1 Prince Rupert Duily News Friday, April 21, 1950 HIS OWN DEFENCE (Continued from page 1) FRIDAY AND sath. "AMBUSH" FElVAY , "if we had that before, evcry-! thing would be alright." Bought Acid George Casta gner testified hf was approaciied by McKnight al Timely Topics jrom Terrace Mrs. C. K. Newhouser, Terrace Reporter Viato cunt..i::!:i3 files and otter Items were offered as exhibits including the Inside metal door of tlw safe, badly torn, bent and buckled. On Deccmbet 28, witness testified, a visit was made to the King George Hotel with Cpl. Wales and Constable Redhead. McKnight, Thompson and John Waldon were In the room, apparently all occupying one bed. Wales picked up a pair of rubber shoes- (they were presented In court.) Accused said the shoes , WeWlllNowBePial0 .Spencer TrW "MALAYA" win Valcntlna Cortesa Sv,, John Hodiak Lionel Barrym Burial Service for Late J. E. Boddie New Legion Bur.lding Going Ahead Town Gets Laundry Funeral services for the late J. A laundry is now operating in SHOWS AT Evenings 7 9:10 Sat. Mat. 2 -4:25 the municipally owned building if its i " - 1 i. f.f E. Boddie of Prince Rupert were conducted at the graveside in the Kalum Cemetery by Rev. Canon Basil S. Frockter. Conducting the Oddfellows' rites were H. King and Jack Barman. I Pallbearers were W. Bailey, J. H. Smith, W. Warner, J. Barman i Will Robinson and C. J. Norring-, ton. Chief mourners were Mrs. ! J. E. Boddie, Mrs. R. Burnett and daughter of Vancouver, Robert ( Boddie, D. C. Stevenson, Mrs. f I I; i l 1 aa.B. . . ' IMALTIfJE 5 Suits James of Prince Rupert. Also in tow,i looking over several : from the coast town were Wilfred properties and finally purchas-I McLean and Albert Dalzell. Fol- , ng the Billson place on Eby lowing the funeral the mourners Road. returned to Prince Rupert im- . TO GET BWfj We're Not Rnnninn approximately 9 p. in. prior to 'Christmas eve in a Sixth Street and Second Avenue pool room. McKnight, the witness said, asked him to purchase a quantity of nitric acid and handed him a five dollar bill. Castagner said he bought 20 ounces for $1.50 and returned the change receiving 50 cens lot services. Clifford MacDow had quite a bit of difficulty answering questions put forth by McKnight who is acting in his own defense. Even Mr. Justice Coady leaned back and pronounced that he was not able to follow the witness. The matter of a midnight 5how helped to clear the matter up. MacDow said he ate with McKnight in the Grand Cafe at approximately 1 p. m. Christmas Day. McKnight was carrying a pair of trousers which appeared to be dirty, MacDow. said. He testified that McKnight had remarked thr.t they (McKnight and Thompson i had completed three jobs but that there was not much in it about $300. MacDow said'MoKnisht start-ted to say more but finished off !jv telling MacDow to read It In the next edition oftthe ncwspa.p-per. After completion of cross -examination by McKniaht. Mac Dow was asked bv Prosecutor T W. Brown if . anyone connected with the prosecution "told you to say anything untruthful. Mf-Dow said no o,:e had. McKnight earlier in f rcss-examlnation, suggested that MacDow had been influenced. Daniel James Lippett, McBride Street service station operator, identified Ernest Jabour as the man wi.o came to his garage on Christmas Eve to borrow a crow bar which was returned to him an hour or so uaer. Jaoour drove tip in a car but whether there was anyone In the car with him witness was unathe u say. Constable White John Robert While, city po lice constable, told of the call to the Ranee avi Hardy store on Christmas Day. A badly damaged safe had been found. There was ballast isafe packing) on the floor. The safe was open. It appeared to contain little of value. A high window at the rear of the store had been forced open. On the window sill had been found fibres f.tihering to splint ers of oor. An almost indiscern-, ible footprint was seen below the window. Two electric bell wires iwith explocttu ueionators attached were also found undor the ballast close to the safe. rut w.V near to the Civic Centre, .pne part of which is occupied by the R. Baxters. Mr. and Mrs. Wynne are operating the laundry. Mrs. Lloyd Johnstone is a p-tient in the local hospital where she had an appendix operation on Monday. Mrs, p. Eve and Lynnc Gordon Qf Prince RuDert scent last week Pt'url PauglanU had an appendix operation at the local hospital on Wednesday