(Basil S. Prockter, followed hJ SCOUT, GUIDE i Remembrance nn k I J nirmei th3 lrJnre ftuprrt Daflp Jrtus Tuesday, Novembpr 9, 1943 LETTERBOX : "I'ONE lent. -,i ffrmmi ueing Dsised on the tex "Greater Love Hath N0 M.in' ;The hymn "O Valiant HcarN- I ")' in .,..,! " " um Wm n.it ,ii hjiii ii ,u'!"mm"mm- '"'V ' ... - : j ; r: v ' f-; 1 . V'-. -,V. I I . . ' .'. I -'-uosiun . i "nits nf r... I was sung during the service I Miss Honora Silversklts m- An iadp?nrt'nt dsi'ry nwpsjr devoted to tti upbuilding of Prlnre Rnpnt na ill Communities comprising northern and central British Columbia "" lAmiiorUKxi as Seoona Class Mall, Post Office Department, Ottawa) Published everr afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd., 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. ktEKIBFJl OP CANADIAN PRESS ATJDn BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION trlct Girl Guide Commt.i,... Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Wo'f and Captain of the First GLl Cubs and Brownies of St. An- Guide Troop, led that h,.'. SUBSCRIPTION RATES - City Carrter. Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c: Per Year. 8 00. , . . By Mail. Per Month. 50c; Per Year. $5 00 r) i i drew's Cat hedral attended while the First Brownie Pack i church" service' Sunday" morning' was led by Brown Owl, ' Miss' in fiirmal observance of Remem- r.Pi-ulrlino PaHo 1 normal jnge 01 brance Day. The four groups,. Scouts and Cubs were led bv thousands tntnllins about 40. formed uar- A bull-Brlc ' " v v,. QUCl Wlllt-M.l ' Employing D.P.'s ade lines in the church hull and st. GJair. I I. "". marched upstairs. ) Jhe service, conducted by Rev. I You t m u - SOT FROM MOSCOW Editor, Daily News: I have read a pamphlet secured from the on.fe oi the Chamber of Commerce entitled "How Communists Operate." I was unable to detect anything new that I had not witnessed throughout my thirty years' experience in the trades union movement dating from 1894 to 1924. The two elements were forever present and all the tactics described in the pamphlet a; 3ommunistic were the general order of my experience in the labor movement. To my own personal knowledge Uiese tac-ics weie not imported from Mos-ow as Lenin was little known n the western world until after ihe .Russian revolution in 1911. The high priests of my day were Samuel Gompers, Eugene Jekw, W. D. .Haywood and Daniei DeLeon all now deceased. All vere Americans loved and respected by millions of working people throughout the North American continent representing ill shades of political opinion. DeLeon was at one time a professor in economics in the sam; University as Woodrow Wilson r. Loag Lt nigh' during their The da byMiH 3i-week in on Etiqt taTAl I 5TL-::-.. J who later' became president ol the United Slates. Debs drew more votes as presidential can WOMEN from disjUaeed persons camp in SIX northwestern Europe have reached Prince Ru-pert General Hospital. Eighteen months ago the hospital authorities, in desperation at being unable to get suitable help locally, put in .an order to National Selective Service. The arrival of these women at this time is the answer. A letter taking-exception to the importation of these women has been received at the Daily News ' ' office and has been denied publication because it 0 !has only a nojii-e-plume and no signature for bona-fide responsibility. Probably there will be other comment as to why the hospital board has resorted to the D.P.'s No doubt, the hospital authorities, as much as any one tlse. would prefer, if .at all possible, to obtain local women or girls for the domestic help or, failing that, at least present indents .f the country. As for the D.P.V they are nothing more or less than carefully sciwned European immigrants such as many of Canada's best citizens or their anees-. tons were at one time. So there can be no particular objection on that score particularly at a time when it is agreed that Canada needs mow popula-. tion of the right type of people who will be able to do useful work, adapt themselves to the country as good citfeens and assimilate to build and stock the -. .nation, i 1 U Unfortunately, instead of being reasonably capable, responsible and conscientious, some people turn out to lie clock watchers, trying to do as little as they em" few iis much as they can gouge and i:. thinking bf even-thing else than the work they are pid to do. There may not be many of these but what there are may spoil things for the others. Speaking generally we Would say that local employers are only too anxious to obtain the sen-ices of local people and all they ask is that some measure -- of value received lie given for the wages paid. didate in 1904 than Henry Wall ace did In 1 048. Without Lie .radical or ag : - : , 1 ' RED DEAN' ARRIVES Dr. Hewlett Johnson, dean of Canterbury, is shown on his arrival at Montreal's Dorval Airport to begin his tour of Canadian cities. Dr. Johnson, noted for his pro-Russian leaning., told reporters he was being "technically detained because of passport complications. It turned out to be merely routine passport inspection. tCP Photo t gressive element the trade union movement would die of stagna- ion. It might be news to some of your readers, Mr. Editor, to know 0 that P. C. Rawlings. an editor for more than twenty years on What City Council Did the Vancouver Province, was at one time an associate of Debs and Haywood in the revolutionary movement as the stenographic report of the fifteenth annual convention of the Western Federation of Miners will show. . . . Received statutory no- Street from Fourth to Third Av- tices from the Electricians and enue. the Civic Employees unions that j re-opening of negotiations fori ... Licensing committee action revision of current woi kinj in granting trade licenses -to two I myself was a delegate to that ' onvention in Denver in 1907. In 1919 William Montgomery, agreements would be sought fo- persons was approved. Licenses next year. t j were granted to J. P. McLean t ; I X Q -U the late S. D. Macdonald and operate a messenger service and Turned over to the City Li. t (J . ,, u...,.,. myself