrs. T. Priest, Mrs. M. Sniitn the Jean Park Cameron exhibit and Mrs. H. Humphrey. On Doukhobor Problem will be hung, Wie pictures iro.n the local Art Club, Jrora Prince all star basketball team which returned home on. the Princess Louise this morning from its unsuccessful defence of the British . Columbia rsenior.,"B"'. basketball , championship at Penticton. Returning today were coach George Howe, Joe Davis. Jim Flat;n, Rupert Holkeatad, Ever- George, Smithcrs and Quesnol. be a large and attractive ilis-The picure hanging will be done play. Precautions will be taken Sjudice I 4 evidence and r' ., r. nf l.hp k on ie - nlt him a iu "i-defend himself 'd by George Mc- lie cross-e"""""" Uhttp of e yesterday auci- Uducting his own case at the bup- Aisizes. McKmgnt .rjed with Stewart breaking ana Fance and Hardy on Third Avenue 14 last when a safe ,tn. McKnight sat able and, conduc-nnolly and with' a jticated air which a be as not un-:i such procedure. moii. the co-ac- miinsel is R- M. in the prisoner's i.,e blue shirts and the first of three -:;ar charges which ,ii Thompson are ter two arise cut of i entering of Gor-jrrson and Philpott i daring a series of (; the Christmas jv was occupied in ren evidence which j on at resumption ; when Cpl. A. H. i,,bl George Red-Davis, the provln-from Victoria were '4-fi. Tlie case should -v deliberation stage joon. night of February iven McKnlght to a arch of a bur. The JrKnlght approach- axi stand and asked k large one. After c bar at the garage, ur. McKnight told at the Three SistfM 1 Avenue. Willi the 'mobile shaft, Meed an alley near tli (fed an alley near the urned to the stand ites later, ut the rc-Knigh, returned to testified Thomp- t of the alley with his hand. He stated Mithad a cloth shop- h him. 'ss cxaniinallon by pod, defense counsel m, Jabour admitted sure If McKnight -lil)l)ing bag. 'hen rrquestfd Jab- it them at the King I. -examination, Jab-11 that he had been llh retaining stolen 1 police court some 'few.vul asui.p'T.d-of two vc.ars Ti, no relation to the but prisoner George J'id not object, to de- ' c,'-: examination j "ut respect. Justice 1 miul" il clear to Me-u R. M. MacLeod's "ation may prejutlic-lu;7 was excused for ll"3 as the iudpf. p.. r nailer i M,.iri..u N he hart no dealing "?ht regarding profiW 10 wot her case. 1'e " tokl by MeKnipM ;i!Ts for a few days. F6ht and Thm Ilnri .., i-.-aouur was nup:;i.. 1 Lance Pollen,,,, In ' 'he stolen n,iui,. f officer he had not 7" t. after lew- disposed of bV throw ng it over the ''s- Poll. ce did not lo- itnP... were WiMnm. ! by Mrs. W. S. Kergln, Mrs. N. E. Gerrard and Mrs. R. E. Mort- , lmpr j ' Extra chairs will be put in thl. rnom nn Thursday after- fr r;ion rmS!' tali, nn . r. ip j that evening while she talks on Interior Decoration." At other, times this room will be filled with comfortable, chairs where people can linger and chat, look at the pictures and, if they . . ... 1 wish, buy some of them. in the large gyrrj on Wednes- day afternoon Mrs. T. M. Chris tie will receive the exhibits. As usuu an types 01 wur uu..e uv WASHINGTON D. C. (CP) Louis F. Budenz, former Communist, testified today that Owen Latttmore was a member of a "Communist cell" in the In- titute of Parific Relations. Budenz told a Senate foreign relations subcommittee that he knew Lattimore, Far Eastern ex pert for the United States Department of Slate, was asiociat-cdjwith two men who ere "Sov to iet, agents." lie salH evidence could be obtained to substaa- iate his testimony. Makassar Is Recaptured JAKARTA, Indonesia CPt Federal Indonesian troops have occupied Makassar without a Mght. the Indonesian News Agency Antarc reported today from the capital of East Indo nesia. ; 1 The Indonesian government yesterday announced the surrender of rebel troops who seized the south Celebes city two weeks ago. The surrender was without bloodshed following the landing at worang, about 40 miles south 1 ot .MaKassar, 01 a Battalion 01 , 90 federal SQldiers. 