Prince Rupert Daily News Thursday, November 2, 1950 Friday and Saturday Flights Held By High Wind Storms over the Queen Charlotte Islands kept Queen Charlotte Airlines planes here this w CENTRE on at home. The drawn thread work which is being taught is of Interest to those who wish to make dresser scarves and table runners with the material supplied at a minimum cost. All junior girls are welcomed at this happy class which meets once a week in the craft room. OTES FRASER S PAYNE Specials utavinG Friday af Lediately after school morning rather than risk landing there. Winds in some places were reported up to 45 and 50 miles per hour in all sections of the islands. To complicate matters further there was fog In some places and heavy rain. CPA was operating normally although the flight In from Vancouver was expected to be about 15 minutes late. L Girls meei m u L'lor their weekly ses- A Special Purchase BRIDGE CLUB The Bridge Club will hold their session Friday night In the club lounge and a good attendance Is hoped for, otherwise the club may be discontinued. Mrs. George Hill will be In charge or this week's session and it is hoped that arrangements may be made for other members of this club to share in the responsibility. 2.85 and 3.35 yd. First Quality Gabardines,' Tricotons' Glen Checks, Houndstooth Suitings, away below present day prices. All new fall shades suitable for 'Suits, Coats, Slacks, Skirts, Men's Sport Shirts. 56" wide. ana - aiawu ,-eaving l With the assistance f gecket and Mrs. D. little workers are :, to make tea-cozies " nf various col- AIR PASSENGERS jgoms have been or- To Vancouver (today) P. C. Currie. M. Boas. W R. Tyerman, G. M. Robertson, J. A. mup attending this se looms are supplied Centre and are used is free of charge or ". if so desired BOYS' CRAFT The Junior Boys' Craft group, which meets twice a week, Is the busiest session of all. The finished articles will be put on display in the showcase in the Civic Centre rorsyui, w. A. Priest, D. J. Ren- shaw, C. Paul, J. Foriente, V. W. Farquahar. From Vancouver yesterday) Lieut. J. Harding. T. H. Steven. Nylon Hose Subs by one of the best known manufacturers. New ,1 work can be carried 48" Drapery Fabrics 10 PIECES Discontinued lines. Safin-faced Denims, Roughtex and Bengaline. Assorted printed designs. All perfect. 33 1-3 less than present day prices. shades. All sizes. ft To if I PAIR Miss M. Mess, R. W. Bonnycastle, O. Richards, W Poulton, Mr. Dixon, C. Nichol. F. C. Henley. From Bandspit (yesterday) W. Caron, D. Jef fers. All Wool Blankets HOCKEY SCORES National Toronto 5, Montreal 3 Pacific Coast New Westminster 3, Seattle 0 CLEARING AT PER YARD 2.95 Heather shade, 64" x 86" 10.95 Extra good at PAIR News Classifieds Make Sales. Terrace Couple Armlne Boas, who nad planned to leave on the Camosun Tuesday to attend the convention of B.C. Government employees, was detained here. He left by air this morning. Douglas Souter New BCP Head members' lobby and should prov2 of interest to the boys and encourage them in their efforts. This group enjoys fretsaw work and the tools and wood are sup plied to members free of charge. Lrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Livtrtisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor United in City I A quiet service at First Pres-J byterian Church manse here! Monday evening united in mar To Be in Charge in North With Headquarters Here -, Effective as from November, Douglas Souter of Vancouver will be in full charge of all Brit-j I j .r' I I x riage Thelma Marion, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Beil, Usk, and John Alexander Gordon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Gordon. Rev. E. A. Wright, I 'II II -PrA t I ish Columbia Packers Limited's operations in the north, according to an official announcement D.D., officiated. ine Driue was au.eno.ea oy - Mrs. Margaret Carlson, matron No stranger in Prince Rupert. 1OTJJ OF ;.FTEQ IT FEKiS IT STARTS'. Ill of honor, while A. H. Alger was ouu" "ecu wnu me best man company since 1938 first in the The couple will make their capacity of bookkeeper and later, home at Terrace. on M manager of the Pacofl rJrr5 . 