morning. Gordon Little, Edith Little and Mary Crawford arrived back in Terrace at noon on Thursday driving in from the east over very bad roads. George Little left the party at Vanderhoof and proceeded to Terrace by train. Since leaving Terrace several weeks ago, he and the two ladies have travelled over 8,000 miles. The Firemen's ticket selling and fund raising campaign is now on. These volunteer firemen, both young and old are doing a splendid job in the town and it is surprising how many householders there are who owe a debt of gratitude to these men for saving their homes from possible destruction by fire. The money they J are trying jo to raise now is for their own insuranc . . . , . , and to buy a 2V2 inch fire hose which will cost about $2,000. The sum total of their donations up-to-date is $90. Morgan's . . a . y u You haven't lived until ($f you've tried a dinner of 1 were his. Later at the police station a pair of pants were taken from McKnight. Dust and wood taken from the cuffs of the pants were tendered as evidence in vials. The trousers were produced in court. Cross-Examination Cross-examined by Mr. MacLeod, witness said he had no knowledge of Thompson In connection with this charge. MsKnlght inquired as to how long White had been In the force, the officer replying thirteen years with the exception of time out for Air Force service. "Absolutely not," declared witness when askPd by M"Knt2ht it he had manufactured evidence in this case. Nor would witness do anything to hinder a proper defence. All eifccts had been taken from McKnight in the usual way. McKnight .asked White You wouldn't wain a fair trial, would you? White Certainly I want to see a prisoner given a fair trial. .Questlou Wouldn't you go to any length to convict us? Answer Vlo. Question Tsn't the police force prejudiced against us? Answer Not that I know of. ' Question Was it possible you put evidence in the pants? Answer No. White "said "we were fortunate" In finding so much evidence In the pants. It had not been considered necessary to .send accused s jacket as well as pants to the analysist In answer t McKnight, White admitted frankly that he had ! once been in trouble an auto : accident with a police car for which he had been reprimanded and fined. The hour being nearly 5:30 p. m., Crown Prosecutor T.W. Brown suggested that the Jury must b? not oniy tirzd but bared so adjournment was taken until 10 o'clock this morning. The following are the jurymen: Foreman, William Scuby, Alex Bill, Robert Armstrong James Clarke. Norman Edwards John Wllian. Richard Brash. John Chrlstensen Jr. Michael Eckland, Libert c Bnsso-Bert. William Tooth anJ Allan Armstrong Fried Chicken at the . mediately by car. Mrs. Martin Miller is spending the week in Prince Rupert with her daughter, Marion. Under her maiden name of Anna Louise Cerf, Mrs. Miiler has written some beaut.'ful poems some of which have already appeared in the daily press. Her friends hope that more of these will be forthcoming soon, in book form. Work is going ahead on the new Canadian Legion building, the old guardhouse of the army camp, to have it ready for early occupancy. Tom Turner is putting in the windows all of the old ones having been broken. i 1 do Pile Torture 1 w " " rltn TMttnrnt, rommin-irar v. ht mnovn i inidr -. hy inti-mai tmrtmmt, liquid bsr mouthl. rfvi Miuinx mum . with th firi fctnr. or price refunded at nre. Tiiday, wllk PVItoDe. that torture la nevdlp... PiKnw. 91.1ft. Ank our druggist. Ue kaowa. "Captain CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM RESERVATIONS AND TAK1 V. OUT ORDERS PHONE hi Learn to Dance Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Woltz Jive, Rhumba. Tango PRIVATE LESSONS Hours: ' Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 p ni Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. 