1 Statement No Further Trifling In v, , Law Keeping ' Committee To Seek " j Iong Solution, Dc portation Proposed OTTAWA (CP) At. torney General G. S. Wismer of British Columbia announced today that one of the solutions being sought to put a halt to Doukhobor terrorism is to get them to emigrate to another country but, while these and other solutions were being considered, "the governments are determined that tlie laws of Premier Indignant House Has Hot Scene OTTAWA f Flushed and angered, Prime Minister St. Laur- ent clashed with noisy. Jeering Progressive-Conservative mem .in the House of Commons i'esteraay, expressing Ditter re- sen Uncut at a charge that he had evaded a question In a sharp exchange of af ter year old Prime Minister defiantly ' 11115 Caamoer ln tones of ' aneer wely used before in his . 6ht years in Parliament that i"1 would rather lose my temper than my reputation." Tllb blow-up stemineu iruiii 'clear away the work. Canada must be observed." ' ' ' Mr. Wismer Issued a 12,00(1- word Ktatpmfnt. aft.r dismission with Minister of Justice Stewart Garioft on the best means it solving the Doukhobor menace which has ; taken on ! now im - port'ance: Iwith'. thfe resumption of "criminal terrorism" in British Columbia.' '"" The AUomev General blamed ; one sees, ana one aione ? tue Sons of Freedom. Other' groups merited great respect, he said. If the Doukhobors wanted to. emigrate and any other country! was ready to receive them, the Canadian authorities would make no objection, Wismer said. Another proposal was for a mass rehabilitation along ' tm lilies of special, economic and spiritual outlook. Mr. Wismer announced that theYe would be a special scien- tific investigation with a view ; to devising a long term plan to ! solve an extraordinarily difficult problem.' It was . very "disappointing that a new and "intolerable situation" had arisen. Meantime tight police cordons' and road blocks surround the ; TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy s. r. Johnatuu Co Ltd.) Vancouver Buyonnc :. 03 Bralornc 9.00 E. R. Con 03 13. R. X .05 Cariboo Quartz 1.35 Congress 27 Hediey Mascot 2S Tucific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille, 5.60 Pioneer 3.25 Premier Border 03 rrivateer ; , .12 'a Reeves McDonald 2.20 .03 Sheep Creek 1.10 Siibak Premier .34 Vananda 15'2 Salmon Gold 05 Spud Valley 06 Silver Standard 89 Oils-Anglo Canadian 4.90 A. P. Con 31Vi Atlantic 1.81 Culmont " .46 1 C. & E 8.05 Central Leduc 130 Home Oil 14.35 Okaltt 1-84 Tacilic Pete 5.75 Princess 45 Royal Canadian 05'2 Royalltc 13.50 , Toronto Athona .1314 Aumaque 39'2 Beattie 67 Bovcourt 33 y Bobjo v l3'' Buffalo. Canadian I6V2 Consul. Smelters 99.50 Con west 1-25 Donalda 60 Eldona 31U East Sullivan 6.1)5 Giant Ycllowknlfe ........ 7.60 Ood's Lake 37 Hardiock 41 Harricana 66 Heva uo'j Hosco 09 Jacknife 06 'i Juliet Quebec 69 Luke Rowan .'. 15 Lapa.ska 053i HI tie I-ong Lac 48 Lynx 25 Madsen Red Lake 3.05 McKenzIo Red Lake 57 McLeod Cockshutt 3 85 Moncta .' 37 Negus 1.68 Noranda 70.00 Louvicourt 23 Pickle Crow 1.75 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 360 Senator Rouyn 28 Sherrlt Gordon 2.45 Steep Rock 3.20 Sturgeon River 20 Silver Miller 73 Upper Canada 3.70 if everyone brings in their finished leathe rwork there will to prevent anything" being handled, or taken from the tables. A large display will show gratitude to the instructor, also the importance of craft work on the Civic Centre program. To raise money for craft equipment the leathercraft bi"p WUiu .a.u "'aRe ww i ,,. , a reature at mis years fnow- lne an ui cases, etc., and as well there ... . . n .p makln arUc)es dur(ng shQW wno will fill special orders. Junior girls will do beadwork wpaye beside WQol THE WEATHER Synopsis Frost was quite general Mia Infpiir nvnr. night m y P'J from Hm Vilirhrvct iwinf. rfar.hti this wr to below the freezin2 mark as skies cleared rapidly at. nh'ht. At Penticton for ex- ample a maximum temperature of 73, recorded yesterday, brought in a rush of cool Pa- people themselves s weicome. haye made and Tlie school exhibit will be on rafning. the same wall as other years: Uslng one of severai still life and is always looked forward to.' gludie3 for a model, the Art The exhibit from the recent cub memDers will show the home furnishing course proin- difference in the effect when ises to