PROVINCIAL LI32A3Y, 113 VICTORIA, 3. C. KAY 3153 (MIES 'DMJGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S KXWSPAPZa PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" aaavui, No. 148. Friday. JuneXlMJ ... PRICE nVE CENTS reclamation Buireay Hits At hm Act I' ! 11 RUPERT MULTIPLY IT BY THE SIZE OF YOUR HAT 10 POLLS Leaders Make Last Appeals Transport costs to Alaska Could Be Lowered By Use Of Canadian Ships To Territory MONDAY CCF.Wants Depression OCEAN FALLS The government is working for prosperity while the CCF. are thinking, working and . talking for depression, declared Ted Applewhaite, Liberal candidate for Skeena, in a campaign address MAYBE HIS PAY CONTINUED, TOO VANCOUVER H Albert Molyneaux today got his discharge from the First World War Canadian Army a certificate dated March 13, 1920. The Post Office couldn't explain, but deduced that "something went wrong." Somebody might be able to ,000 voters in Skecua! To Nation i find some cabalistic method 1 go to the polls on i decide which of two , will represent them I :ifi)t at Ottawa for tle before a large and attentive years. I.e. some 5,000 will be i Rupert's urban area 1 will be held at the audience here. "The CCF won't OTTAWA (P; Prime Minister St. Laurent, speaking in Newfoundland, said, "Wc arc asking for a new mandate to continue to work for peace and security, complete recognition of Canadian nationhood and development of all aspects of our national life." 13 VOTERS AT ADVANCE POLL be happy until they get a depression," assented Applewhaite. "The CCF brings speakers from Winnipeg to tell people that ..things are In a bad way TUNA AND ALSO MINES VANCOUVER Increasing reports of floating Japanese mines indicated today to fishermen that the warm Japanese current, suitable for tuna fishing, is moving inshure to British Columbia waters. The turn patrol boat Laurier yesterday hit waters with temperature of 55, degree off the West Coast of Vancouver Island. Japanese mines strewn during the Second Worfd War are still being spotted periodically by fishing and navy vessels off the coast. 38 HURT IN CRASH MEMPHIS, Tennessee Thirty-right persons were in- !re auniwinum. mere, ballots favoring G Archibald, who rep-ihe riding from 1915 C.F. side of the House Applewhaite, who is WASHINGTON (CP) Canada and United States need to co-operate more closely in government of the Yukon-Alaska northwest, a Bureau of Reclamation summary said today. One barrier to co-operative development, it said, is the U.S. Maritime Law" which denies Alaska the use of Canadian steamship lines from Prince Rupert, railway terminal. Report said a railroad into Alaska would be less costly to build and maintain than a permanent hard surface highway. Use of Prince Rupert would have a more beneficial effect on transportation costs if Canadian vessels were permitted to carry .freight from this port to Alaska, the Bureau said. of forecasting the election results from this, so here it is for what it's worth: The two candidates in Mon-days federal election in Skeena riding both have names which begin with the letter "A". Since names are listed alphabetically, Applewhaite will be first on the ballot, then Archibald. Both candidates have agents v hose names also begin with the same letter, "B" and both represent colors. J. S. Black for Archibald and T. W. Brown for Applewhaite. Returning Officer Rod MacLeod brought out these sidelights on the election and he believes that as far as the "A s" and "B's" go, it probably is unique among the many ridings in Canada. here-? in this ; of all districts which is keeping in step with the march' of progress with not Advance poll for the federal election which will take place on unc 27 opened in Prince Rupert at 3 p.m. Thursday afternoon and was open from 3 p.m. until 11 p.m. Friday and today Progressive Conservative leader George Drew, speaking to a noisy meeting in Ontario, said Canadian people will decide Monday whether they want re- fcnollKihlp invernmpnt. nr run- a break in the wheel of pros perity. , Good times , are here but the CCF does not want " them." . . . (in a l.incrai uckci,. limit the ridinK, the ; open ut 9 a.m. and (j: p.m. Pacific Daylight, p p vote count will begin cc of Returning Officer fliid immediately after Ior th-ose cllgible to vote ln ad' tinuation of a government that denles their, representatives vance- they! Yesterday. 