'Mm Business t Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, April 21, 1950 I Kenneth Leakie and Stewart ; Marrs of the federal income tax ; department from Vancouver, 77ie Experts Say - - By Terrace Co-op' i By KAY KEX . in a hot oven. Serve with melted .ics-nere are several -.rv 14 w la n.mu TERRACE The Terrar m B. C. and the Class of '50 Salada Tea Bags are handy nunc auii ill in I nw :iiii i UL'ar i mi for afternoon tea - 1- j "uiicaudv iukiii,2 meeting wj m 4 Fresh or frozen cod fill;; lsh with Darslev t hi it 'i r j may be served 'au gratin," with ! tomatof or cheese. T ft I ! Cut fillets Into portions mi ISrMMVV !T6C6 1JIV RSlG- i5 1? A fill' j start .free delivery of groceries I and feed to their customers. The j matter of purchasing a truck j v.hich has been oifeed to them I atr a reasonable price was left in I the hands of the directory as were all other arrangements in j who are here to assist local peo- 1 pie In the making out of returns. , will keep their office open on 1 Saturday af :ernoon. They ex- ' pect to return to Vancouver f Synday ni?ht. i i Pat Bolton, 'who has been In Vancouver for the past three i months reieivlng treatment for leg trouble returned to the ct.iy i on Wednesday. . I Miss Glenna Moore returned home on the Camosun this af-j ternoon from a holiday trip to i Vancouver and Seattle. AW vC-vi Many important mile- I putt greasea ;d baking-dish. oaKing-iish M I . . vitsseI Payers Meeting m wook in hot oven f W stones in B.C.'s excep- Fahrenheit) u) tionai progress can oe lot fresh fillets and 15 ,to 22 minutes for frozen fillets. T-SdS. BAG connection with this innovation. This will mean a certain amount of restrictions on credit and the TERRACE The Ratepayers' Association held its monthly meeting in the Fire Hall on Wednesday evening with an attend Fillets Au Gratin Dip fillets' m wen-salted milk (one table. ance qi unrteen presided, over by traced to the know-how jlities of leadership provided by university trainee past. at majority of the Province's university graduates their chosen work here in B.C. This year, the 1950 raduates need all the openings we can uncover. ' ?u.n l ?.alt.to P of Uarold Smith. niuiv;. luju jn anea nreaa' me report, oi ue delegate to crumbs. Bake in oven. MINERAL ACT. ' Form F. (Section S8 (d). the special meeting called by the commissioners to deal irh the NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. whole policy on creuit will have to be revised. . The meeting was held in the Credit Union Hall and was fairly well attended. C. Kofoed presided and Floyd Frank was there in his capacity as secretary. Alex Gillanders gave a report j of the(Co-operative annual meeting in Vancouver to which he was the local delegate. ' 'it was revealed that the sales "1 No No I Mineral Claims Bli B- ": Bull portion of these young men and women large pro; Civic Centre fire Insurance was presented and the satisiactoiy conclusion of that mar.er reported. The new water rates verc an veterans some with families. Fillets with Tomatoes One tin cream of tomato soup; one tablespoon of shallots (cut x small pieces); two teaspoons sugar. Salt and cover with cream of tomato soup to which shallots and sugar have been added. Cook during required time. i mar 1: Bull No. 6: Bull No. 6; Jean; Hugh. Situate In Atlln Mining Division. Where situated On the north side of the Taku River, near Tulse- quah. B.C. Lawful huiuir The Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada. Limited fe C 1-.. Afrtnaf rir nffpr nnmmir m1f- lou can emniuy 6'-" - - - "yj- nounced by Commissioner Haug-Ifpd who also stated thai it io an undergraduate, picasc jinonc or wruc rnc i n r,.r( !rtiia1 T.iaicnrt flfTirpr at HAiir n r.ci Number of the holder' Free Miner's j kitive ana nuii"'"- ....... vi r,!ight be a point of interest to ln tlle !ocal