represented the trade union movement of this city at the Western .Labor Conference Engineer for study and report, plies a request from the Prinpp Runprt. .ier 'el tl one il ma: I, unl' 3d ma it 0.' win LI Vlhh Nl Kcia fir .101 pi I! 1! E .a at Calgary when greetings were dispatched to the Bolsheviks of Russia and the Spartigns of Ger IStHHw CltyCOn"l Approved action of the uti-struct a substantial fence around ,iUes commUtee whicn rrDOrlet; r Whn you join th Navy V. . you wil many. That dispatch conveyed mont Park as a safeguard. been installed at the iunct inn nf ploying a man's pari in the defence curtty of our country . . . and, in odd to mooting your responsibilities os o c'rti Piggott and 'Sixth Avenue and' that an additional location wi:l I the .feelings of Canadian labor at that convention. The labor movement contains within its fold a variety of views political, economic, religiouy and social that provide a reasonable balance. Hence the onward progressive march of civil you will bo embarking on a career that be chosen and a further stntlo'j installed in that general area in the near future. .... Appointed Aldermen Rud-derham and Brooksbank to si: with Mayor Arnold on the Court of revision which will give final approval to the civic voters Jist later this month. ! give you ... a healthful life ... a voM Classified Advertising Pays ization under the dynamic fore.' training .... a chance to see the world generous annual leave . . . rncreoied . permanent employment of economic determination not 'COMIC NOTE THERESAS BEEN some discussion of late as to adverse effect or. otherwise of the comic books, at least a certain type, on the young people. We are inclined to agree that there -can be no ill-effects. To say nothing of the money and time wasted when both might he used to better advantage for more useful purposes or for more wholesomeliterature, it seems futile to suggest that there cannot be some ill physiological effect fi 'om a lot of the rubbishv comics which are about these days and which prob-, , ably have little pa rental supervision. In passing here is a new item which we picked up from an American newspaper: "A UWyear-old Mississippi boy, tired of cotton -picking, went to Little Rock, Ark.' There, police say, he boasted of committing from one toeight holdups. Proceeding to St he Louis, robbed.a restaurant, w as pursued by one of the waiters, shot his oursuer, was caught finally by the police, who say he told them he was 'inspired' 'to become a holdup man by comic books and crime movies." CHIROPRACTOR ample scope for advancement communism necessarily but a combination of forces in the struggle for existence. GEORGE B. CASEY. I .... Approved the sale : to Stanley Wozzney of the easterly half of lot 5, block 23. section 6 i Ninth Avenue Easti for $135 (and the westerly half of the same lot to George D. Anderso l fo rthe same amount. . ,..o pension at the end of . service. ' John F. L. Hughes, O.C.. Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 412 for Appointment HOI RS 10:30 a m. to 12:30 pm. Bud 2 to 5 p m. t. K1S(. Monday and Friday. 7:30 p.m. for thor imnbrf" to ctnne uunn the day. RECEPTIONIST In attend VETERANS CRITICAL CHATHAM, Ont. ! Citizens who fail to take off their hats as the Canadian or British fla is paraded through the streets were strongly criticized by members at a meeting of the lecal Canadian Legion branch. M f.' -V-,' va I . . . Approved a report of the board of works requesting the City Engineer to prepare a report and estimates covering the proposed drainage of McBridf ance Httrncxns. ! - ' Get all the facts todoy I Officer, H Ottawa, or 1 Canadian Navy, your neor.it Navel Divi i m r s (ilATBAM ATTENTION IIMIIIgllal , Coimnercial Itefrigernlioii Prince Rupert , OUT OF CHARACTER - CLOTHES MAKE THE MAN, according to the V, old saying, with the implication that man must ZZLlL dress the part if he wishes to create the right im-ITpression at the right time and place. This must ; have slipped the mind of a hold-up man in Chicago ; n;on Hallowe'en night, when he attempted to rob a" ; tavern. The state of the robber's clothes, described ;-a resembling those of "a boobv prize winner at a ; costume party," led the bartender to ignore an or-i ler to hand over his money. The stick-up man . flashed his gun at the customers, who merely gave i him an amused glance and went on with their m-; " yersation. Nonplussed, the would-be criminal gave ; it up as a bad job. He turned and ran, without loot ; or dignity, the victim of society's dictum that you' ; must look like what you profess to be if you want the world to believe you. Victoria Times. ft Mm i DEALERS Hn. e " Canadian Manufacturer of comnlet. line of Air Cooled Large Condensing I nits from 1-5 H.P. to 3 H P., Water Cooled Condensing Inits from ia H.P. to 7i H.P.Flnnod Init Cooler and Gravity Coils in all shes-Self-Contained Commercial Cab-inets-Upla, Cases-Milk Coolers-Water Coolers, etc., will consider application from franchise that will enable qualified appli-.canUJe buy and deal direct with Manufacturer. Only concerns financially responsible and thoroughly experienced in Commercial Refrigeration Sales EnBineerint, Installation and Service need apply. ( Dealer appointments will be made in Vancouver, Victoria, New Westminster, Trail. Nanaimo. Prince Rupert. Penticton, Kamloop. Nelson, Kimberley, Vernon, Kelowna, Prince Geore. In reply, furnish full particulars to Box No. 414, Daily News ' Prince Rupert . - CARE IN HUNTING SO FAR this season hunting casualties in the district have been comparatively few. In earlier years it seems there were more fatalities. Pos- ribly today hunters are fewer and game less, or repeated warnings against acting too hastily in the s oocis nave neen taKen more to heart. To reflect on this is to feel a deep satisfaction. A violent death, under any circumstances, is deplorable. When the victim is a stranger, the shock and sorrow overwhelm, but when he'is an acquaintanceperhaps close friend and neighbor it is even more grievous if that could be nossihlp Be . Continued vigilance is to be recommended, sure before you shoot !