13 voters, all fish-should knowledge of affairs that have ermen, took advantage of the Mr. Applewhaite held that the r- federal eovernment's record ofi lured in the loltinr crash- ' postwar achievement was re-i landing of a twin-engined air the polls. ' advance poll, according to CCF leader. luming 0Jcer Rod MacLeod.. liner ten minutes after its M. ! said POWERS CONFER f,.rr( this morniiiK in Saskatchewan that Under the federal Elections city voters to check niarkably good. He stated that the Liberal policy was unity, security and freedom for all. "Take away one and you take away all," he declared, emphas- TO END BERLIN Act, those eligible to use the ad whatever the outcome of voting, I the CCF would continue to fight i. limber of their polling RAILWAY STRIKE vance poll are fishermen, commercial travellers. Rova.1 Cana- for immediate implementation of national health Insurance and the kind of marketing leg- Wore they go to Vote, ling division has IU vniers' list and unless dian Mounted Police officers and,"" . w-""u" w ism n au lurms, no matter in transportation workers who will CAMERA PARTY FROM EAST TO WINNIPEG On their annual expedition 'into Jasper National Park where they will try for new and better pictures, the Canadian National Annual Camera all-expense tour passed through Winnipeg today.. The Dartv is made up of amateur BETTER OLD AGE PENSIONS islalion and trading policies what guise it might rear Its r knows the number of that farmers want. ' head. be away from their polling centres on June 27 by reason of ii'in, mere will De con- BERLIN ft Berlin's three western military commanders will today meet ln closed session to seek- some way of ending the snarled 5-week rail strike. An. attmpt by striking antl- Welfare of the ordinary fam the folls. s In Prince Hubert arc 7 V i. their employment. Monday, June 27, the number w of t . take-off from the municipal airport here. The craft, the American Air , Lines Fort Worth -New York "City of San Antonio" caught fire after a crash. Aboard were 44 persons. NAVAL OFFICERS CHARGED HALIFAX The commanding officer of the aircraft carrier Magnificent, Commodore G. R. (Gus) Miles, O.B.E., and the navigation officer, LI. - Cdr. W. O. F. Johnston, will face charges arising out of the grounding of the big ship near Liverpool, Nova Scotia, June 4, .at separate coiirt-martial here June 28. Rear-Admiral TERRACE E. T. Applewhaite ily and individual should come i First voter to use me aavane.e poll ''as 11. Eriksen, a iii from 84 to 103 inclu- first, Let the state encroach on Liberal candidate for Skeena candidates will be large-S48 spoke scathingly here of the in-1 but the field is still far short of that and the state .will go. Communlst U.G.O. Union, to lquitous means test ior oici agc;1h .,,.. 8c4 whn r,mtpSted pensioners and advocated pen set up an emergency rail "serv Mr. Applewhaite outlined three general principles of good voting stations will ,p according to these and not alphabetically iir case in (he June 15 il election. government which he endorsed the 1945 general election. The number of voters Is sure to become a record. Official estimate place it at "nearly" 8000,- sions at 60 and 65 on a contributory basis. Mr. Applewhaite endorsed a rnutliitlitn ri'kecnrl at tVD Clin. ice for western Berlin has apparently fallen flat. The strikers cleared the railway yards First the government should VANCOUVER MAN DIES AT 110 ..,.. . "- - uiough not all are expected adian Legion concerning vet-. .... ',. the when and - announced they would handle Interzone freight but photographers from Eastern Canada and the United States. W. H. "Billy" Robinson, veteran chief of C.N.R. Photographic Services will be in charge, assisted ' by " Norrls Harkness, Photographic editor of the New York Sun and writer In tfS. Camera Magazine. At Jasper the party will be divided with Mr. Robinson tak- VANCOUVER ft Louis Theot, to use ballot. In 1945, i EWHAITE act ln the interest of all Canada and -Canadians as a whole. Second, it should carry on sound