store had amounted litie ratepayers to know that it is to $100,000 last year and business costing the town approximately was steadily increasing. $200 per month for powr for A decision to take out member- 10NAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE office, NOW. istreet lighting and water pumps, ship in the Provincial Co-oper Fillets with pheese Sauce-Ingredients of sauce: two tablespoons butter; three tablespoons flour; one cup hot milk; one-third cup grated cheese; one-half nan teasDOon teaspoon nowdered powdered miis- for Adequate street lighting Gilg Avenue was brought up, but. this matter hnrl nlrpnrlv hppn alive Union was made by the local . Association. Following a lengthy meeting refreshments were served by the committee. ft Certificate: 285H5-F. TAKE NOTICE that James W. Donaldson, of TraU. flc., actiiiR as niiint for the lawful holder Intend?, at the end of 60 days but not later than one year from the dat of this notice, to apply to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining Crown grants of the above claims. AND further take notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act.'' must be commenced before the issuance fo such certificates of Improvements. Dated tills 22nd day of Sent. AD. 1949. JAMES WILSON DONALDSON, Agent for the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company of Canada, Limited. (hi 7JRTMEIIT OF LABOUR mus-; , ' tard and salt. Mix untiL cheese wlth by the Commissioners, is melted. Cook five minutes, t Two lighU wil1 be stalled on Pour over fish and ninrP in,trrel Avenue and one at the HREY MITCHELL Minister A MacNAMARA Deputy Minister Bl Three Kids Are Born at Terrace TERRACE Triplets were born on Wednesday morning to a Saarnen doe belonging to Hans railroad crossing on Kalum St. f. Fisher and H. Smith were appointed as delegates to the Directorate of the Civic Centre. Fish Chowder Ingredients: " four tablespoons butter:' two cnions (finely chopped); three-quarters cup minced celery; two Amdam- birth of triplets OWNED BY OTHERS appears to be something unusual Until recently " "f 97 per cent V.V" of in the goat world but, UUL' these cups uncooked potatoes (diced) , ,'EWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS HIRAM WALKER'S SPECIAL OLD CANADIAN WHISKY BOTTLED IN BOND This advertisement Is r.T publi.he. or displiyed by the Liquor Control Roard or by the government of British Columbia ' , two cups uncooked codfish . . (chopped,; four cuds boilinB J1 rang i ProPerufs m jnree kids are thriving amazing- i ivjcau;o were ioreign-wnea. jy. . ,,, ' . water; three cups milk: one THE BEST ' tablespoon minced parsley; one tablespoon salt; one-eighth tea-' spoon pepper. FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS in , Cook onion and celery, five j minutes In melted butter. Add i boiling water, potatoes and fish.j Cook until potatoes are soft. ! PHONE 21 222 Second Ave. ! Add milk, parsley and season Ings. Do not let boil after hav ing added milk. Business and Prof Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldg.) essional Delicious Bakery Treats Fillets in Turbans Ingredients: small fillets of sole or cod; prepared mustard; one egg; dried bread crumbs; vegetable fat. CASTRIES PIES Bytown Machine Works Sales Service and Parts ' -. Xis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Wipe fillets with a damp cloth; cover with a light coat of mustard Roll into turbans. MIKE COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Timed Repaired PHONE BLACK 389 210 4 th Street CAKES COOKIES' CRISP APPETIZING BREAD All baked fresh -daily RUPERT BAKERY LTD. rasten witn short skewer or - Simple Gas Engines h.p. 185 h p. Cummins Dependable Dieself toothpick. Dip in egg beaten with two tablespoons of water. Roll in dried bread crumbs, place turbans on a greased bak- . 