20 BLADES 1 operations on tne (jueen cnar- Capt. W. C. Poulton of the local 1tt Islands. From here Mr. Souter went to Victoria in Qolvo firm A run v ml nrnaH hv n if , charge of the cold storaee Dlantl yeawriuay Uuiii Vancouver, wneie . .r . . ,Ir ' he attended an Army congress. xcla ucv.ucu vu cuwi . Tfci, acver.tsenums M not published the Whaling business, Mr. Sou-1 or displayed by the Liquor Control ter became manager of the' Board or by the Government o vA ' i Western Whaling Corporation "" iQtmnoia. U nf r.iltFttc' new 20-Blade !Fr'tr''l!:J 1 Sentences In !BJE. Cases Limited and has been acting In j that capacity during the " past I three years. In the course of his management of this company. Andrew B.aci Knight today to Nor. he , made two trlps I Dispenser you zip out new Gillette Blue X -fnL Sli'f ! 1 1 J I Blades, unwrapped and ready for use turn TnmiJlJ I I the Dispenser over and there's a handy com- I COFFEE I partment 0 Msy disposal of used blades. 0g0S TIME I lO-Blode Conventional Dispemer SU l Jjf i I In Reoulor Pockoge 5 ilecfes for 25e - I FAVORITE r a waditc I yf i I J was sentenced in magistrate s- way and one t0 chlle m South court to one month's imprison-1 America. He has at the moment ment when he pleaded guilty to;. returned from his second a charge of breaking and enter trip to Norway. Mr. Souter Wd'VMW) ing D & S Grocery iast week. Magistrate W. D: Vance said the brings with him an excellent knowledge of the north country C. Packers offence was stupid and that he as wen as 0f the B -: 1 tvl ictlnf V COMBINATION RADIOS ltmou formula, developed by the University of Foundation, caused enormous interest in dental because of its promising method of attacking My. Jn preliminary UU conducted at the Uni-') com after cat of reduction in the incidence of ' itway was reported. "the manufacturers of Listerine Antiseptic make 't formula readily available to you and to did not want the accused to become an habitual criminal. The sentence was to be served in the city lock-up and date from the time of arrest. j On the same charge Arthur Cornish was sentenced to six months' imprisonment during which time he will be kept under observation. He said the reason Roy Roeer Chevier had been let off with a fine was that the charge against him was merely theft. Breaking Essentially, his main work wiu x-c, 6 ----- be to co-ordinate the various creamy flavor that makes every and sundry fishing activities of I cup a treat Economical in j all the British Columbia Packers' recipes, Pacific is now Vitamin D Limited in this area. He will be Increased for extra nourishment, making his headquarters in Never be without this all-purpose Prince Rupert. food. , I HISTORIC COLLEGE I PACIFIC 1 MILK iiae.. Hedrison College at Barbados, found-ed in 1733, Is perhaps the j Vacuum packed and Homogen..a eldest private school in the Com- j mmmmiammmtHrmm f family. I'se Listerine Ammoniated Tooth Paste fa Your choice of two ;.; Df the finest names in ;;;; ' ' radio . . . 9 PHipCThe ONLY combination 'with' I IhLir J a marine band. Chemical actlea reducit O mouth aridity. Mouth acidity encourage decay. ly, u directed, morning and night and right after Umbert Pharmacal Co. (Curuidu) Ltd., Toronto. monwealth outside Britain. I and entering calls for imprison 2. Mecheakal ecMe cleant sur-faces an teeth are brushed helw break up and remove decay-breeding deposit. ment. 1 LISTERINE DTA VITTfiP For 9enerations t;; Kv,A YlvlUlX cornerstone of h o me'' speed- The first general census of Britain and Ireland in 1801 showed a population of 3. Chemical acHea theekt acid- lormhir. barteriar-a Biajor cause of decay. M UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS FOUNDATION! -By CHIC YOUNG entertainment. $129-50 $475-00 . SEE THEM NOW AT McRAE BROS. BE SMART Wear Lovely HEEL HUGGER Shoes to Doms FOR YOUR X ' M A S S 1 p ! 5p iSBili1 WOCfcEvOi ! 'Mir-ll h LEFT MV RUNNlNi 5 3$ K1 rbl ssfcjwV AmrL MB H O P P I N G The Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 By O TOYS O BOOKS O GAMES O XMAS CARDS O COSMETICS Doms Departmen STORE MURRAY of London EXCLUSIVE AT BR0VHW00DS CIIIIIAMON BUIISf :;"? il l THERE IS NOTHING I MORE APPETIZING THAN OUR CINNAMON BUNS TRY OUR CUP CAKES TOO! RUPERT BAKERY LTD.