business of the country without waste. Third, It should restrict its energies to governing the country and not prying into homes and businesses. the previous record popular, who lved from the era of gas vote was set, 5,248,130 out of a j lamps to the atomic age, was potential 8,902,445 voters excr- buried here after a colorful 110 the Russian controlled Relch-bann (railway) refused to do business with them. The strikers, who walked out rrans' pensions etc., as presented to. him by Legion Secretary James Maxled. Harry King was chairman of the meeting here and George McAdams Introduced the speaker. years of life. His longevity was cised their franchise. Polls will . E. R. Mainguy will preside over , one court-martial and Capt. ' E. P. Tisdall of Ottawa will preside over the other. HARRISON LEADS achieved "despite smoking, open at 9 a.m. and close at 7 drinking and fighting once )n May 21 demanding full pay in ing one group -to the Mount west marks, Job security and . Robson area, and Mr. Harkness ;1. EDWARD Jf'Ues of the Dominion I was Ihc subject of a ai-lrrss delivered by Ted i'lte. Liberal candidate 'Inderal election, follow - a while The government should give union recognition, said the general situation Is "unchanged." - assurance first to ensuring peace and national security. The CCF taking a second group to the. Mallgne Lake area. " .The party will remain in Jas- he observed, had opposed the p.m. (PDT). , The Liberals held a six-vote majority in the last Commons. Party standing in the 245 seat chamber at dissolution, April 30 was : Liberals, 125( Progressive conservatives, 69; CCF, 32; Social Credit, 12. Others, 6; Vacant,, 1. There will be 262 APPLEWHAITE MAJORITY THE WEATHER Synopsis , Cool, moist air covers all sec tions of British Columbia today. North Atlantic Pact. Another duty of government, Mr. - Applewhaite held, was to keep trade and employment at a high level. Canada was today the third largest trading Ted Applewhaite, Liberal can CANADIAN OPEN TORONTO Dutch Harrison won the Canadian Open Golf tournament-here this afternoon, making the 72 holes in 27117 under par. Jim Frrier came second while Billy Kerr, of Montreal tied with two others TORONTO O) Big Dutch Harrison of Little Rock, Arkansas, shot a one-under-par 71 didate for Skeena in the federal srats in the new Ted Applewhaite's House. The picture show last night ! Edward, iting out the issues at (lr. Applewhaite declared party was work-prosperity (Liberal whereas the "iig of the CCF. party, jMon. election, has returned to the city increase of 17 seats includes Frost was reported at daybreak from many points in the central and northern Interior. Prince George recorded a low of 28 degrees. Some wet snow fell early NEWSETTE from an aerial swing around the seven for the new province of ' southern part of the riding and Newfoundland and 10 new con- country in the world. Trade of Canada was greater today than had been that of all the United States ten years ago and savs that he has been assured . stltuencles created since 1945. this morning in the Peace River that he will have more than an area. Prospects are for unsettled YOUR FEDERAL CANDIDATE today was - greater per capita weather conditions in most re- thaft ,n Un,ted . f. - 1 - - V. - . ...II V nllttlA SlE MORAN )PS SINGLES 1 DON (P -Gertrude (Gorg- even break in that area which includes Industrial Ocean Falls. Mr. Applewhaite addressed two meet ings at Ocean Falls a gatli- gions on ouijuay out wiu a uWC states. Could the CCF do such TWO C.S.U. MEN ARE CONVICTED higher temperature a job and keep the people at work? Still -another duty of government, the Liberal candidate aiivsiei Moran of Santa crlng of ladles on Wednesday ai- VANCOUVER 0 Two Canad- Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Friday for a 54-hole total of 204 which gave him a- three-stroke lead over his nearest rival after three days of play in the $10,000 Canadian Open Oolf tourney here. Dick Mete, another American pro, stood second with 207 and Jerry Barber, of Los Angeles, had 208. t California, the laccy- tcrnoon and a public meeting juu seamen's Union men, con Coast Cloudy and cool withj FINAL LIBERAL RALLY Civic Centre SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 25 at 8 p.m. Hear Applewhaite Speak Everybody Welcome lilarling of the Wimble- in the evening. victcd on charges of assaulting frnnis cVinmnionshins.1 The Liberal candidate, at a nolice officer. Friday were said, was to ensure prosperity and social security for the country; The record of this scattered showers today and Sunday. Winds light. Little change in temperature.. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 46 and 57, Masset 45 and 55, Prince Rupert 45 and 55. sentenced to three months In jail. The men Sam Pretula and Roy Pitman were accused of hurling rocks, "offensive 3 tut of the singles match Namu, spoke before an open air the first week's great-j meeting on the dock. The audi-ijf-ct. being defeated by ence numbered 140. Ia Ming, petite Chinese1 A call was also made at Bella 'jeanccr 6-2, 5-7, C-3. I Bella. -zzzzzzr -t country as far as social security is concerned was one of which to be proud. "Judge the future by achievements since 1945," urged Mr. Applewhaite. The government had brought the country through the difficulties of the war and postwar periods on Final Liberal Rally S.C.F. Final Rally ablic Meeting SATURDAY, 8 p.m. at 8 p.m. CIVIC CENTRE principles of free enterprise despite dire CCF forecasts and today there was the highest stand Sons of Norway Hall, ol Avenue II. G. ARCHIBALD BASEBALL SCORES American St. Louis 2, Boston 21 Detroit 4, New York 5 Chicago 2, Philadelphia 1 , Cleveland 8, Washington 2 National New York 2, Chicago 6 Brooklyn 2, Pittsburgh 4 Boston 4, St. Louis 8 Philadelphia-Cincinnati postponed, rain. Pacific Coast League Sacramento 3, Oakland 1 Los Angeles 7, Seattle 4 San Francisco 4, Portland 1 San Diego 7, Hollywood 3 Western International Vancouver 9, Wenatchee 7 Yakima 3, Tacoma 1 Spokane 3. Victoria 0 The Election Campaign is now over. It rests with you, the Electors to go to the polls on Monday, June 27, and cast your ballot as your conscience dictates. You have heard the representative of the CCF party put the platform and the policy of the Party he represents, before you. You -have heard Ted Applewhaite, the Liberal representative, tell you what the Liberal government at Ottawa has done for Canada during the past four years, and what it Is prepred to do In the next four years. Ted Applewhaite has put forth his poicy and what he is prepared to do if elected. We take this opportunity to offer our congratulations to Mr. Harry Archibald and his local campaign committee upon the clean political fight they have conducted through-, out this campaign and we hope they can say the same for our committee. The decision is In the hands of you, the Electors, and on Monday the 27th we again ask your support for Ted Applewhaite, the federal Liberal Candidate for Skeena ' Riding. " t . , ard of living in the world In Canada. The Liberal candidate charged all to exercise-the vote on June Hear Applewhaite Speak TONIGHT - JUNE 25 VOIE H. G. ARCHIBALD X I 41. Ill VUblllg, iie ui&cu K V E R Y BODY WELCOM K ("think of those who tried so . hard to develop this district In (148) Issued by the CCF Campaign Committee , , . i Uie early days. Their dreams are now close to fulfilment. For future generations let no dras nrifonTir! a f FlPlf"V f i tic measures prevent the dreams from coming true Salem 6, Bremerton 2 Mr. Applewhaite promised his MARK. YOUR BALLOT support for better transporta tion service for Ocean Falls. Alex Charleson presided at HALIBUT SALES American Eclipse, 48,000, 21, 20.1 and 17c EDWARD T. APPLEWHAITE X Mr. Applewhalte's meeting and H. Linzey of Prince Rupert Cold Storage. was also a speaker. J- B 27000 21-2- 20 3 and 17c In the afternoon Mr. Apple- Royal. whaite addressed an afternoon tea meeting. Canadian Parma, 55,000; Robert B., Taka, 74,000, all to Co-op. FOR VOTING INFORMATION CALL 550 OR 551 Polls open, at Civic Centre polling station at 9 a.m. Close at 7 p. nMDaylight Saving Time) VOTE LIBERAL ON JUNE 27 (Published by the Bkeena Federal Campaign Committee) BASEBALL SUNDAY ROOSEVELT PARK 2:30 p.m. SAVOY HOTEL VS. COMMERCIAL HOTEL LOCAL TIDES Sunday, June 26, 1949 High 0:45 20.7 feet 13:57 17.9 feet Low 7:37 2.4 feet 19:29 8.4 feet ON MONDAY I