65 h p. 550 h.p. Inquire about our long terra i DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 . P. O. Box 14C! HURRY! GET THIS MODERN 5 JiI PLASTIC Warranty and Service 1 x-x I Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds, 2c per word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Funeral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 8TONK BUIDINO FOR SALE FOB SALE for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Secoua A?e I CARD OF THANKS POP RATF. A hnrfrnin 1938 Axel and Arne Andersen desire to thank the many friends who gave such ready and generous assistance in the illness of Mrs. Andersen. All these acts are sincerely appreciated. Thank you all. (itpi PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled O. L. RORIE, A A E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 LOST FOR SALE Used Car Transmissions. Bvtown Machine Works. (tf) FOR SALE Will trade trolling boat, value $700. for car Apply 902 Havs Coe Ave. (95p): FOR SALE Kitchen stove and wick oil burner complete. Phone Green 182. (94p) FOR RALE Babv crib and stroller, both like new. Box r,ap. Dally News. (90) FOR SALE Reminston Portable tvoewriter in Al condition. Mav be seen at McRae Bros.or phone 755. (97) FOR SALE '34 Chev. Sedan, irood condition. Must be sold LOST In the Post Office three! Manle Leaf 2Vi-ton Truck Cab enaine. radiator, tires. Good condition. Phone Black 495.-(93p) . FOR SALE 1941 Chev. coune.l Excellent condition. Apply 1 1501 Eiahth East or Rupert Motors Ltd. tf Clearance 1000 Tvnewrifers I FOR SALE All standard model typewriters, regular price $155 to $195 each. To clear $10 each later nioileis with ail late features $50.00 each. Also " portables and wide carriage machines. Excellent condition guaranteed. We shio ii.O.Lt., Capitol Emiioment Co.. 2098 St. Catherine St. W.. Montreal! 25. Quebec . - FOR SALE One dinette set,; table and chairs, buffet; one Easv Boy chair, one small j ring's on chain. Please return HANDYMAN : HOME SERVICE ' GENERAL CONTRACTOR to Dew Drop Inn. (94) I mm GERANIUM RED AND IVORY -cDQT J with ont box fop from V KELLOGG'S Bran Flakes J "' -j, jitez tin if a yifci T0U;sr K S If PCT in"" Compact! rj PERSONAL "LUMBING and Hpatinir - ! Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 or call 629. Sixth Ave West. H Letourneau and Sons. (tf) Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS - CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS REAL ESTATE this week. Best oner, rnone 791. 93 ' FOR SALE 5-piece cream bedroom suite, double bed and 2 mattresses. Phone Red 809. (940) A.P. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A. L. BELL, C.A., Prince Rupert, Terrace and District until May 15 Prince Rupert Hotel, Prince Rupert Terrace Hotel, Terrace writing desk. Phone ureen azu between 6 and 8:30 p.m. (98) FDR rai.e Thrpp niece ches- PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 I . 'terfield. new condition Black ! 617 evenings 99pi FOR SALE Moderately priced Bungalow-type 4 room home. Fenced yard and garage. Close to Conrad School. For particulars see Armstrong Agencies. Phone 342. (it) REPAIRS FOR SALE Light delivery-business, 2 cars, lots of work. Phone 678, nights Red 735. FOR SALE Six Spool Lipsett Gurdies. practicallv new. Phone Black 949. (96p FOR SALE 29 ft. Gillnetter 7-9 Easthope Drum. Complete. Phone Red 597. : (103p) FOR SALE 1947 Ford 'half ton WATCH Repairs prompt efficient service. George Cook, Jeweller. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR 'KAT.E Troller "Polberg" HELF WANTED 'ncr'h 32 feet Powered li-18 Easthope. Fully e a u i p p e d rpadv to fish-Awplv V. Favero New Floats East of Drydock. UQflo) pick up. Pnone ureen ooj. P.O. Box 586 City. ttfl FOR SALE MeClarv kitchen range. Coal and wood. Green 517. (940) FOR SALE-New & used household furniture and hardware HELP WANTED Boys or girls SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis OFFICE HOURS 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 23 & 24 Besner Block Telepnone 212 Evenings by Appointment DR. GARNET E. H. . MONTGOMERY DENTIST Bmte 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1210 Practical as pin setters. Apply to Bowl-i ing Alleys. (98) FOR RTTNT I Offered to yow by Kello8g' Bran FlakM the bran flakes that Bre FRKSHKR! Add colorful B"'y to vour J" with this lovely and oh-so-conveiuent Hostess Set. Moulded of .pecial long-lif. ploHc! You i..i ,..ai, nnrf sai d vour HantMMiMit Small Apt. 621 ,(tf) FOR RENT Fulton St. WANTED Bov .wanted for daily newspaper route with or without bicvcle. Apply Daily News office. (tf) FOR RENT Coffee Bar plus emilDment in 3rd Ave. estab- unoalnnea cnest or araw, end tables and coffee tables, battery radios, floor covering, rifles, pressure cookers, sincer sewlne machines, office chairs i:..t.. TV..,.,.. T ,1 f?nn nHar! Clin siic - . . . without hurting the mntmid or the rich colora. 1 - 7 tuu"e ,ua i tf ) i WANTED - Experienced sales- man for men's clothing store ! Phone 359 during business! articles. Good values at lowest . Send today! Get your Hoctew. Set for only 4 HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all Its branches 204 4th Street Phone B55 FOR RENT Comfortable light housekeeping room, suitable hours, (tf) 1 50 anil one box top iru.n ""ss" t,-iliua rrismT. nure delicious because for two. 1332 First Overlook I D possible nnces. ti.v. r urnn". Jhone Black 324. (TF) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES t iiu.hait Kixritr Sliovels: (!)oP) I .V r riziiuj nn they're fresher! OLitl b Iliarvillt Iliuiltry 11IUIICU1' FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUK 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed WANTED i inn Jik " Cranes: Draelines: Adams FMuum, tMl llll Oil I I Rov.d Graders: Littleford Bios. ti i. m,. n .1 lt.,inlon!incP WANTED Single beci. spring atelv by tacking up lust a few; small signs. Experience un-i necessary. Particulars a n d i sign copy free. Northwoods", Products. 1406-23rd. Ave.i South. Seattle 44 Washington.! b" , k Miv I In I li and mattress. Blue 297;(93d) i WANTED Furnished or unfur-i nished 2-room suite, or laver. Kellogg't, Box 188 Toronto, "ta , m(io- m riLTcWaiWwmppld) .d . box top iron, KeUo Hrn Flakei for each set. To Advertisers To hmire publication of display or classified advertising :opy for same must be In the office of the Daily News bj 4 p.m. the day previous tt- (94) HELP WANTED Intellisent. enereetie, voune man. 21 to 25 for local branch of large concern. Good opportunity, salary and possibilities of advancement for capable man. Eauipment: Owen. Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies; T L Smith Concrete Mixers; Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Londers for Stockpile and Snow Removal: Rice Port-, able' Centrifugal Pumps: National Draeline Scraoars and Bucket: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s ts: Nat ona Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors. Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited. Vancouver. B.C. I NAMI.. MATTSOK'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52e 330 Second Avenuo Prince Rupert B.C. I Phone 2G3. )8p) I WANTED Scrap' cast.' brass. : i couuer. radiators and batter-j i ies. Phone 543 or ' call 629, 1 j Sixth W. Of) I l-WANTEDr Furnished four-i room house or apartment. I ' -Urgent. Will pay rent from $35 to $50. J. V. Laarandeur. Box 1000. City. (94p)l STKEtT. Wrri- rTtyir V i-4 ...roviNCi...i. Apply in writing stating ae. j advertising. Requirements o-marital status, education and the mechanical department UDallvmNwsment t0 B',X UK) make tnis rule necessary- ! oZ'r VpimoVcbw ii'iiVo. OH., Im,i H. .Clo. L