be large and interesting charcoal, pastels or oils are and will be arranged by Mrs. A. 4Sed Boas and Mrs. E. A. Evans. j In lnc COnunon lounge still " Mrs. Woodslde is in charge of another hobby will be included, the exhibit of suits and dresses amateur movies. Pictures taken made at the recent sewing by local people will run concourse. Assorted and out of town tinuously on the Thursdayf Fri-exhibits will be arranged by day and Saturday evenings. r . ett wce, Sid Scherk and Bill Sunberg. Reg Lavigne got back by plane Wednesday. ... Manager Djn Forwards Ted Arney and Sonny Beynon will be returning Sunday. ''Framed" Says Geo. McKnight - George McKnight, charged Jointly with Stewart Thompson on a breaking and entering charge, stood in the witness box tills morning and declared ihat most of the crown witnesses were lying and suggested that he was "framed." He even called one of the crown witnesses a "rat." He stated ne would believe Dr. Thomas Davis of Victoria, senior analyst with the Department of Mines. Dr. Davis experimented with evidence submitted by police regarding the case. But, he declared, he would not believe any of the other witnesses. Baseball Scores National Pittsburgh 8, St. Louis 4 Boston at New York, postponed Brooklyn at Philadelphia, postponed Chicago at Cincinnati, postponed American Detroit 5, Cleveland 4 Ntw York at Boston, postponed St. Louis at Chicago postponed Pacific Coast Seattle 4, Hollywood 15 San Francisco 8, Sacramento 5 Los Angeles 0, San Diego 6 Western International . Vancouver 7, Tri-City 8 Tacoma 7, Salem 10 Yakima 6, Wenatchee 0 Annual . BASKETBALL DANCE presentation of trophies at Canadian Legion Auditorium Saturday, April 22nd, 9:30 p.m. Admission 50 cents INQUEST IN BETTY YOUNG CASE OPENS Ti,nul luln (hp rtrnt.h nf 20- " V , year old Mr, Betty Young, founc dead in a downtown rooming house Tuesday morning, commenced last evening nd ad-jniirncd after the remains had been viewed and identified so they may be released for burial. Police Investigation is continu ing. The inquest is being conducted by Coroner M. M. Stephens. Jury consists of W. G. Sheardown, P. H. Linzey, Harold Hclgerson, Malcolm McArthur, Don Stewart and S. R. Donaldson LO'-AL TIDES Saturday, April 22, 1950 tiMi' 3:38 19.1 feet 16:51 16.0 feet Low 10:31 5.2 feet 22:14, 9.8 feet rific air over the province. A noon debate, Mr. St. Laurent rather weak disturbance cross- told Howard Green (P.C.-Van-ing the coast will allow this couvcr-Quadra) who made the cloud and a few showers to per- charge, that he resented it and slst today and overnight but j was prepared always "to meet Saturday should see clearing him head-on here or anywhere r i fiwhw conciiiions again. i cise." With nearly clear skies andj Advancing into the aisle' with light winds in the Interior to-;co,or darkeni and volce rlsing j,rjr,' ""u'" """" r.nZ. Forecast Mnrt.h RrirlonCloudv with sunny intervals today and ftnain tomorrow. A few showers today. Little change in' temperature. Winds Southerly (IS RECEIVED "COOL" RECEPTION ON ARRIVAL IN U.S. Waving a greeting. Sir Basil Brooke, prime minister of Northern Ireland, accompanied by his wife. Lady Cynthia, is seen on their arrival in New York, where tliey were greeted by a line oi pickets, who voiced their uioii ..u.-'ii.i ,-riiloiuns oi the Emerald Isle. While Sir Basil said he did not mind tne booing, he did admt that he was "not impressed" by ins reception. The visitors from Northern Ireland, wno leit New York almost immediately for Washington, D.C.. will be in Uie U.S. lor about three weeks. They are accom mph) shifting to westerly (13, attempt by the government, tin-mph) this afternoon. Winds ally successful, to remove the light tomorrow. Lows tonight private members bill period for and highs tomorrow at Port several days which is the usual Hardy 36 and 50, Sandspit and routine as the House hastens to Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operotive Association GENERAL MEETING ODDFELLOWS' HALL, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1950-1 P.M. " . ' ""cen-ier , arntothes' Wi n page Gi panied by two rnembLrs of storied Scotland Yard. , Prlnrv Rupert 34 and 5u. I