'The Peoples Way" Your Favorite Store J ; m RUPERT PEOPLES STORE: m I Prince Rupert Florists i Flowers for All Occasion 00 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777, JEWEL 3 POUNDS 79c (Limited Supply) BURNS BEST BUYS 1048 Hays Cove Ave. Phone 755 I Get Spring In Your Step with Sponge Soles Men's Oxfords No. 1 Elk Leather At $5.15 FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Charlie Roberts ,Bos 638 rhone 351 through a revolving door, and into the storage section of the establishment. Mrs. Hardy testified that she asked the two men the nature of their business in the rear section of the building j not open to the public. She identifed McKnlght and reported jhim as saying: "I got the wrong store." She asked him what store he did want. He asked the ! location of the B. C. Butchers. All three witnesses testifed that McKnight was one of the men. Defense counsel pointei' out that none of the three witnesses could identify the other man. ! The establishment was closed at about G:50 p.m., testified Mr. Ranee. All doors and windows were locked. Returning at about ' 1 p.m. the next day, he found the safe ruined, the back and only window broken and what h thought was Vaster, upon the floor. He was later 'informed that the substance was ballast, used in safe blowing. The safe i till, statements and two wills, be- longing, to Mr. Ranee and his I wife, disappeared I j Roste Holmquist, a carpenter testified for the prosecution that he was walking home along 3rd Avenue on the night of December 24 when he heard a blast. Holm-quist said he had had experi- ence with dynamite, having worked in mine? for a number of '.years. He testified "the sound struck me as a charge". 1 "It went off in the genera! direction of the Three Sisters Cafe or the store," he . said (Ranee & Hardy's adjoins Three Sisters Cafe). Two other persons stood in the doorway of the Victory Cafe nearly opposite Ranee and Hardy and remarked about fhe blast. Holmqirist said. He wa.s told by one of them that the time was about 11 p. m. j Native Girl ! A 23-year old native girl Violet Sampare testified tnat late on Christmas Eve In the Kinp George Hotel, McKnight told he;-! that he had blown some safes "Pen. I "He showed me some money," ;she testified, "and said he got it I from what he did". The girl asked McKnight: ("What would you do if I went to the cops about it". She reported him as saying that it would ibe the last time that she would go to the polii e. "He tried to give me $20 but !l wouldn't take it," she said.'"He gave it so I wouldn't go to the police." ! She said she saw McKnl-ht.in (the Grand Cafe on Christmas night and that he told her. to, be careful. "I think he meant not to talk," she said. In front of the C 4 151... mmo MOMi mat mailt she saw Stewart Thompson and M Kniiiht. The J.-nicr was showing Thompson a piece of iron. She said she overheard them saying: CHURCH'S FIRST MINISTER j The first ordained Presby- j terian minister came to Nova' Scotia from 'New Eneland in 1764. ." ' ' ! BEGINS IN U.S. , j The ultimate source of the ' St. Lawrence River Is in the state of Minnesota, at the head of the St. Louis River. SHOES by Built on scientific lasts hich encourage good posture, correct balance and weight distribution in ... . RESEARCH I HURLBUT ! SANDY SAVAGE ; r BOOTS & OXFORDS Brown woods mfovm: For appointments GREEN 431 Mary MacDonald, Director: formerly i.I Arthur It PRINCE RUPERT DANCE SI VwolIIi fife New I V 7 rKASeaT- T M i xxmrw amiK iacw.vPSii A v c . V $Mtj. This advertisement is not pubiisncd or displayed by the Liquoi control Board, or by the Government of British Columbia So serve something new and delightful cocktails and long drinks made with Captain Morgan Rum. There arc two brands. Gold Label is rich and full-bodied . . . Black Label extra smooth and flavourful. Doth brands make taste-tempting drinks! WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING 320 3rd Ave. W Headquarters for the ' VIEW-MASTER Full Library of Color Reels Developing. Printing Enlarging Photographic Supplies Scenic Views Kodaks for Everyone . NIGHT AND DAY WE ARE THE ONES Open 24 Hours Every Day & Night MILLIE'S FOR HAMBURGERS Full course meals served 5-7 p.m. Just off Third Avenur J18 6th St. Ph. Orders Blur 32J BETTER THAN ANY OTHER MARGARINE George Cook. Jeweller1 Buy With Confidence Gifts for Every Occasion SILVERWARE, WATCHES, CHINA, LUGGAGE 527 3rd W. Advertise in t,e L'aily News. Box 1118 Phone 264 (96) WANTED You have only to taste the NKW MARGIiNE to know it has new flavor, new texture. That's because you housewives told us what you like best in margerinc, and we've made the NEW MARGENE to suit your wishes. It's GOOD-bettcr than ever. Get some today. A PRODUCT OF CANADA PACKERS Quantity of good quality Spruce logs andor lumber. State where available, price and other particulars to Box No. 682, Daily News. Junior Chamber PRIZES, PRIZES Music by the Dukes TSS'Tr and Beauiy JSNJ VVJJj Contesl CivicDf WW.